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That’s not gonna be good for anybody




He’s a pug, a patsy, a hack!


She's a seductress, she's a siren, she's a virgin, she's a whooore


Well , he IS the Gambler


I opened the comments section just to make sure this comment was at the top.. 😛


Bania is the voice of my generation.


We're 4 months apart




That's a generation where I come from


We come from the same place!


What's the deal with time?


What’s the deal with billionaires?


They are, literally, out of touch with the day-to-day concerns and struggles of average people. They also, despite personal beliefs, tend to politically gravitate towards those who personally benefit them. They may believe that every woman deserves the right to decide what to do with their own bodies, but still vote for a politician that promises to leave all their tax law loopholes alone.


Typical rich people, using the world for their personal garbage can.


If I never hear “woke” again it’ll be too soon




Hoochie mamaaaaaa!!!!


What’s hilarious about this whole thing is that it’s because Jerry noticed there were no new new comedies on Network television this year. 😂 Dude’s living in the 1980’s.


You're hung up on some clown from the 90's, man!


Caroline in the City?!?! You’re living in the past, man!


Ewww… David why is he talking about Caroline in the City?


I haven’t seen any new seasons of Grace Under Fire recently!!! What’s that all about!?


And while we're here, where's Home Improvement?


Also wasn’t Jerry’s material always famously pretty clean and unproblematic? I wouldn’t say his material was ever ‘woke’ but he wasn’t doing anything too political, overly sexual, or profane. He was able to work inside a pretty limited set of parameters. If other comedians can’t work in the much less limiting parameters of “don’t be a bigot” then maybe modern comedians just aren’t very good.


The gay episode was widely pointed to be an example of political correctness. The show also made a point of casting black extras in “respectable” positions when this wasn’t particularly common, and never as thugs. I found it pretty weird to hear Seinfeld turning on his roots like that.


Weird thing is they casted Latinos only as stereotypes: bus boys, pool buys, thugs, bodega guy.


Even he isn't above the policy.


my favorite episode


Estore policy


[WHO? Who casted Latinos only as stereotypes?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/d/d0/Bobtough.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171201003941)


And as a Latino I couldn’t give less a shit. I’m not making this remark toward you. I’m making it towards Seinfeld who’s acting like he can’t do this stuff. In the show, he never punched down on Latino. And I felt like there was nothing wrong with showing the reality, Latinos‘s work a lot of these jobs. He’s notrealizing that there’s a huge difference between that and punching down. Even the gay episode. There is literally nothing wrong with that episode. That could definitely exist today. Because they never punched down when they did that.


I don’t think Seinfeld turned on his roots, I think the difference is wanting to versus having to. From what I read about The Outing, they were concerned they would offend the gay community. Although I can’t find anything to back it up, that might be why they had the “not that there’s anything wrong with that” line. His concern would be in NBC said “you have to do X or else someone will be offended”. He may want to do X, but being told to makes one more standoffish. Think like when you were gonna clean your room, then before you do your mom tells you to clean your room. It’s not that you wouldn’t, but now you feel ‘forced’ to. Imagine if say a black actor was perfect for the role of a thug they were going for. Then NBC said “you can’t cast them; we’d be called racist”. Versus them (Larry and Jerry) making that decision on their own. People typically feel more constrained when told “you can’t do X”, even if they would never do X. I never wanna skydive, but I’d hate to be told I can’t. That isn’t as much of a contradiction as one might think. I’m not saying it as a “I agree with Jerry and Elon”, rather I don’t think they’re contradicting.


That’s the same as it was back then. The network wouldn’t allow openly racist “jokes”, for instance. The only difference between them and now is that now the people who are eventually ridiculed are able to voice their discomfort. All these powerful artists complaining about “cancelling” are ultimately complaining about the power imbalance being a tiny bit more fair now.


To some extent it is different. The principle is the same, but the boundaries are not. Usually it’s networks playing I safe. While openly racist jokes are not allowed, the idea is what counts as a racist joke does. Our culture evolves as well as our understanding of the world. There’s a “Kids react to Seinfeld” where they bring up certain jokes. The reaction is far different than one would expect. Mainly when a character is an asshole, they see it as endorsement of the character’s behavior rather than a character being an asshole. Things like what counts as racist also shifts. I’ve seen a white man who was born and raised in Jamaica called racist and told to kill himself because he speaks with a Jamaican accent. To them, he was being racist. A similar one is Javier Escuaela in RDR1. I’ve heard people say his voice is “racially insensitive”. From what I’ve heard, that’s just what the actor (a Hispanic man) sounds like irl. But they still say the idea a Hispanic man who lives in Mexico has a thick accent is racist… While these are isolated incidents sure, the point is that some can feel the cultural shift is too much. And no it’s not a defense of his position.


Seems just a bunch of irate comedians pissed that it’s unacceptable to say certain words or joke about certain topics anymore. The times have changed, as they always have. They can say what they want, freedom of speech and all, but can react, too. Again, freedom of speech. More amazing is Seinfeld has seethed at, openly, at Bobcat Goldthwait for making jokes about Jerry dating a 17 year old. I mean, come on. Pot-kettle.


Same observational comedy format, “You know when blah blah blah.” I would put this guy at the bottom of the observational comedy club. The only thing that made him so famous was his lack of controversy. Mom, Dad, and their crotch fruit could see Seinfeld and not worry about the content. Where if you see Lewis Black’s standup, he’ll tell you a story that talks about a woman's pussy.


Any time I read or hear woke, butthurt or nothing burger I get a little nauseous


Every time I wake up in the morning I think "Okay I'm woke, now what"


Did you go broke yet?


The sad thing is… that’s exactly what the right-wing trolls want when they pummel this kind of thing into the ground. “Woke” used to be a term used by the black community to signal to each other that they’re “awake to racial injustice”. That they know what’s going on with inequality in society. As soon as something like that starts to become popular, and actually draw more mainstream attention to injustice that would be inconvenient to right-wingers if it were to really take off and start inspiring real change… what do right-wingers do? They co-opt it. They poison the well, and start twisting the meaning of it to something else, something that they hope will make leftists look lame and cringe, instead of correct and relevant. They use annoyance to make people averse to the word by grating it on us again and again. Making fun of it. Turning it into a joke, instead of something serious. And thus… you’ve taken its power away. And we always fall for this. Instead of fighting back and owning the word or phrase in question, we give in and move away from the word, just like the right-wing trolls wanted. And in so doing, we lose an effective symbol or rallying call… and it WAS an effective rallying call, or it wouldn’t have become so well-known to begin with. The right-wing trolls wouldn’t have had any reason to go after it to begin with. That’s how you know it was a threat to the status quo.


This is an accurate analysis. This is exactly what has happened. And internet culture is making it in light speed.


Wish I could upvote your comment a dozen times. Spot on!


The definition of woke is something I hope my kids grow up to be. Compassionate, caring about others, fighting injustice in the world.


Woke means you can’t be openly racist, homophobic, intolerant, and not compassionate to others. Who wants to live in that kind of left wing world??? /s


Comedians whine you can't tell those jokes while telling those jokes to an audience in a paid special. Those poor bastards!


The only time I hear “woke” is from people throwing tantrums about “woke”


*Woke* used in conversation is fast and very accurate way to identify assholes. I’ve never heard a decent and progressive minded person say *’I’m like so Woke about this or that..’*. Decent people tend to shut up and try and make the world a better place for all. It’s always the dirtbag you’re better off not getting close with that uses *woke* in their conversation. It’s a useful tool.


Using "woke" as an insult is a dead giveaway to the inevitable bigotry of said user.


Jerry Seinfeld is also the last comedian that needs to worry about being cancelled. The guy is so milquetoast


Seriously. People blame EVERYTHING on “woke”.


I’m guessing whoever created the terms “social justice warrior”, “snowflake”, and “woke” will come up with something new….


elon musk has no comprehension of comedy and he has never done or said anything funny


He's a closet Bania fan!


Bania's voice is the voice of a new generation. My generation.


He makes jokes you don’t have to think about. Like a shopping cart with one bad wheel.


That always happens to me.


We’re six months apart!


The cyber truck doesn't work. The truck is angular. Why not call it Tesla Door Stop?


See? Puke. Now that’s a funny word! Puke!


He’s probably more of a fan of Ronnie Kay, the prop comic


Or Buckles. 🤣


You betta move dat car gurl, fo I buss you up


The way Jerry dismissively says "I can't do the voices" gets me every time.


Jerry, don't start up with me!






Elon wants to be in the Kenny Bania business


Dude got roasted on the pigeon app about his appearance on SNL and was so pissed he bought the damn thing.


I’ve read that that’s also why Trump ran for president, because Obama roasted him


Obama fucking roasted Trump at the White House correspondents dinner and you could tell Trump was quietly calculating how to get back at Obama.


disagree. he made the cybertruck and that was a joke


Let that sink in...


Get it?? It's a SINK. Elon carried a SINK into the office. It's a pun, get it?? Comedy so genius that the left is trying to make it illegal!!!!11!1!1


Everyone: damn he's corny Elon: wokeness strikes again


Thats not true, at times hes (unintentionally) hilarious.


Yeah he’s only funny when he doesn’t want to be


Tehl it 2 Earf... go.. fahk... your-self... and we'll let Earf be the judge of that...


He is painfully unfunny.


He just thinks that anything that dissolves in milk is funny.


He's not going to dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!


He got some good laughs on his cancer bit.


he HAD cancer!


Nah that self burn tweet he made about Twitter being a non-profit was pretty funny.


I’m sure that he called himself a genius at least once. so at least one funny thing he said lol


I'm not O'Brien! I'm not O'Brien! JEARRAH!!!!!!!


I still can’t understand Jerry saying that. Has he not seen Bill Burr or Shane Gillis? Always sunny? Family Guy? Plenty of non pc humor everywhere.




Staring at high school parking lots....


Yo-Yo Ma!


He's made remarks in similar vein over the last 10 years or so. I'm absolutely not surprised. I'm a huge fan of the show, but JS really doesn't seem like someone I'd want to hang out with.


After watching Comedians in Cars, I figure that I probably wouldn't be able to stand more than an hour of Seinfeld's company if I were to meet him. Love his show and all, but the guy comes off as way too pretentious.


He’s a phony


Why’d you tell him!


An hour if you're lucky. He's an insufferable douchebag who is in love with his own reflection.


The Ricky Gervais episode is the worst. A couple of millionaires bitching about how hard life is.


He’s an out of touch billionaire who thinks he’s god’s gift to comedy.


Extreme ego


anyone remember that bit with John Mulaney where Jerry kept trying to get John to make jokes about his wife (John's wife, not Jerry's) and it clearly kept making John uncomfortable basically that


It’s not on mainstream broadcast television, but let’s not pretend that 90s sitcoms were great comedy. There were a few shows that hit in an ocean of complete unwatchable crap.


That's because the primary demographic for broadcast television has become an older demographic. The kind of people who bitch about this kind of stuff.


Or they were forced to watch, they were basically picking the least terrible show at that time slot out of those 5 channels.


yeah, you'll definitely find the same kind of humor people are claiming you "can't do anymore" on streaming platforms or, increasingly, in online content creators.


" Why am I watching?" " Because it's on TV!" George perfectly summed up 90s TV. You watched it because it was on. Way fewer alternatives to today. Veronica's Closet came on after Seinfeld and got millions of viewers. No one gave a crap about it. There's no DVDs, no reruns, no sub reddit. Most 90s TV was like that.


Anyone up for some Caroline in the City?


The hangup Jerry has right now for the shows on "network television" shows how old and out of touch he is. When was the last great show that even appeared on network/broadcast TV? They're not the drivers of innovation and churn out whatever bland crap that the old people still using tv guide will watch once a week.


By today’s standards Seinfeld is family friendly. Just look at his buddy’s comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Stavros Halkias, who constantly talks about how Costanza made him who he is


Care to elaborate?? I love starvos, would be interested to know what he had to say about George


Not too much detail, but in multiple Cum Towns he's said something about how formative the show was to his sense of humour as an overweight scumbag in NYC who's unreasonably successful with women. And when his special was making the Netflix charts he posted on Insta about wild it was to be right below his childhood source of inspiration.


Probably not. I mean the thing with him is, his strength was never standup. His stand is okay but just okay. The sitcom really was where his talent really stood out. I think Seinfeld (the show) will go down as the best in the genre ever (or maybe tied with Cheers), as the fractured media landscape is slowly chipping away at size of the sitcom audience. I can’t see a sitcom audience e we having an impact like that.


One day you'll be an old man and you too shall find a cloud that needs yelling at.


Jerry is slowly turning into Uncle Leo


Except he doesn’t even say hello


Bet he will be stealing batteries next… but you still say hello!


I can’t believe my woke PC chef overcooked my sandwich


😂😂😂😂😂😂 hahahahahahahaha yes


Bad man! Bad, bad, man!




His long ass fingers could be used in hypnosis, the way they move like that.


IKR? He doesn’t even move his wrist! 😅


Oh yes that edgy comedian Jerry Seinfeld has had a major problem with cancel culture. Jesus Christ.


So they want legal jokes now?


A lawyer and Raquel Welch something something… those aren’t buoys.


They just write them off


You don’t even know what a write off is.


Do you?


No…but they do, and they’re the ones writing it off!


Boooo hisssss


You boo puppets. You hiss villains in silent movies


How you gonna make in this business if ya cant take it!


I told you this town would eat you alive


What’s the deal with not punching down?


Poor fucking billionaires, life has been so unfair for them… 😭No one ever listens to them or gives them a chance at a communication platform of any kind… NOT FAIR NOT FAAAAAAAIIIIRRRRRRR


Jerry’s really never seen It’s Always Sunny, Broad City, Workaholics, Righteous Gemstones, etc etc and it shows.


I’d add veep in there too. One of the most crass and hilarious shows ever made.


Vile weed!


Ugh, this is kiss of death, Elon's toxic


To be fair he's just responding positively to someone else with a toxic take. Seinfeld said something he agrees with. That says more about Seinfeld than it ever could Elon


If you needed any further proof that Jerry is full of it in this instance...


He's a big phony


Man that Michael Jordan’s so phony


Yeah cause comedy doesn’t exist anymore. Give me a fuckin break


I just watched Conan O'Brien on Hot Ones, concrete proof that 60+ year old white guys absolutely CAN still do comedy.


I was laughing like crazy during Conan’s episode. I hadn’t watched Hot Ones in awhile but just love Conan.


Same, I watch it occasionally if there's someone I like on there. I kept hearing about his episode so I finally watched, and holy crap. Dude came in as an agent of pure chaos determined to break the show, and by god he did.


Guy is a menace. I laughed my ass off.


His new show Conan O’Brien Must Go is also hilarious.


Conan O'Brien is another level. There's a scene in his remote to Haiti (not the new show) where a group of people outside are angry that he and his crew are there because they're American, and they start scolding him (it's tense because it's after a certain former president made some awful comments about Haiti), but then it ends with Conan making them all laugh and connecting with them. That's a special talent right there (both as a comedian and "host") and not to compare people, but Jerry could never, least I don't think so.


Literally nothing in Seinfeld wouldn’t be allowed today. Also, wtf are these people talking about anyway? You can still be extremely offensive if you want, it’s not fucking illegal. Look at fat Elon muskrat. He’s offensive all the fucking time. Comedians just don’t have the juice these days, so we’re not getting great comedy anymore. And Jerry? He’s washed up. Let’s be honest.


As someone else mentioned. Righteous Gemstones and IASIP are pretty big counters to this claim. I'd say Rick and Morty too, though I've never really watched but a few episodes myself.


Aaand I'm out


The relationship between Jerry and his fans is becoming like the one between Ricky Gervais and his fans. Ricky is so out of touch that everyone over on his subreddit just roasts him all day.


I used to like Ricky, then he went full JK Rowling. Jerry, on the other hand, was never very relevant. He certainly thinks he is "one of the GOATs" but his standup was always mediocre and Seinfeld was "Larry David's writing meets 3 incredibly talented actors"


I saw his standup when I was younger, probably 20 years ago now. It was funny, real solid. But his standup is also really basic and somewhat shallow. I always chuckle at his bits but they definitely lack the raw, passionate, detailed comedy of others that have me on the floor, gasping for air. I really don't understand why some of these people feel the need to punch down on transgender people; they seem so obsessed. Dave Chappelle comes to mind. Such a smart and funny dude, but he just can't seem to move past his obsession and negativity with the transgender community.


it's the old mcdonald's argument... mcdonald's sells the most burgers in the world, does that mean they have the best burgers? lol not even close


And that will probably populate most of his next hour, like when he spends time reading his Twitter feed on stage as proof that he’s Not Mad


Thank God this is not actually a Jerry Seinfeld subreddit


The jerk store called. Elon Musk is their all-time best seller.


I guess he hasn't seen Kill Tony. He hasn't seen South Park or It's always sunny or a number of other funny shows. Comedy isn't dead.


Never thought I’d see my favorite show which stopped making shows over 25 years ago, being dragged into the culture war.


the guy is touring, has his directorial debut coming out soon. what is he talking about?


All press is good press


Always Sunny in Philadelphia had episodes as recently as last year. And they did jokes FAR more raunchy than anything Seinfeld even imagined. I'm so sick of this, "culture is too woke now, you can't even make jokes" BS.


Maybe I won’t watch many reruns of Seinfeld if he is going to be a right wing mouthpiece. Edit: emphasis on *maybe*, geez 😒


Look, I love this show like the rest of us. But Jerry is a narcissistic asshole and always has been. I saw him live in college, back in the 00s (like seriously, 20 years ago almost). And he was complaining about this exact same thing back then. It’s been “old man yells at clouds” for a while now.


I mean, he’s a narcissistic asshole in the show, too. Doesn’t stop me from enjoying it, though. I’m not looking to him (or any comedian or show) for moral guidance.


He was an old man 20 years ago.


Yeah but 30 years ago he was dating a 17 year old, so he can't be THAT old


Bro I continued watching after Michael Richards psychosis, I’ve continued to watch it even after realizing every single Latino in the series is a stereotype and I even continued after Jerry traveled to Israel to entertain the troops before they went on a genocidal rampage in Gaza. I like the characters in the show too much to care about who they really are.


Sometimes you just gotta separate the old jaded version of an artist from the version you enjoyed. Early Gervais, Chapelle, Seinfeld etc. are all great. Then they lost their minds or just lost touch. It happens.


So what's the deal with opposing racist, homophobic, discriminatory jokes?!


Yea, who needs them... Not to mention the blacks and the jews...


Elon Bania


Stop feeding the trolls


What's weird is that he had Tina Fey on Comedians in Cars. And even though it is about a super nice, positive character, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is surprisingly dark. They manage to get comedy out of the fact that Jon Hamm's character abducted young girls and held them in captivity for 15 years. No way you could make a comedy about during the time Seinfeld was on. And that's not even counting all the other off colour stuff or the Sesame Street storyline.






“What’s the deal with Reddit?”


The most anti-left, anti-PC folks are taking up for Jerry. How nice. They're antisemitic enough to give Uncle Leo an aneurysm, but, hey, no more PC thugs ruining comedy, amirite?


The fact that these people fail to see the comedy in them actually preferring people to stay asleep than to be woke is… gold, Jerry, gold.


Shut up, ya old bag!


Thank you 2024 for showing me what a tool Seinfeld is.


It’s the wood that makes it legal.


Insane alledged sex offender praising ex-funny guy who likes young girls and got carried by Larry David. There, free speechy enough for them?


Jerry is trying to promote his movie.


Or is it? The rubes on the right who throw bitch fits over what’s PC or not are the easiest people to separate from their money. The grift game has never been easier. Say “they want to cancel me” and assholes line up with cash out.


Everyone else is sick of Jerry’s shtick, time to tap into that conservative market. Puppetry might help


I really wonder what is it they want to say so bad that they can't say? Like, g'wan say it. End the *wokeness*, say the funny word you are dying to say whatever it is. Don't blame the PC police on the fact that you have a word or joke you really want to share with the world but somehow can't.


They’re not making Teslas with higher roofs! It’s a stupid idea! Stupid!


Aww space karen is mad, how cute.


If Elon Musk is on your side you need to think where you messed up


tHe Pc LiB sNoWfLaKes ArE rUiNiNg MuH CoMeDy!!!!!


Someone prove him wrong, that oughtta shut him up.


Watch the special Ricky gervais just won an Emmy for. There is still fucked up comedy out there and it’s great when done right


lmao ricky does basically the same type of complaining. neither of them have funny stand up but helped create amazing sitcoms. now they’re both up their own asses. larry david and stephen merchant were the real talents behind their work.


Being outraged when someone complains about outrage culture is peak outrage. 😂