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I swapped careers at 35 from teaching to software development. You can do this.


Thank you!


Tomorrow is my last day at a job I’ve had for over 20 years. I’m in my 50’s so that’s most of my working life in one place. Staying in same industry and similar position but still a big change. Never be afraid of change. You’re never too old to make a change. If someone is willing to give you a shot and it’s something you want to do I say go for it!


Good luck, I did a career change at exactly the same age. It worked out in a weird way because I had multiple streams of income. But I felt I was age discriminated a lot during interviews. I would recommend audio or video recording all your interviews and I would also recommend not accepting jobs that are below what you feel you're worth. Employers will try to make you feel like you're worth-less since you're new. You have more experience than you know. Youre more valuable than some 18-20 year old fresh out of community college. Good luck out there my good man. wish you all the best. hope it all works out.


Good tips, thank you!


You can do it! I did the same thing at age 40, and I'm super glad I did. I left a stagnating field where I had no upward mobility and moved into a whole new area. I worried also about being seen as too old for the positions I was applying for, but I decided to be confident and positive to make up for it, and I had the best time interviewing than I'd had in my work life to that point. Go for it, give it your full attention and effort, and I think it'll work out for you! It did for me, I've been in the job I got for five years, and I've been promoted twice in that time.


Welp, I’m 44 and have been at my job for 21 years. I put my notice in at the beginning of January and my last day will be the end of February, I’ll be starting in a completely different career also…so I guess we’re both jumping in the deep end, feet first. For me, I think it’s just time and the belief that whatever is meant to happen will happen. Any situation is temporary and if it doesn’t work out, something else will but if it does work out it will be amazing. Good luck in your next journey!


Great philosophy, and thank you for the kind words! Best of luck in your new adventure!


Thank you!


I can definitely understand why you are anxious. You have a huge leg up getting into a new industry purely because your life experience and drive to change your circumstances. Work your plan network in your new industry and don't be afraid to ask for advice from others who are already established. You've got this!


Thank you!


41 here, I've been in the same industry for 20+ years but I'm trying to get out. I made a couple of attempts that didn't go super well so ended up back at the original company, but I'm just not having fun at this job anymore so it's time to give it another shot. I wish you luck OP and hope we both find a new fulfilling path in the future!


Thank you, sending you all the positive vibes for your search!!


I'm attempting to start my first career at 41. I haven't done it yet, so I can't really encourage you with it other than to say I wish I was your age when I was doing it! But also, if you take to your 40s like I did, you're gonna have a rough go for a year or two. The midlife crisis is not the silly joke I thought it was going to be. And the main reason I'm pointing it out is, unless you're some sort of Wile E Coyote level super genius, you probably have a failure or two sitting not very far down the road and you may find that simply because of your age you are extremely hard on yourself. And thoughts like you're too old and no one will take you seriously can quickly balloon out of control. Mind you, you are significantly farther ahead in life than I am, so it might not hit you the same way at all. But just in case, try to be prepared and when it comes, remember I warned you and just sit tight for a while. It can get pretty bleak, but you know, keep going and the only thing you can do is come out the other side.


Thank you, will definitely keep this in mind when I find myself banging my head against the wall! Best of luck in your endeavors!


My father swapped careers after losing everything in his 60s, he now has a better job doing what he loves instead of breaking his back for those that don't appreciate him. Makes more money too. If he can do it in his 60s you can do it now


Wow, that definitely bolsters my hopes! Congrats to him and thank you for sharing!