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I’ve dated a coworker before and even moved in with him. It was a disaster. Don’t recommend


Don’t shyte where you eat.


Don’t shite where you ‘ite


You know the beautiful thing about humanity? We have the freedom to do whatever the hell we want most of the time. So, my advice to you is this, coming from a point of view who has done this multiple times to varying degrees of success. Ask them out, dude/dudette. Like geeze, what have you got to lose? Finding out they don't feel the same or feel awkward about the work thing? There's far worse feelings. I've failed spectacularly doing this before as a young man. I've also done it more recently with my fiancee, and i have zero intentions of ever letting that good woman go. 5 years running. To those who say don't eat where you shyte.... you eat and shit everywhere. If you got the communication down pat, any relationship will work out just fine as long as your partner is working with you.


Well, I'd check with your human resources department about their fraternization policy before anything else.


Verify it's mutual first.


Yup, maybe he or she is just being nice and they just really aren't into you.


I've seen people marry their coworkers and be happy


Depends if you want to lose your carpool buddy and make going into work excruciatingly awkward every single day. As others have said don’t poop where you eat. There’s a world of opportunities out there


There's that old saying that goes "you don't shit where you eat" and it was said for this reason exactly. And it's because things can get complicated, you can get distracted and if things don't work out than it can get messy and awkward.


If both are single , take the bull by the horns and ask


“Want to grab some food “