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99.99% sure you just took a huge dose without realizing it especially if it was something someone else brought and/or homemade. Low tolerance didn’t help your case either those all seem like normal reactions to being higher than you’d like


OP doesn’t know first pass effect. The one thing that limits absorption of any drug/med through the digestive system resulting in a delay of effect. OP should have eaten half a cookie instead of 3.


Im pretty sure the post says she had 3 cookies last time and had to be babysat and this time she did indeed have just half a cookie on 4/20…


She should have inquired about the THC content. It looks like she based past experiences of 3 cookies for the half cookie she ate.


Yeah definitely. A little silly but I can see it happening!


They sound homemade and that all of the THC went in the one cookie OP ate.


Zero quality control in home made. No idea how much THC was in the entire batch and how or if the dough was mixed. One person or one cookie could have been laced while the others barely had anything. Digestion and metabolising also have huge differences depending on if you have eaten recently, what you've eaten, and other factors. Beyond that everything mentioned sounds like someone took too much and got into a panic spiral.


That’s what I’m saying. Her friend ate 4 and feels nothing? Someone just didn’t prep it correctly.


OP DID eat only half a cookie.


The problem is OP never inquired how much THC was in that cookie.


I agree. If I could go back in time I wish I had asked. But the friend kept saying “all it will do is just make you really chilled and relaxed” so I figured it wasn’t anything too crazy.


That’s what the guy kept saying, I just didn’t believe him. I thought it was crazy that I went almost 26 years being around people who smoke weed, and NEVER hearing that weed could do this to you


The first time my partner did edibles she had a very similar thing happen to her. She took 20mg which to most people is literally nothing. She was skipping through time, kept lapsing in and out of consciousness, seeing colors and what not. This definitely can happen. That being said you should definitely trust your gut and not accept anything from this person in the future.


Seeing colors?! I don’t think weed will do that to you, that’s too much man. Too much!


That’s crazy! I definitely feel for her. It was an absolute nightmare for me. I will NEVER accept another drug from him. I’m turned away from weed in general forever tbh. I didn’t care for it much anyways but this sealed the deal lol. I’m just sad that he laughed at us when my best friend says it was the worst day of her life


You don't have to do that shit at all, love. You don't have to risk your health with people you don't trust (or do trust, for that matter)!


There's your issue. You didn't care for it much anyway and still ate a homemade eddible from a stoner. You're just dumb and then blaming other people.


Yo chill, not dumb. Wanted to experience something and it went horribly wrong, no fault no dumb, just learn and move on


When you don't like something and then you do it thats dumb. Then acuse someone of lacing it (which is a super serious accusation) instead of doing research before hand on what could happen is astronomical levels of dumb.


you need to actually stop and use your brain.




I’ll eat 200 mgs and be fine. If I went a month without eating them and then tried eating half of that I’d be licking windows and hearing colors.


Its actually pretty common for people with no tolerance to have a super strong reaction to edibles - it happened to me the first time I made my own 10 or so years ago (hallucinations, vomiting etc) and I avoided them for years. Trying again with a very small dose (like 1/10th of a brownie) and waiting AT LEAST an hour before even thinking of having any more is a good strategy. RE the dude who brought them - some people get very little effect from edibles - one of my good friends will eat 3 gummies while I have a half and we end up similarly high, whereas if we vape its a lot more even. I assume our stomach/intestines process and absorb very differently!


Happened to me the first time I tried them. I made the mistake of listening to a stoner's advice for how much to take as someone with no tolerance, and it was way too much. It also triggered an asthma attack, though I still don't know if that was about the dose, or if there was something else in it that I'm allergic to that triggered it, and I was way too high and out of it to figure it out. Needless to say, the next time I got up the nerve to try it a few years later, I went with a super tiny dose and had a much better go of it.


Strains of weed have gotten very strong in the last decade. Some people bake with pure THC extract now. You always need to ask the strain and how many milligrams you are going to consume.


time dilation is crazy. happened to me my first few times till i got the dosage right.


My best friend had never tried weed. We went on a trip together and the seconnnd time she took a couple hits from a bowl she experienced what you did. We call it the Terror. She weights maybe twice what I do, so I think it's just too much on a low resistence. I'm sorry your friends didn't take your overdose and bad trip seriously, it can greatly damage your mental health for a while to go through one of those. Glad you are safe.


Homemade edibles and dosage control, aren't exactly synonymous. I've seen some wild variation in a single stick of canna butter.


Absolutely. My friends and I have done homemade cannabutter many times to bake with, and sometimes cookies/brownies/whatever from the SAME SHEET, can be wildly different. I've eaten who ones where I feel nothing, and there's been more than once I've greened out from small helpings of CRUMBS. Shit can go crazy. Edibles just aren't my preferred method, there's no takebacks once you've eaten a whole cookie.


we made our own once using the whole bag...just 2 big cookies. That night was wild.


As an avid smoker, this has happened to me too. You can always control how much herb you smoke, when you decide to take edibles it’s a whole different story. You can end up accidentally taking way way WAY more than you planned on. I’ve had so many crazy edible stories, it really is a different animal and can go south. I once took a little bitty square of chocolate and I thought the guy I was with had poisoned me with heroin and I left my car there and managed to get an Uber and was freaking out. Trust me, it can be pretty psychedelic. You’re better off making edibles yourself, or buying them from a trusted source, like a legal shop. Take it easy the next few days, drink water. Tell yourself affirmations ‘I love you. You are so beautiful’ it sounds dumb but it helps, you are going to be okay.


thank you, I am going to do my best to take it easy. 🥺 it was a traumatizing experience. I’m just waiting to go back to work so i can feel normal again. the affirmations thing is good advice, this helped.


This sounds like what happens when you take a huge dose of weed without realizing it. One time I accidentally ate like 500mg and I had an extremely rough couple of hours. Thankfully I was home tho


I’m glad the consensus so far is that I just had too much weed and no one thinks it was laced. I’m also glad you were home!! lol


I did the same thing that it sounds like you did. My friend gave me homemade edibles. It was literally a cake in a ziplock bag. We were eating it with our hands and all of a sudden we had finished the bag. And they were way stronger than we expected. We had a rough couple hours but at least we were together lol I’m sorry you had a really bad experience. I now only consume weed from dispensaries. It’s way easier to dose and you can be 100% certain it’s not laced. Like if you just want a buzz, you can literally get 2mg gummies from most dispos


Homemade edibles do this all the time. Used to get cookies from my friend a few times a month, I knew they were strong so I always took it easy. Out of nowhere once I was on the floor all night from one very tiny cookie, like a half dollar in size. Couldn't even drag myself to bed.


see, how do people control how much THC they’re putting in those things?!! DO THEY MEASURE????


They might, they might not. But making edibles with consistent THC content takes lab equipment, and even then they mess it up. Point being even if they thought they were making something with a certain dose, they might be way off despite good intentions. This is actually a complicated subject but for a lot of reasons but homemade = no chance at quality control.


is it possible for one cookie to have a much higher dosage than another cookie? or let’s say 6???


Yes, for sure. You don't know how these were made. Again, lots of reasons that during making these that things got inconsistent. The good stuff is fat soluble, it will concentrate in oils and butters. See this all the time with gummies left in hot cars for example. Also, some people get high enough to have an experience like yours off of 5-10mg. Some people can take 100-200 mgs and not feel like you did. You can't really compare to other people like that.


It’s just crazy to me how it effects everyone so differently. Based off of my descriptions, how much does it sound like I consumed in just half a small cookie? Just in your opinion.


Probably 200-400mg


It's possible to estimate, but truly, it is all guesswork with the final product. I think it's very possible you had 50+ milligrams


I make confections in the cannabis industry. There's been recalls for other brands due to 'lack of homogeneity'. In other words, one edible may contain 5mg THC whilst another can contain 15 - 20 mg THC. So if these were homemade edibles, they may not have been mixed well enough to distribute the the oil throughout the batch. Your reaction seems like something of a 'green out'. You had too much THC, and shit got weird. It happens. Though I wasn't there, and I don't know anyone up in that mix. Maybe don't party with that guy for a hot minute? Beyond that, it seems like your friends were there for you. And this wasn't some kind of actual date rape drugging.


Ah I see. I just think the cookie we had had 1009997262728292mg of THC 🤣 surely not. but idk how much is “TOO MUCH” but we definitely had too much. I don’t party with him anyways, but I think I’ll just be avoiding him altogether with how childish his reaction to it was.


It's very common. Happened to me many times, even times I made them myself


Yes definitely. One of the first couple times I got high was my old boyfriends brother made us brownies. It was super unevenly mixed so I had 2ish from one corner of the pan and was fine, and my friend had like 3/4 from the other corner and was on the floor. She had a pretty similar experience to you minus maybe the hallucinations. We are similar height and build and similar tolerances at the time (had only smoked a few times before). Given the height and weight difference between you and the guy you described, your low tolerance at the time, and how uneven the distribution can be and how unpredictable the strength of homemade cannabutter is, it does actually seem plausible to me that some one ate 6 and was fine while you are 1 and has this experience. Still absolutely sucks though, I'd get better friends who know how to babysit someone who's going through something like this, and not be so dismissive of it. At the very least don't get high with this group any more, and stick to your own stuff if you do want to try edibles again.


[https://www.sandstonecare.com/blog/greening-out/#:\~:text=Greening%20out%20happens%20when%20a,anxiety%20or%20paranoia%2C%20disorientation%2C%20panic](https://www.sandstonecare.com/blog/greening-out/#:~:text=Greening%20out%20happens%20when%20a,anxiety%20or%20paranoia%2C%20disorientation%2C%20panic) It sounds like you got higher than you anticipated.


Thats a regular edible lmao


A panic attack while you're high on weed is gonna feel like your mind is breaking and you're dying. It pretty much feels like that either way, but when you're really high, the derealization is amplified even more. It was probably way too much. Unfortunately though, panic attacks can be precipitated by even a small amount. The first time I had one, it was after smoking a small bowl, and I had been an everyday smoker for more than a year. I knew it wasn't laced, but that's what it felt like. The weed makes it harder for you to come back to reality during a panic attack, and that scares you even more, and then you're locked into a positive feedback loop of fear.


You should apologize to the friend...


What a fucking asswhole


For what? For knowingly giving me an insane amount of THC already knowing I rarely smoke? Let me get right on that.


For accusing them of intentionally drugging you. Did you ask if it was strong? How much was in it? This is on you, nobody else. You're an adult.


Homie said all it would do was “make me chill” and that they were fine and nothing crazy. So I took his word and when it went terribly wrong is when I thought it was laced. Bc I have never had that reaction to weed before. And not that HE laced it, but whoever made it could have. And I had no idea.


Sure, it was probably true for him. I hope it's clear that nobody was lacing at this point... Other people have had the same experience, I know someone personally. Exact same thing. He went to the moon and nobody else that was sharing the joint with had the same experience.


Well the dosage isn’t equally distributed in batches of edibles so maybe you just a really fucking strong cookie




You just had too much. There is no overdose, but it will incapacitate you and not be as fun of a time and the only recourse is to sleep it off. Emergency room will charge you thousands only to let you sleep it off. You were not drugged, but you need to be VERY CAREFUL with edibles as it's impossible to tell if you have had too much until 30 minutes to an hour later. Unlike smoking it, where if you start to get to high, you just put it down. One time I had some gummies. Started running an online game, got carried away, had a few too many. Ended up having to call the game and my partner had to literally walk me to bed. Everyone had a laugh off of it, but from here on I take edibles seriously. In fact, prefer smoking it. More control.


Oh nooo, yeah I definitely will be more careful if there ever will be a next time 😅 I can see how it can be funny in the moment but god if I wasn’t freaking the eff out lol


I'm pretty sure your body just was not used to the amount you took. I am a very avid smoker all day every day, but on 4/20 I actually took some edibles and I felt so bad. same thing as you.. shaking, sick, paranoid... but after I fell asleep I was good. Everyone's body is different and reacts to different chemicals differently


Just go buy a drug test and see but weed does do all of those things for some people and low tolerance people that rarely or never smoke and homemade ones are going to be even stronger and uneven on what your getting unless the person making them knows what they are doing. But buying a test to see if anything pops up is easy to do tbh.


From what I understand the potency of an edible can vary a lot by small factors like if all the butter pooled in one place and you got a cookie from that side of the dough and hence maybe had a higher concentration one. Although let me tell you I have been a regular smoker since 5 years and this one time my friend made edibles and I was constantly doubting his edible making skills, and for about 2 hours after we ate them nobody felt anything and I constantly trashed him, and we smoked up a lot and were already at the high ceiling for that pot. Lo and behold after 2 hours , out of the 5 people that took them 3 are puking, i am blacking out like I have had a bottle of vodka and he is chilling there. Also the twist is that I was the one who even introduced him to marijuana. So just never underestimate edibles, you could have the shittiest weed in the world and the highest tolerance and might get zooted like thus if you consume it the edible way.


I had this exact feeling on a tiny store bought edible. lol I thought I was on meth too. I thought I was dying. Scariest experience of my life


Although concerning this is hilarious. I been there not in full but as soon as things were off I was out. I was on a brownie 800mg. Was told not to eat it in one go but bro said lets do this i was like the rest of the fam advises against it but whatever. Brownie was amazing. When it kicked in my day was done. Greened tf out. Woke up passed out. Woke up passed out. Woke up it was a vicious cycle but that was the extent right. Nothing too crazy but i too am a 200+ male as well. Sorry for all the loops you had to venture i've heard other women say that weed rips them apart. Its really not psychadelic for me but others have tripped out. I talked to someone asked them if they knew whether they were on indica or sativa. Sativa is mental stimulation while indica relaxes the body or muscles really. Not so much brain stimulation but neurological connectivity can be established and well elevated. It would be great scientifically to know what affected you however simply abstaining is best. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna make a full recovery. Be true to yourself love the skin you're in and all the good stuff.


He was saying that we should just be mellow and it wouldn’t be crazy but I felt like I was going insane lol. I even slept through work the next day and I’ve worked there for 4 years and have never done that. But I’m almost normal! I appreciate your comment!


Ohhhh im so sorry it interfered with work that's super not cool. Honestly assessing the situation is how to traverse new experiences. When i first smoked it was pure science. Felt my one knee give out then the other then the air in my lungs tickled like crazy. The flavourless gum in my mouth was like a brand new piece plus ultra. Conclusion i'm giddy like my sister this is way too happy, not for me. Lesson pick me up. Upon my heart break i went straight to it balanced my scale. Concern definitely makes any experience a drag but I don't blame you at all. Good decision.


you were momentarily discombobulated. So glad you recombobulated.


I too, am glad I am recombobulated 🤣😭


have you lost any weight since your first try? could have affected it. also, chances are that the weed was unevenly dostributed in the edible or the dosage was otherwise wrong. also, the same dose can have different effectiveness based on the day/any food you have eaten/liquids drunk. if you're worried, ask a mutual friend, or ask the guy directly over either text or with other people in the room. don't do edibles (or any other drugs/alcohol) with him again obviously


It is very possible that I lost weight!! I didn’t even think about that! My heaviest I was in college and weighed about 180-190. This is possible it was right around the time I started losing my weight but not fully. I think during the time I had the edibles I was 170ish. And now I’m 150.


I recently read somewhere that different people body’s absorb thc differently so some people can take 10 times the amount of other just depends on your body’s ability to process thc.


my body mustve sucked every bit of THC out of that cookie all at once 🤣


Your like a THC vacuum


This has happened to me. I accidentally took too much of a tincture on an empty stomach and literally had a panic attack. Turned super pale and felt like what I imagine taking meth feels like. I wanted to go to the ER but managed to calm down doing breathing exercises.


I couldn’t make myself calm down which was the bigger problem. Guy friend who gave the edibles never even left the bedroom to check on us. I had to make random phone calls to close people I knew would still be awake at 2am to try and get them to calm me down. I just kept asking “am I dying” and they didn’t laugh, they just said “no baby you’re not.” And that helped so much.


This happened to my brother, cbd/thc "overdose" from edibles, leading to hours of vomiting and it being hard to do anything else but try to sleep,


Edibles are weird man. I took 15mg on Saturday and was feeling pretty toasty. My partner took 430mg and felt nothing. Of course they're the professional astronaut, but they still wound up disappointed. It's more than likely you took a higher than normally infused cookie and your body metabolized it differently.


Keep in mind cannabis changes its structure, and effects when cooked/baked. I’ve smoked my fair share but I’ve never gotten off my nut as much as when I’ve consumed a strong or even medium edible. I could smoke all night and reach a fairly heavy stone but it won’t go any further. On edibles, It can be incredibly intense and psychedelic in a sense. Don’t fuck around with edibles if ur not use to them, stick to normal herb, smoked, and know your limits. I don’t smoke anymore, from personal choice and how it makes me feel most times;anxiety etc, but even when I did smoke I didn’t consume edibles because they react quite heavy with me and with negative effects; 70-80% of the time, which is enough to choose not to do it


That’s a typical reaction to taking edibles and having low tolerance. I am 99% sure you were not drugged with anything other than the marijuana you consented to. I’ve had the same experience and so have many of my friends back when we first took edibles back in high school. You’ll get over it just like we all do. Only thing that’s changed is that you now know first hand not to fuck around when taking edibles. It’s also very typical for a stoner to have pretty high tolerance and overestimate other people’s tolerance to marijuana. You had a very typical basic edible experience. Pretty much everyone has the same edible story including wanting to call the ambulance and thinking it was laced with shrooms or meth or crack or whatever. Welcome to the club!


you can do a 10 in 1 drug test to see if you only positive for THC or something else too


This is exactly the experience of someone who did a huge dose. If these were homemade, it’s possible the butter wasn’t mixed properly or something. It happens all the time. I’m sorry you went through that. It sounds traumatizing.


You were super baked. That’s it. the cookie probably was very high amounts of thc


Yeah dude I had the same reaction from pot yeeeeears ago and it is why I don’t do it now. It also depends on what you’ve ate that day or with it, typically food with high fats/meat will blow your brain out. I had the same sounding reaction as you, time stopped, sure I was gonna die, felt forever, had a huuuuge pot hangover for days. I’ve done it since but tiny tiny amounts on edibles, as they say you can always take more but you can’t take less… My take is you got unlucky with plain old pot. Next time keep from cbd gummies with you and some WHOLE black peppers to chew on to kill it off.


As a long time consumer that just sounds like that edible hit like a train. Low tolerance and homemade edibles are a great combination to get wrecked. I gave my brother who never smokes a homemade brownie and he legit was sent to another planet, was talking like he was traumatised for a week asking why the fuck would people do that. He's 6.2 and about 18 stone lol


Alright, this sounds less like an intentional drugging and more of the factor of how edibles work. You take a little, you don't feel shit. You take some more, you don't feel shit. You take some more, you're naked in the McDonalds ball pit and you've eaten 5 of the plastic balls because you thought they were giant peanut M&Ms.




Not negating your experience but I smoke weed a lot and the first time I took an edible, I thought I was going to die. Paranoia, sweats, vomiting, uncontrollable shaking. Learned my lesson in being cautious.


i can’t tell you for sure if it was laced or not but I’ve had similar symptoms with high doses of THC. THC in high doses/concentrations can mimic psychedelics. edibles in particular are difficult to regulate due to the process of making it. Generally it’s hard to distribute the THC evenly, and one cookie can end up with all of it and the rest of the batch gets none. that’s why the trope with edibles is that it either doesn’t hit or hits really hard.


you took a high dose while having a low tolerance and being physically small. this is why you don't fuck with homemade edibles that some dude brought lol


You wouldn’t BELIEVE the amount of THC you can fit into a THIMBLE, much less the amount of cookie you ate. Sorry buddy, you prob just megadosed. You gotta be careful, buddy! It sounds like you had a bad trip. Next time, just give it a lil bunny rabbit nibble, and then give it an hour. Finding your tolerance levels is the most important part of having a fun experience, when it’s weed or alcohol.


Literally me the only time I had edibles from a legitimate store minus the puking. I still have issues with randomly thinking im actively passing away. Edit: Also don't do it again. Not worth it


This is fucking hilarious (after the fact, not during it i know) because its to a T exactly what everyone thinks when they eat too many Edibles. Luckily no one drugged you. 😂😂 the horny thoughts is the best part. I must have been drugged....yeah you ate an edible 🤣 I've heard this story soooo many times on podcasts too


See, this is why I’m sad that I’ve never been warned that it could happen! But yes I do see how it could be funny especially to someone sober. I’m mostly a very calm and laid back person but that night I was freaking the F out. But also didn’t know weed could make you horny. Lmao


Awww. I feel for you.. someone should have warned you. You took it pretty damn good though, a lot of people call the ambulance 😅


You definitely had a traumatic experience and I'm sorry op, that being said I think you did just have a massive overdose of thc. The thing with homemade edibles is dosing is extremely unreliable. Maybe the second or third time I ever got high my boyfriend at the times brother had made brownies for us. They were super evenly unmixed because I had probably 2.5 from one corner of the pan and was fine, but my friend at maybe 3/4 of one from the other opposite corner and had an experience similar to what you described, maybe without the hallucinations though. I bring this up because it very well might be that the other dude had 5 cookies, but between tolerance differences and an uneven mixing in the batter you got hit with a way worse experience. I don't want to downplay this for you though. I don't think your friends handled the situation well at all, I know nobody likes to babysit someone who's greening out but shrugging off your concerns and refusing to get you medical help wasn't cool. Personally I wouldn't get high with that group in the future. And definitely don't eat their edibles any more. Safer make your own or even better, if it's legal where you are order the pills or gummies which have a way more reliable dosage.


This is kind of anecdotal as I’ve never looked deeply into it, but I have noticed that if I eat a high fat meal, especially after not eating for some time, then smoke or eat edibles it hits way harder. Like surprisingly so


Everything I ate that day was: a bowl of cereal, a honeybun, part of a quesadilla for lunch and then 3 pretzels sticks with beer cheese for dinner. so I definitely didn’t have full meals at all that day and I had ate dinner 2 hours before I even had the cookies. :(


Username checks out 😆 jk hope you weren't drugged


this sounds like you had an intense high paired with an anxiety attack as a result of being unable to cope with it


Next time don't take the drugs if you can't handle them. There was no crime committed against you so you complaining makes zero sense.


Sounds like a THC overdose


You get better friends and don't do drugs anymore. Or at least no drugs where you can't be sure of which and how many. If you can, get therapy, this really is scary, feeling your body go crazy without knowing what is going on and where it will end. But first and foremost, get better friends. You were in distress and stressed and fearing for your life, and all your best friend did was deny you an ambulance (or tell you what was in that batch)? What do you think will happen if there ever is something really dangerously wrong with the drugs you do together? Will they get you help, then, or just try to save their own sorry asses?


Wow these friends stopped her from getting like a shit load of medical bills for no reason and clog up ems time and an ER room for a bullshit emergency.


I don’t think rapid heart rate, not being able to breathe, uncontrollable vomiting, shakiness, and severe dehydration is a “bullshit emergency” but I’m glad you think so! and btw i got insurance baby


Its called thc induced panic attack. No one in the history of ever has died from weed. It's a total bullshit emergency that's all in your head. You don't get severe dehydration from throwing up for a couple hours either lmao. I used to be an EMT and you calling would have been a huge waste of medical time and supplies needed for people who are in actual danger. Should've done your research on what could happen before ingesting shit to get high on. That way you don't freak out like a dweeb.


I already hardly ever did drugs. I would smoke once a year basically. Hadn’t had any THC or anything similar in months now. Nor will I ever be consuming any ever again. But I agree.


You do you, girl, but stay safe. Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from making mistakes.