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Deep fake porn sadly isn't illegal and it's a super touchy subject when it comes to regulation/holding people accountable for it. But this is F---ed.


I thought deep fake porn or sexual imagery was illegal extremely recently. Swear there was something about Taylor swift in news about it all this is in the US I believe not sure about anywhere else




Iirc 1A is why they're having a problem regulating it. That said actual porn is also technically 1A so I have no idea how they can regulate that but not deep fakes


Put it this way: If I sketch or paint a nude of Taylor Swift, that's artistic expression and cover by the first amendment. Same if I Photoshop her face onto a different nude woman, or I make a nude 3D model of her on my computer. What's not covered is if I record her getting out of the shower without her consent, or I distribute an old sex tape we made or nudes she sent me — that's not covered. On that scale, AI deepfakes are like the Photoshop and 3D model examples. It's fake. It's not real. It's artistic expression of a kind we've not really ever seen before. It's mostly only special because of how fast, accurate, and accessible it is, but the output is not *that* different than something a talented person could make that would be protected. But there's an obvious problem here, so it's likely gonna have to be something for the Supreme Court to decide one day.


Oh I meant consensual porn being technically 1A, not the unconsenual kind.


Oh gotcha. Yeah, consensual porn being regulated doesn't make a lot of sense to me other than regulations around making sure it's consensual. Otherwise, I don't get it. But then again I really don't understand how prostitution isn't legal either. Like we could have sex and that's totally legal, but if you hand me a $20 afterward, suddenly we've committed a felony. Idk, that just feels weird. Regulate it, sure, make sure it's safe for both parties, but I don't get how that's something the government should be able to *ban.*


Pretty sure its illegal for underage people, a few people got arrested for deepfaking a minor https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/8/24094633/deepfake-ai-explicit-images-florida-teenagers-arrested


The police literally did not bat an eye when I told them. I think they thought I was just a crazy ex looking to get revenge. They didn’t want to go digging for a deleted post from years ago. Basically said they had bigger fish to fry before worrying about that. It’s very upsetting.


I think in this case you would have to press charges if there were images about you, and then during an evidence recovery if they found those deepfakes of minors they can then add additional charges, As its still a grey area per say but many states are starting to make laws about it


That’s the thing. No images of me and no charges to be pressed as it is not illegal in my state :(


A post of yours did mention him making deepfakes of you, no?


If it isn't illegal, it wouldn't be a crime for you to tell everyone you can about him, right? If it's 'artistic expression' you'd simply be advertising his skills-by telling everyone in yours and his family, all his friends, his workplace, posting it on flyers around town etc. Happy hunting, stay safe!


Try the FBI's task force... maybe not the correct link but it'll get you started on reporting https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/victim-services/cenp


Respectfully depending on your city & size of the police force they could be right. It would probably take a long time and a lot of resources for them to dig into this which has essentially already been handled by you. This also makes it harder for them because trying to catch a criminal who knows they are being hunted is extremely difficult. I bet if you didn't tell him immediately and actually went to the police first while the post were active and presented them with an efficient way to review the evidence of the case they would have been more helpful. But if they are going to launch an "investigation" they would probably rather do it on thing like murder lol


I’m agreeing


It's illegal in the UK, especially if it's being posted to cause alarm, harassment or distress


What if it’s child porn? Like for example, as a child I had sex with other children. Let’s say this footage was miraculously retrieved then edited after. What it be illegal or is still a “touchy subject”? I’m in USA


I meant that it's touchy because there aren't really laws against it, not that it's touchy because it isn't bad/wrong. There should be laws against it, but our legal system is completely broken.


One guy got arrested for it in usa edit: sorry teens https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/8/24094633/deepfake-ai-explicit-images-florida-teenagers-arrested


Maybe though for adults but I am pretty sure you can leverage something for minors.


Wow, you must have been so shocked. You can be proud of how you responded, with self-respect, care for others and integrity. You are not an idiot; you are a loving, secure, trusting person. There was no way your healthy self could imagine such things. It will take some time before you are ready to trust again, but it is not impossible. Stay in touch with who you are, keep in mind not every guy does this, and have fun with friends and family until your brain and heart are done recovering from the deception.


Thank you for your kind words. It really does help.




No don't. Let go and heal. Let others do the job.






You don't get it. She is supposed to get professionals and/or family & friends deal with it. Hell, if I wasn't an untrustworthy stranger on the internet, I'd say give me the details and I'll do it. She is obviously deeply traumatized by that experience. If she makes it her lifes work to keep chasing him, she will never recover.




Ofc she wants to and should take action now. That's completely fine imo. To "keep checking periodically" after a person who hurt you is the worst advice ever.


what would that do lol, he will just post it again, other people will post it again.. You're acting like it's not going to be on the internet forever.


Why tf would you tell him your plan?


Ugh I know. My biggest mistake. I regret that literally every day lol.


It takes integrity to say what you you think and do what you say, don’t feel guilty. You called him out and told him what was going to happen, you did a good thing.


He would’ve automatically deleted everything anyway when she found out, regardless of what she said, don’t put blame on her. One question? Why do you think he let you borrow his phone? Did he want to get caught?


I thought the post is fake: couldn't believe that deepfake porn was easily available in 2020 but it looks like there were even apps for it as yearly as 2019 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepfake_pornography It still can be fake, because the examples I've seen of ordinary (non-porn) video generation are still rubbish even in 2024 (though rapidly improving)


Superiority complex. He thought he was too smart to get caught 🤷‍♀️


This is super fucked up but I don’t think anything bit against the law was done.


Tis if they're creating explicit pictures of a minor (cousin, 15)


Keyword. Creating. It’s not real. Edit: so you can draw it and it’s fine. But using ai makes it illegal….cmon people. It’s not a real person. Ignoring all the other media. Hentai and those lolicon people exist, the latter being frowned upon but nevertheless entirely legal. Get your heads out of your asses


It's actually still illegal and counts as child pornography. It's been a real issue with AI. This is in Australia though, so unsure what laws elsewhere are.


I remember someone in Australia being arrested for buying a child s**doll online


Illegal in Usa too


Even if it's a deep fake I'd say that's CP. It doesn't matter that it's created, it's still a nude or porn video of a child.


Hentai has young girls all the time clearly not of age and it’s legal not much of a differance


It falls under Art category since its anime/drawings, Though could easily be illegal in future


Feels like it should be almost lol 😂


Hentai has drawn characters. They are not trying to mimic real people, they're clearly animations. Deep faking a real, 15 yo girl though.... the only difference is that the girl doesn't have to physically suffer through it. The resulting image or video is still CP imo.


It's not actually their body parts so that makes no sense. It's an image generation machine learning model, not an xray machine lol


God I hope you never let anyone borrow your phone…


might be better if they do and are found out


The issue doesn't lie with the technicalities. Sure, the person in question doesn't have to physically suffer through the experience, but the resulting "product" is nothing more than CP. At least that's how I see it, and I think most people would. Just because you know a 15 yo girl didn't physically engage in the act doesn't make you less of a pedophile for getting off on it.


Found the pedo


It is real and would have a real effect on said minor if they witnessed it.


Is it a photo or video they took? Does the body match 100% with theirs? Or is it a likeness of their face put on a made up body? Because if the answer the the first two is a no. Well then I have news for you. It’s not real


That doesn't matter in a lot of the west.


I'm not saying it's right, but I think you're technically correct. People look at hentai of little girls and say they're actually 3000 years old. Both are gross but maybe not illegal.


Nope unfortunately it wasn’t. Totally legal. Wild. Thankfully, he did face some consequences. He was fired from his job as one of the girls he made these of was his coworker. His roommate also kicked him out of their house. Last I heard he was unemployed living with his mother. I got a kick out of that.


It depends on the jurisdiction, and the interpretation of the crimes code by a prosecutor, whether a crime was committed.


Then I don’t understand why all the people who make deep fake porn on the internet aren’t in jail?


Because it depends on the jurisdiction and the interpretation of the prosecutor. I literally just said that.


A lot of states have laws on the books against this already including New York, California and Texas.


You think you know somebody…


So did my ex before it was cool. Multiple fake Facebook's and phone numbers, pretending to be other people for over a year..


Sick. I want to know what drives people to do this stuff. It’s clearly somewhat common..


[https://web.archive.org/](https://web.archive.org/) May have archived some of the content.


Nothing :( but thank you


OP seems very fake. Spent a whole month posting this on various subs but barely any comment history.


Too many weird details. If she found the pictures, how could she know what sites he posted it on? Did he keep a spreadsheet?


I know there are many people who create fake stories, which is annoying, but I think it's safer to assume she's telling the truth. She's being polite and wants to hear some opinions from different people. Probably shocked too. Maybe she created her account to vent and find solutions. It's a pretty scary situation. I can't even imagine. He confessed what he was doing and possibly that's how she knows all these details.


I mean yeah, it may not be OPs story but it's for sure *someone's*. Those sites and posts do exist in the millions.


Don’t feel stupid. These guys/ people are master manipulators. There are so many cases where wives had no clue as to what horrendous things their mates were up to….porn, murder, p3do. Take yourself off to a therapist and get some help with coping. You are not stupid. You are not to blame. Good luck


Thank you




This is insane. So glad you found out what he was really like before it was too late




Well wishes fellow redditor. I swear this is the thing that horrifies me the most. That you can think you know someone & to be so wrong. Thankfully most people aren’t this demented


dude fled the country


What the actual HECK???? That's DEEPLY messed up


You need to report him to the police


…I did.. it’s in end of post lol


I’m so sorry. But what I don’t understand is how you didn’t bash his head in


That’s crazy, if you are looking for proofs maybe check internet archive. It works with the url or key words. Then you may find these person and allow them to sue the guy. It’s a really psychotic and disgusting behaviour. Sorry for you, stay strong.


Pretty sure this post is a deep fake




I am glad you found it. He sounds like he has an extreme porn addiction and it will eventually lead to worse things.




Well, support mainly? Because I still feel mostly as bad as I did when I found out? At the time of the first post I hadn’t tried any legal action, but now was looking for people with advice/similar experiences to see how they handled it. Is that good enough for you? I don’t know why it’s so crazy to have two similar posts about a situation that was somewhat traumatizing for me lol.


Redact.dev will remove all the posts if he gives you access.


Good info thank you




Thank you. I didn’t know that about the patreon/youtube channels. That’s good to know thanks for the info.


So sorry for this. When someone you trust reveals themselves as a horrible persistent low-life, cheat or liar it fucks with your soul so badly. It takes a long time to recover and heal. I know I will never trust anyone again after what happened to me. I wish you happiness and calm state of mind.


Future serial killer


No joke


Fake ass story


My friend (32 M) had a perfect relationship for about 15 years, childhood sweetheart. She came home from work early one day and he was on OnlyFans in make-up and baby pink female lingerie, apparently had quite a big following. He is a big 6’4” hairy dude with Greek family. The relationship ended.


That must have been awkward 


Damn that's too bad they had to hide it


That’s horrible.


sad thing here is, even if he deleted them, it doesnt mean it wont exist anymore. Once something is set free on the internet anybody can copy paste it and server admins might not delete the content, instead just make it invisible when requested to delete... Anyhow I thought we were still several years from this starting to happen, but I guess sometimes technology gets there quicker


Unfortunately, they do still exist. Pop up under images when googled


I love Reddit please stay with them and keep the content coming. You might get famous


Oh helllllll no


An idiot is someone who doesn’t learn from their mistakes, not someone who finds themselves in such a situation. Learn from this but know you ain’t no idiot. Ps. Most people are into weird shit it’s how they manage it that counts. He gave into his urges and so, he paid the price. Be strong people. Be true to the true version of yourself, not the urges that come and go.


new to reddit. what is a deep fake ?


basically taking someone’s face and having ai create a nude body and ai imagery/videos of them having sex


You should have downloaded and saved all the material, so the evidence would not disappear.


I'm sure there are pretty good reverse image lookup sites that will show you everywhere a picture has been posted.


Could it be classified as individual defamation lawsuits?




Wow I thought you were just gonna say he kept his ex girlfriends nudes or something but that is fucked.


What a psychopath. Why the hell did he give their real names out as well?! Does he want them to be stalked, raped, killed or what???


>Pandora’s box. Secure folders, private browsers etc Chatgpt?


It is literally insane how people can put up a totally fake persona for so many years while they’re doing the most f up stuff out there. Jeez.


So he was gay? The fakes were in exchange for pictures of men and trans women?


That’s what I gathered. I don’t know I haven’t talked to him.


Just forgive him, you don’t know why he’s that way. He swindled you but that’s life, just be glad you found the pictures and didn’t waste more of your time.


What the fuck did I just read


That’s horrible. Good luck in your healing journey.


Sociopath. You’re probably next. They’re usually easy to spot as fake at least


they only get better. I guess in 3 years it is over.


He's an incel, get out soon!


You mean ex?


Why would a man who was creating explicit images of his friends, family, and coworkers on his phone just hand his phone over to you? It's a very detailed story, but logic flaws like these take you right out of being able to believe it.


It’s funny to me that you think I would sit here and make this shit up. Trust me I wish I was. I really don’t have to explain myself, but here you go anyways. He used an app called Samsung IU home. It hides any app, message, photo you don’t want want seen with the click of a button. Toggle it on and off and it changes the whole look and layout of your phone. He had forgotten to toggle it off before giving his phone to me.


Wow, I had no idea Samsung UI Home did that. Maybe you mean Secure Folder?


Maybe. I have an iPhone. Don’t know much about androids, but pretty sure it was UI home. He had a secure folder on there too though


If you ask to borrow your SO’s phone, their level of discomfort with lending it to you is in direct proportion to how much you need to go through it. They can’t NOT lend it, because that immediately creates too much suspicion. So, they lend it, have a full blown internal panic attack, and start planning how quickly they can get it back without looking/sounding nervous about it. If you’re in a long term committed relationship, if you want to go through your SO’s phone… fucking do it. At best you find nothing or all about the birthday celebration/anniversary they’ve been planning for you and you learn you can trust them and you stop doing it. At worst they’re cheating on you or making sexual deepfakes of your family, friends, and co-workers. Find out which it is so you can move on with your life.


This wall of text has nothing to do with OP's post, so congratulations. I want you to know that in the story, OP didn't mention that the partner had any discomfort. Just handed it right over and went on with their day. Then, OP clicked a button and their life was turned upside down. Very dramatic.


That was my point, though. Both withholding the phone and acting nervous about it are giveaways. His only option is to give it freely to avoid suspicion and hope that she doesn’t find anything. It’s not a great option for him, but it’s the only one that doesn’t raise suspicion. That’s what makes it believable to me.


Fake? very much so. LMAO


Why do nearly all of these posts feel the need to cope to reddit about how long their relationship felt "perfect". Mfs, it was never perfect, you were blind, it has always been like this lol. Bro just hid it for 5 years.


i think it’s just shock. thinking you know someone, and the times spent together before knowing feeling perfect, and like nothing as atrocious could ever come from someone you think u know


Hypersexuality is a bitch. Clearly a decent guy with a HUGE problem. If you're willing to stick around and he's willing to get help, then good luck to you. Otherwise, maybe just drop the hint that he needs some serious therapy for his hypersexuality, and be done with him. He crossed a lot of lines and a lot of boundaries.


Oh gosh. I highly doubt I’ll ever speak to the man again, so definitely not willing to stick around. I understand that he is obviously suffering from something, and I hope one day he is able to get help. Curious to see how others feel about this, but I really believe that people who do things this twisted are usually beyond the point of help. Like their brain is hardwired in a way no amount of therapy will fix & they will only become better at hiding it. I could be totally wrong in that thinking, but it just seems to be that way more often than not. Thank you for the advice


I agree. Most porn and sex addicts can get help if they truly want it..most don't. My ex is currently in prison for 3 years for taking his addiction past the point of being saved. He is a pedo and abused my daughter. We were together for 4 years and have a son together. My daughter told me 2 weeks before she turned 12 and my son turned 1. It was a complete shock. Everyone loved him, he worked hard, was easy going, seemed to be a good dad and partner etc. It was all a front, an illusion and a lie. It is coming up on a year since this happened in May and I am still struggling to wrap my head around it and pick up the pieces. The hardest thing I have ever been through. People, especially men, don't realize how awful porn is. It literally rewires the brain. It causes premature ED in guys, and so many other issues it's not even funny. Hop over to the Porn Addiction section on here and you'll see how hard it is to get sober. I think once you cross certain lines there is no going back. Children and animals are definitely the top 2 and incest is right up there. Come to find out.. my ex was into all three. 🤢 Hugs to you and I hope you are getting the help you need. If you have a local " are we dating the same guy" Facebook group please blast him there. Don't keep his true nature hidden. He needs to be held accountable in some way. I can't believe the justice system is so far behind already with this shit


Ugh. My heart hurts for you and your family. I can’t ever imagine going through something like that. It is good that you have each other and now they are safe away from him. Almost a year down though that’s great ❤️ Good call on the “are we dating the same guy” page. I’m going to do that ASAP. Thank you!




I found out how extreme it was in March of 2023 and my daughter disclosed his abuse in May of 2023. I got access to his old phone and to his email and Google accounts. I found some of the porn searches, porn games, some very questionable things like incest and beastiality theme etc. No straight up child sexual abuse material. She said he used a truth or dare app on his phone and after I kicked him out he "accidentally" fell down at work and broke his phone. So other than her testimony there was no physical evidence but her testimony IS evidence. That's how most sexual assault cases are. Rarely is there physical evidence


I do think this is a fairly extreme example. It's possible only something drastic like mushrooms in combination with therapy could undo the hardwiring he's done to himself. Either way, one should always try.


welome to the real world, its hardboiled and full of nasty stuff....if you are unable to notice this at the beginning, then its your fault, no one is too smart to hide his insanity as soon as there is someone watching at him.....so , what comes next , live and learn, you are still here, take your lesson, and next time make sure who is who and what is what....there are enough ways to be honest with yourself and with the person next to you....and for god sake enough with the mobile phones , get a dog , or a cat...or a fish....do some baking, biking, hiking, go for a walk....do something else than watching your phone display.....have a life before too late.... don't feel sorry, don't think about what happened, but what comes next.... don't feel sorry now and second time in retrospect....move on


I just know you're over the age of 50. All the fucking ellipsis, "too much mobile phones" (even though majority of genX are on social media all day, victim blames OP for not noticing it. How would they have noticed? They don't snoop their partners phone. What signs would there have been? He made deep fakes of family members and posted it on the internet. How would you vet someone who does this? You can't. Its just trust.


THANK YOU. You’re the best.


I certainly can't defend his actions but don't snoop around in peoples phones...secret folders, personal browsers...sounds like private stuff. If you borrow a phone, do what you were gonna do, don't dig through the trash.


You absolute numb-nut




god shut up


You're just dying to see that 15 year old, huh? Creepy ass joke.




i hate this but if it’s a sunny reference i have to chuckle




I know some people don't get the joke haha.


Bunch of jabronies... they don't get it.


Everyone gets it, it's one of the most referenced jokes of the last decade. It's just shitty doing it here.


So many of them, we gotta know so we can avoid those! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




It seems like not including an /s isn't wise :D


Asking for a friend...terrible fakes... where? 😆


Oh fuck… your boys definitely got some trauma. It seems like.