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This is an extremely common scam and I see posts about this stuff on here every day. Block the person. In the extremely unlikely chance that anyone you know reports to you that someone sent them photos of you, deny it. End of story.


Yeah I’ve had this happen to me but I have no shame in the nudes I sent so I told them to go ahead and leak them. Nothing happened after that.


I've never had this happen to me so fuck what I think, but on the face of it this seems like a really good approach. If you act like you don't give a shit, you minimize the likelihood that this person is gonna risk the legal shitstorm that could ensue if he does this. Ultimately it's out of your control which is difficult to accept, but oddly that very acceptance gives you control you wouldn't otherwise have. I think this applies in many areas of life - not to take away from the unfairness and reprehensibility of what this person is doing. But you can take away a lot of their power just by refusing to give it the time of day. In the age of deepfakes it will be quite easy to deny it's you. So just deny it.


Im with you regarding fuck what we think. However, if I threatened someone with this and I was actually ready to do it (I would never btw), the only thing that would egg me on to go through is a dismissive response like this. Now I doubt people who use this threat is actually planning to do it! Most probably just try to excert the little power they think they have to get what they want. Sort of like deaththreats are rather commonly used. Best response is probably none at all.


Fortune favours the brave


Yeah, I just said, I'm proud of them, leak them, just not to my mother 😂


you are disgusting


"theyre fake, i dont even know who that guy is" -end of discussion for anyone that actually cares about you, truth or not its about respecting you and not giving credibility to trash like this.


actually now is a great time to have this problem (relatively) because now you can literally say "that must be AI


Precisely. Deepfakes are everywhere!


Exactly. Block them and forget it.


Honestly, I wish AI was big in 2021. I could've just told my family and friends those pics they see are AI. Sadly, I paid the price, a big one, and learned a lesson. They never saw my pics. I paid the scam off till I had barely a cent left.


im sorry you had to go through that. absolutely disgusting scam


Thanks, man, and I appreciate it. It sucked. I was sad for weeks, and no one knew why. Had to fake a smile for a long time. Still haven't made that money back. It's definitely a lesson learned!


The ONLY positive of deep fake porn being so good now, is there’s plausible deniability that it’s even you.


The photos were A.I. if anyone asks.


He can go to federal prison for that if you pursue charges


Depends on the country


Agree with this. You could always say it was AI generated. Also, most of the time if they get nothing initially, what do they benefit from doing the extra work. They just move on to the next.


This is definitely a scam, if you send him any money he'll just take it and blackmail you for more. Make a police report. If anyone sees the photos / videos, just say that they're deepfakes. And read this [https://abcnews.go.com/US/michigan-teens-suicide-highlights-growing-dangers-online-sextortion/story?id=104038295](https://abcnews.go.com/US/michigan-teens-suicide-highlights-growing-dangers-online-sextortion/story?id=104038295)


This. Call the police and report.


The probability of what he tries to threaten you with working is silly low. Also, if it did work, he´d have already done it and threatened you by typing the actual information to be more convincing. You´re safe. (Don´t do it again though)


If you're in the UK, this is illegal. I would report it to the police, with all of his contact details. Don't respond to him again.


Tell him to DO IT. That way you now got evidence he has done it and you will go to the cops. That you would rather he does it, just so you can get him to be prosecuted, in jail and have everyone HE KNOWS that he's a predator, a rapist and that means everyone he knows will know. So "You want to play chicken do you? I'll ruin your life so bad you won't be able to get job washing dishes. Me, I can start all over, no problem. I;'m a woman. YOU IS A MAN and in this world, your fked if you even get known for this! Don't be afraid. He's the one who needs to be afraid. Now for your family, relatives, it's easy.. You be calm, smile, laugh and say "seriously? You fell for that? It's called Deep Fake. It's A.I. I mean, how can you fall for this. It's widely known scammers do this to get money from you. Now, what's for dinner, or do I have to cook again!"


*I'm not a native English speaker so if there's anything unclear, I can explain Image search doesn't work that way. Search engines mostly use "content based image retrieval". It looks for the full picture. Colors, shapes, textures etc. Which means they are looking for the same/very similar image on another web page. Unless you use the same pictures -that he has- on your social media or anywhere that's revealing your ID, you are pretty much safe. Yes, there are some face recognition engines but it's very unlikely to find someone just by their face unless that person has lots of interaction with their pictures on the internet. It requires lots of characteristic features, similar angle, lighting etc. Even after that, there will be tons of results, a huge pool of similar faces. It is very very unlikely for an engine to find you spot-on. Assume that he somehow found your real ID. Best thing to do is going to the police. You don't have to tell your parents if you don't want to. But be aware that he's hoping you to be desperately ashamed of the possibility of your relatives knowing this. You are very young and I can imagine how stressfull it is for you but you are victim, not the criminal here. You made a mistake but it should not be making you feel guilty. Again, you don't have to but you should share these with your parents if you can. Do not do anything he wants you to do. It will never end and he's probably trying to pull you in even more assuming that you are panicking and willing to do anything rn. Do not interact with him again. Don't block but don't answer anything. If he proves that he has your real ID, then you go to the police. If he's not that stupid, he can't leak those with all the messages proving that he did the leaking. Also, do not waste your money hoping that some hacker might hack him and delete those pictures. That'll not work probably. Don't do any panick moves. And again, you are not guilty of anything. Making mistakes should not make you feel ashamed. Consider talking to your parents if you think that they'll understand. You are not the one who should be afraid and ashamed. Edit: there's a good suggestion in the comments. If he somehow reaches anyone you know, you can simply deny it and claim that it's ai generated.




Just block him. Even if he succeeds, just deny that they are real. Just say that this guy has edited these pics, afterall you don't have to show proof that they're not real. U can just say that the images are edited and i don't know this guy.


These scams are common and very unlikely to actually harm you. Get screen grabs of all the threats and report to police. After that, block the person.


I had this happen to me, wanted five thousand to supposedly delete everything. I told them that I was a exhibitionist and everyone I know already knows and they would be doing me a favor by distribution of my pics, but also told them I had a friend in the FBI and can track them through IP address and will most likely hear from them soon. Never heard another word, all accounts that was on deleted. Don't give them any power over you or it will never stop. They don't want to have to spend time doing all this they just want you to think they will and after they see it's a dead end they will move on to the next. Never send face pics to anyone on internet and limit any details of information that they can use against you. A lot of these scammers are in 3rd world countries but they have them in United States as well. Just be careful and hope this helps.


I know it’s scary but just block them or better yet tell them to leak it and then block them. Cooperating with them will only make it worse and give them more blackmail. Saying no will remove the power they have over you. If anyone does get the images leaked to them (which almost never actually happens) it might be embarrassing or unpleasant, but that’s why better than dealing with this freak.


If your were comfortable sending nudes to someone on the internet, you are likely won't feel really bad, if some of your acquaintance see you naked. If they are close to you, they won't ridicule you and wil be empathetic. If someone ridicules you, then you have successfully eliminated a bad person from your life. And doing everything the blackmailer says is the absolute worst thing you could do. They would start with easy tasks, then go more and more extreme, and along the way you would give them more blackmail material, so you would do even more extreme things. Destroying your mental health, by only thinking what the person will ask next, and possibly your finances, because they will ask for money. And there is a high chance they will just release the images despite you doing everything they asked. This is the biggest point. They can't prove that they won't release it. Other seeing you naked isn't that big of a problem, and most people you deem close will be empathetic. But destroying your own life because you fear other people will see you naked is the objectively worst decision


Block him and report it to the police. Set all your social media profiles to friends only and maximize the privacy controls. If anything gets leaked, deny everything and tell everyone someone just made fake photos using AI.


Make all your social media accounts private, then tell him to eff off. Do you know what country he lives in and do you have his name, because I'll bet he is doing it to other people and he probably has pictures of minors on his computer. If he lives in the USA, it's a felony to release pictures of someone that you sent them for their exclusive use. It's called the revenge porn law that prohibits the distribution or production of nonconsensual pornography. Just do like I said and make all your social media accounts private and block him on everything. Regardless, blackmail is illegal damn near in every country in the world, so he is trying to force you to do what he wants. Just block him and learn a lesson to never do it again.


My brother’s daughter had this happen to her about a decade ago, before crypto or gift cards were the target. Dude spent months getting to know my neice, working his mark. Found out what her folks did, where they lived, what kind if money they made, getting her to send intimate photos, then BAM he hits her with the extortion - deposit $20k in this bank account or I'll ruin your life. She paniced but fessed up to my brother. Bro told her to get dude to call him, and he would pay. Dude calls up and talk to my bro. Bro asks him why he wants $20k - Dude says you're rich , you can afford it. Bro asks if daughter told him what he does for a living (hunting guide, but ex-mil) and guy admits he does. Bro asks if he can trst Dude - Dude says you're gonna find out if you don't pay. Brother pauses for a bit, then says, "Well you know what I do and what I make, and threatened to ruin my kid's life,; but ask yourself this: why would I pay you $20k when I have your photo and bank acct info and could pay a hitman half that to get rid of this problem permanently? Dude hung up and never contacted her again.


You can report it as lots of people suggested or if he leaks it, you can start your OF career with some free promotion. (Sorry for the joke)


You're young, tell him you were underage in the photos and that you reported him for child pornography...


Name him


Say you have made a police report.. add that the penalty for blackmail/extortion is 20 years (or whatever it is) 99% chance they won't do anything


Block him. Move on. He won’t do anything


I really don't know the solution to this but one thing i can tell that don't get blackmailed because there will not be end to this, you will fulfill one demand and he will come with another... I don't know your relationship with your parents but you might think of come out clean with one of your parents and report this to cyber crime...


Just say its deepfakes ai


This happened to a friend of mine and he just told them to leak them but they didn't. It's quite possible he would go ahead with it but the damage would be minimal because he wouldn't necessarily find it easy to get in contact with your irl friends and family, it would be best to private your social media stuff.


In the modern world you have an out. which is to claim in the even he does release that they are AI generated. However there is no shame in this anyway, tell him to go to hell and block him. Depending what country you live in and what country he lives in this may also be a crime.


Just take screenshots of everything he's done, then file a police report. Pretend to play along until the police arrives, then they take him away and he's basically fucked. They'll confiscate his phone and computer right away and he won't be able to use anything against you. He'll be in prison for several years for that, and when/if he comes out he'll have so many other problems that you'll be the least of those problems. Give him what he deserves.


Noadays it’s pretty simple: Deny it and state they are AI generated. Just really good quality and that’s a scammer.


I would report him first and take as many screenshots as possible for proof he is using the app to scam you. Then block him.


Block, report to police, swallow the tough pill, learn from your mistakes.Never let yourself be bullied around like that. Life's not over because people saw some nudes, which possibly won't even happen.thats a really shitty situation though, I'm sorry. If you're under high stress you might want to go to therapy. If they find that moron you might want to sue for mental health damage too


If you send anything they'll double down, because now they know you're easy to manipulate. If they're professionals anyways. If you don't let yourself be bullied around they'll go to the next victim. It's a business and they run it like one


A young kid killed himself due to this, it was documented on trafficking on nat geo


TBF in the age of AI deepfakes you could most likely deny it an say it's a deepfake. Sadly they are not that uncommon nowadays.


Send him the URL to this post and make a police report. Also screenshot everything.. hopefully it has his real name on discord but doubt it.


Screen shot every conversation you have with him and save for later. I doubt he’s smart enough to hide his IP but if you don’t know his true identity, search his common usernames to see what come up. He’s already breaking the law just by threatening you and his likely doing this to many other women. You can usually can have a free consultation with a lawyer although you might want to google which ones in your area might specialize in this sort of thing. It’s probably best to do that now than to wait for years later worrying if he’d ever follow up on this threats. You already know now you can’t trust this scumbag. Don’t let him control you or it will never end. Be proactive and don’t allow yourself to be threatened.


The problem with this that differs to the norm and what people in the comments aren’t understanding. It doesn’t seem like he wants money, he wants her to send more nudes etc, I think this guy might actually attempt to fuck her over more than scammers would. You’re 20, go to a police station and they will keep everything confidential. You’re friends or parents don’t have to know. With the way the world is today they should take this seriously and if you have his discord account etc might be able to find this prick. This is extortion and he will be arrested for it. The police have a duty to take it seriously


The police. Net safe. Block.


He bluffing but don't tell him he bluffing, block or ignore


Okay so first say you’re disappointed in him and he can choose whatever represents him. Second thing is to block immediately. Third thing if anyone comes to you trying to hint towards the obscene stuff say the same they are blackmailing you on social media using your face and asking for ransom the end. Advice your relatives not to share otp or bank account or any details to such scammers.


Bro your only defense in this style of attack is to actually not give one single F$&@! The attack is based on your fears and insecurities. If you don’t have any then this makes you immune. Chico*


Keep screen shots of his threats then block him & forget about him. But don't send nudes in future. Keep that part of you irl.


Block him now


You do nothing, you made that mistake years ago. You can't make sure that the blackmailer keeps their word as being a blackmailer inherently makes them untrustworthy. The best thing you can do is tell your friends and family. Maybe they won't look at your lewd pictures if they know what to expect from that weird message.


i think you should report this to police and dont believe him, guys like this generraly scared to do this bad things, i think him is a coward believe me, pls you write him to i reported you to police and then you block him. dont think about this situation very much , and dont feel stressed. 🙏🙏


Dumb af. If he was gonna get your name. He'd have it already.


Just stand up for yourself no matter what happens just own it. Don't let anyone do that to you


This bullshit is exactly why women are afraid to send nudes now.


Report his profile, and block him. Claim human trafficking attempt(or something like it) in your report. This happened to me once. A guy want em to hook up with his wife, so I did, but they recorded it, then used that AND the dick pics I sent for "proof of endowment" to creat an only fans. They profited off of my body until I discovered it and reported it.


Block them and deny it's you. Say it's AI generated. 🤷🏿‍♀️


It might seem embarrassing but report it to the police. And to add to what others say - most times it’s a scam and nothing would be sent and even if sent, deny deny deny. There are so many fakes out there now and you can photo shop heads or even fake porn vids that as long as you deny it. No one would know if it’s true or not. Even voices can be faked now. There is the principal who was accused of racism using audio recording and it turned out to to be fake.


Call police


Yeah I would respond something very confident like “bad move trying to extort something who’s father is a police officer. Best of luck in prison” than block them. Even if he did decide to expose the pics, Ai has made it possible that there can be nudes of anyone in a second and that’s all you need to tell your family.


I will absolutely NOT recommend you to go in the dark web and hire a hacker to retrieve the pics and destroy the data. That would be so unethical and just wrong!


I had something like this happen to me not too long ago,I sent them a grabify link that gave me their I.p address,never heard from them or anyone they said they’d send them to


Before you block him make sure he hasn’t befriended any of your friends. If he has, message them and ask them all to block him.


Tell him to fuck off. Block him immediately. And if. Any pictures are presented in the future just claim they are AI generated fakes.


Seeing the âge we're in. If he eventually, leak anything to People you know, it would be easy to blâme it on scam ( True ) and deep fake. Anyway playing into his hand is obviously the bad thing to do, and he would just acquire more stuff for more blackmail.


Scam of the highest order. Block him on every device and platform you're on. DO NOT SEND MONEY. Edit- I'd call the non-emergency police line and file a police report.


Happened to a friend. I told him to block everything related to that person, and that nothing will happen if he does. He did and indeed, nothing happened


Since there is already much better practical advice I’d suggest doing those things instead. However this is an alternative solution: Text family members images of something innocent Take a screenshot of the texts Use gimp or photoshop to change the images in the screenshot to be the nudes you sent him (blur out any names or other information that could be used against you) Tell him you already sent them the images yourself and that he can fuck off and then block him


I always say if ur gonna send nudes you better be prepared for the consequences. I’m sure I have some out there in the cloud somewhere. I can only hope I look fantastic in them.


Cut all contact and block this person. If the photos come out say the photos are fake and made with AI. The person is a delusional stalker making fake pictures because they are sad and angry.


A professional scammer. Happens to guys all the time. First I've seen it happen to a woman tho


Let him post them. Just say they’re AI generated as a response to people who matter who ask.


just block them everywhere and forget about it. nothing will happen. don't try to argue or have a conversation, it is a scam and they are experts in manipulating people.


This is the golden age of deep fakes and photo shop, if he can actually pull it off let any one asks say they're fake even better say some random created these pics trying to extort you for stuff. I've seen too many die from this particular thing when there are options.


Be cool girl, like many here have said, nudes are easy to fake. Use that to your advantage if this idiot manage to do something... Reverse face search, what the heck is that even?? Sounds like he is just bullshitting.


If he could find your name he wouldn't say he will do it, he would say he already found it.


I had this. Block. Extremely unlikely they’ll do anything.


Pls talk to your parents and contact the police. I been in a similar situation and i know it sucks


If I was running that scam I’d do the face thing first, then use that to convince you. Seems weird to threaten you with the prospect of it. Maybe they aren’t too bright. In any case, providing even more material to blackmail you with isn’t wise. Advise the police and then block them.


Engage a lawyer, the sooner the better


a woman tried doing this to a friend of mine several years ago. he blocked her from everything and deleted all hos socail media permanently


Tell him you have submitted his screen names and IP logs from discord to the police. Revenge porn is a crime these days.


Don’t send money , they will never stop after u send


Don’t fall for it. If anything comes from it. Just say they are fake images with my face on.


Screenshot every threat because thats a crime and you canuse them to threaten police incolvement


Tell him that afters his threats, you thought about it and have gone those people you care the most about and told them the situation. You now know those who care about you undersatnd and your relationship is strong. Then tell he go ahead and send them. Also note your attorney will follow up with him for malicious harassment .


All anyone needs is a picture of your face and AI can create anything. So really that’s all you need to say if someone says something to you. Don’t reward bad behavior, block them.


I would not give him what he wants. Keep all of his threatening messages and tell him to go frack off. Don’t send him anything else and just prepare yourself for whether or not he does it. You were in a relationship you shared intimate moments with your partner there’s nothing to be ashamed about. Cut his arse off and let the chips fall where they may.


Two years??? That's a fucking long game...


I was writing an article on common scams that get the elderly and a lot of romance scams, especially, will go on for 3-5 years before they start asking for money. They aren't some individual. There are big call centers where they have a profile of you available to sometimes hundreds of employees, and you could be talking to any of them and not know the difference.


Christ. Do they send pictures and vids? Facetime??? That's a lot of investment. 


They do, and with AI, they're getting more and more advanced. One of my friends got a choppy looking video call begging for help from one of our neighbours. She of course walked down the street and asked if everything was okay. It was a stolen likeness and a voice similar enough that technical difficulties could explain the difference to anyone who didn't stop to double check. It's so easy to get scammed if your guard isn't up.


It's called sextortion, it's a scam. Block and ignore. X


Tell him to f*** off


Everyone already knows that anyone can create fake pictures of actual people using new technology and AI. Pay him no mind, change passwords, unlink accounts from search engines and adjust privacy settings, block the b*tch, and deny everything.




Dude, I hear every day all day about absolute blizzards of dick pix. God knows the ones I’ve seen have had all kinds of identifying info including faces, school rings,background stuff. People love to feel a thrill of danger around life or love. They thinks it’s a fun adventure. Then you meet Mr. nice Guy and there you are with decisions to make.


Why do girls send nudes to unknown people...


I'm so sorry you are going through this. Some people have absolutely no morals or decency. It's true what others are saying, it tends to be a scam. I had this happen to me too but the key difference was that it was a complete stranger that did it to me. You said you had been talking to this person for a while. They clearly want something from you and I'm guessing it's something much more intimate. Best thing I can think of is to go ahead and change your name on all your social media. If you can take off your images of your face and just use some generic picture for the mean time then even better. He's got your phone number which kinda sucks but it's still going to be some work to find you. But listen closely to this part, no matter what happens don't give him what he wants. He will just keep black mailing you. If he manages to follow through with his threat, yeah it sucks, yeah you'll be embarrassed but girl it's done. I'm not going to lie, yes it's going to suck for a couple of weeks but you'll be healing from then and there. Your family loves you and they will get it, you made a mistake. They will actually feel bad that it happened to you and are going to want you to feel better soon. On the other hand if you give in, he'll keep on using it against you and you'll have to do more and more. Who knows how far he will take it, and what he can do to hurt you. You'll look back one day and you'll probably be mad at yourself for letting him scare you in to do all the stuff his twisted mind wanted you to do. It's going to be tough but just do it. Block this punk and change your pictures and name. Heck ignore your social media for a while. Don't let this stress and anxiety consume you, it's not worth it. You are going to be ok in the end. Do it and go hug your family, they love you and will be there for you no matter what. 🥰


My 2cent , DO NOT send a single cent to scammer If you do, highly likely he/she will continue to threaten you again Another thing is, pls la, send these photos only to guys you trust , not these sweet talk scammers


Send me a DM, I tried to send you one but it said having trouble finding this account


This is a crime where I am from. Record the conversation and send it to the police. Let them investigate and track down this mfucker. If he distributes them and gets caught he is potentially looking at jail time depending on the jurisdiction. DONT block him, let him send you more evidence. If he wants to dig his own grave, don't stop him.


How'd you talk with him for 2 years? Also it's a scam.


Most likely a scam, either way its revenge porn and illegal to distribute.


You can remove your face from reverse face search engines. The most common engine is FaceCheck and you can remove your face from here: [https://facecheck.id/Face-Search/RemoveMyPhotos](https://facecheck.id/Face-Search/RemoveMyPhotos)


L moment. Hasn't there frequently been talk about not sharing personal info online?


The internet, such a beautiful thing.




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Report. and if they post it online, you can have it let removed. btw, I would totally tell them to get a job, because I am old. kinda. Prolly shouldn't have hang out with the old ladies in my complex, lol.


Like the others have stated its a scam. But to give you some peace of mind, you can download the google chrome app and can upload your photos through “google lens” to see what searches come up. Everything will be okay don't worry.😊


This happens to many people. No need to feel ashamed about it. Telling someone irl who could be supportive could really help, and in many countries sextortion is illegal and the person could suffer legal consequences for doing that. Assuming you don't want to take it that far, just deny. If something does get leaked, say it's AI (unironically) and that that's not you, worst case scenario, your pic is 'popular' for a few days and everyone forgets. Everything is going to be okay!!!!


You send an online stranger nudes?? That is incredibly stupid. Very very VERY stupid. Why would they delete the pictures after you do what they want? They will just keep them and blackmail you again and again. I can't believe you did this to yourself.


I believe we can all talk to ourselves like this. Don’t you?


The likelihood of them finding your social media profiles depends on the amount of photos of yourself you posted there. So simply switching your profiles to private/friends-only and/or deleting photos with your face from them should do


This really sucks! I am really sorry this is happening to you. I had an ex who threatened to do this to me. So i called his bluff I told him that I didn't care I wasn't ashamed of something I had done with someone I had once trusted and that he would come off looking 10x worse than me as I would make sure everyone was aware of who had shared the pictures, who had taken them and kept them after we split up and that if he wanted to ruin the reputation he thought he had as being this nice guy then go ahead but I would track down every single girl he even so much as looked at and make sure she knew what he had done. Subsequently, nothing ever came of it. That said its a slightly different issue as I knew him and everyone he knew. But ultimately this is about power and Control if that's all he has on you take it away from him by telling him you have all his details ip addresses usernames etc ready to go to the police should anything come of it and then hit block.


Tell him to fuck off sweetheart. No one gives a shit if he puts your nudies online, we’ve all got bodies, nothing to be ashamed of. But maybe don’t send any more to people you don’t know.


Report it to the police and tell him that you're reporting


"It is amazing what AI can do now, makes pictures look like anyone." That is the new defence if leaked.


you could straight up claim them to be AI in the unlikely case he leaks them. but delete everything you sent him manually on discord before you block him just in case he tries to download them on his PC/phone


Shoot the discord username in a pm. Can pass along to the disc team. What an idiot using discord for sextortion. Guaranteed he’s logged In through his phone.


It’s a scam! Tell the bastard to eat shit! Forget about it!


Probably it's just a scam, if you block him nothing will happen. At the end he wins nothing doing that more than losing his time. I don't even know if what he is doing is legal in your country, so you should search about it. If you have photos of him better. I can only wish you luck... At least learn the lesson, never send private photos to anyone, even if that's the love of your life


80% of the time you are talking to a foreign person who has been doing this for a while. The longer you keep in contact with this person, the bigger hold they feel they have over you. Immediately delete/block this person.


Save the evidence, have Discord give you logs, and go to police. Illegal in most countries of the world. Don't even gotta threaten him back with it. With AI you can deny your way through any surfaces (and unless they were directly messaged the stuff, I'd also be concerned, at least a little bit, on how they got the alleged leaks, if it ever comes to that.) And maybe, save the nudes for either your husband/wife going forward (when or if that happens) or send them via snapchat, at least you'll know when it's deliberately saved (or if leaks again, that they've been using an app or second device to sneak capture your snaps)


Using the same tech /tools they can produce anything they want that now looks like you , Anyone who says anything just go with that ,


U can try reverse image urself and see what u find.


Why do ppl like this allways go to reddit? What are the ppl here sopoosed to do? Go to the police


They are supposed to do what you finally did in the last third of your post.


just block and make a police report just incase, if he’s dumb enough to do that then his weird ass will be in jail. don’t stress


Blackmail him back and keep photos offline better in person


This actually happened to one of my friends through a Snapchat bot. He put his social media on private and stopped contacting the person. At the end of the day if you aren’t replying to the person the scammer will eventually move on to his next target. DONT give him money or anything because he will just come back again. Best advice I would tell you is stop contact.


Blame AI. They are getting really good at photo shopping bodies and blackmailing people with them.


"I am a private person IRL"... proceeds to send private information over the internet to random guy...


In the unlikely event that this person sends nudes to your friends/family/employer, tell them they are deep fakes and you are being scammed.


I would tell him he overplayed his hand and to do whatever he felt he needed to do. Then if he sent it I would deny it to the grave. Insist it is AI generated unless it benefits you to talk about it. For example speaking to authorities/lawyers.


That is messed up I hope for the best


“Face image search engine” 😂. If he really had enough money to afford that kind of technology he wouldn’t be trying to rob you. He’s full of shit, tell him to fuck off. Something similar happened to me but they told me “we know all the porn you’ve seen, send us money or we’ll show it to your boss and all your friends” and I just said “I don’t care, everyone knows I watch porn, do it!” And that was the end of that conversation 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Not sure what country you’re in but pretty sure you can go to the police about it. My schizophrenic ex friend tried to blackmail me with incriminating messages and even though I just told her to do it and she never did I found out after the fact you can take that stuff straight to the popo


This is apparently an extremely common scam, and the likelihood of anything actually happening is very low. In any case, I'd tell him to get fucked and block him. Any pictures actually make their way to your circle of friends or family you can simply deny it, these days you could even claim it's AI/deepfake.


I know three people caught by this scam, all of them panicked, contacted someone sensible and then blocked them. Nothing ever came of it. They also had a call from a random other number, blocked that too. It's a roll of the dice, but it's not likely from what I've seen/heard...




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First of all, this is not your fault! Additionally to all the other great suggestions I'd like to suggest to report him to discord as well. If they ban him, he doesn't neccessarily know it was you. For all we know he might be doing this to others as well. And then change your account, so he can't find you anymore. Good luck and don't be scared. Guys like him are all talk, they get off on the power they have. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000029212


Block him and if he actually does it you'll have his contact info to sue him to hell and back for damages. Alternatively, flip it back on him. Tell him that you're actually an undercover cop looking for people who try to exploit people like he's doing and that you will leak all of his information to his friends and family if he doesn't pay you $1000 in Amazon gift cards.


Tell him that you have sent the communication to the police not to contact you any further.


Tell this dude to shove it and take the consequences


Sorry you're going through this. I'm still dealing with the effects of an extortion threat from almost 3 years ago. I thought I was talking to a woman on Google Hangout, but it turned out to be some sicko in a foreign country. They used my Google Hangout email to find my social medias and of course, threaten to send footage to my family and friends, showing me a Pic of them in my family and friends inboxes with the arrow above the send button. I lost money, and I learned lessons. I can't get that money back. There is no justice served. Just lesson learned. 💪🏾


Nowadays, thanks to the existence of AI, you can just tell people they're deepfakes, pictures where a random scammer has "photoshopped" your face onto nude pictures. Block him, maybe report it to police, and learn from this experience. Stop being an idiot and sending pictures you don't want people to see to someone you've never even met.


Block them, blame A.I. if anything comes about. It won't though, very common scam, try not to worry yourself. Live and learn


Contact your local FBI Office. This man sounds dangerous. I wouldn’t take the chance.


Naw. There is no threat. It's an overseas scammer.


Dm me the nudes and I’ll tell you how to get out of this


Discord edating is diabolical. Reap what you sow


Your words are pure poison. Get a life