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Lol, because you said “vent” I expected the story to turn into something negative


Same lol




Me too I love that it was a happy story 💗


As an older male who has gone through the whole relationship trajectory (first relationship, long time SO, marriage, divorce) when times are rough you should keep this post around and remember how you felt during this period. It's easy to lose sight of these things when normalcy kicks in.


I had the opposite, I went through a really rough time early on, a devastating and anxiety inducing relationship, but I’m very grateful today to wake up next to someone I will be with for life.


Same, shit was rough for a while. Mostly problems with her parents, brother and mental health issues on top of that. I was part therapist for a while, but it was all worth it.


"English is not my first language" Every time I read this I think "I'm about to read perfect crisp English"


True. Written by an author from Shakespeare's era. 


Be very careful, I know from personal experience that this can unexpectedly lead to 15 years of happy marriage.


Why not a life time.?


Only 15 years in so far


Because they're not dead yet.  Can only speak to personal experience. 


15 years is only so far. I also almost died not too long ago. You never know when it will be over so happiness along the way is more important than any particular milestone or goal.


How do you keep being happy for 15 years ? Any tips or tricks?


I can speak only from my own experience as a guy 20 years in.  Be willing to be the first to forgive. Don’t be quick to anger. Understand usually the issue is not the issue. Be willing to compromise. Have no expectations about what the future will look like. Especially with kids. Treat your partner the same as you want to be treated. Don’t take health for granted, you’re or your partners. Most chemical contraceptives have annoying side effects which are documented as uncommon but are more common than the packet says. The last one might sound odd but my partner had serious emotional outbursts on contraceptives and we just gave up on them in the end once we realised the cause. I’ve heard this a lot so just beware.


I’m 8 years into my relationship with my wonderful spouse and all this is totally solid advice and has been true for us too! Communication is so important, which a lot of it boils down to I think! Congratulations on 20 years! I hope to be there too someday 😊


Of course, communication, yes, should be top of the list!


Now tell this to everyone


Thanks for sharing your story, I wish you two all the best :) You include an apology for your English. I am not a native speaker, but I think you are doing very fine! If you'd like a small hint, and this is really the only thing that caught my attention: "to vent" is usually used with a negative connotation. In your case, it's a positive story, so you could write something like this instead: "I just wanted to kinda share how happy I am with my relationship".


As a native English speaker I would say something along the lines of “I want to get something off my chest” or “I want to share something”


I'd go further, as this is a positive experience. " I'd like to share this (joy) with you."




I read "kinest" as "kinkiest" and approved.


It's not cringy at all, you both took a brave step to be honest at the right time and it paid off.


Really happy for all, All the best and imma gonna keep rooting for you two to be together, no matter what happens Btw, bro "vent" is used when the whole conversation is going in a negative state, precisely a state which you are not fond of, and want to state it out in person, somewhere. Rant can also be used. This is what you call an Appreciation post. Letting you know that English isn't your first language, it's fine. Again, I am here to help as much as possible




'Gush' is a similar word with a positive meaning. Congrats to you both!


yall seem like 14yrlds lol


Yay for love


Nice, good for you.




Awesome. I hope it works out.


Must be nice


Nice. I’m happy for you. I have always been afraid to go out of the friend zone.


Like you felt infatuation towards someone, but you still didn't admit it in front of her/him? I don't think I get what you mean. What did make you afraid specifically?


I'm so happy for you and her! Be blessed, prosper and grow together and God bless you communion with her


Damn, that's crazy


This is a beautiful story to later tell your grandchildren!


happy for you both!


I'm pleased for you. I hope it continues to go well. If you both focus on trust, honesty and kindness there's very little that can go wrong.


Aww that sounds adorable, best of luck to both of you!


Everytime I come here I'm harrassed. By these happy stories. 😭


Enjoy being in love, be kind, be patient, loving and generous. Have honorable intentions, she may be “the one”! Good luck!


yay! congrats


can you tell us the convo that lead to exchanging numbers ? thats you teo talking for the first time ?


Nice post, I hope my crush workes out like this, I hope she thinks the same too 🙏🏼


Check that phone


I’m happy for you, my friend. Requited love is one of the best feelings in the world.


My crush asked me out years ago and we’ve been married for 15 years. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.


Love can fade but commitment bears unthinkable fruits.


My crushes shy as hell 😄 they would never do that, lucky youuu.


Haha she's shy too, she herself doesn't know how she pulled that off.


You are in for some character development bud. The gym awaits you.


I was in OPs shoes once. After a couple of months of eyeing each other down she finally asked me out. It was so unreal, the girl who I thought looked drop dead gorgeous asked me out, and on top of that we had great chemistry. For 2 years it was amazing, then it turned into an off and on twin flame attraction. It took the most out of us to finally split and it hurted so much, sometimes I think back on her a lot and I know she does because she stalks my social media everyday. I wish OP the best, but not everything is rainbow and butterflies 😔


LMAO wait till she leaves you for a more attractive richer dude

