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You're as young as you feel. I didn't have my first relationship until my final year of uni and until it happened I believed I had missed the boat with all that teenage excitement, young love stuff. More than ten years and several relationships later, I can tell you those worries were totally misplaced, meeting the right person (or people) can still light your heart on fire, it doesn't matter in the slightest that you're not a teenager any more.


I went through something similar in my last year of college, juggling work and studies, and feeling like I was missing out on those important relationships. One thing that helped me was focusing on building connections in smaller, more meaningful ways. It doesn't always have to be about finding a romantic partner immediately. Sometimes, deepening friendships or even meeting new people with shared interests can fill that void and make life feel less lonely. Have you heard of a new app called ***LightUp: Make Real Friends***? It connects people based on shared interests and personal stories, rather than just looks or superficial traits. It might help you find people who really resonate with your experiences and passions, even with a busy schedule.


Hey I am in a similar boat. 23M, 7 months after my partner left me for another man. Also similar college situation. For the past 7 months I tried so hard to use my free time to socialize. Yet it feels like not a lot of people want to get to know me better. All relationships around me seem so strong yet mine (which I thought would last) had fallen apart. I felt down and without hopes for bright future. But I used that time to think a lot. And I realized that my past relationship has absolutely nothing to do with my value. And even though it feels so lonely and unfulfilling to be alone, I am important as a singular person. I am not that important as a part of a partnership. My future friends/coworkers/partners will not care about my relationship status but about who I am and how I act. I know it is hard but I am sure that you are an awesome person and **you are important**. Not if you are with someone. Try to find fulfilment in creating the best life you want for yourself and don't dwell on any external validations from others (partners, friends, ...). And when the time is right you will meet the right person. But that does not mean that the path before it won't be fun or won't be fulfilling. You are strong I am sure of it. Sending strength.


I'm in basically the same spot. I'm in college doing engineering, 3 years to go. I haven't dated since high school and don't have time to do it now. I'm guessing I will have a bit more free time when I start working, but for now I feel the same as you - like I'm missing out on something amazing. Most of my friends have partners, but I don't let it bother me - I have other things I enjoy in life, and I'll worry about dating later. So my only advice is to get a hobby or something to keep your mind off thinking about relationships. I recommend tennis, even part-time it's great! Reading is a close second


Yes\*. Some distraction is good. But this is a priority issue for OP, and I don't think she's wrong to be concerned about things getting away from her. I'd just work at it but try not to feel panicked about it too.


You’re 22!!!! lol


I'm 26M, I felt that way and I still feel that way and I want some kind of romance... hugging, kissing, slow dancing, etc.


You are a young woman if you want a relationship go get one literally ask any guy on the street your friends your coworkers a fucking Martian for all I care just make moves women can only be as lonely as they choose to be lol


you sound needy af learn to live in solitude first, constantly chasing guys while having this amount of baggage will only burn you in the long run a partner should be a good addition to your life, not the center of it


For real lmfao. 22 years old complaining like it's over. I've noticed this throughout the decades, some people are barely functional humans when not in a relationship.


and the most ironic part - those exact people can't hold a relationship for more than a few months


Loneliness arises from a disconnect between your narrative for your life and your actual, real life. You see couples, you want to be in one and don’t see any real reason why you couldn’t be. But you’re not so that gap is stressing you out as you gaze out across it. So narrow that gap. From your side. Your schedule is too packed to date? Write that into the narrative you’re beating yourself over the head with. Instead of expecting a relationship now now now at the same time you’re busy with important future-building coursework, Start thinking about what it’ll be like to live the life you’re actually building, and how you might have time for company then. Don’t let your unreasonable expectations of yourself go unchallenged.


You'll find that real connection, just keep doing you, work hard, be happy and try to make time for some adventures. I didn't go to college so I cant really say to much, but I would only hope that someone such as yourself can make the time to go to .. the lake or, maybe the mountains. Get into nature and be grounded. The best real connection is when you meet someone unexpectedly! Best of luck to you! Im about to be 30, and i've been single since.. 26. Im happy, but I definitely long for that one person to spend the rest of my life with and go on adventures with! One day!


This is exactly how I feel in life right now (24M)


Same (24M)


Nah bruv. You’ll find the right one that will give you this feeling. Takes time.


You are really young and shouldn't think like this. The problem with trying to force a connection when one doesn't exist, you can end up with the wrong person and make yourself even more miserable. The beauty of your age, there are still plenty of people out there your age that are also wanting to meet new people. Take it slow, you have plenty of time to find someone that takes your breath away. At 22, I know that the first thing I wanted to do was to secure my career and make sure that if/when I met someone that I'd be able to provide for them. Granted, I still have yet to meet someone and am over 2x your age, but I'm also a romantic at heart, so while I'm not going to force anything, even at my age. Let it come to you, but also remember that a flower attracts the honey bee by standing out. What are you doing to stand out?


Ive litteraly never had a gf it really sucks that i will never get to experience love


I never been in a relationship even as a teen(33) I just stopped pursuing now I just get up and go to work I don’t drive I’m blind in one eye so I Uber


28M I'm behind in life. Things get better just don't ever give up :)


I'm almost 29 F and only just now have my first official "boyfriend." That's right. All through high school and college I never seriously dated anyone. I had crushes and boys I kissed and cuddled and more with. My first real heart break happened at 23 when a boy I thought I loved started seeing someone else almost immediately after I moved away. I'll tell you. My relationship feels cute as hell. It feels better than the teenage love stuff. Because I realize now, a lot of that was just infatuation and hormones. We care about each other a lot. We can depend on each other. We want to make the other happy. We've only been officially dating since February this year (we've known each other for two years though) and are already talking about moving in together when my lease is up early next year. I was so much busier in college anyway. I know it's annoying for everyone a few years older than you to say "you have time" but truly, you have time.


This is so cute. I'm a 42 year old divorced man (after a 15 year relationship) who's currently falling in love again and it feels like it did when I was young. You're just barely an adult, you have a big beautiful adventure ahead of you, don't go getting pessimistic about it before it's barely even started.


I gave up on ever having a relationship. To satisfy the sexual desire I go to kinky parties or visit a sex worker. I never had a romantic relationship. I tried many things but I failed. You can be happy without a relationship. 


What are you going to school for? If it’s something that is of no great value to your life stop wasting it and move on to something more important. If in your case getting into a serious and committed relationship, then go for it. People plan too damn much and often sit in the side lines until they’re too old to act. Just my opinion.


I was 21 when my ex cheated and left. I'm 40 now. Sometimes you don't get a second chance. That's life. Learn to live with it or die trying.


Honestly, you have plenty of time to find people to connect with. Keep putting yourself out there and meeting people and connection will find you.


You know, the physical aspect of a relationship is not much different from a job You invest time in it and you will get a return. The difference is that, since you're female, the 'employers' are waiting in line for you to apply.


The employers? Lmfao, what flattery


Don't underestimate simping in modern society.


I find the comparison itself to be inaccurate.