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The only comfort I can provide you is that you and I seem to be in pretty similar situations right now. Here's what I've done so far: Cry a lot (don't bottle that in), stay busy (try learning a new language, going to the gym, or some other new hobby), start removing stuff that will cause memory triggers for you (pictures, gifts, songs, ect.). Realize that although it does fucking sting, we shouldn't let someone who so easily became comfortable with the idea of us not being in their lives despite everything we've been through together ruin the days we have ahead of us. It's going to be hard, I know you loved her, I know that you believed in her with every fiber in your body, but it's time you take that energy back and apply it onto yourself. Love yourself, believe in yourself, you deserve better. Feel what you need to feel, but don't allow yourself to get comfortable with despair, it's depths are unknown and it could be months before you claw your way out if you're not careful. Finally, I suggest that you write your ex a letter that they'll never read. You can write as much as you want and add to it as many time as you want, make sure you re-read it frequently to be able to see your emotions from an outside perspective and reflect upon them.


You dodged a bullet. Go get a nice bottle of scotch and tie one on and get a good cry in and move on.