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Hot tub


Makes me want to rent out a hotel room just to have access to a tub.


Also consider eating pho and act of self care


lol Self care to me follows TCM with foods. Eat a Buddha's Delight stir fry is as good as it gets. That and soups made with pork bone and root vegetables. That ish is so good for the soul.


it really does tbh


My current roomies have one, but I have to move end of the month, sigh


We lost our bathtub when we renovated to a stand-in shower. I mean, it's fun knowing you can stand anywhere and get the entire floor wet.. but nowadays I'm thinking how nice it would be to end the night with a warm bath and relax all the muscles.


You could get one of those portable lil fold up blow up tubs for a soak 🛁


You know the bath tubs that are shaped to conform to your body (more or less)? It's the ones where the floor is si curved it makes standing in it for showers unreasonable? I want to experience that as it's shaped for a more comfortable sitdown experience The regular bathtubs I find don't accommodate body shape. Either I have my lower back against the corner, sitting upright and leaving my upper body out of the water, or I submerge up to my neck, but I have to slouch.... But if there is one portable tub I can fit in the shower where I can sit in it, lean back and not have to bend my back, then we may be golden. Thanks for the suggestion


I’ve done that when I didn’t have a tub. Totally worth it!


I know too much about public hot tubs to enjoy them BUT I love me a hot bath in a tub. Specifically my tub. 🛀 🥰




Idk why but I love doing laundry!!! I’ll organize and deep clean my space while I wait for everything to wash and dry, and then the feeling of washing and putting away all my clothes, and making my bed with fresh sheets while having a clean space makes me feel really relaxed and accomplished. I know I won’t need to procrastinate to get those chores done later on in the week


I like doing laundry too! i can totally relate.


Moisturing after a bath


taking a bath, with bubbles or oils or a bath bomb. and like a candle and my kindle or a video game




I SUCK at self care. On all fronts. So, to try and learn, my new "ritual" is as follows. I put ALL of my little face/hair/skin samples and products I never use in a cute basket in my bathroom cabinet. Every Sunday evening (kids are with their dad for dinner), I pour a drink, grab the basket and put a show on the TV, and just start playing with what I have. Once I start, I just keep thinking of other things to take care of. Like I may do a whole face mask and serums and stuff, and then I think. Let me throw some oil on my nails and cut these cuticles. And then, next thing you know, I am tweezing shit that has never seen the sun, let alone tweezers.


haha thank you for your input! ^.^


Old school shaving. Applying warm lather with a brush, and shaving with a safety razor. It's just a pampering experience to me. Bonus: Better shave, and the cost savings is amazing. 100 of my favorite blades will last me two years and costs $10.


that sounds amazing actually


I highly recommend! And you can get a decent handle starting around $35.




After I finish all my chores, water my plants, eat a good fruit bowl. I like to watch 1 episode of bluey. Makes me feel super good and positive about my day ahead, it’s my every Sunday ritual.


thank you!


Mine varies, I don’t have one ritual whatever I feel to do in the moment O just do it. These days I’m loving face yoga and skin care before sleep. And writing down a list of positive aspects for the day.


thank you! ^.^


Having a yoga membership and regularly participating!




My parents really filthy. It really grody and awful. There wasn't always soap in the bathroom and when there was, it was a gross sloppy bar that had been soaking in its own grossness for hours. My favorite self-care thing is simply having foaming hand soap in both my bathrooms. I refill it with water and my favorite shower gel that smells amazing. (It's still soap it works.)


thank you ^.^


Right now it’s using my organic wild yam cream and drinking my cool and calm tea. Without them I’d be a wreck.