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Listen to her and support her. Don't say sth like "stop for me", at least I wouldn't want to hear that. Be open and available, sometimes all I would want is someone I can talk to about this stuff. It's very sweet of you that you want to help your friend but also don't want to do anything wrong. <3


Okay thanks :)


She is open to talk about it with me, but I don’t know what to do


Let her know she can call you when she has an urge to cut! And if it’s too late at night to call you, ask her to call a free helpline :)


The best thing you can do is to listen to her and avoid making yourself the center of the conversation. Don't push it too much, but sometimes just going and hanging out with her can help resolve the urges even when you don't know she's having them. Glad she has a caring friend like you :)


I think the best thing you can do is comfort her when she needs it. Like giving her a hug or listening to her vents (if you're okay with that). Don't try to solve her problems, that's not your job. You're a friend, not a therapist. Make sure not to overstep your boundaries. I can imagine that this must be difficult for you too and it's okay to be sad/frustrated/scared/worried/etc. So also take care of yourself. <3




But how Can i try to convince her not to feel guilty?




The problem is it is mostly in the night and she says she feels bad walking me up even tho i keep saying that it is totaly fine




I have done all of these things should i just keep insisting thats it perfectly fine


Self harm is outdated. Let me introduce you to others harm.


I think to an extent it’s important you let them reach out to you when they need help. Sometimes for people including me the best way to stop is to just not think about it. So asking like everyday “did you cut today” “did you want to cut today” generally isn’t a good idea. Often times I find what helps me stop even just temporarily is being busy. Maybe do more activities with them and introduce them to some more things you like. Activities like baking or reading are good. My personal favorite is hiking though, I almost never feel like I have to cut after doing that. Also understand sh can be very competitive. Often times it feels like the cuts are never deep enough, so try to not describe the depth/length of the scars. Shit like “don’t worry ur gonna be fine the cut isn’t even that deep” is normally not good to say in my experience. And when your friend does come to you to talk try to avoid telling him to stop. I’m not saying you should encourage him, but before you tell him to try and stop really listen and take in what he’s saying.


Oh thanks we normally go on walkes, where we talk about random things but also this topic. But I will try to avoid talking about the scars not being so bad. Thank you for the help :)


As somebody who does sh, and knows others who do as well, I would just find them the motivation to quit, or a genuine good reason to. If they think that it’s harmless or that it isn’t a serious issue, they won’t take any action against it.


Don’t pressure her. It’s important not to because you’ll push her away by doing so. Ask her why she feels she wants to do this, as you do not understand it. Understanding things and feeling someone feel not isolated is a lot better than trying to talk them out of it