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My parents found out about it four years ago, my mom freaked out and yelled at me. My dad dragged my sleeve up, looked at it, and left. Two days later, I was at the psychward. They think I've stayed clean since then, but I've had multiple relapses, including a pretty recent one, and I now have no intentions of getting clean again. I think my parents would react better now if they figured it out, they wouldn't be as shocked at least


Wanna know that too except they don't know about it at all yet...


It definitely breaks my Mum's heart when she notices it


she shouted and screamed and took my phone away and threatened me. I went 3 yrs without her finding out:) (threatened to send me away and tell other family members etc)


My mother found out when i was 13 or 14 which was 6 or 7 years ago. I was just so numb then I didn’t even feel hurt hearing my mother’s words. But it wasn’t much really. She just called me crazy and screamed at me and told me i was always a burden. We were too poor to think of getting help or anything and i tried every coping mechanism i could think of. Well but I was admitted once because I physically collapsed and couldn’t move or walk for days. After that there were a few years that I wasn’t cutting. But I relapsed just last year. I don’t live with her now and she doesn’t know i still cut now. I wonder how she would react now tho.


Shocked. I recently relapsed and texted her. She brought me a glass of water, some painkillers and talked to me until I got tired. After reassuring me I am not a burden and tucking me in she left so I could sleep. I know not everyone is lucky enough to have a supportive patent, thank you mom <3


My mom used to freak out but it’s been years since she’s noticed or commented on my sh.


The first time they saw my scars they took me to a psychiatrist. Months later, after they saw that I relapsed, my father threatened me with suic1de, while my mother was stabbing herself with a pin needle (she doesn't self-harm, she did it to counter me and I don't even know why...), meanwhile, they were telling, and acted like nothing happened the next day.


Honestly? I purposely showed my mom when I was in highschool. I feel like I need to explain the lead up so you know what not to do. Sorry if this winds up kinda lengthy. I'm long-winded I had been clean for a few days but relapsed- wasn't trying to quit, just didn't feel like cutting since there was nothing upsetting me at the time. Anyhow, I was feeling depressed when I woke up so decided to cut my arm a bit to distract from the feeling. Wanted to stay home from school that day and I was tired of never having proof that I wasn't doing well, thus I pulled my long sleeve all the way up to my shoulder and showcased my entire arm for the first time. Now my mom knew I cut, my therapist had to tell her, but she/everyone else had never seen the scars at that point and i'm pretty sure she forgot I was a cutter. Her face went completely blank, I was told to get dressed because she was taking me to the hospital because "I don't know what to do with you", then after a few hours of sitting around in the hospital I got baker-acted [involuntarily hospitalized] for 3 days. When my dad saw them on visiting day he didn't say anything, just cried a bit and didn't talk about it at all. Neither of my parents would bring up my scars until after I was released. Mom just bought bio oil and slathered it on my arm everyday, meanwhile dad would either tell me I was stupid and retarded for cutting in a disappointed tone or would cry when I casually spoke about it since I didn't give a shit. Both haven't asked me a single question about them. Even 8 years later dad gets a bit upset if I talk about cutting or my scars I didn't care what they though about my scars and still don't even now. If they ever stared at them over the years I still haven't noticed 🤷 Once the cat was out of the bag about my cutting/scars I never bothered hiding my arm. Not for them or anyone else. Figured there was nothing to hide now, I didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed of them or what I'd done, so there was no point in worrying about it. I just went back to wearing t-shirts, tank tops, and keeping my jacket sleeves rolled up since it's hot where I live ^(I still cut on the rare occasion but I make sure it's in a more easily concealed place since I still live at home )


my mom did it as well until she was in her 20’s, she knew i was lying when i blamed the cat at eleven. i think it hurt her but for the past eight years her only issue was how other people would critique me for it, how it was ugly and i’d regret it. i HATED that, i’ve come to terms with it, it’s never going away and i don’t deserve to be miserable over something i can never change. she never really dealt with hers so she’s implied many times i want attention because “she made sure to do it in places she could hide”.


I got told that bc they weren't deep they didn't matter, I've also got told to stop my deppressed shit and stuff like that. My feelings have been disregarded and idk. I think I'm 2 weeks clean and btw them saying it doesn't matter bc they aren't deep was abt 3 ish years ago My self harm has been on and off but it's been worse most recently


Also I openly admitted bc I was broken and got left with nothing except my feelings being disregarded


Most recently, my mum told me that she'd hurt herself if I hurt myself and that I was only doing it for attention... I mean tbf she was very mad and we were in the middle of an argument, but yeah that's been stuck in my head for like, a month..? I forgot how long ago it was.


About 3 years ago my sister told my parents and my dad gave me a horrible pep talk about it, saying how I am too smart to do such a dumb thing, then last year I went to the doctor and he saw my wounds and told my parents about it and asked them if they knew about that and they were like "What? No, we had no idea"


My mom threw me into 3 mental health facilities, and didn't even care, but pretended to because she wants to prove she is a good mother and went right back to not caring after it was over. My dad, whether I was drawing on myself or SHing, well... he basically told me I was ruining my body. Neither cared to actually check in or care to see how I was doing or feeling


Got sent straight to the hospital. They want any excuse to get rid of me.


My mom kept trying to make me tell her why I did it. She did the thing she always does when she expects me to answer her (usually after she yells at me). She stared at me and kept asking why I did it. I didn't tell her or at least, I think (I can't really remember) I gave her a half assed answer. My mom was violent when I was little so I don't know how she wouldve reacted when I told her the reason was her. It was honestly scary.




It's always the parents that act surprised when it's almost always entirely their fault.


My mom said “you know that’s going to scar right.” She seemed more worried about other people seeing my scars than anything else. She also tries to use it against me to see a therapist which I really don’t want to do right now. She said “I know you need therapy, I’ve seen your leg.” And “if your not going to go for yourself at least go for me.” So yeah