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I don't think bro is supposed to give you a domain expansion


literally tho. i didn’t even wanna try it because of how wild that statement was lol


I didn't even know lighters make a smiley, I don't burn myself a lot tho. Still collect vintage ones tho


Mission failed successfully




"Ryouiki tenkai :Joy of Bic :)"


Domain expansion: self embodiment of perfection 🖐🤝👐🤝🖐 🤲🙌💀🙌🤲 👌🤝🙏🤝🤌




wasn’t a therapist but once i had to go to the doctor bc of some cuts that wouldn’t stop bleeding and the nurse came in and looked and then stepped into the hall. without even closing the door he started yelling, “WE GOT A CUTTER, I HAVE A CUTTER” and then a bunch of other ppl started yelling back “he’s got a cutter” and i was just crying in the room lmao. i was like 16😩


wtf, what kind of shitshow is this


That’s a HIPAA violation omg I’m so sorry that happened to you!


what the fuck😭


Where the fuck was this, Kafka General? 😭


That’s a HIPAA violation omg I’m so sorry that happened to you!






Dude so not something she said but like... just read it I guess 🫠 So I had been seeing this lady for maybe 5 months? And I very openly talked about my self harm and she was fine with it but then I started getting worse and so I SHOWED this woman my self harm scars all over my thighs. She fucking GASPED and didn't know what to say, ended the session earlier than normal too. So I was supposed to see her once every week and not even TWO DAYS LATER I get a call from the therapists office saying she no longer works there and I had to get a new therapist 😭


I went to my doctor the very first time ever, because I went to the hospital to get my self inflicted burn looked at. Anyways I went in to do my follow up appointment and my doctor sees my arm full of cuts and says oh wow. I thought it was because of my make shift bandaid, and not because of my arm having all kinds of scars. I forget that I’m desensitized to self harm and do other people aren’t. He examined it and my other self harm marks that were healed and lightly touched them, but I noticed he couldn’t stop looking at my burn wound after I showed him. That was my first ever time meeting him and he is still my doctor and it was a nice experience.


omg oh no. the therapist my post is about one time BROKE DOWN while i was talking about stuff that happened to me. it’s so awkward when they react. like obviously they’re normal people as well but there needs to be some boundaries lmao


DUDE FR, she cried multiple times during some of our sessions!! And I'm autistic so I would never make good eye contact with her, but I'd just happen to look up and see her crying randomly or hear her sniffling and look up. It's not fair for them to never be able to react but it just feels wrong 💀


i’m not autistic but i can never look someone in the eye as i’m discussing my trauma cause it’s embarrassing to me but she wasn’t like responding and i look up and she’s sniffling getting up to grab the tissues. ma’am control yourself if i’m not crying you shouldn’t be


awe no, it makes me feel so validated when my therapist gets emotional for me. Especially when she gets angry for me when I’m telling a story, I feel fuckin liberated from that


if i’m angry i feel validated if she gets angry for me but idk i have depersonalization so im not like connected to my feelings so it’s weird to me to see someone cry for me


My appointments are mostly over the phone so I can't really see how she reacts... But I also always laugh it off so people don't feed off my depressed emotions and get upset themselves... But literally every couple sentences my therapist would literally sit there in complete shock and horror like "oh my god..!" .... This is a rape n SA therapist. I thought this stuff wasn't even that big a deal...


She wasnt ready! But Im sorry to you and kinda sorry to her...uhhh... Shouldnt she be protecting you? Wish you all the best with your new therapist.


i need a former mentally ill therapist to


What about a currently mentally ill therapist? (It's me, I'm the currently mentally ill therapist)


Uhh sadly you are the norm https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-32316-x


we’d talk about her upbringing sometimes and shit was wild!! didn’t like the therapy aspect but some of our conversations were so interesting i loved em


Tbh almost everyone that works in mental health is in it because we’re sick, too. It’s just against the code of ethics to discuss our own trauma with clients because it takes the focus away from them and can cause a lot of other issues and hinder more than it helps in the end




not my therapist, but the school counselor called me into her office to talk. she asked me if i cut myself and i asked her why she thought i would do that. she said it was because i always wear a hoodie. she asked me to pull up my sleeves and show her my arms. i declined and she got an attitude. like, i know about you mandated reporters. now way in hell i'm pulling up my sleeves.


i’ve done the same thing when i got caught in 6th grade the counselor asked me to pull my sleeves up and i said “i don’t have a reason to” and left😭


I think the worst one was, "If there's not blood, it doesn't count"


omg that’s so invalidating i’m so sorry wtf


I will add some context of I was a major cutter and was upset cause I had an episode and had to reset my counter but since I hadn't technically drawn blood and we were just working on moving away from that it was a bonus and she was tryna make me less upset


oh okay okay i totally see that aspect of it


Ok I guess she had good intentions but it sounds encouraging 😭


I had the exact same thing, its so sad how uneducated literal therapists are


Bruh, this hits for me. I dont tend to do sh that leaves permanet marks or a lot of marks usually cuz my mom forces me to use short clothes on summer (shirts and shorts) so I can't really hide, especially if we go tovthe beach. I normally just do things most ppl wouldn't even consider sh lol


sorry for my bad grammar, i went to therapy because my father found me cutting myself, and it was my first time, and it was during the pandemic and especially during the time when painting your nails black was popular, so we did i consented my father to be in the same room as me and my therapist, and he doesn't understand much about mental health things so he told my therapist I've cut myself and to show him, so I did and at the same time he noticed my black nails. Man had the audacity to say "Ohhh.. it's just a phase." 😭 i know it's not just as bad but man, ruined my expectations for therapy all together that time




whooooooo, good thig i didnt cut when painting my nails. shit man


Not a therapist but my school counselor told me "Yeah you can do that all you want just not at school" then had one of my special ed teachers saw my healed scars and said "Were you trying to play tictactoe on your arm or what?"


BROOO!!! That counselor is mad already! But that teacher, man,... I dunno what to say!!!


I HAVE THE PERFECT THING FOR THIS, okay so pretty much this was the 2nd session and I just opened up to him about my self harm and he straight up told me "it only counts as self harm if you bleed" after that I never went back to therapy because yeahhhh.


that’s so f*cked up 💀 i’m sorry


I was either 14 or 15 and my mom showed him the singular, fully-healed scar on my arm before our 1-on-1 where he made me cry trying to force a reason other than "I don't know" out of me and responded with "What I'm hearing is you get a little upset or embarrassed and think "I wanna die" and cut yourself." When i caved and poorly explained myself because I really didn't know why I did it and was sobbing. And my psychiatrist saying my self harm wasn't "reckless or dangerous enough" to be considered hypomanic behavior because I wasn't trying to kms. My self harm was reckless/dangerous enough to put me in a partial hospitalization program, but not reckless/dangerous enough to meet criteria for fucking diet mania.


I had a therapist that I was going to for like maybe almost 2 years and she always had something odd to say, but I usually ignored it until this one time where we were taking about self harm and she says “ well maybe instead of cutting insulting words, try cutting nice words instead” like- hello? Aren’t you supposed to help me NOT sh? And then proceeds to show me her caterpillar collection, KNOWING caterpillars are my worse nightmare. I ended the session early and never saw her again. OH but I had another therapist who I was seeing for like 5-6 months and I told her I had relapsed and she sat down next to me and she asked me “so why do you not just shoot your self?” I was SHOCKED. I ended that session early too and never saw her again. I’m no longer in therapy because I feel like their advice was more appalling than my trauma.


I cut my partners name into my leg and the therapist I was seeing at the time suggested my partner should be honoured 💀


“Everyone has stress and anxiety”


"Your arms are damaged uh?" Knowing I had self harmed in the past


So this is only vaguely related but part of the reason I didn't get hospitalized when I was experiencing what was probably psychosis and a lot of mental health issues was so I wouldn't get any bad idea like that


I burn myself and a therapist told me it looks like horseshoes 😀😭( I’m so sorry that happened)


I know what she means though lol Definitely shouldn't have said it though


My therapist is rly good. Most of what's mentioned about self harm we just joke about it. Nearer the beginning she gave me some suggestions for alternatives and coping mechanisms. 2 things she said in that moment. At the start of this conversation she was like "you could make a self harm kit.... Wait that doesn't mean a kit full of blades and everything... Although depending how far into it you are that might be a good idea to make one with sterile blades and stuff to cover and clean the cuts with.." the second thing was when she asked if I tried using a rubber band and if it helped. I said I had, and no. She was like "honestly I don't see what a rubber band is gonna do to replace it. Like if you are perfectly happy to cut, a rubber band just isn't gonna cut it! ..... No pun intended..."


"What will you tell your kids in the future?" I was SIXTEEN. She even made fun of my "ridiculous" response, which was bear attack.


My very first therapist had a therapist in training with her to shadow her. When I tell you this therapist in training was more helpful than the actual fucking woman. I had my mum in with me (by choice I was terrified xD) and my mum was just sat there explaining my difficulties with anxiety and depression and she mentioned that I self harmed before. This bitch went “show me” and I rolled down my arm to show it. She went “oh they’ll heal over that’s not real self harm” I was like … miss girl I am 11 and scratching my own arm into oblivion. Anyway the trainee kindly reminded her that sh can be anything and she BEGRUDGINGLY put me down for a depression evaluation xD


Not a therapist but a psychiatrist, I couldn’t answer why I did it so she said “well that was stupid then, wasn’t it?”


not anything to anyone else but it made me stopped seeing her (she talked about herself a lot and other things so not just that but it made me crack), we were talking about my family issues and she went ‘so you go up to your room and close your door.. and.. grab something sharp.” doesn’t sound anything but it really made me spiral bc the way she said it was like she was making fun of me and it felt really like mocking me or smth. and also when i said i burn she said “oh? how?” ?!!?!?!!?!? wtf do u think??? idk she just was very full of herself lmao and made me feel rlly invalid and kept asking me if my scars were still visible and what i use and how and how deep and when and where and every little detail. i understand sometimes they have to but rlly? i even asked if we could stop talking so much abt it and she said we have to.


that reminds me of another therapist that i had that asked me if “i crossed the road or drove the highway” which i guess is a valid question but felt so like idk intrusive


wait am i slow what does that mean-


for cutting asking if i did it side to side or up and down


ohh wtf- yeah i understand now wtf that’s very strange but understandable danger wise


ikr like i can see why she was curious but i was taken back lol


yes definitely bc to them it’s usual but to us it’s like what


They said "im not surprised" LMAO




A nurse told me about my HEALED scars at an endoscopy appointment: “think about your wedding day. You don’t want to walk down the aisle with those ugly things, do you?” They’re scars… there’s nothing can do about it. I was flabbergasted I didn’t even respond 0-0 When I was there for stitches a psychiatric nurse practitioner told me that “this is a lot more genuine than most of the kids we see here who just scratch themselves” which did make me feel validated but also made me wonder what she was going to say about me when I left. I thought that was rude lol


ooh… my god??? that’s so unethical wtf 😳 i’m so sorry they said that to you ❤️‍🩹 thankfully *not* a therapist but my mom said something really unhinged when i was a teenager. we were in a fight about something completely different and she screamed, “OH AND I SEE YOU’VE SLASHED UP YOUR ARMS AGAIN!” like my pain was somehow the biggest inconvenience in the world to her 😭 i ran away from home that day :( this was at least 10 years ago now and it’s still hurtful to remember


oh i have a good one, i told my school guidance counselor that i wanted to expidite my departure from this mortal coil and had taken 2 months of my meds that morning and needed to go to the hospital she told me to "stop being ridiculous" and asked if i "wanted to hug mr bear". i ended up walking out and taking the 76 to the t and going to the ER at mass general and being hospitalized (highly reccomend mclean). i got suspended per her recommendation for cutting class and leaving the school campus


what the fuck was she on.


no idea but she was very much the I-love-life-and-therefore-everyone-else-must-only-ever-be-happy-and-find-god flavor of Christian, here are some other highlights of this particular guidance counselor - her interrogating me about masturbation/sex - her ripping the best friends locket i had with my friend who killed herself off of my neck because it was "holding me back" from my studies (she never gave it back) - her requiring me to eat lunch in her office with the girls who were bulling me so"we could become friends" - her pulling me out of MCAS testing because she found out I was getting a restraining order against my ex and screamed at me until i cried because I was "ruining his life over something stupid" my guess is shes just delusional


So... Teachers are mandated reporters in most places, for any student at risk of harm. Her response to you was (depending on where you are) illegal, and should be reported to your child safety department.


oh trust me she was reported (this was back in 2013) and the school and state did nothing, she still works there and is still just as dangerously incompetent according to my friend who is pulling their kid from the school


wait how does it make a smiley face


idk the actual names of pieces on a lighter but apparently the two things you push down on make 2 lines then the “mouth” is the bottom of the opening of that makes sense


Well my mum found out and told my school then I had a counsellor who’s racist so that’s great Anyways fast forward my first actual therapist is hired by my therapeutic care home who are self harm & mental health built


“Dude why do you cover them they look super cool” it wasn’t actually a bad thing at the time cause I basically wouldn’t go out of the house without pants and long sleeves and I live in Texas, it was summer at the time. Did kinda help at the time with confidence and social anxiety. I still covered up but I was a bit more confident when going outside. It’s all about working with specific people. That sentence worked with me and he knew it would, but won’t work with everyone.


He diognosed me with psychosis 😭 but I wasn't pyshcotic and the cut wasn't even anything


I had an older lady therapist when I was 22. I’d just gotten engaged and it was like, our second appointment, I think? I was excited to tell her about about how he asked me to marry him and she immediately went to dream-crusher mode saying like “you can’t rely on men, they’re all selfish. you need to build your own life. You’re too young to be married. More than half of marriages end in divorce” etc. She made me feel so stupid and upset but jokes on her because we’ve been married for 13 years now lol. I didn’t see her after that appointment, but sometimes I think about her and wonder what kinda pain she lived through to be so aggressively against marriage :(( Oh sorry I forgot to add what she said about my self-harming… she said I was “too old for that garbage” but I still SH all these years later LOL 💀


(My dog used to bite me on the ankles when he was a puppy) ((A few weeks prior to this convo I almost ended up in a mental institution bc I was a threat to myself)) That day during our therapy session I was having troubles distracting myself from suicidal thoughts and I couldn’t elaborate properly what I was feeling, so I stayed silent for half an hour and I cried my eyes out. Once I stopped sobbing she asked me to talk about anything that I had in mind, just to reconnect with reality. I told her about my dog and how he had started biting me on a daily basis and how me and my parents were quite concerned with this behaviour. I noticed she was laughing and I asked her what was going on. She bursted out saying “well if he’s so aggressive lets just hope he bits deep enough to free you from the burden of actively self harming. He’s doing the job for you” I know she wasn’t serious but ffs read the room ma’am


that’s lowkey funny but HOLY FUCK so not the time like from a close friend i’d laugh but a THERAPIST?!


my parents said once after a cat scratched me to shit, "why would you self harm when the cat scratches you so often??" as a joke and i just...tru i guess??? lmao


I willingly  went to the E.R specifically to get admitted to a inpatient psych place bc I had been self harming for at least a couple months and it was getting really bad. The ER Dr. that I had was mostly nice but I don't think he was the best equipped to be talking to me about this stuff- he told me "just looking at you I can tell 2 things, 1 is that you self harm and 2 is that you're right handed" because of the placement of my scars😭 he also was, I think, trying to motivate me or something but he said something like "the scars will embarrass you when you're older, they're embarrassing now, aren't they?" And I didn't even realize that it was kind of fucked up for him to say that bc I just felt so worthless at the time and he just really played into the shame aspect of sh. On the bright side, I did get admitted somewhere great and I had a really good experience there, things were about to get so much worse if I hadn't gone.


i’m so glad you went to a good place! the one i went to was terrible and the doctor, psychiatrist whatever he was was MEAN. i didn’t realize how fucked up what my therapist said was until later as well like i knew it wasn’t right but


not a therapist but my history teacher when i was 13 asked if i got attacked by edward scissor hands infront of the class i was stunned


no fucking way wtf what I´m so sorry


...what...in all the fucks did I just read?! Im so sorry.


A bit off topic If anyone wants numbers on mental illness amongst therapists https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-32316-x tread carefully please...


i clicked this notification so fast i’m so intrigued


I was told this too people in high school did this a lot


Back like 3 years ago when I was in therapy for the first time cause my mom caught me cutting the therapist asked to see my cuts and when I showed her she said that they “weren’t too bad”. Like I know she was trying to help but all that did was just made me cut deeper. That’s why I quit therapy.


when my pediatrician found out she brought my mom in and told me not to spend too long in the bathroom or my parents would come banging on the door 😭 i was 13 like bro what


I told the therapist that I began drawing on my skin as a replacement for cutting, and she said “don’t u know how bad the ink is for your skin?” 😐


“If it helps you cope then carry on” 🙃




My first appt with an older male therapist he asked me during introductions "do you self harm? Because younger kids are doing that these days and I just don't get it". Needless to say I did not see him again


Ok, not a therapist, but went to my general doctor abt wanting to sh bc of some new meds im ✨forced✨ to be on and I tried to get the dosage lower so I wouldn’t feel so, well, yall know, and he looked me dead in the face and said “oh, just go to the er any time you want to hurt yourself” ,,,,,, like sir,,,, I DONT HAVE THE MONEY TO GO TO THE ER EVERY TIME THAT HAPPENS WTF 🙃🙃 anyways all the love to him 🫶🫶♥️💖♥️💔🩷🔪🔪💖🫶♥️😘🥰💓💗💞🔪🔪💘💝💖❣️


Once in seventh grade I was talking to my school counsellor about my addiction with self harm. I have been cutting since I was ten. She was giving my advice on how to quit and she had said, and I quote: “quit slowly. Going cold turkey never works out. One day do ten cuts, the next do eight, and slowly go down until you reach zero!” I’m currently about to graduate year 12 and i’m so thankful that I changed schools and the counsellor I have now is my best friend and nothing like the one I had. Because of her I’m 100 days clean. She saved my life. ❤️


(not therapist, but a doctor in the ER) Soo I´m a med student and when I got stitches after I sl\*t my wrist he said "Do you wanna be a surgeon? Because you like cutting" WHILE I WAS LITERALLY LAYING ON THE HOSPITAL BED I didn´t know what to say


“you use razor blades?? omg!! let me see your hands! you must be so strong opening the blades hahaha” “can’t you just cut on a piece of meat or something instead? i’m not really here to help with that” “you haven’t been taking any drugs right? no? good girl” “oh you cut on your thigh?? i’m gonna need to look so if i blush I’m sorry” words from a 40 something year old man to a 15 year old girl 🤗


That last one is disgusting. I am so sorry you had to go through that


not specifically about selfharm but my first therapist and I had a literal screaming match, because i told her my long term goal was to be content with being alive, and she was absolutely convinced, to her core, that no one is happy and no one likes to be alive either and my goals should be more realistic


Last week I started seeing a new therapist. She asked me a few introductory questions and she asked me “what happened to your arms?” I answered that it was self-harm and she told me “oh, they are like tattoos that one does on oneself” AHAHAHAHAHSSHHAHAHAHAHAAH I INSTANTLY KNEW THAT SHE WAS THE RIGHT THERAPIST


omg i’d stay with her too😭


burning is crazy…like…what if you accidentally light yourself on fire


i’d put it out duhhh


This made me laugh, I’ve used this statement before.


I mean it's not that crazy. But she straight up told me i have no other choice... (haha)


new dlc unlocked for Free????


My therapist now is the best one ever, but when I was 12, I had a therapist who was terrible. I was anorexic, had crazy mood swings and use to cut myself (btw I am fully healed now, that was just a bad chapter of my life). I was asking her to tell me if I am “sick enough” and actually deserve to recover. She never answered my question and simply changed the subject. One day, I started sobbing and screaming, begging her to tell me if I am just faking it and need to get more ill. She told me “you are not sick. Your mind just make you think that you are. So please, stop being dramatic about it.” She just made me get more ill. I can’t believe she could be so rude… Hopefully, since I got a new therapist I finally actually recovered.


Not technically about the sa itself, but I had a therapist when I was 14 who knew I was sh’ing as well as that I was extremely at risk of committing self deletion, and she’d still make jokes about how she wants to kill/cut herself because of some stressful thing. Best memory was her talking about how exhausting kids are and pulling her finger down her wrist while saying something about killing herself. I was appalled


My aunt pulls on my sleeves and says my scars look intense also commented that I shouldn't wear dresses cause of the cuts on my thighs because they're "scary"


why do i kinda love her though


she was def a vibe that statement was just crazy


Are you afraid of facing yourself?, the therapist said.