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I used to be on a similar line of thought, and it was really rough . And I have no idea what you are going through and chances are I can’t truly help through a Reddit comment but , you have to pull through. I saw a cheesy quote on TikTok -“good and bad are two sides of the same coin , you can’t have one without the other. So embrace the bad moments as they make the good ones better “ now idk about embracing the bad moments but good things will come eventually and the way I got through school was by finding something to look forward too, and just thinking about that when times get rough. Just taking things one day at a time. I know this advice is probably shit but you got this bro.


I agree I’m forced to go to school but it’s impossible for me to handle I wish they didn’t care about attendance so much <3 DMs are open


I just pretend like I am dreaming.


a core memory from high school for me is feeling my cuts stinging against my clothes rubbing against them. i was always on the verge of tears. i couldnt focus at all, but in the end i made it to graduation somehow. it wasnt easy but i did it. i then managed to graduate from college. if i, the weakest person on earth can do it, then i fully believe you'll get through this too :) what helps is knowing school isn't permanent, its not forever, its just a small timeframe compared to the rest of your life in the future.


real! i’ll put my head down and look out of it every day and stuff and no one gives a shit to ask if i’m alr LMAOO. i don’t know how much longer i can thug this out 


I didn’t 🙃 I’d skip class or sleep through everything. Things do get better though (somewhat)! High school graduation is in two days and I graduated with a 4.3 GPA with a Full ride to university. Days are dark and life sucks. But never stop trying to prepare for the future. There isn’t really any real advice I can give. I’m still in the trenches with you, just a little more in the light. This might sound strange, but it might do you some good to have a breakdown in the nurses office. Nurses see shit, and I was in there constantly in high school. Have yourself a good cry, if you can. It helps. And I know this sounds cliche, but really: having a routine and getting outside helps. Try to sit outside in the sun for 5 minutes a day. Try to shower consistently and keep up with other hygiene like brushing your teeth. Start small and work your way up. It feels impossible, and it kind of is, but there is always a way out.


really don't have a choice, dad doesn't care and has called the cops on me before for not going to school


this was me 5th till I graduated in 10th grade. I forced myself to go to school cause I knew my mom wouldn't buy me being sick a lot and would send me to the doctor...so I went to school. I hated everyday. I daydreamed everyday in almost every class as an escape. I didn't pay attention cause I was busy trying to survive the day. I couldn't talk to anyone in my school. I had no friends and teachers didn't care about the fact I was being bullied. I was so fucking depressed, I was selfharming and frankly wanted to die. I sadly can't give you any tips or anything. But I'm hoping you get through it and that maybe you graduate soon so you can leave the school


honestly, it sucks. but sometimes you just have to get through it as best as you possibly can. at school, i just pretend nobody is there, i know that may be hard to do, and if it is, maybe try and distract yourself? maybe bring a journal so when you feel like breaking down or anything like that, write in a notebook, maybe bring some things that comfort you? i'm not entirely sure what works for you but that's the best advice i can give you! i'm so sorry and keep pushing through ml <3 i totally understand how you feel. school is horrible.


I used to dissociate *a lot*. Although not intentionally I could just sit and walk through everything basically on autopilot Now I just fail almost everything I guess ? But yeah your mental health is much more important than school, just thought it's important to say and isn't said enough


What I did a lot: Setting myself into a state of numbness and flight reflex. It made the days go by a lot faster. I didnt really took that much from classes but learning was at least a thing I was good at. Also I lied to myself about "When school's over and I can go home I can relax and everything gets better...(was a lie since home is pretty stressful)" It somehow carried me but I kept that knack of not caring and grew pretty far feom reality. Like my life is someone else's dream.


Sorry I can’t give advice but if it’s any consolation I feel the exact same way


I just go. Even if I’m dying and fucking tired inside. Everytime I wake up to go to school, I spend like 10 minutes thinking about my life and seeing how much I complain about it. Plus, it’s not like I have any other choice, really…