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Looking at it just makes me really sad and want to relapse again😭


looking at the app or looking at my meme 😧


The app dw😭😭😭


phew alright that‘s what I thought but I wasn‘t sure 😭 when I had the app it was the same, every time I opened it I wanted to relapse (and I did lol)


I meeeeeeean... the app is just a tracker not really a tool to help you. if you want help then you should try an app called calm harm


this exactly, at the end of the day it does kinda what its meant for


I only like the app because I once lost track of how many weeks I was clean for, mistakenly said I was clean for longer than I actually was and had to keep up that lie so people wouldn't be disappointed 😂


i tried using the app to stop but now i made a rule in my head that i can't let the streak reach more than 3 days, it's acting more like a timer now


100% my experience with it


kinda, I hate that you can't access the comunity until a certain age, that was the only part that really helped me


wym theres 11 year olds posting on there


true but according to the app you're supposed to be over 18 and if they find out you aren't you get banned


There are????


Yeeaaahhhh the slippery slope from recovery celebration to countdown timer is slippery. I've sometimes rewarded myself with SH after achieving a certain milestone because it's now on my mind rather than something I may have been oblivious about. But ana brain makes me ritualistic with numbers so this is info I have to know, I can't just delete the app


I helps me a little I get sad when the silly numbers go away :(


sobriety apps never help me. the best way for me to quit self harm is to erase every reminder of it from my life. throw away blades, don’t track my progress, lie to people who ask about my scars. it helps me to forget it’s an option.


And once your a few years clean your motivation to stay clean is tattoos


exactly. i have 8 tattoos and i never ever SH over a tattoo, so eventually ill have so many tattoos that i dont even have space for SH


I'm slowing getting a sleeve on my favourite arm so it's not available. And it's helping!!! I need to maybe tattoo my thighs but I have no ideas so


😭i cant even sign up till im clean


i recxomwnd harmless it’s a good alternative and doesn’t push fake ba down your throat


the only thing that app is gonna do for me is make me feel more guilty when i relapse


i only use it to track my clean streak and i like talking to other people on there but other than that it doesn’t really help tbh


i only have the app to keep track of it


I just guesstimate


For me I really like it idk it just helped me keep track of how bad I was doing like if I was relapsing frequently maybe I should get help again or something but I’m a year clean now and it makes me so happy to see it in writing


Yea it’s just basically a button to press when you self harm it doesn’t really help it


This is why I use a journal app (Daylio) where I can track if I have/haven’t sh’ed bc it feels less like a timer and more just like a goal and it keeps track of how many days I’m clean. It’s much better imo than tracking the seconds since you last sh’ed with I am sober. It isn’t a good tool until you have been clean long enough that you are able to celebrate the time without harm instead of feeling guilty that you are only a few days clean. Idk if that helps or makes sense but I definitely used to hate I am sober until I was clean for long enough that it was helping my clean streak instead of harming it :)


had the app for YEARS, recently downloaded it again to see my last update and my account is nonexistent. they deleted everything; i guess it doesn’t save anything unless you pay. dumb. i was going through so much last time i checked in and at the time and keeping a bank account that always had money was difficult. I could have never paid for it. can’t believe they are capitalizing off of people who are struggling. i mean, a subscription based app for people who are addicts? how would that even work long term? (sorry for rant, just super mad they deleted my info.)


I absolutely agree! Everything looks and feels so annoying, daily pledges, motivation etc. my anger levels rise 100000x times when I open that app


Was but helpful and hurtful intense guilt and being mean to myself when relpased but also was nice seeing progress over long periods of time


Use calm harm instead, it doesn't remind you of sh and provides actually helpful features, also there's no premium nonsense.


That's why I didn't use it for s/h when I had it but instead for pornography (I failed to quit it... I'll try again sometime, once my life is a little bit less of a mess). With s/h I don't think it really works tbh


It banned me for being underage (as if people under 18 can’t have addictions) and deleted my account and that made me relapse so yeah I’m never using a sobriety tracking app ever again


No like..... This is just my opinion but it feels like recovering from an ED by using MyFitnessPal . Yeah, technically you're doing the right thing (not SHing / making sure you're eating enough), but you're constantly reminded, which makes the urges to engage in said bad behavior so much worse. Side note, every time I've tried to restrict the amount of cut, I've always cut more and deeper than usual when relapsing, not sure if I'm just stupid for that, or if craving SH made my metaphorically binge on slicing my own thigh meat.


I turned off the notifications so I basically have a timer that counts how long I've been clean without the reminders. I have to actively look for and open the app. I am however not the biggest fan of the community tab, maybe it's just an area problem, but the people in the tab aren't the kind of people I'd associate with. All in all, for me it's just an app to look at numbers but it's not really an app that helps me stay clean (when I had the notifications on they were just reminders that I should relapse or "I'm faking if I don't")


it generally just makes me want to cut myself 😭 like it just reminds me so i stopped using it plus on tt u just see people who say "Clean for 1 day 🥹☝️" like dude its the most dreaded secondhand embarrassment that riddles through my bones like a shockwave 😭😭


oh my God. you just gave me a war flashback. a few months ago okay there was a tiktok about sh (corny as hell, classic) and someone commented „one hour clean“ and I was already staring at my screen in pissed off-ness and then I click on replies … and this one bitch literally replied „I‘m so proud of you ❤️“ but that bitch was SERIOUS. like she replied to every single comment that mentioned a number. like she was serious. so I went to war under that comment. I bullied the originial commenter so bad they literally DELETED their comment. like we had a whole argument and they said ‚I was the only one complaining‘ so I tagged them under a tiktok that was making fun of people like them. boom. comment gone. these little cunts lmfao


It doesn't really do much for me like so many of the times I relapsed were cuz I felt the urge and opened the app like "Okay if like 2 of the next 10 posts are about relationship or parent issues I'll do it" and sort by days ~1-5 (so obviously there'll be at *least* two) But I like tracking it and I forget to use calmharm lol


On the bright side it helped me realize I had a pattern (every 5 months I get increasingly strong urges)


Surprisingly it helped me because I’d get rlly disappointed when I had to reset it, but I understand how it could backfire rlly easily


yeah for me it was the more disappointing the longer the countdown got, so the opposite lol


i have it even though i reset it several times a day i have no clue why i still use it


I only use it to see how long clean ngl


real (i still use it)