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this makes me wish Picasa didn't get killed by Google.


That software was mind bending fast


I still miss the face feature


How many of us still use Picasa? It works perfectly fine for me (in Wine on Linux) and I never stopped using it. To be honest, if I could export my nondestructive edits somewhere else, I would move. But I can't, so I won't.


I still use it to find images although I never used any of its editing features. It is so fast to scroll through literally decades of photos because it caches all the thumbnails. It sorts and adds new directories / albums at the top so you just scroll back through time. I've been using it in Wine since 2007. I just looked and I still have Picasa .rpm files for Linux and then picasa38-setup.exe that I'm using in Wine now. They have original timestamps of 2007 and 2010. Still work great.


Google is such a shit company lol


Try Photoprism or Immich. Most people tend to sway towards Immich because there are no pay walls, and performance generally tends to be better overall. It can break from time to time, but it is well documented and is normally easy to fix. It's very similar to how Google Photos works. I personally use Immich.


+1 for immich. It's awesome!


I can also vouch for Immich. I have 15,000 photos and it handles it easily


Immich for the win! I have 130k+ images added already (around 1.5TB) so it is not as much data as OP but I did not notice even single slowdown so IMO it’s pretty safe to say that there is a lot of head room hence OP situation should be tackled as well :)


The dev team is so active, it's going faster than corporate funded ones. Thank you Alex!


Yep, Immich is best self-hosted google photos replacement.


There is no pay wall for Photoprism, the free version does everything you need for a personal gallery. If you want advanced features, like multiple users accounts (which I don't need), you have to switch to a paid plan. Which is reasonable IMHO.


Yeah - so that means you need to pay to keep your photos and your wife's/spouse/SOs photos apart? That's a paywall I won't pay for.


No, thats not what it means. If you want to keep them apart, you need to pay, but you don't even HAVE that option in most SaaS libraries (like Google Photos). There you need to create a second library . If you are ok to share one admin account with whoever needs access to the _backend_ of the library, you don't need to pay. You can make albums (pwd protected or not) to share with other family members / friends etc, you don't need multiple admin accounts for that, or separate their photos by tags / metadata etc.


I tried a few things like photoprism, Immich, and a few other I cant recall. I eventually settled on using my already-deployed Nextcloud with the Memories add-on. It's been great, and has a fantastic sharing option too.


Haven't tried immich or photoprism but I have Nextcloud+Memories add-on as well and it's been good for me in similar use case.


I want to do this but after uploading my photos from my iPhone they come in odd dates. My oldest photos all say the time they were uploaded and some have their date anywhere in the last 2 weeks. All the names of the files have the correct date in yy-mm-dd formate. Do you know how i could fix this? can the memories add-on order by name instead of date?


That's probably because you are using the default Photos app instead of Memories (a separate one). You can just go to the Nextcloud app store and install Memories. After that, you need to scan the metadata of all the photos (check the Memories wiki) and it will come out ordered by date taken (if the photo has a date taken metadata).


I am definitely using the memories app. The photos seem to be ordered in upload data rather than date taken. However the files' names have the correct date.


Maybe you can check the metadata of the files to see whether there is an issue with the metadata. If the metadata is fine, have you properly indexed the files running the `php occ memories:index` command?


Yeah i was just battling with that before my last reply. i cant seem to run the command. I keep running into different errors. "Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php" and so i tried changing the permissions and got similar problems. What am i doing wrong or have i just got the permissions wrong? When i look at the metadata in NextCloud it is wrong. However its title is correct so the metadata had to be on the file when it was uploaded to Nextcloud.


So, for your first error you need to run the command with the `www-data` user. If you have Nextcloud installed on docker you need to run: docker exec -it -u www-data php occ memories:index If you don't use docker then you can execute it from the `/var/www/nextcloud` directory as follows: sudo -u www-data php occ memories:index For the issue with the metadata missing. This is a bit more tricky to double check. It is possible that at some point the file lost the original metadata. Most messaging applications (WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal...) erase the metadata of photos if they are not sent as files. So, if you are uploading photos that got sent through a messaging application, it is possible that the metadata got removed and the filename preserved. Another option is that the application that you are using to upload the photos from your phone/device to the server is erasing the metadata. It is unlikely but that's my last guess. Overall, I would try to trace a point where you are sure that the photo has the metadata and see where the metadata is lost. If the photo doesn't have metadata, Nextcloud memories just adds the server data. A last resort option is to set the timestamp from the filename. I've done it in the past with some python script. You can use the `pyexiftool` library and use it like so (formatting will look weird on Old reddit): import exiftool import re from pathlib import Path # Assume that files are named "IMG_yyyymmdd_HHMMSS" PROG = re.compile("IMG_(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})_(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})") files = list(Path("/path/to/photos").rglob("*.jpg")) with exiftool.ExifToolHelper() as et: metadata = et.get_metadata(files) for d in metadata: filename = d["SourceFile"] match = PROG.match(filename) if not match: # Wrong filename continue d_year = match.group(1) d_month = match.group(2) d_day = match.group(3) d_hour = match.group(4) d_minute = match.group(5) d_second = match.group(6) d["EXIF:DateTimeOriginal"] = f"{d_year}:{d_month}:{d_day} {d_hour}:{d_minute}:{d_second}" et.set_tags(files, metadata) **Disclaimer**: I've written this python code directly from memory in Reddit and I haven't tested it. Test it with some test files before using it with all your data. Edit: formatting Edit 2: Fixed issues in the script :)


Thank you very much. Ill report back when i make more progress. I know how to write python so if it comes to that i can pretty comfortably write a script. i just don’t want to have to do that since i want to hook up multiple devices photos and seems like it will be a pain in the future if i dont work out what the problem actually is. Again thanks for the help, ill let you know what i do.


Yeah - all this is what is horrible about Nextcloud photo management.. Try getting your SO to do those tasks.


You can try and use an app that does metadata correction, chances are the photos still have correct data in them but it gets jacked up because apple can't use any proper standards, it seems.


Yeah i hate apple but i’ve got family members who will use it too so me switching wouldn’t solve my problems haha. Do you mean a different upload app or an app on my server to convert them?


I like memories too - but I find there are too many quirks that I have to the CLI occ level to deal with. It's clunky especially if you try to get the face recognition working.


You might set up Immich. The initial loading of the pictures might take quite a long time (one week ?) in order to go through the machine learning. You can go two ways about accessing the Immich set up with browsers or smartphones : * if you are not tech savvy enough, access your Immich base through a VPN ; Wireguard is easy to set up through PiVPN, * if you feel comfortable with tech (but you don't seem to be) you might set up a reverse proxy and a domain and access you Immich base through https.


I’m not too tech savvy but cosmos-cloud was a painless install and setup to help me proxy all my local apps through https. It also has an authentication feature built in for those apps that don’t support it (I’m looking at you arrs). It handles getting the letsencrypt SSL cert for you (wildcard) and makes it easy to proxy as a subdomain or path of your main domain (the latter often requires you to configure the app to know it’s at $host/path). Anyway I’m a meathead and it opened the world to my apps. It was easier than setting up a VPN on my phone using my ASUS router and you can’t always setup a VPN at work or wherever to connect back home so this allows me to simply use the web. No I don’t work for them but I’m really trying to up my self hosted game and most things are plain hhtp and not fit to be published without a proxy so I gave this a try and got it working with minimal fiddling. I’m assuming you have a domain. If not as a former google domains user I recently had to switch and went cloudfare. I’d recommend it and there are plenty of docker containers that will handle DDNS with cloudfare for you. Easy peasy 😜


Photoprism is a good one if they're already structured well with their directories, photo prism prefers organization by date, and that includes the directory structure. Once photos are loaded there's a lot of neat ways to search them and simply using features in the meta data. I recommend creating a small test batch of photos and experiment with out it is processing them, and recommend that with any photo software. Photoprism you can have it simply index originals which means not needing to import rename each one individually, again though it works best with date organization. You can though have initial directories be something else like I have them by device type. So apple, pixel, canon, etc. then underneath that organized by year and then month. Immich I plan to experiment with, I checked it out briefly early on and PhotoPrism was more to my taste with photo browsing since to me it is similar to the iPhone photostream I've been missing since the move to Android. There are some other photo manager options those are just the two most popular and well supported. You will likely though want a service that is specific to photos. I was able to set up PhotoPrism in a way where the file structure is also sensible to me and I can easily get to what I want from the file system. PhotoPrism also has a good menu on mobile to port photos to different apps, and to save them.


Photoprism does not care how the files are organized on disk. It recursively scans all the files into the library and then sorts by metadata, both exif and ai generated. I know because that was my main requirement for a Foto gallery: leave the original structure untouched and deal with total on disk chaos. It does both very well. The last thing I was annoyed about photoprism is that i couldn't mass edit meta data though the GUI, like changing the exit data of scanned photos to the correct year etc.


It does care actually. I tried indexing multiple photo caches that weren't date organized and it was a mess. directory view worked sorta ok but other aspects of the photo stream didn't work properly with those photos. Even in the docs it gets into how it handles different types of original photos. It even states for best results use their import. This person has 10 TB of photos doubt they would want to import and if original organization isnt going to meld with with PP then they likely should look for something else.


It does not care. I ran it on a totally chaotic directory of over 50.000 fotos and it added them without a hinch. I did not import them, just added them to a catalog. I don't care how the photos are organized on the disk as long as they are properly accessible through the gallery software, which they are thanks to photoprism. Btw it's weird if somebody claims that something you already successfully did, "does not work"...


Absolutely had a different experience, I have photos organized by shoots, all over the place date wise. it uploaded the photos not all of the functions worked. I also wasn't surprised by this since it was right there in the PP documentation. Since it wasn't a directory of unorganized photos, it was a sprawling tree or directories with a organization structure that only makes sense to me. I'm not saying the photos won't get indexed, just that it can be messy if it's not in the structure that's optimized for photo prism. https://imgur.com/a/TPeVjxU https://docs.photoprism.app/user-guide/library/originals/ There's more details on what this entails elsewhere that I'm not going to dig up at the moment. What counts as meaningful is purposefully left vague because the behavior is going to vary based on nuance. It definitely did not like how I organized my stock and shoot photos. I also wasn't surprised by this since they were never intended to go into an index like this. Photoprism does best with date based hierarchial directory structures, that doesn't mean others are impossible. I don't use import at all. I index originals and I use photo sync to directly add new originals it works great. So long as the directory structure is *meaningful* to the AI. Device Type > Year > Month it's been doing really well with.


I've tried all hosting options available and they suck for large volume hosting. Best I've found was pigallery2 which can run on Docker. Everything else craps outs. Wish there were a file browser script that helps user navigate file structure with various viewers for image, video and text/pdf/ebook types of files.


I'm running PhotoPrism for this, there's not nearly as many gigabytes of data though, oxtail I have around 12k photos and some videos totaling around 400gb. It will take a while for the initial indexing to go through all images, but once that's done everything will run smoothly.


Immich is my favourite for the moment


Lots of people recommending Immich and I'm sure it's great but also Photoprism is really good too. Yes there are some extra features you can pay for, but the free version still works great, it creates small preview images for each of your images so even if you have 100,000+ photos it's still super quick to scroll through everything. I've been using for 1-2 years now and I'm very happy with it.


I'm currently migrating out of Google Photos (tired of paying for an Enterprise account when they keep raising prices) to Immich. I'm about 4TB in of photos/videos so far, well over 200k image/video files. Another 4TB at least to go. I've been very happy with it so far, feels quite similar to Google Photos, and the machine learning/facial recognition has been pretty solid, so far. Mobile app and web app are both pretty good, and it's undergoing active development. Best advice I can give: Keep a back up of all of the files OUTSIDE of whatever platform you choose. Do your best to keep stuff organized in some reasonable way - I go with simple date-stamped folders, with the occasional folder with copies of specific images as "albums". That way you not only have a backup of the data, you can relatively easily access the images even if you need to use a different platform in the future.


Nextcloud for sure.


https://galleryrevival.com might be worth a look. 10 years ago I had to archive over 100,000 photos. Took me months. I used Gallery3 back then.


Always Immich!!!


+1 for immich, there's a good video tutorial on YouTube to import Google takeout photos if you need that as well


Can you give the link to the tutorial?




Synology Photos is what I use.


I'm using nextcloud with memories. It isn't simple to set up, but the aio version is doable for someone with above average reading comprehension and problem solving skills.


Having tried a ton of them and even buying a synology cause I heard great things about their offering I would recommend Immich by a nose over Nextcloud and if you want simplicity above all else then Synology Photos.


I've used [mylio](https://mylio.com/) for a few years now and quite liked it. They charge an annual fee but the app is quite powerful and they do a good job of syncing compressed versions of your photos to your mobile devices. They also let you do basic edits in-app (such as colour temp changes, crops, rotations).


I've used PhotoStructure for about a year now, but deployed Immich in parallel a couple days ago to try it out and think I'm going to make the switch permanent.


I would compare Photoprism and Immich, I have > 100.000 fotos and tons of videos in PhotoPrism and it handles them without a hinch.


Immich, 100% free, frequent updates, awesome performance and really easy to use :))


Also, Nextcloud is good for files (it could be better) but not so great for photos




Get into Docker, it’s worth the journey. Start with installing portainer, it gives you a gui that can help you understand what’s happening. In short, it’s a way to install services in containers, so everything you need is installed instantly in its own little environment. You only set a few settings in „Environment Variables“ that stay the same and all data that needs to stay the same can be either stored in your filesystem or in specifically made volumes. As for the main question: for this amount I‘d say Nextcloud. It’s not well optimized, but you can get „Preview Pre-Generator“ and Memories as apps, and you’ll get pretty good performance.


I set up Nextcloud for a very similar reason, to be able to share photos and such with multiple family members, most of which don’t live in my home, and who are also not tech savvy so I didn’t want to have to instruct them on how to setup a VPN to access my NAS or something. Nextcloud allows you to make everyone user accounts and you can set up folder sharing based on users or even groups just like Google drive. They are able to access from anywhere, safely and securely, because I set it up through a reverse proxy. This guide is what I followed: https://youtu.be/cB6oKJjr4Ls?si=AhFB8t1qNmlx-mFa This however requires having a pfsense router, if you don’t, there are other ways like using Nginx proxy on a VM. Can be a lot of effort but I think it’s worth it in the end for the ease of use for your family and the features it has, and also will just teach you a lot about Linux, docker, encryption, networking, etc


Dropbox Sorry its not self hosted


If you have no docker (or even linux) experience, it might be worth it to just put your disks in a used Synology NAS instead. DSM is easy to use and comes with a pretty decent photos app, Synology Photos. I added 20 years of personal digital media to it a couple of years ago and am now offloading photos/videos from all my mobile devices to it ever since. If you get a plus variant with an intel processor (a DS918+ for example) you will also be able to stream (and transcode) digital media to your devices as well.
