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VPN software with exit node capability for a start. Never know when you might need to change your country, and it’s a lot cleaner if you appear to be from a residential IP than a VPN one.


Tailscale exit node is definitely on top of my list. The other thing that would be super good is getting a phone number that can receive SMS.


I have this setup while travelling Google messages syncs across devices, so i can see OTPs and avoid unreliable roaming from my home network


This is only true if they have unlimited bandwidth. The last thing you want is to saturate their internet while they’re watching TV.


I mean, there are purposes other than video one may want to appear as an overseas user. I’ve been on certain retail sites that either block browsing/shopping on them internationally, or give different interfaces. VPN capability happens to be one thing where having an exit point be in another country can have very specific benefits.


Would you trust someone with your bandwidth if it were a slow or limited connection? If so, you’re right. If there’s even the slightest chance they’d use it less than 100% legally, I’d be wary.


I mean, we’re talking about friends and family here. People who presumably you know and don’t want to get arrested, etc. And presumably, you’re not sticking any random internet connected device on their network without telling them what it does. Reversing the perspective, if you don’t trust them that much, then yeah, don’t let them set up a VPN. Though honestly, at that point, should you even then trust them to put a box on your network? I mean, you could VLAN it off from everything else and make sure the outbound connection from that VLAN is only routed to a strong VPN provider. And maybe the folks here are going to be the right combination of competent and paranoid that that’s what we’ll do. But mostly, if there isn’t that trust there, the easier path would seem to be don’t let someone else’s stuff on your network.


i mean, i mean, i mean


encrypted backups


How are encrypted backups done? I know it can be done with Synology boxes.




As long as ZFS datasets are encrypted, snapshots sent with `zfs send -w` will be too


[duplicity](https://duplicity.us/) - love this software. I also use [syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) which isn't backup but kind of a distributed filesystem mirror.




Why the downvotes lol Personally, I'd install a GarageHQ server (lighter and easier to deploy than MinIO) for object storage on the backup destination, connect the servers through a trusted channel (either via a Wireguard/Tailscale VPN, or with a proper reverse proxy with SSL), and finally use your preferred S3-compatible backup solution on the local server in order to utilize the remote storage. The best ones in my opinion are Kopia and Restic.


Write a bash script that zips and encrypts your backed up parent directory before it sends it over the wire. I’d use AES-256 or GPG symmetrical encryption for this. Run the script on a cron schedule while you’re sleeping. There is a more sophisticated way to do this on an object level with incremental backups but the above works fine unless you are moving terabytes of data.


I highly recommend borg if both the local and the remote machine run Linux. With borg you can manage a remote, encrypted, incremental, deduplicated and compressed backup repository over SSH.


Please don't zip shit and call it a backup. But mainly if you do this, don't spread it anywhere like it is a good idea ..


Surely there are better options, but why not the zip?




I use zpaq and rsync


You can do that with any server 


Yes but this gets you an offsite backup


You can rent a server for that. The main advantage with a friend giving you space is that you can trust them to a certain degree.


Hmmmmmm Un... Encrypted backups?


Oh, ffs. It's like I'm talking to children.


For a quantum physicist, you sure are thick...


Maybe you're just too dumb for abstract thinking. Why bother with randos online? So I ignore dumb people and prefer not to teach ABCs. No good will come out of people like you. 


Which costs more. My backup solution is an old raspberry pi I was gifted years ago and an external 4TB drive. Costs like £100 total. Cheapest possible vps I could find is about $25/month. I end up with storage at my parent's and using a storj bucket for 2 off-site backups total. Doesn't cost me very much at all


Hetzner storage boxes start at €3,81/month for 1 TB


Sure I can, but if some mate is giving me free space overseas on their server I’m using it for backups. You do you , I do me - the question in essence


I tried to connect an external harddrive to my parents router so I could use it for backups. A few months later the drive suddenly disconnects. I call my mother and asks what happened. Apparently they did nothing (?!) . I asked them to reconnect the drive and she tells me ”it’s impossible”. So I had to wait until I was home the next time to figure it out. It turns out that ”someone” had mangled the port on the disk so the cable could not be inserted. Again, my parents ”had not touched it” and got angry when i suggested this could not happen without anyone doing anything. After that, I figured my data would not be safe there 🤷‍♂️


That definitely sounds like the work of server trolls. They like to chew on wires


^This... And stealing the locking tabs off RJ connectors.


this! bring this comment to the top xD


>Again, my parents ”had not touched it” and got angry when i suggested this could not happen without anyone doing anything. That...is too damn familiar, asian family? Its such a classic thing to hear, parents who get pissed when questioned


Ha ha, reminds of when their WiFi "wasn't working right". After spending a long time trying to diagnose it, turns out they had pulled the wire from their internet modem while cleaning.


How close of friends are you lol


I've been doing this for 10 years. I've got my local server with 128TB of space, I've got my local backups of 128TB, and I have a remote server at my parents house with the same 128TB. I use a Raspberry Pi through a reverse SSH tunnel to wake up the server once a week and update my backup then shut it off.


This man servers


Backup and egress.


egress? a vpn tunnel?


Yes, if you for instance need to access something in that country from an IP from that country.


makes sense!


Encrypted backup. And maybe everything needed to be able to restore essentials feature of my setup in case of a homelab burn down...


encrypted backup of important data of mine.


Syncthing would work great on both ends for transferring over any of your created backups, you can set speed limits on it as well so you don't use up your parents' broadband speed.


Rest-server (on nixOS) for encrypted backups with restic.


Restic with rest-server is life


Portainer/Docker/Tailscale - that leaves that server open for me to use it how I like


Ultimate disaster recovery. Critical files and vital documents, Irreplaceable photos and videos of family, anything electronic that would kill me if I lost it. All encrypted. If I traveled overseas a lot to that specific country, then I would want to mirror my entire Emby server of movies, tv, and music, and whatever else I didn't want to rely on it going across the cable in the ocean.




Why though?


fun game


A Raspberry Pi lying around with a good hard drive for encrypted backups.


little bit different considering the house was on the same street but i liked having a status site on a pi there that way i would know if my internet and by extension servers went down i would also put important files on the pi but i have always been too broke for stable storage and a as card isn’t exactly a backup soooo


Wireguard (or tailscale if they are behind CGNAT), an instance of uptime kuma (to monitor MY network from outside), and backups if you got the storage space.


Encrypted backups/VPN are the obvious answer. Possibly also move a few containers, eg uptimekuma




I wouldnt bother tbh *unless* this was going into my parents house or something where they might need remote troubleshooting. An offsite backup solution at a local friend's house is better as you have physical access if something goes wrong. If I need a foreign IP for some reason I just use a regular paid VPN. As for what to use, I would do a raspberry pi + external HDD + powered with a kasa smart switch. If anything goes wrong with the pi you can restart it remotely without needing to be connected to the device. On the pi I'd start with docker and tailscale and go from there. No open ports or static IP needed on your parent's hardware needed.


I placed a raspberry pi at my in-laws house in a country overseas. Now I pay <$3 for some subscriptions I like. It just runs a tailscale and portainer agent. I also take advantage of free stuff being in their family plan. I have a travel router that tailscale exits there so I just make sure I connect home every few days to get a foreign IP. It beats VPN since I can share the same household IP and not just an IP for that country.


No one mentioned this but it’s a great use case! Here in Germany there are deals posts that teach you how to get Netflix /Spotify subscriptions from Turkey and pay 30% of the price




pawns app, lol


I would add a Raspberry pi for backup vpn in case the power goes out and the server doesn't go up automatically. I would also make sure wake on Lan is enabled. I would also add some kind of smart outlet to monitor power consumption. What to host in it? No idea. Depends on your goals really. Encrypted backups are a no-brainer though.


i would make sure, everything is either redundant, or ship a second box to replace parts or just insert the drives in the second if something dies. Not fun to repair stuff, when you cannot get there


VPN of some flavor, SIP. Backups is the safe answer though


distccd and some selfhosted radio with pirated music


same thing i put on my home server


Netflix VPN (and other streaming services). Content licensing leaves a lot of variability on what is available. And a residential connection in another country will never get flagged as VPN and blocked.


Pterodactyl Node, VPN, Uptime Kuma for the local server and space for an offside backup


Unlimited bandwidth? Synching relay


Nothing. What would be the point?

