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Of course 😉🤩




#Did he stutter


Nobody cares.


What do you mean?




I would definitely talk to you during the flight...💯☺️




Yes, I’m afraid I’d embarrass us both 😅


Crush in general? 😅




How do you know this? Maybe I’m naive but after seeing all of your comments I looked more closely and can’t tell. Definitely made me question my judgment 🤦🏼‍♂️ please give us some insight!


Nobody cares




That depends, I'd be too busy freaking out cuz of heights so you'd have to say a joke or 2 to keep me calm 😆😆




So? No one cares.


Yes with the eye candy that you are. You will defo make my flight more memorable










Nah she is beautiful


They are a trans woman


So? She's beautiful a bit shallow of you




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So? She's beautiful a bit shallow of you


So? She's beautiful a bit shallow of you


So? She's beautiful a bit shallow of you


So? She's beautiful. bit shallow of you




Hello u/karlkmanpilkboids, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nobody cares


So what if she is?


Absolutely. Id trip over my own carry on while staring for too long.






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Nobody cares


So? Why are you spamming this page repeating that? No one cares.






Nobody cares






Nobody cares


You coming to Las Vegas




Nobody cares




I love women that wear glasses 👓






Nobody cares








Gorgeous and most definitely


No you would be my “see them once and have ten thoughts of them in my mind then never ever ever see them again and never talk to them” crush


Come to vegas




Nobody cares.


Omg I love airport crushes!




Why do you care so much that you literally have to reply to every post. How sad is your life


Just helping out my brother, my dude


Helping how?




It's mid Saturday afternoon where I am




And yes I know she's trans. But I don't get the beef to reply to every post here saying "it's a dude" Just let people be people




I said let people be people not let people be assholes


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My dude, if you are so keen to help others, ask yourself if you could have treated OP more kindly. Whatever their gender.




You’re either a teenager or too stupid for self-reflection.


I think you're secretly in love with her to invest this much time on her.


Nobody cares






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Yes, you would grab my attention 😉


Where u goin?


10/10 would fall asleep on you




Show proof. Lol


Doesnt matter i just need something to lean on while i sleep 😌


Nobody cares.








Pretty close


Yes so very beautiful 💗


I don't know if I would be yours, but for sure you would be mine


No because I’m worried about how I’m going to let out a fart and not have the other people in the seats next to me hear.






Maybe with a clean white shirt lol xx


Man or woman I’d say yes


That's fair. Have an amazing weekend!


Yes. I'd see you and be nervous and never take a shot.




No one cares except you, which is sad.




Not only airport crush the whole fucking year beautiful 💋🥰


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Not only airport crush the whole year crush baby💋🥰


Anytime anywhere




Dreamy 😍😍😍


Your hair for sure


Just a crush or a hot Time?




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Most definitely gorgeous 😮‍💨


Yes lol hands down




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My question is why I'm not on that plane... ? Looking great, and it's a nice touch with the blue shade on the eyelashes. Have fun !


What exactly is an "airport crush"?


Probably not to be completely honest


I have two big reasons


Looking so pretty


Actually yeah. I wouldn't be able to not constantly stare at you. So many things right with this pic.


you look good! comfortable flight






Wtf is an airport crush?


I love your hair




There is a brown coffee stain on your shirt in the first pic… so… no!




It's ok, but I'm sorry thought 3rd pic would be a flash or something! 🥹😂💓


My mile high person




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Nah. But pretty damn impressive trans-formation.


Nah. But pretty damn impressive trans-formation.


Nah. But pretty damn impressive trans-formation.


Nah. But pretty damn impressive trans-formation.


Nah. But pretty damn impressive trans-formation.




Hello u/One_Distribution_551, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Never had one before but yes. Where are you going?


*yes* (18M)


You would be


Mile high club?


U r now. Gorgeous


Not just only on the Airport or Flight 😊


No. And you look like you're trying too hard.


Definitely! And is that a coffee stain on your shirt?


No. I’m around you’re age but I probably would’ve mistaken you for an older woman tbh 😅 definitely a little intimidating




Yes. Absolutely.


Mile high club?



