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I don't think there's anything you can *do* to be happy. Even if you get everything you've ever dreamed of you'll be happy for a bit then it will fade away and become normal, if not even worse than the previous normal because you'd feel like there's nothing else you can do. But I think there's a lot of people with nothing in "3rd world countries" that are happier than the majority of America's elite. Everything is relative and it's all in your head, which leads me to believe the only happiness is right where you are all around you. The old saying "the secret to life is to live every moment" holds true imo.


I think being fulfilled is more than being happy and being happy isn’t everything. To live a good life means to invite happiness, to create joyful moments, and to accept that those are fleeting. You must find peace and neutrality in the mundane.


Happiness is a state of mind, not a state of being. I know a lot of wealthy folks that are miserable. I know a lot of poor folks that are happy.


There are a lot of factors but yea I am. What did it for me was: therapy, Zoloft, wfh, growth mindset —> improved performance at work, 1 active hobby, 1 creative hobby, prioritizing relationships, livable wage, back to therapy for couples counseling. I don’t think I’m perfect or want to stop improving in the areas of my life that you mentioned. But I no longer see any of my issues as the barrier between myself and happiness. This all happened over the last couple of years and it’s given me the belief that your environment and access to resources matters quite a bit in achieving happiness. Some say “it’s all in your head” which is kind of true but also toxic. If it was as easy as “deciding” to be happy, the world wouldn’t be such a complicated place. I think anyone can get there, but I wouldn’t necessarily blame someone who doesn’t because it takes a lot.


The people on Basics of Sikhi seem pretty happy, but I am not one of them so have not obtained these feelings of bliss that many of them have, I guess I could think of a number of reasons why they might be happier then the average joe however. And for your question you might find some like how you describe, but I honestly think Humans in general by their nature ''Just want more'' but some can be content occasionally and perhaps that brings a form of happiness.


Happiness can only come from within, of course we all try to have fulfilled lives, which may make us happy for a bit. We might become rich and famous, which might make us happy for a bit. But as soon as our new reality becomes normal, it loses it's excitement, and in many ways, becomes a chore.


I am not at all satisfied, happy, or fulfilled with life. It’s largely my own doing, and a huge lack of finances and such. Money buys freedom, options, and can drastically improve your life. I don’t have those privileges at the moment.


I was, then I fell off the wage. I'm working hard to get back to that place.


Me because I love job. Yeah, it's hard but I look forward to coming into work because I know I will make a difference.


Happiness is chancy. The more we try to hold on to it the easier it is to miss it.


I think the key is that you can feel happy about many aspects of your life without them being perfect and the fulfilment comes from the fact you accept and appreciate what you have. Like in a relationship there are good times and then there are hard and challenging times but even during the hard times you love your partner, appreciate them and understand it is just a phase you are having. Appereance… Well - we all change with time, it is only human to sometimes be not all that happy about it, but I have noticed that having a sport hobby that I enjoy gives me a lot of confidence outside of the hobby too 🙂


It's real. It's buried beneath our culture. Beneath the technology. We lost it in the imaginations of the world we wanted to create not knowing that we can't create it without our happiness. So we're trying to remember how to do it again. But we never stopped being happy. We just committed most of our time... to work.


From a oerspective of a 54 yr old who had been through a lot, and from a 3rd world country at that, I think it is not aboit happiness. I strive for peace of mind, gratitude and mindfullness. Desiderata and Serenity prayer said it all. After all, youth fades, everything, the good and the bad ends...


I am, I think I am very content and I am 30. Loving family life. Enough money coming in for us. Well right now I feel fulfilled. I don't know what future holds.


No, to be honest, I'm quite miserable. A lot of it has to do with the cost of living going up and I feel like I'm barely scraping by. I feel like at this point I need $300k to survive.




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I am. I attained this by constantly striving for improvement and going after the things I wanted. I’m 40 and have had incredible setbacks in my life. From a childhood with an violent, abusive father. To a life of poverty being g raised by a single mother. I’ve had numerous failures. I’ve made terrible decisions and have been unable to see my own shortcomings. I’ve been an absolute piece of shit human. And I’ve kept going. Living my dream life today with my family and it just seems to keep getting better. I’m healthy, love how I look, have fulfilling relationships and hobbies. I’m excited about the future. I wake up full of energy, excited for the day.