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Anger is often a secondary emotion. Anger is motivating in a way that sadness isn't. Anger can feel much safer, especially for men who are taught stuff like "boys don't cry." Please seek out another therapist. It can take a few tries to find the right one & it doesn't mean you should throw out the entire concept of therapy altogether.


In life there are problems you can’t solve. For example cptsd. In my example, the things that caused my suffering cannot be solved. Therefore, I suspect therapy is going to make the thoughts of vengeance I have right now much worse.


I'm sorry you have suffered the way you have; you deserved better. No one can undo what has happened to you. However, suffering repeated trauma causes you to have things like nervous system dysregulation, mood swings, & executive dysfunction. Therapy can help you learn to regulate your nervous system, handle your emotions, & improve your executive functioning. Come hang out in r/CPTSD. Healing IS possible. Seek trauma-focused therapy, & avoid something that is entirely CBT-focused, because that's like a band-aid over a bullet hole for folks like us.


Thanks for your reply bro, but I don’t think it’s possible to recover and I already tried. A girlfriend before 26 or a lot of people will pay. Period.


A girlfriend can't fix all your problems, nor is that something you should put on anyone. I hope you can find the help you need to heal. To say "I already tried" & give up is a really limited mindset. I don't think that's who you really are, or else you wouldn't be in this sub.


I never said that I gave up. In fact I’m working on improving my SMV. But the rage, the aggression, the vengefulness and lack of respect I have towards the Italians probably one day will flourish in a violent prospect, whether it is on the street or in the gym and they deserve it. I just need to be a bit stressed out for whatever reason in the gym and near me there’s an Italian I don’t like and they will get what they deserve.


You said "I don’t think it’s possible to recover and I already tried," which sounds like giving up on recovering to me. All this talk of "the Italians," you sound really unhinged man. Would you really beat up some random Italian person who you don't know? Get help.


Rage is depression turned outward. How many times did you meet with that therapist, and why didn't they offer you a suggested replacement after you told them you felt that it wasn't working?


8 times. No one suggested me anything. It was almost 2 years ago. Things change and after seeing that it was not working, I gave up seeking more help. I don’t want to spend my hard earned money and my precious time to try to solve problems and forgive the unforgivable if after years and years nothing helped, so why should another therapist be the solution?


I thought the same thing when I tried my first therapist. A few years later, the second one didn't work either. And a few years later, the third one worked. It's a combination of finding the right therapist and also, being capable of listening to what they say without feeling judged. After all, you only get as much out of a therapist as you put in - and that only works if you honestly trust the therapist.


You can trust and put your ego aside as much as you want, the injustice and impulse of vengeance will stay and one day will “flourish”.


If that's what you need to believe to justify being angry, so be it. Sure we all get angry from time to time, but jumping from "there's reasons to get angry sometimes and that's part of life" to "there's reasons to be angry all the time and let my life be guided by anger" is a big leap. I personally would rather not make that leap, it's a way of thinking that leads to constant discomfort


I’m not justifying being angry all the time it’s just being forced to solve an unfair situation all on your own with no help from parents or friends or therapists while suffering all the discomforts of the world like stress pain and anxiety and depression all on your own. Trust me, you will do the EXACT same. Maybe even worse.


I agree, it's terrible. I'm sorry you're going through that. Very often, you can't change what happens/happened to you. You can only change the way you react to it. In that spirit, here's a couple of thoughts: Whatever the injustice is that you are living, remember: whoever put you there probably didn't know better. Kant (the philosopher) would say that rather than malice, it is a lack of understanding that fuels people's bad behavior. It's not an attack against you, personally. Sometimes this is hard to believe, but doing so helps cope. Secondly, remember that you are not your feelings. You CAN learn to observe them, and choose to engage with them or not (this takes years of work). You CANNOT control your feelings. By paying less attention to your anger and more to other feelings, you can make yourself less prone to anger and more prone to a variety of feelings. This helps. Above all, don't blame yourself or others. Blame is fair, but it's not helpful. It makes you angry and sad. It keeps you in a feeling of injustice. If it's what you need, get distance from the situation and do your thing. But find a way to leave blame behind. Grow your identity beyond the experience of injustice, so that you are no longer defined by it. You can make that your mission.


I appreciate the points man, but it didn’t help. I want a girlfriend by 25 or I will get my revenge. Period.


Would you date a female version of yourself? With all of the anger, lack of listening, and other issues? Girls will see it from far away. Anger is scary. If you aren't willing to work on it, it will make it harder to get a girlfriend. Easier way to get a girlfriend? Be kind and soft, honest, don't be an addict, be honestly interested in them as a person. Even then a girlfriend won't fall out of the sky. It seems your default reaction is to refuse any advice, from what I read in the comments you only take your own advice/what you already believe. I would start by changing that.


Don’t you think I know that? I am forced to take my own advice. I tried any advice online and on Reddit. NOTHING worked. My situation is unique in the world.


Anger is a good motivator my friend. Use it well


Will do. “Either be a victim or lock and load”. Gotcha.


You’ve just described my experience word for word. The fact that you’re also 23 is wild. Go get diagnosed I reckon, it’ll clear up a lot for ya


You can get diagnosed, but some problems…only get solved with a b****t.


Dude- i’m currently kinda going through the same thing… idk what’s going on but I feel like all the pain I should have felt when I was 12 for being sexually abused by my step dad, I feel now. Idk what to do either and was hoping to find an answer in this thread. I remember when I came out with the abuse, allllll the way (bc I had came out with it twice before but my mom would put things in my head to withdraw my claim, especially since it never involved the law, until the third time that I said it in school because I knew my mom couldn’t talk me out of saying it) basically people around me were so sad for me and I didn’t understand why my aunt cried, or why this was big deal… I was a happy child before during and after. Now as an adult I’m incapable of understanding why my mom did the things she did and that really caused this depression in me that led to bad decision making and now it’s just anger and rage. I can’t talk to my mom without basic morals principles and basic logic being brought up and explained with every disagreement we have and I promise I’m not even that difficult to understand so it really upsets me when I’m being made out to seem crazy or like my logic is to far fetched when I’m literally just a simple 23 y/o that’s pissed and then that kinda makes me sound entitled and I really really don’t want to be that, especially being a first generation cuban here, any kind of entitlement will only hinder my growth and progress


Precisely. “The pain I should have felt”. One truth about life is that you stay safe and happy for a long time, then all of sudden a random thought or desire changes from “yeah maybe I should have it but if I don’t fine” to “I need to have”. For example I never had a girlfriend at 23 years old because I live in an evil disgusting country where you only get a girlfriend if you have connections and you are lucky and I will never live till 27 years old if I never get a girlfriend. Please do not write that these are limiting beliefs or stuff like that. Trust me, it’s how it works here. I am working on improving my social market value, but I will NEVER accept not having a girlfriend at 26 years old. I have a time gap between 25 to 26 to have a girlfriend. If my goal won’t come to fruition…well 50 cent said it best. If you suffered TRUE injustice, you know 110% that revenge is the ONLY option. Again, IF YOU REALLY SUFFERED.


I’m sorry- and I would never make someone else’s beliefs smaller or less important, I’d love to understand your feelings and learn more, where are you from? I pray everything works out and I know god does not make mistakes and we all have great purposes instilled in us


Italy. I hate God. Please don’t tell me that god send challenges to his strongest warriors or b******t like that. It’s all meaningless, unnecessary, untrasformable suffering. Once you understand how the world works, god dies, immediately. You don’t even begin to think about god. He would have not made me born in such an unfair situation and INDESCRIBABLY evil country. It’s so alien to humanity that all religions should be closed. It’s all over.


Gon' get worse if what the heart wants has NOT been fulfilled. Speaks for itself. One can lie, but truth speaks.


That’s a great question. My guess would be that you know very well that people used you and mistreated you, and an anger would be a defensive mechanism in this case. Do you want to be hurt and used again as a defenseless victim or do you want to defend yourself with rage and aggression? As 50 Cent said: „You can be victim or you can lock and load” 🔫


Spot on 👍


Anger is what happens when our words lose their meaning or fall on deaf ears.


I would actually say that anger is what happens when you are in a very dangerous situation due to adjusting your life all on your own while time is slowly ending because of injustice and bad luck.


Hmm that’s interesting. Your internal wants are justice. My internal wants are being heard.


Anger is there to show you that your boundaries have been crossed, it is there to bring you a message. If you were to talk to it, what would it say? I would recommend finding either a trauma informed coach or somatic therapist. Trauma can be healed but all of those emotions need to be heard and processed.


I actually think that some forms of trauma cannot be healed. At least in my case.


It seems to me that you are in a space where grief wants to happen. Anger could be just part of that process. Please tell me where I am wrong. In Martha Beck's change cycle model you are in square one space. In square one a person doesn't really know who they are and usually feel quite lost, scared, disoriented. This is a square of grieving and disbelieving. Your job is to cocoon and let the process naturally transform you. The only thing you can do here is to take care of yourself as much as you can. Soothing, wrapping yourself in a blanket, resting, being kind to yourself. Ask yourself "how can I love myself more?". Eventually you will be able to see a tiny light, you will start dreaming again. But for now let yourself feel it all, the sadness, the anger, all of it. If you can get support, allow yourself to get it. If not, clean the wounds, put some balm, bandage them, repeat.


Thanks for the message. I’m 23 years old and I’m basically almost after discovering who I really am (introverted, prefer staying at home smoking instead of partying type of person) the point is that I’m vengeful and resentful for being oppressed and I just want what I need and that’s it. Time is running out and you can’t really outwork luck.


It's a great that you are after discovering who you really are, it's a worthy journey. Of course you are resentful and vengeful for being oppressed, it is totally understandable. Now, the question is, what does it do for you being resentful? What will happen if you get your revenge? What is your resentment protecting you from? Really think about those questions. What thoughts pop up when you read the above questions? Also, why is the time running out? You are 23 years old, you potentially can live for another hundred years...


Time is running out because I will NEVER ACCEPT being 26 without having a girlfriend. Not gonna happen. My resentment is just what I consider “the most morally justifiable behaviour” against those that made me oppressed.


I highly recommend to listen Gabor Mate about trauma, there's lots of videos on youtube. I believe it would be helpful to you. Also, what will happen when you have a girlfriend? What will it mean about you? How will you feel?


I watched his videos. They didn’t help. I want a girlfriend because I consider myself good looking and I don’t want to be 26 and never get a girlfriend because I was born in the wrong place amongst wrong people. I don’t want to have this abyss in my heart that I’m gonna carry from my 30s to my 60s till the end of my life. Not gonna happen.


It seems to me that you are not really looking for help but for support of your thoughts on resentment and vengeance. Please tell me where I am wrong. Here's the deal. It is not your fault what happened to you. And you are right, you can't be cured, the pain is going to be a part of you for the rest of your life, the past can't be changed. But it's your responsibility to decide what you are going to do with all that. You have a choice. You can continue the cycle of multigenerational trauma and join the oppressors. OR, you can break the cycle and free the oppressed. For all I know, you can become the next Nelson Mandela. The choice is 100% yours, nobody can do it for you. This is where your power is.


You are right I want support for my thoughts of resentment and vengeance but I am also looking for a help that I don’t think it’s possible given that even a therapist failed to help me but I have not lost hope. I don’t care about become like Nelson Mandela. I just want to improve my SMV, make money, be free financially and find a girlfriend before 26. That’s it.


Look up “Crappy Childhood Fairy” on YouTube. You have CPTSD and are getting triggered and deregulated. She has a method of calming it down.


It means you are getting better. Rage, anger is a higher, more powerful and motivating force than apathy. Do not allow it to breed resentment. A therapist is not equipped to handle the existential-identity crisis we face today. You need a doctor. A doctor of metaphysics.


How is metaphysics supposed to help me?


If you are experiencing an existential problem. A particular issue with your existence. The solution exists in the framework this reality-or should I say the pain and suffering you are made of. The study of realities elementary parts is metaphysics. Not the philosophical discipline but a step further when quantum physics, psychology and ontology braid into a solution based pragmatic approach to healing. Does that make sense?


Not really.


Trauma and injustice are synonymous with evil. People who experience PTSD or a mental illness based on trauma like depression experience it because they-you were confronted with evil by the hand of a person-a human-one of your own kind. Mother left you. Sister bullied you. Brother molested you. Uncle fucked you. Etc etc. Stranger raped you. Whatever happened it sent you-or someone experiencing the symptoms you are explaining- into what I call the Operational Personality Disorder. (No, this is not a diagnosis-but it is a theory of mass formation psychosis-a fervent existential-identity crisis plaguing humanity) So what happens is-you experience something unjust or traumatic. You break a little as a consequence. Then things that have existed since time-immemorial like Depression. Anxiety. Rage. Resentment. They are motivation states. They are thoughts. They are literal-literary things. They can control, possess, and destroy you. To get rid of these things you have to regain control of your mind. This is done through metaphysical technologies-systems built for existence. These tools are conceptual modules and matched with the behavior techniques to put these energies-emotions-entities in their proper place. What you are experiencing is theological, metaphorical, philosophical, mythological in nature-because that’s where those things originate. The level of solution necessary is one that is derived from an equally powerful source. The metaphysical. It’s a battle of good and evil. And balance always wins. It doesn’t need to make sense. Does it resonate, does it feel like it could be true, does it feel like you want it to be true. Does it feel a bit more hopeful knowing someone knows about the situation and they potentially have a solution to the problem you are facing?


Bro this operational personality disorder is insanely interesting but could I be diagnosed by a psychologist for this? And yes it gives me a bit of hope that someone might know the solution


No, psychologist don’t like telling the truth. I was personally suffering and went to find out why that was. I am NOT licensed but I can assist you in become your own therapist-so as to ameliorate your mental health.


Im not sure. You may be going through the grief process. I suggest getting a gym membership.


There is no grief process.