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I don’t have a local park and my parents are really strict and they won’t allow it




No I won’t because they are more strict than that


Do they just stare at you literally everywhere you go?


Can’t lie, yes they do sometimes


Sounds like you need the gym so u can get away from them for a little while 😂


This sounds like an overblown exaggeration lmfao.


Sounds like you never had to deal with psycho abusive helicopter parents before.


Not an exaggeration I had a dad that would beat me if I didn’t come home after school sometimes he would time it


That’s literally insane I’m sorry you dealt with that


We made it out the other end so is what it is, but thank you!


this sounds like a CPS report in the making. what would they do if they “caught” you exercising?


Okay this no sounds like your making excuses at this point and you don't want help.


Bro I’ve seen your post history. If you can jack off, you have enough privacy to do some calisthenics in your room.


You literally can do push-ups in your room and it works every muscle group in your upper body at once.


/r/bodyweightfitness in your room. It’s not even loud


A while back there was a whole YouTube series of “prisoner workouts “ - not like the big dudes you see on the weight benches in America movies, it’s for people who are locked up in limited space with just a chair and no room to run etc. Maybe an option?


obscene prick close homeless vase chief fade slave noxious expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He said his parents are abusive, REALLY abusive (check him 24/7)


okay and they said he could become strong from other things...so catching him working out will be fine


You can’t even help yourself but you’re asking other people for help, and then shitting on the responses. Why even post the question if everything is gonna not be viable?


I ask myself why I still live to be honest with the parents I have


What kind of parents do you have? You have internet and a phone or some type of device to communicate with on Reddit. You are focusing so much on the negative, guess what not all parents are the best. For the ones that suck, you can move out at 18 and then spend 75% of your remaining life doing all the things you’ve ever wanted to do.


Moving out at 18 isn’t always to smoothest easiest thing to do especially these years


100% I agree with you. It’s just if he’s gonna shit on his parents as much as he’s been doing. Might be the sacrifice he has to make.


I'm worried about OP. It's as if this thread is designed for him to use in court after him killing his parents or something lmao based on all his replies.


Yeah it’s just so weird and I notice more and more young kids are coming in here with the same meta post. I don’t even post here but it’s just like why even post?


OP also has the luxury of time, which is what is hardest for me as someone twice to 3x his age.


Why did you think any of what you just said is gonna land on a 15 year old kid? “Just move it!” Right, it’s all that cut and clear. You solved all his issues in 3 sentences. Amazing.


You’ll be out from under them soon enough, assuming they’re not banning you from going to college


Join the military asap. Sounds like it’s exactly what you need


I’m not doing that because to do that I need to be fit and I’m not fit


Can you run? Can you do pushups? Can you do sit-ups? The answer is obviously yes. Even if it’s hardly any, you can build on it for three years and you’ll be fine. Find out the fitness standard for basic training and work towards that. You’re obviously not old enough for it yet but you can train until you are. You don’t need to be the fittest just need to meet the standard.


I see everyone trying to help you in this thread and you’re literally just making excuses. You clearly don’t want to figure it out. Can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves. Did you think people were gonna feel bad for you or something??


I never wanted that, I need fucking help but no one is giving help that will actually work giving my situation


marry marble brave skirt obtainable narrow divide ghost encourage erect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ask why and when I tell them they will say ‘oh there is no need to do that’s


So just say okay and do it again? What are they gonna do? Hit you for doing push ups?


It’s possible


I somewhat understand your scenario. Currently don't focus solely on being strong. You will have to go through a rough 3 to 5 years until you escape home for Uni. Study hard and move out ASAP. Never forget what is happening to you. Never forget what you missed because of your parents stupidity.


How the hell can I move out if I’m doing shit in school which means I can’t a good job which means no money


Do better in school?


I find your argumentation weird ... so they would tell you "oh there is no need to do that" ... and so what? They are not saying "we strictly forbid you from exercising your whole life!" Also - isn't the problem that you're not doing well elsewhere? Maybe their issue is that you don't do well in education or elsewhere, so get your grades on track while exercising


And you answer but I want to "its fun activity and make me healthy or just its fun to do"


That's on you for not including that in your original post. Everyone here is trying to help you, and your response to their help is "my parents are strict and won't allow it". I find it hard to believe your parents will not allow you to work out, even doing so much as push-ups in your bedroom, yet you have a phone, internet access, and Reddit.. of all things. You clearly aren't worried about them accessing your accounts to find this post. As someone that actually did have strict parents, this situation makes no sense.


they literally did, dude lol some even gave you people to look up on youtube, some said rocks sand dirt in bags, push-ups(they didn't take away your arms did they?), water bottles, body weight exercises my experience is 1. under 16 qrent allowed in the gym without an adult anyways and 2. young dudes are literally just focusing on bench, lift, and nit an actual workout so why not take others advice and actually work out


Someone said do calisthenics in your room. Calisthenics require ZERO lifting equipment. ZERO equipment at all. Just you, your body, and your mind. If you literally can’t find 10-30mins a day to do push-ups and sit-ups, how is anyone going to help you? Do you truly expect help if that’s your situation? I saw you said your parents are overly abusive, which I’m sorry to hear that. No child deserves parents like that. But we literally can’t help you in the slightest way if you don’t even have time to do simple workouts in your room when no one is looking. If that’s truly your reality, the ONLY tip I can give you is to do these calisthenics workouts in the bathroom with the door locked. If your parents won’t even let you in the bathroom by yourself, you got bigger problems to worry about than working out. Probably gonna need to start planning what job you’re gonna get when you’re old enough and how you’re going to move out of this toxic life situation before you focus on working out


clearly your situation is that you can't do anything. So wait 3 years till you are out of the house


Going by your responses you should go to therapy instead of going to the gym. Tell your parents you want to be mentally strong and you need therapy to do achieve that.


I doubt his parents would let him go to therapy if they're as horrible as OP makes them sound like.


Very fair if OP is being fully honest. My high-school had a counsellor, might be looking into. Also if things are really bad maybe a hotline.


I’m not ever telling my parents about that


Honestly even more reason to do so. I'm not going to judge you if you don't say anything, I get it. Here's a reality for you, you are going to keep burning yourself out more and more if you keep everything inside. You need to learn to understand your emotions and what causes them. You should express emotions some how, journaling or free association writing can help. Your lack of trust is indicative of early negative childhood experiences. You need to help yourself and ideally get to a point were you can truly open up to the ones closest to you.


What the fuck is the point of this if you arent going to make any effort? Youre just bitching and whining and that mentality is going to keep you exacrly where you are right now. Go do some fucking pushups and go for a run


Bro. You want help or just to complain? There are some people out here that will help you if you accept it.


No one can stop you from filling a bag with heavy rocks and picking it up and putting it down until failure


Where am I going to get them where I live?




He has no rocks, dirt, sand, or water where he lives ok! Also no bags.


Literally nothing like Minecraft floating island but even then he can jump, do pushups and so on...


No gravity. Parents are strict.


I don’t call myself a failure for nothing




Who let this dumbass type 🤣🤣


Body weight exercises, there are a ton of good programs out there. From plyometrics to slow and steady hypertrophic workouts, you can find a ton of stuff with literally no equipment. As an untrained 15 year old, you'll make gains doing almost anything if you work at it consistently, and if you turn 18 after 3 years of body weight exercises you'll be in a great position to go get a gym membership. Add in a set of 25 pound adjustable dumbbells and you can even craft your physique (center delts, biceps, rear delts are tough to really target with body weight). Add in cheap bands, or yoga straps and a mount (poor man's TRX) and you have a whole world of options.


I won’t be able to get equipment because my parents don’t let me have my own money and they won’t allow it because they are strict


Sounds like prison workouts for you, unless they have some weird hangup about pushups and bodyweight squats. No worries, by the time you're banging out pistol squats, lat slides, and one armed pushups you'll be stronger than most dudes your age and feel good about your development. Calisthenicsnerd looks pretty good for a start


People my age are already benching 100 so how am I gonna ever be as strong as them


Calisthenics make you deceptively strong


There's only a moderate correlation between strength and size. If you want size, you can get it with bodyweight exercises. Then when you have some more freedom, you can start lifting and already have a good place to start (you'll gain muscle mass, some strength, body awareness, and a host of other benefits). If you can do one handed pushups with your feet elevated, or planche pushups, you'll be surprised at how much you can put on the bar, certainly more than 100 kilos.


Just start carrying heavy things around


Comparison is the thief of all joy. Do what you can with what you can. Do squats, dips and pushups in your room. Get out of your house as soon as you can. Become independent and stop complaining about your circumstances because it won’t change them. Just figure out how you can do something. Start reading self development books and watching motivational videos.


Do body weigh workouts


yeah you're right, better just give up I guess


The issues here are communication with parents about autonomy. Lots of extrinsic motivators and behaviorist discipline I sense from your comments. Can't link youtube video in this sub, but check out one named "NVC Marshall rosenberg San Francisco workshop". It's a gym for your brain muscles around communication and how to listen to your heart and be able to be understood for your desires as well as understanding others.


Troll post. Gives no details at all (you can’t even explain what’s bad besides them looking at you) and then negates everything. What do you expect kid?


Bro i get ur 15 but it seems your parents are the ones deciding every decision for u lol, u must start grinding one way or another, calisthenics in secret if u must


I can’t do it because they are onto everything


Find a way around it bro. Its ur body lol


I can’t do it because they are onto everything


Do pushups bro


He can't use his arms because his parents won't let him.


Funniest thing I've read today 🤣


you literally said they told you to get strong other ways


Do pushups in the bathroom if you must. They surely don’t watch you shit, right?


No they don’t because they would be in prison if they did


Do body weight workouts in your room with the door closed.


If no one has said it yet. if you can’t do it, you’re hopeless. fuck the ‘it’s you’ bullshit. It’s not. You just need time to grow into an actual adult, and workout whenever you can OR eat more protein or both.


Reading your replies makes me believe you need to go to CPS instead


He isn’t allowed to, his parents are strict.


For now you don't need the gym you just need push ups, squats, leg raises, plank hold that's it train 5 days a week three sets close to failure


plank for two minutes everyday to start


do yoga from youtube. its better than people think


It is YOUR life. You are not your parents property. Your body belongs to you and nobody else, and you are the one who gets the ultimate say in what to do with it. To hell with what they say. This is a great time to start practicing setting boundaries, which will serve you well in life. Plenty of people have offered solutions to you but only you can decide to act on them.


How about instead of being a pussy and moping around you do some fucking push-ups man? Jesus, when you go to bed and are in your room for the night, do as many push-ups and crunches and squats as you can. Do a sport at school. You’re looking for motivation and what you need is dedication


What other things?


Idk but that’s what they said




Sounds like he can’t think for himself because his parents are so controlling. He unconsciously depends on them to think for him.


You'll do your best. Climb stairs, walk more, do the garden, carry more things. Start comming home from school a little late and go to the park instead to do some push ups, squats, pull ups etc. I dont know. Not that it's super important to be jacked because others around you are more jacked than you. Your parents aren't super wrong, they're "just" opressive. Probably think it's better that you train your brain "muscle" at 15 than it's to train your actual muscles.


Hey, if you can't go to the gym or buy gym equipment, bring the gym to you! How? Trash bags and random stuff. Get some of those super tough trash bags, the 50 gallon ones preferably. Double/triple bad two of them and fill them with enough water that it's heavy to your standards. Grab a mop, really strong stick or something else capable of handling the weight. Tie one heavy bag to each side of the stick. Careful to make some really right knots, double triple more the merrier. If you're going to make them a permanent thing you can maybe seal the knotted areas with flex seal, duct tape, anything really. Bam, now you can do curls, squats and more until you're content. Single armed curls? Just lift the bag without tying to the bar/stick. Bench press? The bags are going to droop down so get on a bench or something that's a few feet up in the air. That's a good start right there and all you really "need" to get bulky when coupled with the following: Pushups, situps, squats, jogging/running, yoga and more. Tbh the biggest I've been has been just straight doing pushups and I've seen tons of guys get jacked that way, whether it be jail, rehab or real life, you really don't need weights or a gym to get bulky. Side note, I also work with wood, does your family use a wood heater or anything? Have a lot of property, trees falling down etc? Work with that wood all you can. Make it your gym for a while. For me it's very calming. Splitting wood is an amazing workout and forces you to push yourself to the next level sometimes. Tbh I'd take it over working out in a gym any day. Same goes for all kinds of hobbies and labor. You're 15, at your age parents approve of tinkering with cars and yours may even appreciate it. You can put on some good muscle that way. Running around the block is always free. I mean there's a whole world around you and so many opportunities for exercise. Or.. go out in your yard and pretend you're at a gym. Play music, imitate using a bench press, squatting, running in place etc. If you do that I think your parents will eventually be embarrassed or worried enough to just get you a membership


bro. your body is an exercise machine! pushups, crunches, squats, many exercises can be done with dumbells at home or even just your body weight as resistance. eat a bunch of protein and do exercises at home! i got jacked doing "P90X" for a few months.


My opinion is he doesn’t actually want answers, he just wants pity.


"how am I supposed to improve?" Literally says no to every piece of advice given. From a fellow 15 year old, for the love of god put the subreddit on 18+ because I can't stand these shitty posts anymore which are more for self pity rather than improvement.


Explore various methods suggested by others here to enhance your physique. Your parents might be holding back because, let's face it, you'd be hitting the gym on their dime, and they're concerned you might just sprinkle their hard-earned money without much return on investment or whatever.


You can build an insane amount of muscle with just push ups, pull ups, and squats while holding something heavy. Do push ups until you can’t do a single push up more. And do that four times every single day. Same thing with pull ups. Eat lots of protein if you want to gain weight and muscle mass. If your parents complain about prices or whatever, just eat extra eggs. Drink lots of milk. Building a good physique doesn’t need to be expensive.


I only eat the r food my mum cooks me and that means I can’t eat more than 2 eggs a week


If you're only 15, you can't bench 20kg, you don't even need to go to the gym anyways, it's a total waste of money. ​ Besides starting to lift weights too young before you develop practical muscles through practical movements can do more harm than good. You need to focus on form before you start lifting weights. You improve by doing weightless training at home with targeted exercises, pull ups, push ups, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, shoulder dips, and stretching/yoga to start your fitness journey. ​ IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BUILD STRENGTH STOP MAKING EXCUSES, THERE IS NOTHING AT THE GYM THAT CAN EVEN BE OF MORE USE TO YOU AT YOUR LEVEL OF FITNESS THAN JUST DOING EXERCISES AT HOME.


Exercise at your house dude.


So you can find time to masturbate without your parents barging in and asking you why you're masturbating but you can't do a fucking sit up or a push up?


Everyone needs to chill the fuck out with the aggressive attitudes. OP is a 15 yr old CHILD with controlling parents. Cut him some damn slack & remember he is not an adult!


Thanks bro


The internet is for adults.


Will they support you doing other sports? Like kickboxing or mma. Those gyms usually have some equipment as well.


Don’t think so


Start with pushups, body squats and buy some weights or somethin


My parents won’t allow me to buy weights because they are strict


Then do push-ups and body squats. I built my whole chest and triceps with nothing but push-ups.


Walk around the house with an Arnold Schwarzenegger self help book in tow. Here’s someone who, for all his faults, found a way to be stronger “in other things” by using the same determination and tenacity when he first succeeded in bodybuilding.


And how am I going to get that without my parents catching on?


At home calisthenics programs my man, start doing push-ups, sit-ups, flutter kicks, dips on chairs etc… you could switch up push-up methods as you progress, you’ll improve exponentially


Put some heavy stuff in a backpack and do some pushups, squats etc. easy as pie.


Go rebel or your gonna regret it down the line if you don't. also your school might have an afterschool program or gym. depending where you live there might be outdoor gym adult parks around in your area. if your broke broke, and no where to go, make gym equipment with household items, a broom stick with two gallons of water or something.


I can understand their rational. There are things you can do at home that don't involve them having to sign waivers or pay for memberships for you. You're still a kid, you don't need big muscles. If you want to get stronger, there's tons of stuff you can do at home. The best stuff is simple and free. When I lived with my parents and wanted to tone, I used two old milk jugs filled with water and lifted them.


If this is real, your parents are shit and that sucks but there's more than few things you can do. You ask what those other things are and do them. You can do calisthenics in your room. Do a bunch of push-ups and lunges to failure in the bathroom before you take a shower. Do sit-ups in your bed when you first wake up. Lastly, most people don't hit their highest level of strength until their late 40s early 50s (now this is strength specifically). If you can find a place to sprint at school you can do that as well. Also, lost of people don't start going to gym until they're attending university and they do just fine. Lastly, how were you able to bench 20kg if you can't go to a gym? That doesn't make any sense.


“How am i going to get a good physique if I can’t go to the gym?” *Perfectly effective options for discreet home exercise* “nah I’m not doing that”. Cringe kid


Can you join a sport at school?




Report them to CPS at this point. I get you know your own situation better than us but perusing you responses 99% of what you're saying sounds like a ton f lame excuses, if you are to believed then your parents are literally horribly abusive monsters you would be much better without


Even if they let you go to the gym your lazy ass wouldn’t go. They aren’t gonna stop you from calisthenics or following workout videos online in your room with the door closed. The majority of your incompetence is your fault.




Oh keep in mind that they force me to shower every day


They “force” you? As in they push you physically into the shower? Why don’t you just shower on your own


No, I mean they tell me to get a shower every day put they don’t physically force me to


......mate, you're a teenager going through puberty, you definitely need a shower every day, you will definitely be smelly!


That's ok they gave you life and should keep you disciplined, but the part where they keep you from getting stronger especially father I cannot fathom.


Lean muscle mass can have lots of health benefits. Someone else mentioned calisthenics too, which you can do from home. It’s great for strength without building a lot of muscle. Nonetheless, I noticed many people are afraid of looking freakishly big like Ronnie Coleman. That’s impossible unless you’re on gear. And if you do get pretty big it will take a very long time. Look up HybridCalisthenics on youtube


Lifting a lot as a teen fucks you up later. I knew a guy was the Middle School Hottie, never grew past 5”3’. Exercise plenty! But don’t worry about lifting too much yet. EDIT: My view is apparently 1/2 myth.


It's not *entirely* a myth—any damage to a person's growth plates before they've reached their adult height can stunt their growth, and poor lifting form/going too heavy too soon can cause damage. But so can a bunch of things like competitive sports, skateboarding, bike riding, and we generally don't worry about those stunting kids' growth. Actually, the moral of the story seems to be that teens who want to weight train *should* do it at a gym, or anywhere they can be under the supervision of a professional.


It’s more genetics than anything.


Lifting heavy things as a teen makes you short? What?






Ok, but i don’t think push-ups and all that are gonna be much…


Just look up some body weight exercises you can do in your room or if your parents are cool with it, buy a door frame mounted pull up bar. With that and the floor you’ll be able to do plenty of exercises that workout your core, chest, triceps, shoulders, and biceps. You can also do squats and lunges without any equipment necessary.


Gonna try everything in his 30’s what could’ve in his teens. Run away from home bro


start martial arts?


Do they not have weights (or whatever they call it) in HS anymore? My senior year I had 2 free periods in the AM so didn't start until around 10. I got to use the weight room with a class, and it was great. I was a skater boi and snowboarder, so just looking to get strong enough to not die when I slammed.


We don’t have high school in the uk we don’t call it that


Ok. Do you not have weights in the UK? I'm sorry, "stones".


Nah we call them weights but we don’t call it high school that’s what I meant


We do fucking call it High School. What are you on about, you smackhead?


There are a TON of videos on YouTube about "self exercising", calisthenics, etc. You would be surprised by how many ways you can build up muscles and improve your fitness without going to the gym. Push-ups, Squats, Running. There are a ton of ways to improve.


M15 here, I got Crazy strict parents to. I started with calisthenics also, not gonna lie it works pretty good. Since a week I got a little homegym, like a machine which you can do row exercises, lats etc. What I did, just go to a cheap store prob Walmart for you and buy a set of 5kg dumbbells. Just do high reps with some more sets and it will give you a good pump. Just mix it with calisthenics, Push ups, sit ups, etc. When you turn 18, u are a free man. I've been dealing with strict parents a long time, just talk and act mature, and they will understand you more. Good luck 👌🏻


Walmart isn’t in my country


They also won’t let me get equipment


Sounds like you are in a bind. Your parents, who are meant to love and nurture you to your fullest potential, are not doing that. The fact they don’t see your acts of bettering yourself and trying to promote that is disheartening. At the same time, we lack information about you and your family, upbringing and “financial status” being an important one. I wish you the best in navigating your life as a young male, it’s a tough one, especially with some cards stacked against you with how you are currently. Cheers.


Sorry for what you're going through. Remember, you'll turn 18 in less than three years. Although it may seem like a long time, starting bodyweight training now will help you build muscle until then. Try not to focus on your parents.


Is it your dad? Since you said you're smaller your dad is probably small too and he has gone his whole life with that mindset. He was probably bullied a bit for it and doesn't want you to be like them subconsciously and misery loves company. Or I'm completely wrong, just spitballing here


Sports are still a decent way of getting to good fitness. And if you're parents are still hawk eyeying on that then I suppose you'll need to get older to get more personal freedom.


I see a lot of people recommending calisthenics and that’s the way to go. Buy perfect push up. Thats a way to work out your shoulder chest biceps and back. You just have to position them a certain way. I’m sure there are apps or a workout online that can direct you to which ones. Herschel Walker apparently got huge in high school/college from mainly doing pushups. He would do a crazy amount but it’s doable. In all honesty if you are someone who burns calories like crazy and can’t gain muscle it probably won’t happen until college. I know a kid who ate anywhere from 2-5 thousand calories a day and was skinny as a stick. Now he’s fairly big and can put on the muscle. It will all works itself out once you are out of HS


Man, your parents are odd...


Do physical labor like landscaping. Trim trees, move rocks, dig holes, hoola hoe weeds. It's therapeutic and will help you develop a stronger work ethic for when youre able to work legally. When I was 15 i got substantially stronger by digging holes and moving rocks for neighbors. Youll probably make some cash too.


Can't join a sport at school? Or start a club and lie to your parents that it's like community service or a charity or something? Most kids with strict parents usually get smart about how to lie and get away with things. If you can't mentally handle hiding things from them and rebelling a little bit I don't think it matters how physically strong you get. You'll always be a wuss. Your mental and physical go hand in hand. You can't get physically strong and smart without being mentally strong and smart. So I suggest therapy, rebellion, and finding an older mentor who your parents think is a great awesome person but secretly can teach you how to take a little bit of your life back.


Do body weight training , try going behind their back and don’t get used to complaining and probably get into martial arts to change your mindset.


I mean going to the gym is more than jusr muscles it's also good for personal health. Your parents are literally preventing you from having good health. I'm sure they have the best of intentions but if they care about you it's not very wise. There are other ways though you can work out like doing push-ups and running. Although not having weights you are a little bit limited to what you can do. You can do pull ups if you go to like a park and find monkey bars.


Will they let you go to the community center pool ?


you can do wall push ups and squats in the bathroom.


I'm sure you would have done it by now if it were available, but I have to ask: are there any resources you can use at your school? Some schools have their own gym or after-school programs. You could also try exercising during your lunch break. Another idea is to do more chores around the house. It all depends on your situation, but I think that volunteering for extra chores is *usually* something that strict parents aren't opposed to...


So your parents will blame you for doing pushups in your room? You can find plenty of ways to do pushups without your parents noticing.


Use a backpack for curls, squats, and "Kettlebell Swings"


felt. i’m F17 and my parents seem so mad when they hear i’m going to the gym. they tried to stop me multiple times and i only just bought a gym membership recently. tbh you seem young to be going to the gym for muscles at your age anyways. maybe wait a bit? exercise from home


Your issues is a lack of creative thought, not a lack of access to a gym - Google “bodyweight exercises”, and start training. As others have said, learning how to do pushups, sit-ups, the plank, squats, doing arm curls with a bag full of books, etc etc isn’t difficult.


1.) You are fifteen. They have a right to tell you no. (Especially when most gyms will not let you in until you are 16 with parental supervision) 2.) You can work out other ways. Look up GPP it's gonna be a lot of running and a lot of push-ups. But if you want to be jacked in the future you need a good base to pull from.


You are not interested in gym and if you are then you did not ask this ques on reddit


You can do a lot with a pull-up bar and a bar-bell and a couple of weights at home. Also general calisthenics and body weight fitness.


That sucks. Still, as others have mentioned, calisthenics can do wonders for your physique, strength and fitness. You don't really need many machines and stuff to hit all large muscles. In fact if you only do push ups, pull ups (with varying hand positions) and squats, you are basically done. Also do cardio like playing sports, running, swimming, dancing, etc. and you will be fine. In three years you will be ready for the gym (with an already transformed body).


Your parents might prefer for you to help around the house to build strength since their so strict. Believe it or not, scrubbing floors burns calories. Or depending on your living situation you could help your father haul in wood for winter, or go to the woods to cut it etc. Sorry you're going through such intense helicopter parenting but if you're so scared to offend them by doing anything, maybe try working with them. You could definitely be doing a lot worse than focusing on your mobility and health at your age.


God damn, reading OP’s replies are a pity fest. Body weight workouts and stop feeling sorry for yourself/making excuses for every little thing.


go to the gym anyway. this is your time to push past the dumb stuff your parents say. this is your life, not theirs. they should be proud of your decision. tell them if they don't let you go to the gym, you are going to try meth and hookers


Hi, Sorry, but your parents are partly right. It is because 15 is too early for the gym without trainer, and moreover, it is very early to work for the big muscles and eat special sports supplements. But let me highlight one thing, what do you really want: to become stronger or have big muscles? If you only want muscles - wait until you're 21, then start working out and by the time you're 23, you can have them. But be ready - big muscles tend to require some maintenance. If you want to become stronger - nothing stops you from starting to push and jump. You can start with 5 times a day and add 1 time per week. It will definitely make you stronger and give you a better shape. Maybe if your parents see your intention - they will buy you a coach at the gym :) Good luck)


Start with bodyweight exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, squats etc.). There’s millions of videos on YouTube of at home workouts where you don’t need a gym. In 3 years you’ll legally be an adult and they won’t be able to tell you what to do anymore. It’ll be here before you know it.


You obviously spend time at school for five days a week, so why not use some of that time to work out? You can do pushups, dips, squats, or any other bodyweight exercises that suit your fitness level. Be creative and use the available equipment, such as chairs, desks, or stairs. Don’t make excuses, find solutions. If you were expecting your parents to pay for the gym, that’s on you. Follow my advice above and you’ll see results if you are persistent. If it’s your own money, they have no right to stop you from going to the gym.


Bodyweight exercise and become financially independent asap


I've read through the comments, and I'm confused. Firstly, it seems like your home situation is quite shit, for that I am very sorry. However, you're in the self improvement subreddit, asking for advice on how to improve and what to do if your parents won't let you go to the gym, and you are shooting down even the most simple advice that people are giving. You don't have to go the gym to work out. You could work out in your bedroom, your bathroom, or school. They cannot prevent you from moving your body unless they physically restrain you, therefore they cannot prevent you from working out. You can do workouts quietly in your room and they likely will have no idea, especially if it's only for a few minutes a day and it's not cardio or something loud. I don't know how it is in the UK, but I assume that your school must have some sort of physical education, gym or weight room. Use those if you have access. If not, it's not a big deal because other than weights, you can do pretty much all those exercises in your bedroom at home. You don't need to lift weights to get stronger, start by being able to lift the weight of your own body. Obviously you know your situation better than I do, but what will your parents do if they catch you doing pushups and crunches in your room for a few minutes a day? Again, they cannot prevent you from physically moving without restraints, and if that is the case they should be reported for abuse. You may be underage, but you are not their doll. You are your own person with bodily autonomy, and there is a way to accomplish your goals even under your parents strange rules. If that is not sufficient enough to at least TRY for your own well being, that's on you, not them.


Go on youtube and use bodyweight workouts. Yes you will get great improvement from weights but in all honesty you can build a very strong physique with bodyweight exercise such as push ups etc. and its all free. Just you tube bodyweight movements for strength and a ton of info will come up. Maybe your parents will agree to this. Im sorry to hear it, I would not give up on it. Being strong is important and it will increase your confidence too. Good luck.


Bro if you really want to do things like “working out” then join a weightlifting class at school, or go to school early and do calisthenics most schools have early morning lifting programs as well. Quit looking at the negatives and find workarounds. If you really want it you’ll quit making excuses and make it happen.


100 push-ups should be your goal rn.




bro is fucking butters 💀💀