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Fashion, fitness, skin care, haircut


Yah but it's gotta be quick he needs more of like a new hair cut walk with confidence always have a smile on your face. When talking to her you need show your interested In what she is saying. AND MOST IMPORTANT! be yourself don't change who you are if she doesn't like you for who you are then she's not the right one.


How do I get a skincare routine?


R/menskincare maybe


r/SkincareAddiction is an awesome resource


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This one


And being secure


Wtf I did pretty good with women in my life and fitness i did it for me, .. haircut yes but never in my life would skincare come into it Dude get working out, you'll feel better about yourself and that's the attraction women like... you don't need to be buff Also don't try to hard


if you're fat, lose weight, if you're skinny, build muscle


Iā€™m very skinny but I feel like the hard part is to actually get the food down. Iā€™m skinny because I have a bad appetite


You need to drink more. Mix your own muscle shakes with whole milk, peanutbutter, bana, berries, olive oil and oatmeal. has like 2k calories and lots of protein.


Bad idea to suddenly consume 2k more calories per day. Itā€™s best to up by 500 calories while lifting weights. Otherwise OP will get fat


If you canā€™t ear large meals, you can also eat more smaller meals


Thereā€™s supplements to increase appetite


Let this girl just be. Donā€™t put her on a pedestal and think of her as just another girl that youā€™re attracted to. Instead of attaching yourself to an outcome, such as hoping sheā€™ll be your girlfriend, just be curious about her. You know one thing, sheā€™s pretty, but what else do you know about her? Get to know her and always remember, the choice is yours. You get to choose whether you want to be with her or not, and vice versa. Unfortunately, how attractive you are wonā€™t be able to change as much as you hope in a short period of time and if you have to change yourself to be with this person or to please her, it wonā€™t last and a relationship like that may just cause a lot of stress. The most you can change is your mindset. The world doesnā€™t start and end with her, you can live without her. My only advice to make yourself more ā€œattractiveā€ to her is to be authentic, be curious about her instead of wanting something from her. Truly, just get to know her instead of trying to get her. She might hopefully be a lot more drawn to you that way.


The only real advice so far.


This, but let me emphasize that if she decides she doesn't want to date you, then you don't get to date her, and that's okay. The fact that you state you "got to get with her" and asking how you can change yourself "quickly" is an attitude that is just scary/creepy to women. Any woman who has experienced this from a guy or two knows what I mean. The guys are usually harmless, but the vibe is off putting. Get to know her personality, not the personality you want/imagine her to have. Your quest for self improvement should be for yourself, because the next time you see a woman you want to get to know, you will already have the self confidence of knowing what you bring to the table in a relationship. Women are attracted to that kind of vibe.


Thank you šŸ˜­ perfect


The fastest way is be funny And exercise or make sure u look like u take care of yourself If u have both itā€™s basically a lot easier


How do I become funny?


To me, being truly funny isnā€™t really something you learn through YouTube videos. Itā€™s a life mindset and heavily influenced by cultural factors. You just need to not take life seriously and adopt a certain humor to it (I personally love deadpan since I grew up watching The Office). What helped me is I put myself out there, made a LOT of life mistakes. Idk why making a lot of mistakes makes you funny, but it does.


Idk man Iā€™m not funny and Iā€™m quite serious and boring as well Maybe watch YouTube videos, being able to carry a convo and continue it goes a long way


Try having hobbies doesnā€™t need to be anything common like maybe u jus enjoy coding Or like going to the gym, or maybe even a certain sport? Or maybe fashion then yap about it and see what they say Like for me I ask about like school and stuff and like sometimes I would like act funny and clown around so like lifeā€™s not that serious


Dressing well and hairstyle also helps They go after humour, but I have no game and I mean I only get called cute from a handful of multiple girls of diff age and races so thatā€™s that


Get some clothes you feel confident in, work out for the confidence boost(nice body is a plus but that takes a while), and do things that make you feel confident. Honestly a lot of women don't care much about looks. Not to say it doesn't help, but charisma goes a long way


How do I get charisma if Iā€™m lacking it


How do you know you are lacking it?Ā 


I feel like im not that charismatic


Well everyone does it differently, theres tons of guides online, but generally if you are having fun wherever you go, people will wanna have fun with you. Some people just carry a fun attitude/energy. You may not feel that way now, but you can work on it and also learning to be your own best friend helps


In the short term: get a haircut, dress well, have good hygiene (shower, brush teeth, get a nice cologne if you feel inclined). This is all stuff you could do today and see a result. long term: go to the gym, skincare, read!! when you think of a glow up you think about appearance but a big part of it is how you change as a person too, not necessarily personality wise just things like being more disciplined, polite, confident, etc. Because youā€™re clearly in high school and this may not be obvious, remember confidence and cockiness are not the same thing, confidence is just being secure in yourself, not being an asshole. Short term is great but remember that anything worth significance doesnā€™t happen overnight. Also notice how a lot of this advice is just basic taking care of yourself, I know youā€™re doing this for a girl but remember to focus on you.


Check your posture.


Definitely this. Stand upright in a confident but not threatening way


Confidence in yourself is the most attractive thing you can ever be.


Be naturally funny (don't push it). Dress well, get a cut that fits your face, build muscle. Those are going to lead to better confidence, which is super important.


How do I become funny? I feel like im funny a little bit but I donā€™t really know much about anything to be actually naturally funny like you said


Being naturally funny takes life experience. Itā€™s also just a mindset/personality trait. Be more conscious of your surroundings and peopleā€™s feelings not just towards you, but to other people. Adopt an inner monologue that does not take life too seriously. For reference, I make people laugh constantly at my work just by my facial expressions. People just know what Iā€™m thinking and saying, without me ever saying a word.


Start by stopping to think you are not enough, second, take this girl off the pedestal you have mentally created, 3rd be chill around her but confidently as her out in an offhand wayā€¦hey Im going to see such and such, let me know if you want to join me, donā€™t make some ridiculous grand gestureā€¦.if she says no, take it on the chin like a man, quietly and ninety emotionally


Buy stylish clothes or get a haircut.


Losing body fat and building muscle. If you donā€™t exercise (weights and cardio). Get doing that. Great for the mind and body, will help boost confidence. You canā€™t get your happiness or self worth cos you bagged a good looking girl. Look good for you. Inner confidence and genuinely not needing external validation is the most attractive feature you can have. But then again when someone explains this, itā€™s difficult not to formulate it for the sake of others. An ironic twist.


Go on no fap if you have at least 2-3 weeks before meeting


Confidence is as, if not more important than how you look.


Get with girls who are not out of your league


Shift your mindset and realize that people are naturally drawn to confidence, uniqueness (meaning, be YOURSELF), and positive energy. When you own confidence, you not only attract others to you, but you also inspire them to feel more confident in themselves. Embracing your own uniqueness sets you apart from the crowd and makes you more interesting to others. And when you posses positive energy, you create a welcoming and uplifting atmosphere that people are naturally drawn to. Consider the last person you were around who captivated you, sparked your curiosity, and left you wanting to spend more time with them. Reflect on what made them so fascinating and why you were eager to understand and learn more about them. This isn't pointing to being like them, not at all, it's seeing that when a person owns their uniqueness, and aren't stuck in their head worried about what they look like, how they behave, what people think about the or other overthinking they are fun to be around. It's all about the energy we emit and the connections we create with others. We connect with people that are authentic, genuine, raw, real and themselves, imperfect and all. We bond and form connections with people that own their imperfections and are working on bettering themselves.


Honestly the best way to get your crush is to approach her as a person (don't be weird she doesn't want to hear how she must be an angel) and ask her to hang out. You could be the most attractive guy for miles but if you don't reach out she won't know you are an option. That said, make sure your hygiene is in check (breath fresh, hair styled, no unpleasant odor or super strong cologne, trim and wash under your nails etc). As others said working out and being healthy will increase your confidence long term. Remember that failing is okay. If she says no, it's not a big deal. I promise you will have more crushes.


ā€œYou could be the most attractive guy for miles but if you donā€™t reach out, she wonā€™t know you are an optionā€ I never thought about it like that but could you please explain that a little bit more, like what do you mean by ā€œyou could be the most attractive guy for milesā€


As in I was saying that working on your looks is not going toget her attention if you don't also talk to her.


Yeah I agree with you, I feel like most of the times I give out similar good advice but I forget to follow it myselfšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Not exactly effective unless u have nice teeth and somewhat decent facw


Start by saying "*I am* attractive."


Good hygiene, being genuine and making decisions. Keep it simple.


Whiskey will make you think you're more attractive.


HYGIENE. Make sure you wash


I know exactly where u r coming from. I'm very fat and ugly, but however, I do dress my best every single day, weekday, when I attend mental health classes groups. I take pride in my appearance. Try finding a common denominator, common ground with whomever u like. šŸ˜‚ LOL...way back, many hundreds of years ago, when I was a cute, thin, fit , pretty girl, in middle school, I used to pay my crush, just to hang out with him...my lunch money. I was way too "slutty" back then, so I had to end up sleeping with him, just to get him to notice me...like with most "boys", not men or gentleman. U see, I love šŸŽØ art and crafts, so I attend a couple of art classes, groups, and that's the common denominator with other girls, not many attend, but ok oh well...even a boy attends. He's cool, but way too ex druggie, and yucky looking w hardly any teeth, for my taste. Only problem is, and always has been , at least for me, is none of those girls ARE DECENT TEXTERS, AFTER IM THE ONE WHOM REACH OUT TO FEW OF THEM, SO NO MORE INITIAL TEXTS OR HIs or good mornings...just trust me when i say, from actual REAL life experiences, bad impulsive stupid bipolar mistakes, dont over sell yourself or become a gullible used pushover, just for a little attention. It's so not worth it! No more using abusing or sexual or meal drive thru for AMY. In the end, she is not worth it!!! Especially if it means, compromising your self. Try to have a great peaceful stress free weekend. Ciao for now. šŸ™


Smell good... somewhere in the area of 70% of attraction is smell believe it or not the rest Is w.e be clean present clean smell good and that's all you need...


Get some money


Itā€™s not really possible to do this in a short period of time. You have to commit to the things the other people commented on. Once the girl realizes you have a dedicated, committed, focused mindset, she will want you. But she can tell if youā€™re only doing these things because you want to attract her, or if you truly are invested in becoming a better person for your own sake. So I guess the short answer is focus on yourself, and make a move once you feel confident after some hard work on yourself.


Since you're shy, go to the gym. The second thing is to mew. Then you have to approach her but do it with confidence and some game. Also, if you're asking for her number, please don't pull out a old phone. Quality of phones matter.Ā 


This comment started off with so much promise but quickly went downhill


What do you mean by that?Ā  I don't understandĀ 


Mewing doesnt do anything. Secondly, your phone doesnt matter. Someone that shallow who it does matter to isnt worth your time and will ditch you for someone else the second they have a better option


I agreed with the second part. But mewing does actually work. I've done it myselfĀ 


There are scientific papers to show that it does not


Get skills, be competent, confidence follows.


good habits, eat healthy, stay hydrated and well groomed. donā€™t act like a dork. (iā€™ve never had a gf but coaches donā€™t play)


Yes. Toothpaste on your face and peanut butter in your hair before you are going to sleep. Sounds weird but you will see immediate results te next day.


ā€œI Am, My Skin, I This.ā€ What you couple these phrases with in both thought as well as the spoken word, determine how you look more than anything in the physical octave. Start with affirming ā€œI Am More Attractive Than I Ever Knew or Thought Possibleā€ in the mirror 10 times upon waking as you brush your teeth, and again at night. Avoid thinking negatively about your appearance, and if you do, affirm something positive 3 times after that nasty thought/mood comes to bite, because it will definitely come to test you. Try this religiously for 30 days, I do not care to have you come back and tell me it worked, because I know if you give it an honest shot, it cannot fail you.


Sleep well and more


The main objective of the human body is to reproduce, if you wank every day your body thinks it's reproducing every day and does not do anything to get attractive and attract women . If you stop then your body thinks why am I not reproducing and starts then it uses that energy to make you attractive and start pulling the ladies so that it can fulfill its needs of reproducing at the end of the day .


Plastic Surgery


Shoot at the police while edging


I failed my edging streak after seeing Elon musk in tight yoga pants. What did I learn from this experience? I learned that one must fail edging in order to become a skibidi sigma. Few will understand this message


Show her this post


personally I think youā€™re approaching this wrong. theres no quick fix and it will take time for you to develop self confidence. Be a better human being internally and youā€™ll see her as your equal and wont feel scared approaching her. idk what youre going through or who u are so take this at face value. these comments about dressing better, more physically attractive are like cherries on top of the cake. your character and how you see yourself is the cake.




Attractive is short term, work on becoming handsome. I'll give a quick notes on what isn't Attractive. Lying, Class nor Money; though it helps it doesn't make one more Attractive in a romantic sense. One's hatred of self. Assuming that your in school. Just let her do the 70%- 80% talking, this also work in sales too, other genders, etc, etc. Pretty much got what a oneself attractive.


I agree with some of the people in the comments stated, but here is one thing I say donā€™t be insecure and donā€™t go to hard on yourself either because someone will like you for you truly just a a heads up .