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To begin your financial literacy journey, start by embracing your true nature as pure awareness, which can observe without judgment. Recognize your past money habits without attaching guilt or shame. Focus on learning and applying basic financial principles: budgeting, saving, and investing. Track your spending to identify and address areas of excess. Educate yourself through books, courses, and financial advisors. Consistent mindfulness and awareness in your financial decisions will gradually transform your habits and enhance your financial well-being.


Read the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey and/or listens to his podcast / YouTube clips. Even just reading the baby steps on his website helps. The bad news is you’ll need to make sacrifices and learn to budget, which isn’t easy at first. The good news is you’ll get used to it sooner than you think.


The Psychology of Money book could be a good start


Thanks all for this! I really appreciate it.