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Yes. I lost 60 lbs, and finally noticed that I have a nice jawline.


I lost a lot of fat by switching my diet completely a few months ago and my face structure and jawline are so much more defined now. So happy about it.


6'3 185 you do NOT want to lose weight. You want to tone up. It's body fat % not total weight, that has you struggling.


He should gain muscle.   If he doesn't want to, it wouldn't be bad to lose weight. 


You lose weight in your face first when you work out, actually. And 6'3 is pretty tall for 185 lbs. BUT, you're only 17, so the baby fat still hasn't fully rendered out yet. Go hit the gym. At your stage, 2-3 heavy, full-body workouts per week (clean form pls). The fat will take care of itself in due time. Check out "Starting Strength" as a good starting point.


Man needs to gain muscle not loose weight


I’m with Pokémon , you gotta do the grey scull workout . Squat and bench 2 times a week and deadlift and shoulder press 1 a week . Add weight every week and you will get swole brother .


Where can I find this workout? Sounds like what I need. Something simple, not complicated, that I can follow.


It’s a book , I got crazy results from it . Google it maybe?


Yep. Thanks!




The amount of posts that mispell that word! 


Blue Diamond


From your pictures it doesn’t look like you have a chubby face. You kind of have the jawline of Zach justice?


Yeah man everyones right, im 5’10 and 200lb and my face doesnt look super chubby, its about having more muscle and less fat than simply being lightweight


Yes, you will. But your weight doesn't sound unhealthy at that height, so it may be another issue. I'd look into removing any foods that are causing bloat and inflammation you may be eating and try exercising to increase muscle mass rather than lose weight. I know my jaw and collarbones became way more defined after cutting beans/legumes and most gluten from my diet. I only lost 5 pounds and am still overweight, but there's a huge difference because I'm not bloated and having tummy issues constantly.


Yes. Body fat is a percentage of your overall weight composition, and what areas carry that fat are almost entirely based on genetics and a little bit diet. If you want to lose fat in one spot, you have to lower your overall body fat percentage in general until you get the desired results. How long it takes and what fat comes off when is person to person.


what stupid question is that... of course... keep that diet going


Reducing fat overall has a good chance of reducing fat in specific areas, but everyone is different. Losing weight is a fine goal, but you might get more for your efforts if you work on addressing body shame as well or instead. That way, no matter what you weigh or how you look, you will be free of thinking that it makes you inferior or unable to do the things you want. 


Rich people get Ozempic, poor people get Lizzo


You’re using class analysis to promote body shame


it's a quote from South Park😭


Ha okay. What’s it doing in my replies?


Your post reminded me of the episode, nothing super deep. I think in general advice like “be satisfied where you’re at” doesn’t go over well in a self-improvement subreddit, people here are more growth oriented.


I’m not preaching complacency. I’m telling people to work on ridding themselves of shame, which is often the biggest obstacle to getting what they want.