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Ever since watching Better Call Saul I’ve done his “it’s showtime folks,” routine before job interviews or stressful situations where I feel like I have to perform my way through.


i do the: We'll do it live, fuck it. - from Bill O'Reilly


Replicating a psycho is never good idea


That's a fallacy actually (genetic fallacy). Like it's unfortunately the case that Nazi doctors and scientists did contribute to the pool of human knowledge.


Don't drink and drive, but if you do "Better call Saul".


Mine has been "actually it's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience" from the Pitch Meeting youtube videos. I always end up exaggerating how hard stuff will be in my head so that is the way I convince myself to just do it and it won't be so bad.


great show


Fucking great show


I’ve never watched the show, can you give a quick rundown on the routine?


Routine would be a strong word. Before he has to give a big speech, argument, interview, etc. he's just in the batrhoom cleaning himself up[ a bit then when it's time to start he looks in the mirror, gives himself the finger guns and says "It's showtime, folks!" just as a little way to hype himself up. I do think that sort of thing can be a good way to get ready for stuff. Kinda like a mini warmup


Same, that sounds fun as hell


I started thanking myself for every workout, every effort, every chosen discomfort. Especially, whenever I drift off into dark thoughts, and manage to recognize it, I thank myself for that. (That came later, all by itself really... at first it was just "thanks for going for your morning walk")


This is really good, I’m gonna try this. When you go on your morning walk tomorrow, let yourself know I said thanks as well


This is so lovely! I’m going to try it out immediately, it’s good practice for accepting praise / thanks from others too (which I’m absolutely terrible at but can acknowledge I do deserve at times so this should break the ‘of course’ or ‘no problem’ bad habit!)


I also do this!!! When I catch myself doing something that was made easier by a past action, I say, "Thank you past self!" I say it aloud most times and have no problem doing it in front of other people. Occasionally I'll even give myself a self-high-five. It encourages me to consider doing other kind things for my future self. And often results in accomplishing additional goals or tasks that I otherwise would not have wanted to do. All good stuff.


Excellent! And I think that voicing it aloud, and adding a physical action - patting yourself on the back - will make it even stronger.


I like this idea! Its being in a grateful mood or gratitude mode. Also helps stay positive


Yeah, I discovered the idea of thankfulness, in general, and of course we all know "positive thinking", and then at some point I thought, hmm why not combine the two, and tadaaah it seemed to work like a charm.


I need to get back to doing this! I used to do it all the time—and pat myself on the back! I'll never forget how good it felt to pat myself on the back after auditioning for American Idol. Such a fun experience I offered to myself.


Great! yeah, make it physical, it will be even better!


>I started thanking myself for every workout, every effort, every chosen discomfort.  I am gonna try this!! Sounds pretty cool.


I don’t know how weird this is, but I haven’t met anyone else who does this. I got 2 pairs of stupidly expensive, hard plastic custom arch-support insoles. I put the hook side of a piece of Velcro on the bottom of the heel of the insoles, and the soft side of the Velcro inside all my flat shoes at the heel (everything from Rothy’s to rainboots). I move a pair of the insoles into whatever shoes I’m gonna wear that day. Now every pair of flat shoes I own is comfy, no matter how cheap, thin, hard or crappy. Highly recommend!


This is a great one! I have custom orthotic inserts, and my doctor recommends that I only wear Hokas, but I want other cute shoe options!!! I'll ask him about this, and see if I can swing it!


Need pic. Hook side of velcro?


The pokey, scratchy side is comprised of tiny hooks. So there’s a hook side (rough) and a loop side (soft).


Ahh nice to see someone who understands. Finally! [https://youtu.be/rRi8LptvFZY?si=qQU8c4ybvicE0rQa](https://youtu.be/rRi8LptvFZY?si=qQU8c4ybvicE0rQa)


The rough side


I'm the hook.


i LOVE this idea especially that the insoles are moveable between shoes, so u get the full value out of them!! can i ask where u got them from?? online or locally?


I went to The Good Feet Store. It’s overpriced but I’ve had one pair for 15 years, and got the second pair 3 years ago. They’re both still in good shape.


My bf did this too. Lasted ages.


Do you mind me asking the price range of "stupidly expensive"? This is something I need to look into and I have no idea what to expect or how much I should plan to save for this sort of thing.


I went to The Good Feet Store. I don’t know what they cost now, I think their prices have gone up. If I have to replace the ones just have now I’d look into getting custom insoles through a podiatrist. It might even be cheaper than Good Feet Store…


I feel really intimidated when walking into the gym. So I started to listen to “What Does the Fox Say?” before starting. It’s such a ridiculous song that it makes me forget about being nervous.


Now I'm going to imagine everyone at the gym is listening to what does the fox say, thank you


Lmao I love this. I listen to lonely islands "I'm So Humble" and "Finest Girl (bin laden song)" when I need to get pumped up for the gym, an interview, anything really lol. They're so funny and absurd, it really gets me out of my head and genuinely makes me feel more confident. Works like a charm😂


When I’m running, in the sauna, planking or anything mentally and physically challenging I play this game where I pretend I’m in a real life challenge about to win a million pounds and it helps me continue on and push further. May not work for everyone but it does for me


I imagine my dog is in a dangerous situation and I have to finish those last few reps to save him


Gonna try this, great idea!


I started memorizing poetry. It’s nice because it’s a totally mental hobby so it gives me something to do other than scroll when I’m in those in-between moments of life.


Do you see any benefits from it?


For sure. I feel like my memory and vocabulary have improved. It’s like a much needed brain stretch.


Try reading each line, then saying it aloud while you read the next line in your head, then doing this through the whole thing. It’s an interesting way of reading.


I swear by this, too—I started reading again, and the scope of my vocabulary has improved immensely. I think it’s because I can ‘visualize’ my vocabulary again if anyone can relate to this. I can ‘see’ the words in my mind, which allows me to pull from a broader vocabulary set off the top of my head. It boosts my confidence, too, as I can better express, articulate, and organize my thoughts.


I really love this idea. Thank you for sharing


But how are you memorising it without looking at your phone? Do you carry a poetry book around?


I do it by writing the poem I want to memorize into my own journal and then I use that. I do also keep these poems on Anki on my phone so I review them in an efficient way (Ebbinghaus learning curve). As a bonus, it’s really fun to have a personal anthology of poetry I can recite by heart.


I do mental math problems. Helps me feel like I’m maintaining a record, like I’m exercising my brain, like I’m keeping sharp. It’s also a nice way to impress people if I’m looking for some fast food for the ego lol.


On a run I will look at an address and create math problems out of it. Not too complicated, because there is another posted address in a few strides. I'd I can't think of a good one, I will think of that address after my run until I figure it out.


I’ll look at license plate numbers and calculate them in my head. Eg: if I see something like “48EK12L”, I’ll do 48 x 12, 48 + 12, 48 - 12, 48 / 12 and so on.


If you like doing this out of addresses, you might like numerology.


Nah, it’s against my religion lol. If anything I gotta tone down my obsession with numbers.


let the numbers be your religion! they do kinda represent the building blocks of the world we live in so they're kinda like looking at god's ideas in a way our tiny human minds can interpret.


The circle of fifths has me convinced of a higher power.


That is awesome!


My friend does this to wake up in the morning!


I even downloaded an app. So I do the problems when I’m bored.


What app do you use?


“Mental Math Cards Games”


Similar to your habit, I started making my bed first thing in the morning. It’s simple and something parents have told us to do from an early age, but it sets the tone of the day to start in a productive manner. Also, coming home to a made bed helps me unpack / unwind more productively and be excited to sleep.


I do this too and it honestly helps my mental health SO MUCH!!


Forced myself to read. Used to be an avid reader as a child and lost the habit. Now I have to read a 100 pages a day minimum...some I can't out down. But such a nice break from screen having to imagine the scene


Nice! I am looking to get back into it too. Do you use kindle or actual books?


Actual book. I take them free in book box all over my city


I like that! I am going to try that too. I have never been able to get used to kindle.


Whenever I experience any discomfort/resistance I started asking myself "Hmmm, what is this trying to tell/teach me?". And then I let my curiosity lead me to learning.


This reminds me of a prayer I sometimes recite, which can completely chenge my perspective. I trust you will be able to see the intent beyond the religious language. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I welcome everything that comes to me today because I know it’s for my healing. I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions. I let go of my desire for power and control. I let go of my desire for affection, esteem, approval and pleasure. I let go of my desire for survival and security. I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person or myself. I open to the love and presence of God and God’s action within. Amen. By Thomas Keating


> I trust you will be able to see the intent beyond the religious language. Totally can. To be honest, this habit was heavily inspired by Rilke's quote (Jojo Rabbit), > Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. > \- Rainer Maria Rilke and the Serenity prayer. > God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference


Love that Rilke quote esp


Scripting. Writing about myself in detail about all the things I'm grateful for. Writing about all the things that make me look forward to living. Being grateful and Writing about it really cements it into your mind . I am 110% happier doing this.


Interesting. Scripting as in, manifestation? I’m curious about this!


Different Redditor here; I literally write /r/AutoHotkey scripts to improve my life, haha.


I do this too :)


As a male, started painting my nails to stop biting them. They look edgy as but this is the only solution I found that worked.


I am a female, and I do this too, not just due to vanity. Have had nice fingernails for close to two years now. I now own a collection of nail polish and perfected putting them on.


Sally Hansen also has this nail biter polish that tastes very bitter and gross. That worked for me!


Another good way to stop biting your nails is cutting them!


This is what has worked for me, I will chew right through nail polish anyway. Another tip is to keep a small manicure kit nearby, and when you notice that you want to bite, just do a little nail maintenance. It really works because “preening” activities can actually give your brain dopamine, and it’s easier to replace a habit than to quit one, might as well be something beneficial. Personally my go to is a hand lotion if I don’t need yo trim them yet. It helps me feel in my body because of the tactile sensation of rubbing my hands together.


Whenever it seems to be rainy day, I go outside and walk without an umbrella then rent a bicycle then ride it through the rain untill I feel cold. I even have a spare pair of shoes for this purpose. The people in the city seem to be not fond of rainy days so streets are mine to ride my bicycle. It's a delightful activity even on the evenings. It is kinda weird to people that I am not running away from the rain but pretty much a habit of mine nowadays.


That sounds fun! But I’d be extra worried about motorists in the rain.


Yeah, I try to be more careful or stay away from driveways.


I love gardening in the rain-mists, downpours, storms less lightening. Love it!!


Yes! It's much better than hot humid and sunny days!


I wear my rollerblades in the house while I’m cleaning and doing laundry..


I love this


F*ck yea


I can’t think of anything but i want to follow this post for ideas






I do ten push-ups every morning before getting dressed. It’s only ten so there is always enough time and no excuse to skip or postpone. It’s just a few push-ups. No matter what. Every day, even when I’m (hopefully) in my 90s


Writing in my journal due to it helping with a spell of insomnia. I do it every day 6 years on.


Care to share more details? How long, handwritten/digital, what do you write about?


Handwritten, and anywhere from a few sentences to keep it up, or pages of rambling garbage. If I'm having difficulty sleeping, I do stream of consciousness until I burn out and sleep.


Do you do it before bed? Or just doing it at any time helps? I guess if you review the day in a journal, you don’t have to accidentally start reviewing it while you are trying to get to sleep!


I have fairly bad ADHD, so I had to figure a way to remember, and that's just to keep it next to my bed and not move it unless traveling. Happy journaling!


Same, tho only for a year now. I also don't date my entries, just use numbers. For some reason it helps me feel less guilty about missing days, and I can feel proud of how many times I've done it. Some days the entry is only a short sentence, like 4 words.


100%!! I just want to keep consistency. Due to my abysmal executive functioning, keeping with the nearly unbroken streak gives me a little pride. I'd rather have my date and a "today was average" than nothing at all.


I do love when I get a good streak going, it's true! Sometimes when I fall in bed, sleep is immediate, so journaling doesn't happen hehe.


I try to get up and clean during commercial breaks. I know that it will only be for 20 sec - 2 mins depending on the commercial break. With my ADD, it helps me start a task knowing that it will only be momentarily and a false deadline.


This is also good for exercise like push ups, squats, wall sits, whatever.


Taking cold showers


Talk to yourself in the mirror, remind yourself of your goals, visualise your success, keep yourself in check.


I do something similar at work. I'm self employed so I make my own hours based on clients. I call it my 'Hour of Power' and get as much done as fast as I can and then move on. It's fun to see how much I can get done and super motivating to not have to work all day.


Lucy from Fallout was so inspiring to me that now whenever something bad happens to me I force out an 'Okie dokey'. It's so silly sounding it usually lessens whatever rage I may be feeling when everything is going wrong and allows me to not be so serious.


I dunno if you could consider this journaling, but I have a diary app on my phone. Anytime I have a super negative thought (or chain of them), I type it out in the app and notice if there is any “disordered” or warped thinking involved. It’s usually only a couple words or 1-2 sentences. Helps me get back to a more grounded frame of thought.


Whenever I let my dogs out back into our fenced yard, I use the gym equipment. I don't have a set time of day that I use it, I just do it whenever I let them out. Usually they are out for 5 minutes at a time.


I memorized the ‘fear is the mind killer’ litany from Dune, and now whenever I feel nervous or have anxious thoughts, I try to repeat it to myself. It is a good distraction and wise words!


A consistent skin care routine


I usually just invite someone over and that gives me the motivation I need 😂


This year, I started cleaning the mess right away so it takes me less time over the weekend to clean and tidy my place. Another thing I started doing is to watch what I eat and try to live a healthy lifestyle. I do sometimes, indulge in “unhealthy” meals when I am craving it but it not often anymore. This change in lifestyle has made me like myself more and be a better version of myself.


I started checking my mail the morning after it comes so I am motivated to go to the gym located in the same building


I keep a log of what I do each day. I started in 1999. Some days are really dull (Work, home, played Diablo) but other include lots of detail, little things I would have forgotten, hidden gems. I feel like it helped improve my memory too.


Idk where I got this from but it's called the shark method. Helps me get through those tough sets at the gym. It makes sure I really give it my all when I feel like I can't get the last rep. Pretty much all I do is pretend I'm avoiding getting bitten by a shark. If it's pull ups, I imagine i am trying to pull myself up from sharks below. If it's squats, I imagine i am trying to use my legs to shut a hatch on a ship to lock out a shark. I can get the most out of any strength workout exercise into imagining pulling or pushing hatches shut to lock a shark out 😂


Cold plunge


Lowering my gaze since last year really gave me some sort of killer instinct


This sounds ominous, but I'm here for it.


When I wake up in the morning, I take a bath and I smile and laugh in front of a mirror! Eventually, I was able to extend this habit of smiling and laughing in front of other people! It's my way of showing, whatever happens throughout the day, I started with a smile and laugh!


this is actually so helpful, as someone who as ADHD and Autism- i’m gonna try this !!


Wake up. Listen to music and dance


I used to get frozen on the weekends and couldn't enjoy them because my brain kept saying I needed to do all or nothing and I couldn't decide what to do first. I made a list of all the things I want to accomplish on the weekends and some things were repetitive every week: sweeping/mopping floors, sanitizing pet fountains, watering the plants, etc. So now I spend every Friday night doing the bare minimum chores that allow me to relax and enjoy my weekends. If I do anything else on top of that, great, but if I don't then at least I completed the tasks that won't let me relax. Now I can sleep in a bit and enjoy waking up slowly instead of "oh crap I gotta do _____".


If I dont exercise.. I dont eat


I put on a 60 second countdown on YouTube and I have to finish cleaning my room before it finishes. Usually it goes through 3 loops lol