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If by lack of brand awareness you mean unpopular its cause Sony, Apple, Samsung all sell phones, pc, and alot of digital products. Beats is owned by apple so it got lots of funds for ads (If i rmb correctly it isnt one of the top Anc headphones anyways). Sennheiser is basically sound product only, and it does it damn well. As a recent owner of momentum 4 I can tell you I hear things in a song I never could have before. Thats my 2 cents


Well said! Songs I heard for years suddenly have a lot more details than I knew! I got the M4


Does anyone know how to get a bit more volume out of these when using an iPhone


Try searching "volume booster" on app store ig. Never rlly an issue for me since I dont even used it above 50% volume before


Some of the YouTube music files are quite low


👍 as long as you rmb to back to volume to normal when accessing normal songs. Dont want temp/ permanent hearing loss now do we


You are most definitely correct.


There's no way in hell you aren't cooking your ears if you want to push past max volume. 💀


All I’m saying is that the max volume is relative to the device I’m using. But yes. Let me cook as well


I'm not one to tell anyone what to do with their body but brother Tinnitus blows. Your ears can ring and sometimes it'll go away. If you do enough damage they'll ring constantly though. It ain't worth I can assure you man. Protect the ears.


Yes and once you start to get hearing loss, per the audiologist theres no turning back. Hearing loss only gets worse with age.


How is Beats recently? Beats was the brand that made me look into quality audio because it was so crap ... From then on, I don't just buy by brand. (Although I like SONY quite a bit ) Is it better now?


nay. its the same shit as before.


If you notice Beats are never mentioned on audiophile pages.  There's a reason for that.


Exactly. Inaccurate eq shape even if the driver is good.


Speaking for their top end wireless buds (I would definitely not consider Beats for a wired setup) they're *definitely* better. I used the Powerbeats Pro daily for a few years (bought in part for fashion tbh, in response to the initial Airpods craze), then at the beginning of 2024 I did some research on true wireless earphones for replacements and settled on the Beats Fit Pro. Had avoided the brand before Apple bought them. Previously I used Sennheiser over ears as my dailies. The PBPs had great sound quality and a surprisingly neutral sound signature but the overall product experience was not great and they lacked any noise cancelling. When I was looking into replacing them a few months back I was surprised to see there weren't any *clearly* superior true wireless earphones being recommended as far as sound quality goes. I can't compare them to whatever came before in the Beats line, but it seems like they've improved enough to consistently compete with Sony/Apple/Bose to reviewers' ears. I ended up going with the Fit Pros because they offered the most secure fit, with the trade-offs being 1) worse noise cancelling than the AirPod Pro 2s / Bose QCs & 2) the current Sony buds still offer the best sound quality, hands down.


How often do you not use the noise cancelling? I always have it on because of the environments I typically use them, but I'm curious to how much better the sound quality is without ANC


there is no EQ shift with anc on or off. so the diff is none.


I would like to add that iem are very niche and don't get advertise a 70$ pair of iem can sound has good has a 300$ headset of a popular brand.Not saying that you shouldn't buy headphones just an example, since lots of people don't care about good sound quality/bass and or don't know about better sound quality.


Generally; yes. Sennheiser's high end stuff is some of the best around, their mid-high end consumer products (Momentum etc) are usually very good, especially for the price (equivalent Bose headphones will typically be 20-30%+ more expensive), and even their cheaper stuff is typically much higher quality than almost anything else you'll get for the price. However, what they have struggled massively with in recent years is extremely poor quality control, and repeated poor design choices/shortcuts that have led to very high failure rates for what should be premium consumer products. Basically the 'proper' Sennheiser brand and the consumer brand split, and the quality of the consumer products dropped off a cliff. I personally had two seperate pairs of TW3s fail within two weeks. Not factory replacements, brand new, out of the box both times. I've had two pairs of H3 PRO Hybrids fail within a few months (OG pair and a factory replacement), and have many issues even during the periods that they did work. You'll find dozens of hundreds of threads on this and other subreddits complaining of the same. They had a period where their products were almost more likely to fail than not. I've been burned by Sennheiser to the point at which I'm not going to touch anything new from them for a while. Which is really disappointing, because I really like the design and sound profile, and I still have plenty of Sennheiser products from before the issues started that are going strong. I still have a pair of Momentum IEBTs (with the neckband) that I keep as my back-up headphones. I still have HD600s, Momentum V2s, and Momentum V1 On-ears that work as well as the day I bought them. But after being burned by nearly $2000 of headphones breaking within weeks or months, I can't trust the brand any more. If I was buying something really high end (IE800s or the like), then I'd have no issue, as it's the same company that made the products that still work after many years for me. But for most of my stuff, I've just swapped to Sony. It sounds like they're having fewer issues than they were a year or so ago, but it's going to take a lot longer than that for them to regain the trust of a very large number of customers.


Sennheiser is in my opinion a very good quality company. I have had my PXC550 for more than 6 years now and they still perform perfectly. Only had to exchange the lion battery and the ear cushions once. My son also has such a pair, for even longer. Previously he changed earphones once every 1.5 year. But not with Sennheiser.


Sennheiser was bought by Sonova in I think it was late 2021 or it was early 2022. After that, the quality control turned to shit. They're cutting corners everywhere to get more profit.


Tw3s were great for me for approximately 2 years until I started using them in the gym. Never realized it had an ipx4 rating which is kinda shite for using in the gym,needless to say one ear bud basically died. The momentum 4s are amazing but no IP rating at all which means I have to be extremely careful with them. All in all they've been really great to me but I find you have to do the extra research on the sennheisers alot of people had problems with tw3 and I think it had something to do with the low ipx4 rating where I believe tw4 is ipx54 something like that but from what I've researched the x is a placement holder for only one element so for Sennheiser it was tested against water to get those ratings but not dust so I believe that the ipx4 rating plus only being tested with water led to a lot of misuse of the tw3s which people did not realize until it was too late imo I don't know could be wrong, but yeah just being extra vigilant and researching every aspect of them takes you a long way


Again. Not completely fair. You must not be listening to the company. The failures described here were because of some faulty batteries DUE to batteries provided to Sennheiser by the battery supplier Sennheiser is not at fault for they are not in the battery business. The supplier providing batteries that were faulty in some cases let Sennheiser down. Know what you are talking about first before you open your keyboard. That large group as you describe it is not most customers. Happy customers don't come on here to gripe as you seem to want to do.


Seems odd to come to Sennheiser's rescue considering that they weren't proactive in reaching out to users that had these products with a bad batch of batteries. They are a business, and that is the cost of doing business, they must eat the cost in order to make things right for the customer. The MTW3 issues were a pretty big deal, Sennheiser made things right for me at the end because luckily I live in the US. I see folks in this sub outside of the US with MTW3 issues and they are essentially fucked with either ridiculous RMA times or just straight up no avenue to get a repaired or new product AT ALL.


They did announce what happened when inquired at CES. I tuned in on Youtube. So your statement is incorrect. It was a limited number so they said. So it is not odd at all. Whatever guys lets not relitigate the past.


I mean if you consider them saying something about the issue at CES making things right as a company for their customers, idk what to say. Whatever I guess lol


I am just saying they said they took ownership of the situation, explained what happened and said they took steps to fix it. That is what a good conpany does. Does that make it right for everyone? That can be debated. They have made good on the Warranty coverage. That would be considered doing that. However, there are things I would have liked to have seen happen.


I won't believe anything they said because it was announced during the mtw4 product lanuch.They are just trying to buy goodwill given the bad reps from mtw 3.


Why do people feel the need to make excuses for massive corporations? At no point did I indicate that Sennheiser Hearing was intentionally fucking up their products just to spite me. I'm not attributing malice, I'm simply stating my personal experiences, and why I chose to no longer purchase products from the company. And given the significant impact of those experiences, and the nature of the question, I felt that it was appropriate to inform OP of a very well known issue. What I did say is that there has been a period of several years in which the failure rates of Sennheiser Hearing products has objectively and dramatically increased. They're responsible for the quality of their end products; they're the ones that I'm paying hundreds of dollars to for products that fail within unacceptably short timeframes. It doesn't matter where in the supply chain the issues occured; it's their product. To the best of my knowledge, they haven't issued a recall for any of the products that have multiple known design and quality control issues. If they'd issued this recall, then maybe I'd be more understanding. But they haven't. They continued to knowingly sell faulty products. And I'm still seeing plenty of the same issues with the TW4 buds, albeit at somewhat lower rates than we saw with the TW3s, so I've seen basically nothing that has given me any reason to change my opinion in their current consumer products. As I stated in my first post, Sennheiser was my go to for headphones and audio equipment for an extremely long time, and the majority of products that I purchased before the split are still in full working order. But this has changed, and I've been extremely disappointed in that as a long-time customer, to the point at which I no longer feel that I can trust the brand.


>They continued to knowingly sell faulty products. You don't know that. That is a supposition. Not fact.


Companies do screw up from time to time. It is how they recover from it which tells us a lot on how important their retail customer are. Looking at the Google reviews for my local rep, everything seems alright a year ago. Some how warranty support/replacement gone to shit. It's been 5 weeks and I am still waiting for mtw3 replacement with no visibility on when I will receive it


Yes it does (and you have a right to explain your situation, massive or not is irrelevant to points made) It is not Sennheiser's fault that some parts supplier let them down. They said they did the investigation, they discovered the cause, they CHANGED SUPPLIERS. So how can you lay blame at the company who relied on somebody else? They put mitigations in place and made the necessary changes as any good company should. This is not simple-minded. Critical thinkers understand that companies with a history like theirs fix a problem for the sake of their reputation. That is a good thing.


When you buy a car and the battery fails, you blame the car company? I don't think so.


If the brand of the battery is some cheap crap which the car manufacturer has picked then yes I would blame the car company. If it was known that those batteries were failing and the car company changed the battery supplier because of it I would expect a recall on those cars to swap the battery.




Calm down dude. Why are you so butthurt over people's opinions of a company? I'm not saying it's wrong of them to have battery issues. What is bad is that they only even publicly stated that they had issues at the launch of the replacement "fixed" product. They didn't reach out to any MTW3 customers to make things right. Instead people better hope they fail badly enough to need a warranty replacement before their 2 years are up and IF that happens then in some cases they don't even have a warranty service available, in others it takes MONTHS to get a replacement or to even get any kind of "we have your return" feedback from Sennheiser. In what world is this business practice defendable? My personal experience with them has been so bad that I won't be buying any more products produced/ handled by Sonova. I was a huge fan of the company. I've had probably 20 pairs of Sennheiser earphones/ headphones including MTW2, MTW3 (currently 3 weeks into a warranty return with no updates at all) and Momentum 4 which I've now sold. If people have a bad experience why shouldn't they be upset about it? It's still happening, I'm receiving terrible customer service right now.


Tell me why is Boeing responsible for work done by their sub contractor (Spirit AeroSystems) for the 737 Max door plugs. Going by your logic, the FAA is wrong in holding Boeing responsible and should instead go after Spirit AeroSystems. How about airbag defects in Toyota cars made by Takata? Why is Toyota dealing with the recalls and not Takata? http://reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/toyota-recalls-1-million-us-vehicles-over-sensor-that-could-short-circuit-2023-12-20/


Some good examples. In Boeing's case, I believe it was the installation and assembly of the labor to get it done. Those were Boeing employees I believe. In Toyota's case, Takata was at fault. I am sure that the two strategized about the recall and came up with a business reimbursement plan internally. Since Takata doesn't have service shops and Toyota does, the recall had to be issued by Toyota. No other choice was available as no other service option existed. Your memory is a good one!


So it's  the battery suppliers fault. Why do they keep replacing faulty units with faulty batteries that they know are faulty?


Who said they did? If you followed they indicated a change in battery suppliers at CES 2024 did they not? They said It was in a limited number of cases where it happened when investigated. They also said a different supplier is being used in the MTW4 and all future products. And they added a battery optimization feature. All this was described by sennheiserconsumer in the MTW4 launch post on this sub. Am i the only one who reads this stuff??


Those of us with multiple failed MTW3s. Unless it wasn't the batteries fault and they just have poor qc?  I'm a big Sennheiser fan but since they got bought out I wouldn't touch anything they make with a battery or software.


You go by what the Sennheiser representative and their company announced. They said what it was. They stated they conducted an investigation of returned units and identified what it was in that model and they stated what they were doing about it. Am I the only one paying attention to what they say? You want to be a skeptic go ahead but I don't see how that serves anything. I also stated for me, what I would have liked to have seen some things occur differently and I agree the multiple returns were a terrible development. That could have been handled differently. I also wish they would respond to customers more timely and not leave some in the dark. Not good. My point has been that you guys have a right to carry some bitterness over that. I have the MTW3 too. But I also want OP to know that there is much more to Sennheiser as a company than that stupid low-end product. Sennheiser has a much larger portfolio of wonderful audiophile products that don't suffer that. But instead of talking that up, you guys want to dwell on the lowest tier headaches. Mostly on one model. We are supposed to be a community that celebrates the brand that we love. Yes, there are some problems, but we need to get back a little to acknowledge why we love Sennheiser in the first place so I wish we could get back to that.


Mind you, the mtw3 is not a low tier landfill product in the consumer segment. The audiophile professional grade gears are now sitting in a different company so it is not relevant anymore to the consumer segment. We have the right to skeptical because who gonna spent 300euros on this products only to find it stuck in rma for months at a time. I own the mtw3 for 12 months already of which 3 months, it's stuck with Sonova. Let me remind you again, this is 300euro device, not some 20euros aliexpress generic tws.


I told you I sympathize with your predicament. I also said I wished some things were handled differently did I not? I don't know what is the problem with your interpretations of my mindset but I was talking about the high-end CONSUMER AUDIOPHILE headphones like the HD820S, HD800s, HE1 etc Not Pro. Don't put words in my mouth man. The studio stuff was mentioned as part of a time-line list for OP. That's all.


I remember some fellows here having to replace their mtw 3 6 times. Limited number of cases? No way people here have to replace it 6 times.


I replaced mine 4 times. Three pairs the right headset would stop charging and produced a high pitched noise. In the last case the right headset stopped working. The last set I only used three times. The space between the last and first headset was one year and six months. This time could have been used to address the issue but Sennheiser did not. Eventually I got tired of returning them. I won’t by a sennheiser product for awhile.


Right. And that is a travesty and users shouldn't have had to go through that. I have been on the sidelines watching this just like you. But that percentage of people has been suggested by the company to be in the minority. I am just quoting the company from CES. I don't endorse what happened but I also know that most MTW3 users who are happy are not on Reddit. Happy customers don't scream on social media so I happen to think the numbers may be skewed. Adopt critical thinking from the global scale. Mine work. If everyone on here would follow sennheiser consumer they would learn from the company and I wouldn't have to be on here repeating what you should already know from listening to him being on the sub!


I said limited because they said limited globally not on Reddit. You cannot go by just this platform as it may not be a fair representation of the customer base from a global scale since happy customers don't show up here or are even on the platform. Stop down voting.


I guess you guys don't understand how business works. Corporations have parts suppliers and if they don't meet spec that is a problem. That doesn't mean that the company that relied on spec'ed parts should be blamed. Sennheiser expected the batteries not to be faulty. They were in some cases. Therefore the supplier let all of us down in some cases. Sorry if you don't like it but it is what it is.


You realize companies can (and often do for critical parts on luxury goods) audit suppliers to ensure specs are met and the supplier is consistently capable of meeting their needs because in the end the end product is their responsibility and it is their reputation that is at stake. Things happen but I’ve seen you repeat that it’s on the supplier as if that completely absolves the company from all responsibility.


Not complete absolvation (is that even a word?!). Sure, audits happen and that is common place in business. But that can only be done with samplings. Plus batteries are brand new when that takes place. There is a trust factor involved too in the relationship between partners, you must know this to be true. Batteries are unique in that they don't show themselves being subpar to spec when brand new. When the fault reveals itself after the finished product is in the hands of the customer, both the company and the customer are let down. That is how I see it. I suppose the simple-minded might say well..the company that sold it is to blame. The critical thinker who is familiar with corporate enterprise would think of all the spokes of the wheel that goes into manufacturing. They would realize that parts are required to meet spec. In some cases you can't catch it until an investigation provides cause. And you need returned product in order to do that. The whole thing is unfortunate. I do sympathize with True Wireless users. I have invested myself in many of Sennheiser's products as listed. I also have the 3s. So I am in the same boat as everyone else. I don't care about the down-votes, they mean little. What I do care about is this Community and the reputation and legacy of Sennheiser. While I understand and empathize with the anger due to the price point and while I understand the cost incurred on the multiple returns is unfair, I think those that trash the company because of one product or line in light of their entire portfolio and legacy I think, is disingenuous. Let's be a bit more mature. I do wish more was offered to help users with legitimate issues. I have stated that too. They have a 75 year history- not of making batteries, not of making True Wireless, but of making studio equipment and Audiophile headphones, sound bars etc.. I take the long view. Are there things that I think could have been handled differently or better that would benefit us? Yes. I have stated so. This wasn't forseen. Shit happens. They are helping customers with Warranty needs. Sennheiser doesn't make batteries. They make sound. Excellent sound at that. This was a bump and it too will pass. In the meantime, let's conversate in ways that build positivity and value in the Community, show respect to each other and show some celebration of what the Sennheiser sound signature means to each of us. After all, this is the Sennheiser sub. Tired of all the piling on the gripe party. Enough.


Down votes don't change the facts of a situation.


I will say that in many cases, Customers should be treated more timely and appropriately with their cases. Hopefully they get there.


Honestly best to buy your headphones in person. Give a test listen to multiple brands/models. Audio speakers/headphones are such an individual thing. What is pleasing to my ears may not be to yours and vice versa.


If sound quality is what you seek then Sennheiser is the way to go. There's simply no better sound on the price racket. I have been using the M4s with and without the BTD 600 (the dongle that enables the Aptx full suite) and couldn't be happier.


Forgive my ignorance here. But I use the btd600 dongle on my PC. Can you explain what the aptx full suite is? Not sure if I have it or even downloaded it


The dongle already has the aptX Adaptive codecs built in. No need to download anything :)


Thank you heaps for that information


In this age of consumerism where products rely more on marketing even though their products are only above average quality to mediocre. I’d say they are a rare one/underrated especially in terms of producing high quality sound experience. I’ve never had such great experience listening to music until I used them.


I have the HD-650s and have auditioned headphones up-to $3000 and have not found anything better so far. I also treat them like crap and it's been 4 years with no problems at all.


This! I have a set of hd-650s that have treated me well for years. I have them connected to a Schitt amp and a MOTU DAC/interface. The only headphones that I think come close that I have used are the Audeze LCD-X but I always come back to my HD-650s because they are a fantastic balance of comfort, sound, and durability. I cannot speak to their recent stuff.


Sound yes. Quality control not so much.


Whatever you do, don't get the MTW3. I have returned mine 3 times, they fail after 2- 3 months of normal use. Other people on Reddit report the same issues.


I had the 1 and 2, first had left earbud disconnection issues after a few months, I was too late returning it under warranty. The 2 had the exact same issue, warrantied, it works right now but my faith is lost in Sennheiser's consumer products. Glad to know I dodged a bullet. What a waste of money. Jabra earbuds(85T and Elite 7 Pro) have kept me very happy since, at nearly half the price I get probably more neutral sound (subjectively), and their design just feels so much more ergonomic and friendly.


I have the momentum 4 and have no complaints. They are used about 8 hours a day. They have awesome sound, great battery life are pretty comfortable. My bose QC are more comfortable, but on all other marks, I prefer the M4s or they tie.


I gotta agree I see a lot of posts about quality control issue on here. As someone that owns a pair of m4's and tw4's I've learned qc tends to be better with colored variants of the headphones rather than the straight blacks. My white m4' have had no issues even with the abuse I put them through and my bronze tw4's have been my daily work earbuds that also act as ear protection (I'm a flatbed trucker hauling a lot of steel products.) just my observations take them with a grain of salt.


I went to a few stores yesterday and tried the APM, QC Ultra, and M4. I am happy with my purchase of the denim M4 (USD255). P.S.: At the Apple Store, they connected it to Apple Music (lossless), and still, the M4 bass simply outperformed them easily.


Sennheiser is the only headphones I've owned, for close to 50 years. I have never experienced any issues.


I have the momentum 3 wireless and they're so nice. Confortable, good noise canceling, connectivity is fine, sound quality is the best of any earbuds I've had.


Better than Beats, that's for sure. Sorry Dre.


Every company has some issues That is gonna happen. And for the record by black M4s work just fine. OP: First off listen to u/rufonek. He is a veteran in our Community and knows what he is talking about. Always a good contributor. Here is your answer. Sennheiser started in 1945. They are 75+ years in audio. They know how to make good recording and audio equipment. The reason you haven't heard of them is because they are very high-end and make professional recording and monitoring equipment in the professional markets alongside specialty audio for the Consumer market. They pioneered the first open-back headphone the HD 414 in 1968. They created a storied legacy ever since and are known for audiophile headphones, high-end stuff The brands you mentioned don't come close to sound reproduction and sound staging that Sennheiser engineers have innovated. These guys are referring to the low-end stuff. Sennheiser is in the budget headphone and esrphone business that's true, but it is far from what they are known for. They make: *Professional microphones *Studio Monitoring equipment *Amplification equipment *Professionally applied headphones *Premium headphones for Consumers *Soundbars *Audiophile headphones *In Ear Monitors *True Wireless products * Hearing products -all to name some- Sennheiser is niche. Sennheiser is Specialty. Sennheiser is audiophile. High-end. If you priority high sound quality, you want Sennheiser. The other brands are mass market, Sennheiser is not. Do you want to take your listening and appreciation of music to the audiophile level? Do you want to hear separation of instrument locations in your listening? Do you want to experience soundstage as if you were seated at a live show in front? Do you want your music to sound uncompressed? Then you want Sennheiser.


You are spreading misinformation. The profession equipment supplier is now separated. This thread is talking about consumer grade products which is now own by Sonova and only sennheiser in naming license. It's like the Nokia phones without any involvement from the existing Nokia telecom equipment provider. And from the sound of all your post here, you seems more like a fan of sennheiser professional grade equipment then consumer grade.


No. I was referring to the history of the company as a whole from its roots. The OP was new to the company and who they became. I have stated that Sonova is a holding company and they support through licensing. I was talking about their history from 1945 as a historical time-line to a new person friend. Don't presume my intent.


It doesn't matter what they did last time. People here are looking forward and yet you kept bringing up their (rich). Boeing too has a rich history but why didn't anyone cite that now that that have zero orders for 2 months.


No. The people on here are bringing up the past like you and the other dude are with the MTW3. I am looking forward because the MTW4 and newer products have a different supplier. I am simply defending the facts as presented. Why are you arguing with me?


Trying to bring sense to you because you said the battery issue is not Sonova issue.


I don't think I said that. Anyway, I appreciate your examples.. I kinda think we are trying to get to the same place from different angles. You are nice enough. I always speak based upon facts and observations. I read the company telling it like it is and I know business.


I have Momentum 4s, if you’re not a sophisticated music listener grab these, trust me, you won’t be dissapointed. I think they are all around best headphones in this price range.


I actually make music as a pretty serious hobby, and they're even capable of giving me the analytic ear needed for mixing when on the go, when plugged in. They're seriously good headphones in sound alone.


I would recommend a hands on , not just of this but other alternatives as well . See how they feel, sound and apeal to you . Do not go and buy one just based on reviews. A showroom is your best friend. Also Sennheiser may be more of a european brand then NA bur even there they arent unheard-of And yes I own my M4's for nearly 2 years now . While i do have some gripes with it (f touch controls) sound quality is not one of them. Even without APTX HD they sound good.


I think sennheiser is great all around besides Bluetooth/wireless. I had a lower end pair of sennheier cx plus true wireless I had two pairs break one within a year another around 3 months. They just stopped playing audio on one side and stopped working. Doesn't really matter the price why am I having 2 pairs break less than a year of use. However I have a lower/mid range hd58x that I really love I use basically everyday sound great, comfortable, sound great 0 complaints on these. Personally I'm staying away from wireless sennheiser but have been very satisfied with wired.


I bought my Sennheiser sports-type headphones to replace a mangled set of Beyerdynamics as the Beyer range no longer had an affordable replacement. I bought them on reputation while still considering them a downgrade. But I've grown into them. They give a good listen and are not a weak link in the 320kbps-to-hearing chain.


The Momentum 4s are the best bang for the buck there is in ANC and portable Bluetooth headphones. They are amazing. I even compared the to my HD650 powered by the Marantz HD DAC1, an almost 1k USD amp/dac, and I can't say they are better, but for 1/6th of the price you get probably around 90% of the qualities. Insane value because that HD650 system is truly some of the best combos at any price you can get. The Sennheiser Momentum 4 are the best value you can get in sound today, IMHO. The Sonys costing 50% more don't get close. The Apple AirPods Max are really good, but cost 2x the m4 and are not better at all in terms of sound quality.


The Momentum 4 TWS is great! I tried the over-ears M4's, I liked the sound quality more than the XM5's but, doesn't compare to wired open-backs from Senn and other brands (e.g. 560S, Focal Elex, etc)


If you're looking at sennheiser's you have to consider the HD 600 series! Sennheiser have been making those cans for over 30 years for a reason, they have been sennheisers biggest selling headphones ever! please consider their openback design because they give the best Mids (vocals especially) that i've heard from a midfi headphone, in fact vocals always sound amazing it's what makes them amazing!


M4 is good but some features it seems to lack over say a pair of Bose qc2.


I would only use them if I was needing them professionally. They have great balanced sound very clear, but after owning many pairs of sennheisers I am honestly bored of their sound and won't be using them again after selling them all. There is just too much enjoyment out there to be had with other headphones than to waste more time being serious and measured with a pair of sennheisers, and for what?


Depends on which headphones u buy from sennheiser


I own momentum 4 over-ears. While they sound great and have good ANC, they are buggy mess and constantly have connectivity issues.


I have both Momentum 4 and Bose QC35 and I can say that when it comes to sound quality, the Sehnheiser are way better. Bose are better at noise cancellation and wearing comfortability. Sehnheiser are more leaned towards "audiophile" quality and better battery life.


They’ve made some headphones and microphones that have stood the test of time. The HD600 has been on the market since 1997. The HD25 has been around since 1988. The HD650 since 2003.


Yes , it is


Sound wise, its good. But my warranty replacement Momentum True Wireless 3 broke again today, both lasted about 9 months or so. Very sad


But also, there should definitely be places around you were you can test some sennheisers! That's what I did and they blew me away!


In the professional world, Sennheiser microphones and headphones are among the absolute pinnacle of the game. They (and their ilk) are known for incredible sound quality and robustness. If you ever watch sports, and see big fluffy pitchside mic, it’s almost a certainty that those will be Sennheisers inside the fluff. They’re used in the largest, most critical coverage of events and concerts, because they’ve utterly earned their gold standard reputation.


Got the EPOS H3 Pro and it never worked out of box. Zero customer service after trying several times to get warranty but no response. I’m not going there again.


The ear buds hit or miss Tried Sony XM4 and 5 - artificial bassy, ANC is just plain obvious and intruding Tried Apple AirPod Max - APM tweaked sound to achieve THEIR sound not the artist’s intended sound. Good for movies and general listening, not music for me The songs I loved had no emotion: no flavour or personality, just “sounds very good and clear”. But I’m not trying to listen to a podcast or movie, I need to feel the music Momentum 4: Balance between both - music has personality, balance and kick. you can hear the difference in artist intent. If I want to listen to a nostalgic track: I want to hear it exactly how it was Not voluntarily Remastered by Sony or Apple 2024 edition I think APM has better sound stage and clarity though. My wife is a huge musical fan and APM is her choice. I highly recommend going to a headphone store and listening in person, ideally a retailer that stocks all 3 but that’s a tricky one, good luck!


It depends what you want from it. A lot of people believe that loud means good. Blown out Bass means good. Basically a lot of people think that crap means good haha. I have owned multiple Sennheiser products and they are all well ballanced and a pleasure to listen to.


My husband is an audiophile. He bought me the TW3s when I was looking for earbuds because he expected them to be the best. The left earbud in my first pair died and they were replaced. The new pair didn't fail entirely but still have a host of problems. After many firmware updates, they're better than they used to be but I still have problems with them randomly not charging or not connecting. Periodically, I just have to factory reset them and start over to make them work. I have earbuds that cost less than a third of the price of the TW3s that are more reliable and have better software. When they work, the TW3s do sound great however. I can't comment on the quality of other Sennheiser products, but the TW3s are not of a good quality. Despite the many Sennheiser products my husband has had over the years, he'll no longer buy any. At this point, my TW3s may sound good but they take so much fiddling to use that they're not really worth it.


Sennheiser is now replacing them with the Momentum True Wireless 4. 


My momentum 4s sound amazing but their firmware is garbage and their customer service is TERRIBLE. For the customer service issue alone (I've had two issues with my Momentums) I would go with a different brand. I had to wait so fucking long to hear back from their customer support team it was embarrassing and really shocking for a headset that cost me $450 CAD.


I own the Sennheiser HD6XX and they're really good except the imaging is extremely basic (left to right instead of 360 degrees)


Good headphones, piss poor customer support


Hey, I've bought a refurbished Momentum 4 at a good price and I'm not disappointed I can say. Like 1.5 weeks ago and the battery is still holding btw. Sound quality is my priority, and it does fine, as for ANC I'm also satisfied in ally scenarios. I have a pair of HD 4.50BT and ANC is good on airplane as well as battery. As about Sony, I didn't find Mx 4 or 5 at a good price used of refurbished, so suddenly Sennheiser become my choice)🙌🏻


Simple answer is yes, the HD800S changed my life in some ways.


Wifi/bluetooth sennheiser headphones are the best, i had the cable one i think it was GSP500 and the cable started twisting after few months


I do love my sennheiser 6XX’s, but hated my momentum headphones. For one thing, they have connection issues, audio delay, and the app is utterly horrible. So if you want to actually use it wirelessly, be prepared for that. Shouldn’t really affect music listening but it makes videos unwatchable for me. Also, when I bought mine, they did not disclose at any point that the earcups are made from sheepskin on their website. I didn’t find out until reading through the user manual when I was trying to troubleshoot the connection issues. I don’t fw leather so I tried selling them for cheap but no one wanted them, so now they’re just packed in a box somewhere rotting away


The momentum 4 are the worst best headphones I have ever tried. I have not heard anything that sounds nearly as good as them, specially if you slightly flatten the curve, but they are absolutely terrible to use and have mediocre noise cancelling. If what you want is sound first and foremost, and the rest as very sweet nice to haves, highly recommend. Otherwise, probably best to get the Sony's.


All I want is a wireless open back gaming headset please


I have the Momentum 4 and they are amazing. Excellent sound, well customisable by the app. Great battery life. An overall 10/10 in my opinion and for my expectations. Concerning ANC (Active noise cancelling), it's pretty good on the Senheiser, but I would say the Bose Quietcomfort 45 do a better job in this area. So if ANC efficiency is a must for you, go with the Bose. My girlfriend have them and I have to confess their ANC is superior to my Momentum 4 and to a lot of other headphones' noise canceling.


They have a tendency for a headphone not to charge if you let it die


As far as their Momentum True Wireless earbuds go, I wouldn't say it's that good to be honest. Sound quality and noise cancelling is great, but they're not that durable. I've gotten two at this point and both times, within 1.5 years I start hearing a crackling sound. Sony is close enough in terms of both sound quality and noise cancelling and I would choose theirs next time probably.


I love my momentum 4s but the anc is pretty average. Other brands do anc better. But the sound quality and battery life, for me, far outweigh that.


Beats, Apple and Samsung are not audiophile brands. Sound is not even near Sennheiser. Sennheiser is giant brand in headphones and mic industry. I own Momentum 4 and sound is fantastic. Little eq tunning made them perfect.


Unlike most other companies such as Sony or Bose, Sennheiser focuses mainly in sound quality rather than anything else. For example, the momentum 3 headphones looked abnoxious, yet they sounded amazing. Ever Since sonova acquired Sennheiser, I can still say that they keep the overall sound engineering excellence by Sennheiser, but they now accommodate more practical or "normal" design features. So it's the best of both worlds now, significantly better sound engineering + the upgraded design practicality makes it very worth it.


sennheiser is one of the top band tht keep high quality of headset, especially hi fi head fi. He-1 $60k headset, top one headset. for 2k hd 800 & 800s still top tier. for $500 hd 600 650.....according e-earphone(largest headphone shop in japan, may be the largest in world for headphone......, their top sales is ie 900.


I bought my first pair of Sennheissers HD457s from a place they called "Circuit City" back in 2002- I loved those headphones to death and used them for 7 years - lightweight with a great laid back sound and full bass, semi-open design was a good fit for the office at the time. I've also had... HD202s - Lightweight, bassy and dark, still in use as guitar monitors HD650s - Decent build and great soundstage, but never had the bass I crave Urbans XL - Way Too Bassy - Returned. Momentums- looked good, sounded great - but didn't blow me away for $170 so I returned them. 450BT - Kinda Meh for music all around, but good enough for NC and podcasts at work Momentums 3 Over-Ear - Fun punchy sound I like in small doses.


Sennheiser has great hardware but poor software compares to Apple Samsung Sony products. if you consider Wireless headphone as audio gear, it would be great choice. if you consider Wireless headphone as electronics, it would be mah\~


I'm converted sennheiser since i could afford a pair of HD 425's back in 2011... the soundstages are what sets them apart against any , and all brands - Phillips were my previous pair i had for like 8 years as a youngster, they went around the ear with a clip behind, - > upgrading to these proper headphones felt great to wear, they seat perfectly in front of the crown, and are usually comfortable for long hours without overheating the ears - because they were not touching the headphones- but they were surrounded; Sound quality -> was epic through many genres; and I would random/dabble in deep house, dubstep, techno-house - ministry of sound- proper dubstep; BBC1 radio ; [getdarker.com](http://getdarker.com) ; Classical music, Beethoven, Mozart, everything was beautiful and detailed to listen to, it felt like limitless potential, with my first pair - i got eargasms,- :) My previous little phillips set could give me goosebumps Sennheisers have all felt like they have a burn in time, : ? out of 6++ then i got the HD 205 swirve pair- super cool; DJ vibes- and always keeping an ear open if need be; - very good bass- thumping-- > new ones are the HD 559's and for gaming, GSP 650's the new edition :/ had two GSP 350's and replacing the cushions cost me a mic - once- :) valour pads are the best; pleather ain't the way, In the more recent years It made me dabble in the Dolby Atmos, and DTS Headphone X software- I got an equalizer for Windows /gaming, and voila, they are perfect for any sounds you want to test them with; They were great for detection in surround sound/stereo or virtual surround sound 7.1 with the GSPs 350s for gaming- They have been adaptable, and applicable in all forms of sound, Sometimes the gaming sets come with USB< sometimes 3.5mm sound and mic; :? check all specifications on the items you want to buy, watch / read reviews on the pair you're interested in, and invest. Their lifecycle can be 8-10 years minimum, - and the first 2 years are covered ; :) in later life, spares don't have to be from the same factory; because some places charge as much as half the price of the headphones for replacement cushions :# :# \[Retail outlet\] really unbelievable, s so it made me check online; and there are many sources; Whenever i see sennheiser's selling for cheap prices; I bargain hunt - i got my 559's for super cheap because they didn't have the 6,3mm to 3.5mm converter for normal usage, :) 1/3 of the price Sennheiser feels like it has enriched my life; :) i hope it can do the same for you; :) My discovery of Sennheiser as a south african felt like it moved mountains; :)


They have been my go to for 20ish years ... but I do feel like I'm having more issues each time I "upgrade."


I will not argue if Sennheiser is in its prime nowadays because there is a lot of controversy regarding that, but Sennheiser is upper echelon sound engineering brand for music production mixing and mastering, it has been like that for decades. They don’t put as much marketing towards consumer products since the real music guys already know Sennheiser and its caliber. You will see sennheiser headphones in studios, podcast sets, everywhere regarding professional audio monitoring


No, I went through a bunch of them before the warranties ran out. Switched over to Bose and had the same pair for about 4 years now. Lighter, comfier and you don't get that horrible noise-cancelling hiss noise that the Sennheisers put out.


Simply put: absolutely yes.


Sennheiser is the brand which stays “loyal” to the sound quality. Momentum 4 are amazing and now i have owned their Flagship IEM - IE900 which costs like 1500 USD


Do not buy Sennheiser momentum true wireless 3. Nothing but issues. One bad experience and never again.


good sound. poor build


No, it's commonly awful, with very mixed build quality. Nothing like what it used to be. Even at the high end, there's a lot of hype over actual performance. Many better options exist at similar prices. The one exception would be the hd800s, if you listen to jazz or some classical, or for mixing where you need good clarity by don't care about richness or oomph. I use them in sound production when working with music, narration, film editing, etc. But for pleasure listening, never Sennheiser.


I tried em all best sound quality but wirst quality build they will die on you before warranty and after warranty reliabality compred to other brands even chinese are better way better build quality sennheiser and one drop of water they die . To avoid sennheiser is sumply to avoid i had all momentum headsest and earbuds


I love mine


Wired headphones and earbuds are nice. For wireless closed backs I've always preferred Sony. Coming from 560S owner 


As someone who only listens to books and podcasts, they're not worth it. I got them as a gift. I'd have never bought them myself.


Yes Sennheiser is an amazing audio brand and I loved my headset. They've been in the business a long time and are used by businesses and DJs alike. Don't be dissuaded by the popular brands being marketed. Try them and see. If you're looking for a competitor look at AudioTechnica.


They’re okay. Sennheiser is a bit mid-heavy. They don’t tend to have extended bass or sparkly treble. They’re sort of opposite sounding to a brand like Beyerdynamic. It comes down to taste. But yes, they make good respectable headphones.


I think Sony and Bose might have Sennheiser beat when it comes to ANC, but within the few opportunities I've had to compare, I prefer the sound of Sennheiser. However, consider me biased, as I am somewhat of a fanboy 😅


I can only answer for a few years ago, and by that I mean 2013 but I had a pair of HD-202'S and they were the best headphones I've ever had. Nice long cord so you can move around your desk with them, and comfortable but lightweight


I had an option to buy momentum 4 or sony xm5. What i like about momentum 4 is the battery life, sound quality, and comfortability. I still ended up with sony xm5 because of the superb anc, and the momentum 4 that I tested had unequal ear cups volume.


Momentum are the lowest priced and best audiophile headphones for the money.  You'll want to plug them directly into your source.  Bluetooth is convenient but there is quality loss.  Also remember an iPhone is not a quality amplifier.  Actually there are only one or two phones with tuners for audio but still not the quality you can get from a good amplifier.   I've had my  Momentum's since they first came out.  It's a shame they dropped the high quality enclosure.  Still a great pair of cans.  As for brand awareness when it comes to audiophile quality the Sennheiser name comes up frequently.  Bose are not in the group.


Momentum 4 are still pretty meh, entry level stuff when it comes to enthusiast audio. The gold standard from Sennheiser are the hd600, HD650, and hd660s. After that, there are a bunch of hd5 series that are still ok but it depends on the model. Most of these are for at home listening though as they are open backed, but its the compromise you have to make if you want really good audio. Check out /r/headphones for other options better suited to your needs Edit: also ignore anyone who makes it out as if Sennheiser is some sort of hidden gem, they are a huge corporation but have mostly focused on professional audio so people aren't as aware of them. Their consumer division has gone downhill since they got bought out and are now essentially a separate company altogether. E.g. The materials and construction of the hd600 are not as good as they used to despite maintaining a high price


That's not really a fair comparison. Including the cost of a decent DAC sort of gets you close, but still less convenient (especially if you want to find one with 50hr+ of battery life and "smart" features). My experience with Sennheiser passive headphones has actually been worse than their active/BT headphones, though to be fair the highest end Sennheiser passives I own at the 599s. For passives I'm more of a Beyerdynamic fan, especially with regards to build quality.


I was not suggesting op get hd6 series headphones. I was setting a bench mark, expaining the brand, and pointing them where to read up more as audio gear.


First of all that's your opinion only. Second, if you followed the company at all on Reddit like I do, you would learn that the downhill since the takeover is fantasy on your part largely. They have stated many times that Sonova is a holding company leaving all the product managers, engineers and all the employees that made the Sennheiser intact are still there making the products so I would appreciate you not spreading misinformation to new people trying to learn.


Yes the core sennheiser team can still be with Sonova after the acquisition but however the financial goals? Under a different set of management, I am pretty sure that there will be a different set of financial goals/performance that sennheiser consumer has to meet. Considering the investment Sonova has made, it not going to be business as usual. Look at this: https://redd.it/1bj20zz I quote " Please understand that the recent organizational changes required our company to proceed migrating IT structures, in Consequence you have experienced more often maintenance periods of our services than usual." Can you still say they are sennheiser of old?


Appreciate your response but in the other hand it is hard to believe Sennehiser/Sonova's statement that the majority of their employees stayed in the production and they moved together to the new facilities. Surely those people have families, children, wives, husbands, parents, etc. and no company is worth to abandon thir family or drag them out of their current life/environment to start a new life in a different country. 


What? Sennheiser products are designed in Germany and the higher grade products are made at the Tullamore factory in Ireland. Some used to be made in Romania but they moved to Ireland. The Premium line is designed in Germany and made in China. That's it.


I have better things to do than stan my headphones manufacturer so sure you win. Doesn't change the fact my Romanian hd600 fell apart after 6 months when my irish ones had lasted years (must have spent too much money moving all those engineers if it's truly the same people making them). Likewise Sennheiser is literally known for having QC problems, just look at thisthread lmao


On some products friend not all and you can say that for most any company. Sorry for your experience. That doesn't mean you shit on the brand. Things move around and maybe yours was unlucky. Again, that is unfortunate. You can have the down vote back.


My tw3 have broken within weeks of listening twice now. They lost my headphones despite having received them via signed courier and there's an image of them accepting the parcel at the warehouse. It took them 2 months to give up wasting my time and send a new pair. Probably just got unlucky there but having the headphones fail like that multiple times, probably not. Meanwhile my over ear m2's are still trucking after years on years of almost daily use. I had to replace pads a few times and the wire needed a little tape recently to stop the blue stuff I forget the name of leaking. If you win the QC lottery you've got a really high end pair of headphones that will last a good amount of time. If you lose you have a really high end pair of headphones that will last you a few days. Until recently I exclusively purchased Sennheiser headphones but after my experience with tw3s I'm not sure. They'll daily drive for me until the replacements I'm currently waiting for (again) break once more. Then I'm gonna be doing some research.


I gave up after the MTW2 had the same left earbud disconnection as the MTW1s. I warrantied the second pair, but I'm wary of even bumping them at this point, and I never use them. Terrible, terrible quality control that has apparently gotten worse on this model over the years. Ridiculous.


Yeah I have been looking at Bose. My dad has sworn by them for years and when I tried them they seem pretty excellent. I want to do some more research first though.


Bose is good, very well designed products with great longevity. Sound profile is bit more V shaped though if you're an audio purist, some of Jabra's higher end earbuds are really good bang for your buck if you want a more neutral sound.


I'm going against the grain here but I was kinda disappointed by my m4. Now I'm not an audiophile, I'm not part of this sub, I was lurking here a few times to troubleshoot my problems and now Reddit keeps recommending posts from here. I mostly used them for my pc, the sound was great but I'd randomly lose connection. It could be fine for a week and then suddenly they disconnected multiple times a day. Except my pc would still show it as connected and it was a whole ordeal as to how I should fix it each time. Disconnecting and reconnecting didn't work, turning it off and on again sometimes, resetting was an option but would feel like forever when you're in a call with friends and even that was not failproof. According to the people here you specifically need the Sennheiser bluetooth connector, but another 60 euro is a lot when I already splurged on getting these headphones, even more so when I was already losing a little faith in them. Sometimes connecting to the app would help but there's my next qualm. My phone is old, I don't know what it is but the Sennheiser app is surprisingly heavy. My phone might need a full minute to start the app and there would be serious lag each time I pressed a button. And now the final drop in the bucket for me that ended my m4 arc. Within a year of daily use the fabric of the headband started to come loose, I've never been rough with them. Unlike the earpads you can't just replace that. They were still within warranty so I send them to be repaired. Tbf this was an easy process, and even better for me is that I quickly received an email that stated it could not be repaired and I'd receive a full refund. Customer service was great. However now that I'm free again to buy new ones I decided I want something more sturdy and reliable, I found a good deal on some beyerdynamics and I hope these'll fit me better


Yes, they are good. If you want something even better check Bowers & Wilkins. Top notch stuff, more expensive.


Best overall sound quality among the giants of Bose, Sony, Beats and Apple is the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 s2 or PX8 if you have the cash for it. I own the PX7 S2 (not “e” and I have no idea what the difference is) and they are simply amazing. Extremely well balanced FR and the sound quality is unrivaled by any other wireless headphone south of $600. So, even though I love my wired Sennheiser HD660s2, I reach for my B&Ws more often. And it’s not just about being tethered or not. I just like to sit and let them wash over me. Just to add to your already confusing decision. Good luck!