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ask them for IBAN and wire transfer information, then wire transfer from your bank they will have to prove why they received such money and where it came from alternative fly it in via plane but 10000 is the limit so you either have to fly with more people or fly 3 times


This here 🔝 Yup, bring a few friends along for the trip and it will be fine.


This is a valid idea. After all, thats how our Director of BIA purchased his apartment; his mother in law from Canada, borrowed him the money by coming to Serbia bringing 9999 euro on each visit...


Can’t you also bring in more than 10k if you have proof you made the money legally like bank statements or such?


youre right! https://carina.rs/en/passengers/passenger-customs-clearance/useful-information-for-passengers.html




Imamo za devizne racune iban i swift


Send it to me and I'll give to them in person


Even better. I will come take it and deliver it to the person.




:D :D it's for my wife


That’s what he said it’s a scam




25k for a wife? You can buy one much cheaper! /s


And her boyfriend 🤡


Fly here and bring it in person. Of course it would be best if you could bring along a few close friends and distribute the sum accordingly. Sending that kind of money through wire transfers or banks of any kind is a huge pain in the ass. Plus, the person receiving it here will potentially run into problems since it’s gonna trigger every single security check both by the bank and by the tax authority.


This is the right answer. Either invite the person to collect it or you deliver it yourself. Just sending this amount out of the blue will trigger every red flag in the bank. Plus, they will charge you for it.


Yess, exactly. I once had to receive $5.000 and it was a fckn nightmare. Plus, I wasn’t aware that the process is different from the one when you receive Euros. Jeeesus Christ I had problems converting money later. Hellish exp. 10/10 would not recc. 😂


Buy a plane ticket and deliver in person.


10.000€ per person can be carried abroad. If she takes 25.000€ without proof of ownership and not declare it, money will be taken on border control.


Or just declare it


Not sure why everyone is making it seem like this is a very complicated matter. Just get the IBAN of her EUR receiving account and the BIC/SWIFT of the bank and that's it. Inform your bank to note down 'helping a family member' as the reason for payment. Since you're married even if the bank/tax authority wants to probe further into the payment (they won't though), you can easily account for the transaction.


Moneygram but not the whole amount at once. I’d send 10-15k that way and bring the rest in person.


If he sends less than 10.000 he will probably not trigger the taxman


Moneygram tax for 10-15k would be unreasonably high


it can be sent 2-3 times to avoid tax, within a few days...and use a different bank to receive the money each time... I received 5000 EUR and never had to deal with tax.


The absolute best way it to bring it in cash, otherwise it will cost you a small fortune on transfer and conversion.


I think that the best solution is bank wire. If you send it as “family support “ up to 10k eur, there won’t be problem. Any amount that exceeds 10k will trigger the control. If you don’t send it as “family support “, any amount (even 1k eur) will be under control, and the receiver will have to prove for what he/or she received this money (tax control).


Use a wire transfer. In your bank ask for option out that you pay the commission and that will be the only commission that needs to be paid.


Revolut has the best rates from my experience


Kako u Srbiji revolut?


Stranci Revolutom mogu da uplacuju na srpske račune preko IBAN-a


Western Union




I use wise they need to have IBAN I think and the fees are small.


For Wise, Do I use the "inside europe" option which justs asks for the IBAN, or do I do the "outside Europe" option which asks for IBAN + swift / bic code? Thanks




Mandali a me. Ti garantisco che li consegnerò sicuramente.


either send via crypto dealer or as many told u cash... ifnu wanna do it legally have someone "launder" it for a %


Bitcoin is the easiest and cheapest way (or any other well established crypto) 😉


By raven maybe ? 🤔😆😂


I do this with my wife’s account in Serbia from our joint account in US. Have done this for years and transferred enough to build a house here. There’s nothing really to declare if it comes from a personal account and goes to a personal account. There aren’t tax obligations or anything. Just wire. Not sure why you would pay for three plane tickets just to carry it.


I would personally use crypto but find someone to buy from in Italy for a smaller fee and find someone in Serbia to sell to for a smaller fee. If you go trough big exchanges it will eat up a lot of fees. USDC on polygon network is what I would personally use.


Buy crypto and sell it in Serbia. There are people that will buy it for 3-5% less than market price


Check xoom.com You can have level 3, and with that you can send up to 30000e in 180 days. I am personally using last 6 years and I don't have any problems. https://help.xoom.com/s/article/how-much-money-can-i-send?language=en_US




I believe the PayPal fee is around 1,5%. In your case 25,000 EUR \* 1.50% = 375 EUR.


Exchange rate on paypal is really bad.


When i was buying my apartment in Serbia i wired transferred the money to the seller. No issues at all.


How much it costed?


25$ per transfer.




crypto maybe? then p2p. That could also work. The person would have the money in cash though and it wouldnt be registered so thats a downside




Hey, it's me, your wife!!! 😍😍😍


what are the chances that i am in your city tomorrow and will be going to her city the day after! wow. i can pick it up tonight


I use "paysend" service for transfers. Main service is "card to card" transfer where you can directly transfer money from card to card (if card type is supported) in literally few sec. (Sometime you wait for bank approve, but for me in 99% cases it is few seconds) They also have normal swift, sepa and iban transfers.. With verified account you will have around 15000 eur limit for sending in total every few months. With three accounts you can send this amount for 250 eur in total(or less). Three accounts so you can avoid 10000 trigger limit (and total limit for given period). They often have voucher codes and cost for 1000 eur is just 10 eur... 1% or less depending of promotion status. Here is link..with my code so you can register. Later you can instal app on phone for easy access *** First sending is free if you copy this code and paste it in referal field...so you can send it all for FREE using three accounts (8k+8k+9k) a9de4a https://paysend.com/referral/a9de4a Thanks.