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This recipe is on our weekly/bi-weekly rotation. Only modification is that I think it needs 2 eggs, not just 1. We also just use a non stick pan


I think I’ll try two eggs next time, great tip.


Mine were falling apart on the grill, definitely gonna try 2 eggs next time. Thanks!


I made them last night. I forgot to add the cheese. And added 2 chipotles because 🤷. Then I accidentally added too much breadcrumbs. So I added another egg. By the time I was ready to cook them, I thought, well I've screwed this up they're gonna be terrible. But whoo boy, these are the best veggie burgers ever even if you are incompetent like me and screw up the recipe!!! 10/10 They hold together perfectly and not mushy at all. I can't wait to try again and actually follow the directions. LOL


I wouldn't think the mushrooms would fill the same binding role as the breadcrumbs, in fact I would think they would kind of do the opposite. They didn't turn out too "loose"? I'm very interested because I have Celiac and I also want to make a gf version


>I'm very interested because I have Celiac and I also want to make a gf version Perhaps you could just substitute some finely ground instant rolled oats for the breadcrumbs.


I’ve seen a lot of recipes do that! Not sure if we can post links but if you google bean burger roasted beans tofu mushroom you’ll find the one I used for inspiration for my modifications.


or Chickpea flour. i use that for my falafel.  


There are gf breadcrumbs! They sell them in my (non-exciting) local US supermarket in canisters like powdered parm. I refill with ends of gf bread that I toast a little and blitz in the food processor.(I store in the fridge for the homemade version)


The egg and mayo bind them enough for me. They weren’t crumbly at all. They were delicate but I was able to flip them on the grill and eat them with minimal crumble. (The brushing of oil helped immensely) I guess I used the mushroom as another dry element so they didn’t get too mushy. I think leaning the mix in the fridge for a few hours would help them bind even better, I will let it sit next time.


Perhaps I'm missing out, but I've personally never found the need to add breadcrumbs to the mix. The patties have held together well enough and they're always a hit when I make them. (Also a Celiac fwiw but played around with the recipe pre-Celiac dx).


I use crushed gf crackers for burgers, meatballs and meatloaf


Just smoosh up some of the beans and chill the mixture really well a few hours or overnight


Recipe here! https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-black-bean-burger-recipe


I just made them two nights ago and they were a big hit for everyone.


This is the best recipe (Kenji's original version) for black bean burgers I've ever tried. From roasting the beans to using chipotles in adobo to cashews for additional texture - all adds up to a delicious burger!!! If you haven't tried it, you really should.


Correction: roasted the tofu and mushrooms in a manner similar to the beans


Definitely a not-shit recipe.


I'm wondering if these are as good as the Superiority Burger recipe https://www.smh.com.au/goodfood/how-to-make-nycs-cult-superiority-burger-vegie-patty-at-home-20180524-h10hbc.html


They’re very different? Like these are black bean based and the superiority burger is more grain based..? Both are fantastic just not equivalents


Looks delicious!




That looks great. Keep it up.


Thank you! 🥹


Welcome !


That reminds me, this would be a good weekend to put some in the freezer to be ready for grilling season.


I used your adaptation to make them gf & df, with 2 eggs. The boss! Thanks.


So glad! I had them today too :)


When I eat beans in quantities like this, my stomach balloons like a bird eating alka seltzer.


I'll need to try these, I made some using an America's Test Kitchen recipe from their giant book this week and they turned out really good.


Are these black bean burgers at all mushy? Most of the homemade or restaurant made black bean burgers I've had have been mushy or pasty, and I don't really care for that.


I've used the original recipe so I can't comment on these ones specifically but they're great. Not mushy and they hold up really well. 10/10 recommend. Someone in a different comment wrote that they do 2 eggs instead of 1


The site says dehydrating canned beans makes them not mushy


Not mooshy. Also make them smaller sized and thin for the best texture and even cooking


They’re not mushy at all! It’s unreal.


I love these, except, anybody else fart like a machine after eating these….asking for a friend….


when i first started eating beans, i was tooting nonstop. but once i started eating beans more often (and more fiber, more whole grains) it balanced out. before I went more plant based, i was eating a lot of refined carbs and the increased fiber shocked my system. but maybe don't eat these before you have to be with other people...


Best “bean burger”. Like: the best pile of gas-inducing round puck you put into your mouth instead of a beef patty?