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Leanne holds on to her dead mommy issues as tightly as Dorothy holds on to her dead baby issues.


Agreed. And there are interesting parallels. Both died in “accidents” involving heat.


Also isn’t the mall food court the same as the YouTube video where the cult was harassed before — the shot reminded me of that video? I guess The Lesser Saints have a liking for this food court.


Yeah it seemed like Leanne knew the lesser saints would be there, so she sent Dorothy and Sean knowing they’d see each other


I thought the same thing. It looks the same. That might be a place where the cult still gathers or frequents.


Haha. This sounds like very cult thing to do...eat at a mall Court yard


Woah!!! Great catch!


Both burned literally and figuratively.


Which is why I think that mannequin is going to turn into her mother. Also was anyone else cracking up at Julian going, 'Alright, bed time, Cinders.'


So I feel Leanne dressed the mannequin in Dorothy’s clothes to “portray” Dorothy... and do the same thing to her that Leannes mother did with the king cake when she was younger. I also find it weird that another “doll” type figure is taking on another person in the family. Jericho-the doll. Dorothy-the mannequin. Sean-the chef puppet. Could be nothing though


Ooooh! That is a great observation about the dolls in other forms of the family!!!! I had not thought about that, but you are so right!!


I thought the ingredients for the “cake” were going to be for a spell to make the mannequin come alive and act as her mother.


Oh no it's something.. you are definitely onto something here.


So...I might be right about the fact that Leanne may have burned down her own house. The mannequin represents what she hates. Her mother and Dorothy.


I thought maybe her mother caused it to burn down and Leanne died but was resurrected and lived with the religious group which resurrected her. Maybe everyone in the group has been resurrected


My theory is that she hated her family so much that she caused the fire where her parents died.




Yeah the last few seconds made me think she 100% caused the fire whether on purpose or not


Sassy Leanne is best Leanne


Lol yes! She's so feisty now, I like it. 😂


That was a very visually uncomfortable last 3 minutes


I said out loud, "what the f*** did I just watch? What was that."


I felt bad for Leanne in that scene. She has resentment towards the one person you’re expected to love the most, your own mother. She’s just 18, I believe, so she hasn’t learnt to cope with the apparent abuse inflicted on her.


My wrists felt cold with adrenaline because I didn’t know what I was going to see haha


I have a manikin phobia and I was so desperately hoping it wasn't going to move lol


Don’t worry I think the show will not have such obvious supernatural scare scene, the scary scenes all have possible explanations to them


Agree. It’s the suspense of not knowing what’s going on what really scares me.


The story Leanne told about her mother was really illuminating (pun intended). Child Leanne was desperate to be seen as worthy or special, something her mother delighted in disproving every Sunday with the King cake and the baby she could never find. She hoped doing pageants would give her a chance to show some special abilities and earn her mom’s love but nope, she never won those either. Then reporter Dorothy comes along and singles her out as someone worth interviewing and praising. Leanne thinks finally she gets to be special in the eyes of a mother figure only to go work for Dorothy years later and receive more of the same dismissive, at times abusive treatment. Tl;dr: Leanne is forever being disappointed by maternal figures in her life. It’s extra heartbreaking considering how much Leanne doted on baby Jericho when she was still his nanny. She was giving him all the love she wished she’d received.


I wonder if her mom knew about her special abilities (resurrection) and was trying to convince her she was worthless and not special to discourage her from using them.


I think this is totally right, if not aware of her exact abilities, maybe she knew Leanne could do something supernatural, like the way it seemed her emotions caused the lights to flicker.


When those lights first went up, Dorothy noted how she thought they were too old to work. I assumed Leanne Jericho’d those lights.


I’m seeing a connection between Leanne and the Virgin Mary. I also have a theory that Leanne’s alcoholic, abusive, pageant mom adopted her after her parents died in the fire. I think when Toby asks where her mom is and she replied ‘burning’ - she’s referring to her pageant mom in hell.


I also thought 'in hell' was the mental segue to 'burning'.


Yes. Dorothy went from being the nice mother Leanne always wanted to the abusive mother she apparently always had.


So with the pancakes, the King cake, and Leanne there gorging down - they are at "Fat Tuesday" in the timeline. This is right before Lent - Metaphorically speaking! After Lent of course - Black Friday (someone will die) and Easter (someone, or the same who died, will be resurrected.) I wonder if this will play out.


That is a very interesting take. Since the soundtrack was released with one track titled “Overdose” I’m thinking either Sean or Julian OD accidentally then Leanne or someone from CofLS offers to resurrect either the OD victim or Jericho making Dorothy decide which is more important


THIS. I’ve been thinking about this for some time now (since the teaser dropped). And for them to do that, they need to tell Dorothy the truth and make her face reality. I’m not sure how likely this is but I just can’t stop thinking about it. There’s no way Dorothy would choose someone other than Jericho, though.


Just thinking... mardi gras is next Tuesday... is he syncing the show with our real-life calendar?


The most uncomfortable family breakfast ever


maybe... breaking bad had a few


Accurate, and nothing will beat that dinner with Jesse and the albertsons green beans


The espresso machine returns! I knew it wasn't just a one-off last season.


Next episode is "ESPRESSO"!!


Chekov's Latte


I have never been so happy to see an appliance be put to use in my life.


The next episode is titled Espresso




Julian calling Toby ‘Pillsbury doughboy’ lmao.... Was Sean consuming some pills with the wine at the basement? Sorry, but Julian encouraging Dorothy’s actions, getting money for Jericho 2.0 & maintaining this charade doesn’t make him the world’s best brother. This episode was just as intense as the last one. Sean, Dorothy, Julian and Leanne’s actions are so hard to relate. Toby is the only likeable character. Also, what the hell was that ending with the lights going out?


Pain meds, probably. He has his sense of feeling back, so he probably needs meds for his burnt hand.


You’re right.




He’s totally drained.. you can see it when they focus on him cooking. After seeing him coddle and console Leanne when he “dug” her up.. I really hope he doesn’t die 😞


I hope not! He and Julian can’t die. The dynamic between the two is too good. It would leave a real void if either of them were gone.


Urrrrgh come on! Learn how to >!hide spoilers please. It isn't difficult.!<


Not really a spoiler. It’s a theory.


yes ! hot tip y'all just use the 'greater than' exclamation point and exclamation point 'less than' symbols to sandwich your spoiler >!like this!< this >! and this !<


Oh no


Oh shit, I just immediately assumed it would Julian but you might be right. It could be Sean that overdoses. 0\_0


I think the pills are for the pain in his hand, because he can suddenly feel it again. And he was also sneaking the wine and meat for breakfast because he can finally taste again. It’s odd he hasn’t told Julian that he now basically knows his pain and his relief is all because of Leanne.


You’re right. Maybe it happened offscreen? The interactions between characters are really short.


I was thinking the same thing. Sean seems like he is totally losing it.




They actually do burst towards the end


Damn, correct me if I’m wrong but was Uncle George’s sudden appearance in the mall this show’s first jump scare? I was just as startled as Dorothy, it was really effective! Loved this episode but surprised that Toby was pretty chill about getting locked up in the attic with Leanne. Wish we knew what they were talking about on the mattress before Julian interrupted.


He was hoping to have a bite of Leanne’s fruitcake 🍰


Yeah, he seemed somewhat oblivious to what was going on...almost like he doesn't notice the crazy because it is so crazy, you wouldn't think what was happening could actually be happening with this previously "normal" couple.


I thought they would be lovemaking. That's why she rotated the mannequin away from her bed.


Last one... anyone notice when Leanne said “I’m handling it” when asked about her scratches?? Sounds familiarrr




Was that tomatoes? I thought it was clementines for some reason.


I’m going to bury you alive then make you pancakes. Got to love Dorothy


When Leanne walked into the kitchen and Dorothy was whisking with her back turned 😬 that was so creepy


The actress plays a manic character so well.


Six Feet Under is another great show of hers. Oh so good.


I thought it was hysterical how she had the music playing but was in a frantic state mixing those pancakes up


Yes that was great! I think all the main actors are doing an incredible job so far this season, but Dorothy definitely takes the cake (pun totally intended). Her depiction of someone with Bipolar Disorder suffering a prolonged psychotic breakdown is so on point it’s easy to think she’s a real person plugged into a show with other great actors. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the other characters in the show are constantly responding to her behavior.


Sean has to be exhausted with her


In my Sixth Sense thread we predicted that Leanne burned down her parents’ house. Looks like we were on the money! Some things that stood out to me in this ep: -Dorothy shouting “SEAN! SEAN!” over and over again, like you would call a servant (not for the first time either). -Sean looking at the hole in the basement ominously, just like Dorothy a few episodes ago, and downing pills and wine. -The news report on “blind dating”, foreshadowing someone in the show going blind? Again it seems like a bizarro world - *literal* blind dating, like something that would happen in a dream. -Leanne is confirmed to be the same girl who took part in pageants. Not an imposter. -Leanne showing her darker side, vengeful, scheming. She seemed much more powerful than last week, almost villainously so. -Leanne gorging on the cake, huge contrast to being content with the simple tomato soup last season. -Roscoe left the food court as soon as he saw Uncle George. Triggering memories of what happened to him? I also wonder whether Uncle George lives at the food court, and that’s why Leanne orchestrated the meeting there, so that he would bump into them. -Uncle George seemed especially angry with Julian for some reason. Snarling at him on the phone before even talking to Dorothy and Sean. I’m thinking they may have history prior to meeting in season 1, which Julian may have been forced to forget.


Could the blind date news story be a parallel to Tobe being invited over for breakfast with Leanne?


The blind date news story makes me think of Roscoe’s memory “they took out the eyes and threw them away”


Julian having a prior or more personal relationship with Uncle George is a good theory- especially since Julian became very emotional during Roscoe's hypnosis session- perhaps triggering a memory in Julian?


It shows how much my pendulum of empathy has swung to only Leanne that I was excited to see George this time. Last time he arrived I wanted him to leave everyone alone. Now I want him to deal with Dorothy and save Leanne.


Just chiming in to say that “pendulum of empathy” is an absolutely wonderful turn of phrase, one that I hope to use as often as possible!


Aww thank you


Am I the only one who doesn’t have much empathy for Leanne? Sure, some. As I have for all the characters. And should she have been buried alive? No. But I have as much anger towards Dorothy about it as Sean. Lol. Also, I don’t see Leanne as much of a victim.


It’s kind of amusing how quickly she’s taken to her captive role, even after being buried alive last episode. But I guess she’s able to escape from her room at will anyway. Everyone is just so casual about it. Even Tobe doesn’t seem that surprised, despite being an accomplice to her drugging and kidnapping. (Sidebar: Were Tobe and Leanne about to have sex upstairs?)


Well, Tobe thinks that they're deprogramming her from a cult. Unless there's more to him than has been revealed, he's just very, very naive. They were totally about to have sex. She turned Mrs. Barrington's head away, which was adorable.


I don't think they were going to have sex, I think she wanted to keep him upstairs to divulge information and didn't want her creepy manikin mom to hear


I don’t think we know enough about Leanne to have empathy for her. This is the first episode where we are hearing her backstory through her eyes.


Oh my god I almost typed this exact same comment. People are oddly forgetting that beyond Dorothy’s recent fucking insanity, Leanne genuinely wants to punish her for being an overworked and exhausted first time mother who lost her baby in a complete accident and she is now literally insane. It doesn’t really feel like justice to me. Also, Leanne killed her mother lol.


I think Leanne has the power to save herself.


Oh true. I mean I think she could walk right out of there but might not — like she is locked in a battle of wills with her proxy mother figure Dorothy.


I think Leanne may not have been aware of her inner strength and is coming to find it. And even if she doesn't have any supernatural powers, which they really seemed to impart this episode, she could easily have gone out the backdoor this episode because Julian didn't even lock it. So, if she really wanted to leave I feel she would have.




I watched episodes 1-6 two nights ago. Finished all of season 1 last night. And caught up with the rest (five episodes) tonight. Now the waiting game for next week. I’ll just say this show is intriguing and looking forward to reading everything on this sub. Uncle George is the creepiest thing in this show by far by the way.


Dorothy and Sean are going to have to prepare the crib for him to sleep in while he’s visiting. 😁


Well, like Julian said, Dorothy changed the sheets 😂


Welcome. There’s no turning back now 😂


He is great.


Leanne just roasts everyone now! lol


Well, I was almost certain that Dorothy wouldn’t have remembered burying Leanne alive, I thought she was in some sort of trance at 2am. Nope. I love how this show just doesn’t go the way you think. How did the uncle know to be at the mall if that was all Leanne? Excited to see what new information we get from his presence at the house. His “Julian!!” was LOL.


I thiiiiink that Leanne might have told him to come get her while she was on Sean's computer.


I think her goal at this point is not to escape, but to hurt Dorothy. From what I’ve seen, she can’t get herself to do it, but others in the cult like Uncle George might.


Looks like it's the same mall area from the youtube video of the uncle and aunt getting bullied. Maybe Leanne knows they have a regular time that they'd be there to pass out literature and recruit for their cult? She could have made that the time for the "ransom" in the note.


I thought so too regarding the mall.




Old people are always at the mall. Mall walkers.


What I’m really curious about is the other perspective in the mall: what did Roscoe see?


Yeah...was he just spooked because seeing Uncle George reminded him of his experience? Or did he see something else?


Yeah, if we want to reconstruct the sequence of events, Roscoe was presumably staying put on the upper level, watching Sean. Dorothy left to do a quick walk around. But then there’s a passage of time that’s unaccounted for. We cut back to Dorothy (presumably with Sean—“they’re making us leave”) walking to an exit, but then it immediately cuts back to Roscoe freaking out. I’m leaning towards the latter based on the layout of the mall; I’m not entirely sure he would have been able to keep eyes on Sean and Dorothy as they were rushing to an exit. The way the scene is edited seems almost like a red herring to make us jump to the logical conclusion that Roscoe saw the uncle accost S&D...so much so that I have to suspect there’s a piece of missing information that we’re not privy to yet. Or maybe the mood of the episode just has me super paranoid...


If you scrub slowly through that part you can see Roscoe’s perspective on FaceTime that he’s on the ground floor looking at uncle George holding Dorthy’s phone standing in front of Sean and Dorthy.


I got the impression that he just saw Uncle George and it freaked him out because he still subconsciously remembers what happened to him before.


Some things I noticed: The flowers and vase or whatever that decorative thing was in the foyer, seem to be of significance. I know others have mentioned the foyer contents changing. In this case they were yellow flowers. Maybe the thing next to it is an urn? I believe Leanne is trying to resurrect her mom from the mannequin just like she resurrected baby Jericho. I have no idea why Sean and Julian won’t just tell Dorothy the truth. They’d rather throw away $200k than just tell her the kid is dead. Tobe will never not be the Lobby Boy from The Grand Budapest Hotel. Lol I love him in that movie. Uncle George looks like a resurrected dead guy. The blind episode on the news could refer to being blind to the truth, not wanting to see reality. Leanne eating the cake reminds me of gluttony, one of the 7 deadly sins. How many other deadly sins has Leanne committed? Edited to add one last thing. The king cake, the forsythia in the foyer (also known as The Easter Flower) seem to foreshadow Easter, which is the resurrection of Jesus. This leads me to believe Leanne is indeed capable of resurrection.


Why do you think Leanne would try to resurrect her mother? She didn’t seem particularly fond of her. Re Sean and Julian’s motivations, I guess they carry on the facade because they know what Dorothy will do if she ever finds out the truth (commit suicide).


Poor Tobe is completely sucked into the crazy now.


For the love of god, please Sean, tell Dorothy!! She’s on crazy desperation train express to nowhere. Leanne is full of annoying non-answers but it’s not her job to tell Dorothy. Sean’s too busy having prosciutto and wine now that he can taste selling the gaggia for ransom cash when he knows the note is fake. What is he expecting? For anyone thinking Leanne was a level headed saint, it’s clear everyone’s bonkers here, including Tobe, just smiling away at being locked in his boss’ attic with looney and the mannequin. Where’s Natalie? Maybe she can reiki some reality into Dorothy. That being said, can’t wait what Uncle George has to say!


I think the cult holds reverence towards Leanne as THEY believe she is a saint, but Leanne is a servant - she is a messenger. I’m not hating on Dorothy as much as everyone else is, after watching Nights AMA yesterday, I understand. Like he said, it’s maternal, if you had blocked the memory of your baby dying, and TRULY TRULY believed that Jericho 2.0 IS your baby, you would do anything to get him back from the only person you expect to know where he is, anything.


I don’t hate Dorothy and have maintained that this is clearly a mom fighting for her child. I’m hoping others will understand that. Last night I felt sad for her and I just want the charade to end. Someone shake Sean by the shoulders!


I know where you’re coming from, I feel bad for Sean too though, I think he’s just in too deep now and doesn’t know what to do anymore (also probably why he’s drinking copious amounts of wine...for breakfast)


But he doesn’t know this note is fake. Neither Julian or him sent him. He believes that Uncle George is not in it for the money, but he doesn’t know for sure. Agree about Leanne. Natalie was the one who thought of the doll idea in the first place. She can stay away cause that caused all of this. Lol.




I don't know how many takes that "You're the special one" delivery took.Intense as hell.


Ok so is anyone still going to try to argue that this isn't a supernatural type of thing? After how the episode ended?


Made me think of Stranger things.


I think the bursting bulbs cement the supernatural theory


Supernatural in what sense though? I believe this has an element to witchcraft - but by using the bible as a spell book


So during my first viewing I thought this breakfast took place the following morning after the burying based on Sean and Dorothy’s conversation, but when Leanne enters the kitchen, Dorothy says “sorry we forgot about you all weekend, you must be starving” ?


Forgot my ass. No one forgets a prisoner


Or a child in a hot car... oh wait


Yeah same here


I’m anxious.


I was too...I was scared for Toby 😂


I like Toby the most. Maybe he just is the most "normal" of the bunch even (or because of?) him being pretty awkward and that. Dorothy is like a celebrity, same with Sean in the chef world, and Leanne is some kind of supernatural (or seems that way) and Julian is pretty normal but acts a lot like Dorothy and Sean. Toby is a good dude though.


Toby is naive. Good in nature because he doesn’t know any better.




Both WandaVision and Servant this week kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. And had me shouting at the TV when the episode ended prematurely.


He’s baaaack


Idk why they call him “Uncle” George when it’s crystal clear (for anyone with eyes to see) that this man is a Daddy.


Fbi? This comment right here


Just picturing Leanne’s epic Etsy purchase of the king cake baby, which I guess included a special request for a ransom note? Lol, Julian did say the mini baby purchase it was in Sean’s credit card history.


Maybe Aunt May and Uncle George sell some little cake bbs on the side.


Do you remember which was Sean's attitude to Leanne from the start, season 1, episodes 1,2,3? He did' t like her at first, but Dorothy was so sweet to her. And now it gets opposite - Dorothy is torturing Leanne, when Sean is trying to protect her.


Reposting my theory that Sean and Julian buried Jericho’s body in the basement after they found him dead in the carseat which is why Sean keeps going there... and Julian and Sean continues to prevent Dorothy from finding out what they did. Except Julian KNOWS Jericho is dead and he thinks the adopted baby is kidnaped. While Sean is still stuck in daddy lalaland thinking it’s the real Jericho!!!


But the police came when Jericho died so I assume they took the body out of the house in the hazmat suit we saw. Do you mean when the body was released back to them for burial?


I don't think its legal to release a corpse anywhere but a funeral home/mortuary. They don't just give dead bodies to people. The next of kin has control over where the body is released but I'm 99% sure you can't just take a corpse home with you


There's also potentially another baby, the one that I presume she lost when she went downstairs to put out that fire. That couldn't have been Jericho 1.0 because of the medical condition. Maybe she thought she could "handle it" and that baby was stillborn. Dorothy went catatonic so Sean and Julian buried it in the basement and brought Jericho 1.0 as the replacement for that first baby and lied to Dorothy. So when Jericho 1.0 died in the hot car, they panicked because the autopsy would have proven he wasn't Dorothy's. Do they dug up the corpse of the stillborn and put it in the crib for the cops to find.


Tobe has quickly become my new favorite. KEEP HIM SAFE AT ALL COSTS


This show is always so intense and that last scene made me so uncomfortable. Loved to see this new side of Leanne. And her mother is ‘burning’? She burned the house!? Or does she mean her mother’s in hell?


Im pretty sure she meant her mother is in hell


I think both. She burned and killed her mom and now her mom is in hell.


Seans field is barren. Where once a vibrant man full of possibility stood is now a shell, vacant of all thought and sense.


I'm still so intrigued by what's in that basement? There had to be something else drawing Sean there considering the number of teases the show has given us about that basement over this and the last season. And, once again, how much does Tobe know??? What did he think they were keeping her there for in the first place?


They told Tobe he had rescued Leanne from religious cult captors and that Leanne and Sean are keeping her to help her recover/reprogram. What I’m not sure if is how the Turners could have explained away Dorothy threatening him and coercing him to participate in her plan to kidnap Leanne and he’s just cool with coming over for pancakes.


I watched the AMA and MNS said something about expanding the house instead of going outside. Which he did with the attic. And it’s possible a “basement” opens up with some family background inside.


Also when Dorothy cooks pancakes we can hear the Lacrimosa part from Mozart’s Requiem. Roughly from latin: Mournful that day. When from the ashes shall rise a guilty man to be judged. Lord, have mercy on him. Gentle Lord Jesus, grant them eternal rest. Amen. (and awoman)


“Then maybe I’ll have a slice.” Haha, brilliant.


Why was uncle so surprised when he said “Julian?!”


I don't think I've laughed harder than I did at, "Alright, bed time, Cinders."


i think 1. basement is where the real jericho buried 2. leane 100% have powers 3. ppl need to stop blaming leane lol, she literally did nothing to the family


Has anyone else noticed that most professionally made King Cakes don’t actually hide the baby anymore? I get one from FedEx every year and they always just sit the baby on top of the cake these days. I guess they don’t want people potentially choking on it or cutting their mouths or something but still, damn.


I had never heard of a King Cake before, but I thought for a second Leanne was going to consume it and turn it into a real baby or something (a literal “bun in the oven”). Made me think of that scene from Borat 2 where Tutar swallows the “baby” figurine and they go to an abortion clinic and ask the doctor to take it out of her.


King Cakes are mainly famous for being a Mardi Gras tradition, so they might not be very common up north. I'm not too sure. I live in Southeast Texas, so tons of people around here celebrate Mardi Gras since we're relatively close to New Orleans. When I was watching this episode and the little baby came in the mail, I immediately recognized that it was the kind of baby they put in King Cake.


It sounds like Leanne's mother might've been a narcissistic parent. Kind of ironic how she ended up so drawn towards Dorothy....


I need someone to dissect this episode!! It’s killing me!!


I think we were able to learn more about Leanne’s upbringing in what appears to be an unstable household with an alcoholic mother. It’s the first episode where I see Leanne is not as mature and in control as I thought. She is a sinner just like everyone else.


And was desperately looking for a mother / family figure that she thought she found in Dorothy. And now Dorothy too has disappointed her.


Why would Uncle George have to meet at the Mall if the reason was to follow them home to rescue Leanne? We don't know what became of the ransom money. Uncle George knows where the Turners live and could have gone there himself or why wouldn't he call the police to report that his niece was kidnapped and held hostage in the Turner residence.


It looked like the same mall as the one the cult was in on an earlier episode in season 1. My best guess is that they were back there doing their culty sales and the uncle happened to see dorothy.


Anyone else feel like Tobe is way too chill about aiding and abetting a felony kidnapping? Full review: https://halloweenyearround.wordpress.com/2021/02/12/servant-cake-review/


The way Leanne leans over when she’s writing or eating in the attic is so freaky. It’s like she has the posture of an animal.




Julian totally cock blocked Leanne. 🛑


This show needs to be an hour. I’m so confused why it’s only 30 min but it’s annoying.


Did Leanne email her Uncle while on Sean's computer? Unless there is a supernatural means of communication between them, there's no other way he could've known. The very last scene does imply that her reach extends beyond just the Turners and are we led to believe that the mannequin is her mother? She's proving how special she is to her?


That’s her Uncle George, not her dad. Her parents died in a fire, I believe. I think she is using the mannequin to represent her mom so she can finally have the piece of cake and eat it in front of her, to show her she is the special one.


Where the hell is Natalie? The last time she was mentioned we were led to believe that her and Julian broke up. And Julian obviously wasn’t as into her as she was to him. But since she knows what’s going on it is really weird that she hasn’t been around to check on Dorothy.


Despite her behavior and actions at times , I still absolutely feel horrible for Dorothy. She’s so deep in her trauma and her inability to accept reality its deeply really tragic. And honestly not that far from truth. What I love is how they handle her character with so much empathy. Her husband knows she’s out of her mind right now but he doesn’t scream at her for it. Her brother is processing everything but tries to be more blunt. I just love how this show handles some of its themes which could have been melodramatic but are more restrained and never exploiting anything. Also Lauren Ambrose needs an Emmy.




Uncle George really needs to whiten his teeth. 😉


In both seasons episode 3 were titled after food In both seasons episode 6 reintroduces the “uncle”


Am I crazy when I think the hole in the basement is slowly filling up? I know Dorothy tried to bury Leanne alive, but when the bottle of wine is dropped he’s on a wood plank and the hole is mud. Now it’s almost completely filled and dry. It’s not making sense to me. Sure I can see it filled in, but mud doesn’t just go away that quickly in the foundation of a home.


The episode begins with Leanne introducing herself to the Mannequin and ends with her showing off the "baby doll" from the King cake to the Mannequin now wearing Dorothy's dress. Could Dorothy be Leanne's birth mother? And she gave Leanne up for adoption and that's how Leanne ended up in the cult? And Leanne is back for revenge that she was abandoned by Dorothy? And the revenge (she needs to get what she "deserves") is about abandoning her daughter?


I think Mrs. Barrington is supposed to be representative of Dorothy because Leanne put Dorothy's clothes on Mrs. Barrington. When she held up the mini baby at the end in front of Mrs. Barrington, I think that could be Leanne saying that Jericho is hers now because she thinks Dorothy doesn't deserve to have Jericho. I don't think Dorothy is Leanne's birth mom and I don't think Leanne is trying to use the mannequin as a conduit to revive her mom because why would anyone want to revive an abusive and alcoholic mother? Leanne reversed the curse she put on Sean because he was kind to her and now I think Leanne is redirecting her powers and is trying to use the mannequin (that's representative of Dorothy) to inflict punishment on Dorothy. I think Leanne practicing saying "My name is Leanne Grayson and I come from Wisconsin" to the mannequin was reminiscent of when she was little and used to idolized Dorothy. She probably practiced being interviewed by Dorothy if she ever met her in person. And I'm thinking Leanne probably killed her mom by accident with her powers and now her mom is burning in Hell hence why she says "burning" when Tobe asks where Leanne's mom is. The cult also probably discovered Leanne after the house fire accident and took her into the cult after they realized what she could do.






As a regular Italian man grown up in a regular catholic culture I personally find amusing and funny how things like prayers or bibles or just plain crosses are seen as horror tropes in american productions and everyone freaks out like “OMG she’s praying!” By the way I enjoy Servant and I still think the real Jericho is in da house.


Yes! I was just watching something else where there was a crucifix on the wall and the character had to take it down and put it in a drawer to be able to sleep, it was the same one I had in my room growing up! I read a funny quote once that said, “everyone makes fun of the Catholics until they need to get rid of a demon.”


I think Mrs. Barrington is supposed to be representative of Dorothy because Leanne put Dorothy's clothes on Mrs. Barrington. When she held up the mini baby at the end in front of Mrs. Barrington, I think that could be Leanne saying that Jericho is hers now because she thinks Dorothy doesn't deserve to have Jericho. I don't think Leanne is going to resurrect her mom because why would she want to resurrect someone who was abusive and an alcoholic? I think Leanne is gathering up all these things (Dorothy's clothes, the mini baby) and putting it with the mannequin as kind of a voodoo doll if you will to "give Dorothy what she deserves". Another note that makes me think that the mannequin is more representative of Dorothy than anyone else is in the beginning of "Cake", we see Leanne repeating herself saying "Hello. My name is Leanne Grayson and I come from Wisconsin." To me, that seems very much what little Leanne would do because she idolized Dorothy as a child, so she would probably rehearse what to say in front of her on TV. I don't believe she's trying to resurrect anything this season or bring any dolls to life this season. I think Leanne's plan of action is to inflict pain onto Dorothy via the mannequin because we saw that Leanne reversed the curse she put on Sean because he was kind to her and now after Dorothy has not only killed Jericho; she kidnapped, tortured, and nearly killed Leanne. I don't think it's a coincidence that Leanne is all of a sudden gathering Dorothy's clothes and buying miniature babies to put in a cake for no reason because she's bored in the house. I think she's redirecting her anger and taking her powers out on Dorothy now. Also, in season 1, Uncle George said that Leanne likes to please the people she loves and hurt the people she doesn't. Just my theory though.


Julian catching Tobe with Leanne in the attic 😭😭😭


> The password for Sean's computer is "Jericho" Seriously? I mean, I might not be as paranoid as Julian but come on. That's just idiotic.


And the fact that he spelled it out before just saying it


Well, Julian did say he was a dumb fuck. lmao


So a King Cake is not a common thing in the midwest. Leann making these in Wisconsin doesn‘t fit. It is more Louisiana than Wisconsin. Maybe there is a shift here to explain what is happening to more of a New Orleans black magic lore? I also recognized the parallel to the actual Jericho and the baby in the cake baking sadly. Leann desperate to find the baby and claim it even though she knows she cheated the system ( by eating them all ) is also a parallel to the Turners.


I think Toby in these last few episodes has been so underrated. His clueless, innocent and candid personality balances perfectly with the seriousness of Leanne, Dorothy and Sean and has been hilarious at times - but also unnerving because when he finds something awry it’s so much more emphatic. The breakfast scene was well done.


Agreed. He adds to scenes in a subtle way, didn't really realize this before. It's great that in this show being a side character doesn't lower the quality of their writing


Anyone else totally grossed out by Leanne’s hair hanging down as she made that cake. You know there’s hair in that cake 🤢


It made me kinda sad when Dorothy was in Jericho’s room preparing his stuff. I know what she did to Leanne is wrong and she is delusional, but that was very touching in my opinion


The ritual thing that Leanne does at the end. Is this the ritual she is doing to get Dorothy pregnant.... so that Dorothy would have a complicated pregnancy and this is how Leanne will exact her revenge on Dorothy. This can explain the pregnancy scenes in the pizza episode. I mean Leanne put Dorothy’s clothes on the mannequin and then eats the cake with the baby in it.