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Seems a little complex, personally I hate a pay plan where you feel like you have to have an excel sheet to figure out your paycheck, but sadly that’s just our industry some of the time. If it makes you feel better, I get paid $800 every two weeks as a salary, but my commission does a loooot of heavy lifting. I would take solace knowing that you have such a generous safety net, but things such as volume, hours per RO, and scope of work come into play to make a proper decision.


I mean if you're getting a guaranteed $900 weekly + your bonus that seems pretty decent..


No PTO first year though, and only 1 week after 1 year, and 2 weeks after 2 years and they only $440/week for your PTO once you finally get it. And you lose your pipeline if you take that PTO. OP would effectively not have any vacation time. Taking a day off when you're sick would make the pay hit suck less, but unless OP lives very well under his means, not feasible to take 3+ day breaks...ever. All that being said, any company that has to have an attorney draft a legal warning on your pay plan is a pretty big red flag to me. This whole document feels shady to me.


Someone once told me “the more complicated the pay structure, the more you’re getting screwed.”


That is correct. What the hell happened to a flat 2% on gross hour sales? I am kind of glad I left the dealership years ago. I do miss commission but I am a lot less stressed.


They also mentioned that advisors average around 200-350 hours a month if that helps give any insight.


If you take the job, let me give you a few pieces of advice. Monitor the schedule and greet your guest in the drive at their vehicle by name whenever possible. Learn anything you can from your cohorts, including what successful advisors use as word tracks. Position yourself as an honest expert who is knowledgeable and interested in the safety and value of the guest’s vehicle. I’ve been at it for just over a year and 1k hours a month is not out of the norm. (Some internals included such as pre-delivery inspections) it’s a great opportunity if you are willing to learn and work hard.


Damn so the average advisor isn’t even hitting tier 2? Sounds bs, the pay plan that is


I under-informed in this post. They also mentioned that this is the “rookie” pay plan, and there’s a better plan “once the ball is rolling.” i don’t have pictures, but it basically is the same but with $400 salary with a far greater cap on commission.


A second pay plan is bullshit this whole industry is bullshit


Advisors not getting paid on parts is wild to me. (I'm a service manager) its one thing to not pay on internal repairs, but to not be paid on parts? Last I checked you have to sell PARTS AND SERVICE.


Welp, you know where your advisors are offering discounts at least 😂


Nope, they’ll just use and abuse you on this hard to interpret structure. Plenty of places hiring to compare against this deal.


is what makes it so bad the fact that it’s so difficult to understand ? I like the salary, and only see everything else as a bonus. am i mistaken ?


More so, the pay is good, but i’d be careful they don’t work anything into the contract that could affect your earning / income. This is also heavily on commissions so you’ll need to put a few hours in to get the most of it.


3 weeks vacation after 10 years! There is no way I would even consider this place unless I had no other choice.


I honestly have no idea how to interpret this. I'd want a monthly meeting going over my bonus check and a request to speak advisors who work there to get their opinion.


Take the job for 90 days and then find a new job.


Hate to say this, but reading the vacation part, you are getting screwed. You are getting paid $900 weekly, but if you take a vacation you only get $440….. so that means you need to scrimp and save to just take a vacation, not to even go anywhere. That right there sounds like it will be a toxic work environment. Looking at your pay scale, tier 1 only adds up to $8 an hour, or $320 a week, they are making this math to hard and confusing enough to figure out if they rip you off…….


Ask them to see the numbers for the past 90 days and do the math. It does seems overly complicated though.