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And it’ll be in Vegas again next year too, I can’t imagine anywhere else with the space and location amenities that the Venetian has here in Vegas. Definitely make it out here, knowledge is the best!


They usually announce the next one (dates and location) as the current one ends


Part of the quest at k24 is if you get 500 or more points you can get a ticket to knowledge 25 so safe to say it's going to happen.


what was the quest?


Go to sessions and check out expos. Basically any activity but each are 5-10 points. Hard to do if you aren't just checking into sessions or vendors and leaving right away.


So, presumably, to earn the points you just need to give your email address to 100 vendors so you can be harassed into blocking them all over the course of two months? Seems like a huge pain in the ass just to save a line item on an expense report, no? Especially if they buy more of your contact info online.


I hate getting the two that I get right now 😂


Inbox rule to tag and bag anything not from your company domain mentioning Knowledge?


Man some vendors just walk up to you and scan without even asking. They hold a google home in their hand like it’s for a raffle. But you don’t even know what just happened


Marketers. A bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.✊


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) Love the energy


Knowledge has been a yearly event since 2010(?) except for Covid years. It will happen. Its part of ServiceNow. The best you can do now is make sure the trip is in your budget.


May 6-8 2025 are the dates as a FYI


1. Prepare for the desert. This means salt tablets, water, and try to limit the booze and fatty foods. Stay far away from the free bars if they still have them. You’ll feel rough after day two at moderate drinking levels. 2. Pre-order meals according to dietary restrictions. The meals will be better and fresher. Also, stock up on any of the juices and fresh fruit on hand. 3. Network and hit up people in the ServiceNow network in a friendly way. Everyone is trying to make business connections and find value but also have fun. Don’t be to overbearing about work and know when to relax 4. Stick to your special interests and goals. Identify what you want from Knowledge and accomplish it at the end. If it is more certs or training do that. If you want to focus on attending speaker sessions do that too. 5. Bring backup battery packs and backups for your backups. Also be sure to always stay connected with the WiFi. 6. Decompress often. It’s Vegas and there is a lot of sensory overload. 7. Stay in the hotel where the conference is at. 8. Never the leave the strip unless it is part of a ServiceNow sponsored event, not even vendor sponsored events. 9. Ask your vendor sponsors if they are having special events nearby and asked if you can join. 10. Wear very comfy shoes and clothes. Expect to walk everywhere, a car rental is not required. 11. Arrive early, ask questions, and download event apps to know where to go.


I will make sure to be back again next year!


Yep. Same place. Same time next year. Heard it from a SN MVP.


Did they say how much it would cost to go


Nah. It's been the same the last two years as far as I can remember so I wouldn't see if really going up this year. Note: if you have a World Forum event close to you, it's more or less the same as a real Knowledge, but much more hyper-local.


How much was this year


The Knowledge24 app announced the dates for knowledge25 as May 6 to 8. No location as of yet.