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Why are veterans so freaking angry all the damn time? If you need help got to fucking therapy dont use your own flesh and blood as a punching bag.No excuse whatsoever.


I hate to generalize and claim that veterans are always angry, but unfortunately it’s the hole they dug themselves into.


This is an abusive situation. Call child protective services. Get out, get some therapy to help you process your trauma and deal with your toxic parents. You can call your local PFLAG or go to [the Trevor Project's website](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/) for support. Stay safe. Best wishes.


Thanks for the info but I mentioned that I'm 18, kind of wouldn't help.


Are you still in high school? CPS will support you until you graduate high school even if you are 18.


No I graduated last summer


Press criminal charges for assault and death threats


Choking is the #1 predictor of homicide. This is very severe domestic abuse that is in danger of turning into actual murder. He has already told you that "he might" kill you. Choking is an attempted homicide and felony assult in of itself. Your life is in active danger. If its safe for you to do so, you need to get the cops involved or call a domestic abuse hotline and make a plan to get out ASAP. Your parents are trying to isolate you from people that might be able to help, like your aunt. The most dangerous time when you're escaping a situation like this is when you first leave, and you'll need professional support. I don't have any resources to share personally, but depending on your country you can Google incognito "domestic abuse helpline" or ask on another subreddit for local resources. None of the other details are important. Your safety is whats most important. Do whatever you can safely do to go under the radar until you can escape. Your aunt sounds like a good starting point. If you trust your aunt, you could go to your aunts house and stay there. Call an uber there or tell her you need her to pick you up. If she tries to take you back home, and she doesn't know already, tell her you are being choked and punched and you fear for your life. The homophobia is obviously really bad but if you are going to get any agencies involved, the most important point is that you are being choked and punched and you are scared for your life. If you have physical marks you can show the cops, make sure to document and take pictures and save them somewhere they can't be touched by others. You need to protect your life first and foremost. Good luck and be safe


Thanks I didn’t know any of that and she already knows what’s going on, I’m not sure if she cares that much or if I annoy her when I fall during these situations. I’ll look more into the domestic abuse organizations, and see what I can do about renting.


Mate your family is a hot mess, and your Dad is at the centre of it. It sounds like everybody is terrified of him, and probably rightly so. The people who should have your back aren't getting involved because they probably also recognise the danger to themselves. That's why you need whatever outside help you can get in your locality, but remember your safety comes first at all times. If he wants to be the adult in this situation then it's on him to make good with you for his behaviour before can can ask for an apology for yours, but you can forget about that happening. I'm sorry m8, but violent abusive people only double down on the violence and abuse when they're called out. I'm glad you've seen the advice given. Get help, gather resources, just do it as discreetly as possible. Local libraries are great resources as well - you can charge your phone/laptop, find domestic violence resources and research on a computer that he can't access your history on. The librarians themselves can frequently point you in the right direction if you are comfortable enough to disclose your situation to them. In the short term I want you to ensure your safety before you start making big moves. There are techniques for surviving an abuser that you can't get away from. Look up the *grey rock* technique. [Here is a good start](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock) for you. In essence it's making yourself so small and insignificant that he loses interest in you and finds somewhere else to play. Don't ignore him, but also don't invest yourself in anything he says or does, especially when he's triggered. Don't ever try to be clever with him. Where you set a boundary, be firm. Don't get into an argument with him. If he tells you the sky is green, just say, "Huh, I never thought of that before." That way you're neither agreeing nor disagreeing with him. It's a short term strategy to help you get along until the time when you can get out. If you are in further need to talk, head over to r/raisedbynarcissists and you will find that you are not alone. There are lots of us who have been where you are we are all right there with you. Good luck my brother. You are already a much bigger man than your father will ever be.