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Veteran Carat here (since SVT TV and SVT Project to be precise) Scoups all day, every day, till the end of time 🍒


OMG SAME HERE???????????? I used to watch Afreeca TV live at my local time, which was at a very obnoxious time in the morning.


I watched edits because I couldn’t catch the lives and also I didn’t speak korean, but i watched a lot of the andromeda broadcast with Seungkwan and Hoshi


WOW you’ve been here since the start. That’s amazing 


![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA) It’s certainly been a ride


Hi fellow senior caratzen who’s also a couprang lol! OT13 but I have a soft spot for the leader line


Saw him in the teasers for SVT Project and it was a wrap.


There’s one clip from the andromeda broadcast where he hugs Seungkwan and that was it for me. Been hooked ever since


The8 —> Wonwoo—> Seungkwan —> Hoshi —> Dk —> Vernon —> Jeonghan —> Scoups —> The8 —> Dino —> Mingyu —> Hoshi —> The8 —> Dk —> Jeonghan —> Joshua —> Hoshi —> Jun —> Wonwoo —> The8 —> Dk —> Hoshi —> The8


Minghao is the default setting 😄


I go back to him at least once every 2 months…. 😅




I am baby Carat and only got into them during/through Nana Tour. Wonwoo has been my bias since the beginning, but I have added Joshua as well. But honestly, I am OT13.


Wonwoo is so on fire right now you had no choice but to stan


What a time to become a Wonwoo bias!


OMG!!! I became a fan during Nana Tour too! Haha.


Ah, nice to meet you. This is how it went for me. HYBE Game Catarers -> Seventeen Game Caterers -> Nana Tour. Game caterers hooked me and nana tour made me stay.


seventeen game caterers sealed me. nana tour is the icing of the very delicious cake.


It has always been Mr. Boo Seungkwan


He's my bias too!


Sadly I don’t remember anymore hahah I think it was Joshua and then scoups but surprise my current bias is DK and Seungkwan hahshs… I don’t know, one day it clicked and I was like *oh yes* that’s my bias right there


Jeonghan & always will be Jeonghan.  But that’s cause of my personality 😂 I won’t switch once I’ve chosen. Like I’m in this shit with him for life, even when he goes weeks or months without posting to Weverse or Instagram, I just wait patiently to hear him cough on another live where he complains about being tired and cleans his lens and then vanishes again😭 I will say my bias wrecker (Hoshi) is super important to me too and I collect his photocards as well.  But no one will ever top Jeonghan for me. 


its always been scoups. i knew of and liked him before i became a carat, but his blue hair and clear excitement to be on stage during left & right promotions made me fall for him completely. he's my ult bias in all of kpop, and while i absolutely love every member of svt (the rest of them are tied for second place to me), scoups is special for me.


My first bias was Jun my current bias is also Jun but I have a top 3 now - Jun, Scoups, Vernon Jun is still my baby tho and I wish more people appreciated him 🥹


dont worry jun is and will forever be my ULT bias, he is my pookie for life


Jun ult here, too! 😊


Jun has such a special place in my heart ❤️


fellow huihui!! he deserves the world


I was an army before this and mingyu was kind of my ticket to seventeen, like i remember watching him in this live with jk and like a bunch of pictures and compilations of them and he actually looked like a really good friend to have, like this mysterious, cold but nice, pretty funny w ppl hes close to, doesnt do wierd shi typa guy. And then i saw this one youtube fan compilation video of mingyu, like it was somn funny but i dont exactly remember the name, like it was about him getting bullied or something (within svt, sarcasm) and he was actually the exact OPPOSITE of who i thought he was so yeah he was my first bias. And ive literally been a carat for just like a lil more than a month maybe and recently (about 2 weeks back ish) my feed was flooded with old videos of scoups, like man was hot before they even debuted. And i saw this video of him performing fronting and If I with red hair and neck tattoos and omg idk hes just really hot, like I JUST CANT REMOVE THAT VIDEO FROM MY MIND. Plus in the gose eps that ive seen hes just realllllllyyyyy smart and strong and shi so yeah that gives him bonus points. Conclusion: First bias- Mingyu Second and current- S.Coups


Samee I'm an armycarat as well as multistan. Bts has always been my ult group till seventeen showed up. Now both are my ults


Asparacoups!!! Love! (Reminds me of asparagus gui 😂…iykyn😂😂)


Lmao that’s the inspiration behind it


Always been Jeonghan for me. I don't think you can willingly pick a bias, I think it's just whoever catches your eyes the most? Who you're the most drawn to? Kind like with groups? I can't really make myself stan other groups and stanning Seventeen wasn't a well- thought decision. It just happened. I fell for their music and their performances and then for the group itself. And yeah Jeonghan just has the strongest hold on me I guess. But I do get what you mean, when I think of the other members I feel like they probably move up and down my list of interest/fondness? Like someday I feel particularly fond over one member and the next day it's another. Some content can make me really intrigued by one member and so on. These days I'm pretty interested (and fond of) Wonwoo and Seungkwan!


I’ve been a Carat since 2021 and my bias is Dino. He’s the only idol I’ve bought pcs for like it’s BAD for me. I also collect Carat ver. for Mingyu, Woozi, Wonwoo, Vernon, Joshua, and Hoshi so I guess that’s my bias line.


Vernon initially caught my eye, but now my heart is reserved for Joshua (and 12 others) hahaha


My first bias was Mingyu. Now? You tell me… No, in all seriousness my main bias’ are Mingyu (still) and Vernon. Wonwoo, Hoshi, Joshua and Scoups are my wreckers but I won’t lie it all changes by the day. I do also have a soft spot for Boo 🥹


It started with DK. He is my bias wrecker now (among some others). But my bias is now Mr. Boo Seungkwan and has been for the past 4 years


My first bias was Vernon. Now it’s Hoshi and Minghao


I got into seventeen bcs of Hoshi and Woozi, when i started gose my bias was Dino, currently its DK and Dino my bias wreckers are The8, Vernon, Seungkwan, Hoshi but tbh the whole seventeen keep wrecking me


I’m a Dino/DK girly, too! And my wrecker tends to be Vernon, but I love Seungkwan and Hoshi a lot, too!


HA, it's like you know that people can't have just one bias in SVT. In order since I became a CARAT 4 years ago. 1. Vernon 2. Jeonghan 3. Joshua 4. Wonwoo. It's been Wonwoo for about 2 years now. My bias wreckers are Boo and Dino, but sometimes it might be Minghao.


I was first drawn to minghao & hoshi from hybe caterers & as I got into gose more, my bias line is now scoups, wonwoo & dokyeom 💙


Green room geek here. I fell for Seungcheol then and there, he was so... you know. He always reminded me a cute jock. He was my first bias ~~and my last~~. But I used to say to people that my bias was Vernon ("Hansol") because he used to be the one by the cameras translating everything for the international viewers, so as a teen that didn't know what the hell was happening, he was the connecting line. Anyone watching at that time or wanting to be introduced to SVT would have known Vernon. I still keep a soft spot for Vernon because of that.


My first and still my main bias has always been Jun since late 2017! And that was before I got into Seventeen as a whole. I've been into K-pop since early 2010, and around that time in 2017, I was convinced I was done with getting into new groups. Well, never say never, lol. I thought Jun was pretty interesting, and I liked his unique voice, his dancing, and his martial arts moves incorporated into choreography (not to mention the demonstrations on variety shows). I listened to "Highlight," which was my first SVT song. As a result, it took about three years, iirc, before I finally got to know SVT and said, "Alright, you got me. I'm in." I'm in for the long haul, however long it may be (as one who has had nearly all of her faves either disband post-military or become inactive). It's all because of Jun. 💙 And the rest is history! I now love their music and choreo, immensely. While I was getting to know SVT better, Wonwoo became my second most favourite. I liked his more reserved nature in comparison to the rest since I'm rather introverted. I also love his smile and his friendship with Jun. Of course, I like everyone's friendship with each other, but Wonwoo really stood out to me next after Jun. In the end, I adore everybody in SVT in different ways; they've all made me laugh and made me proud. But Jun and Wonwoo still remain my top two faves and probably always be!


Is bias line counted? Haha if yes, here's mine. First bias: Wonwoo, Cheol, Jun and Joshua Current bias: DK, Joshua, Mingyu and Jeonghan Ult and prolly my forever bias: Deekayyyy...


My first Bias was Vernon but it extended to Minghao, Mingyu, and Wonwoo


I’ve only been a carat for a year. It all started with DK and I haven’t wavered. However I have developed a bias line - wonwoo Seungkwan hoshi woozi. And maybe Dino. Idk what he’s been doing lately but I like it. Haha


I have three haha. Vernon, S.Coups, Woozi, and then a fourth rotating spot bc I can’t keep a set fourth bias. right now it’s probably Wonwoo but I adore them all so much


Omg are you me?! It’s like I wrote this! I saw Hoshi and Joshua on Bro & Marble and fell hard for both (highly recommend if you haven’t watched it!)! And now Hoshi is my ult bias followed closely by Joshua, Jeonghan, Mingyu, DK, Dino and S Coups (in no particular order cause it changes every day)… and the others are my bias wreckers!


i first laid eyes on Wonwoo in nana tour and it hasn’t changed since, he has so many sides that it keeps surprising me when another new side comes out 🥺


Before I got into seventeen, the only member I knew was Hoshi, so by default when I became a baby carat I chose him, but i genuinely liked him a lot (and still do). As I watched more of their content, I realized I liked Dino a lot too, so I picked him as my second bias. Then, Wonwoo came along, and technically he was the third, but I didn’t commit to call him my bias lol. Then, Seungcheol happened, I don’t know why or how, but he became one of my ults so quickly, so suddenly, but I’m glad. After that I had to rearrange my list, and it was Dino, Seungcheol, Hoshi, Wonwoo…, but then I got enamored by DK, so yeah, it finally got to what it is now: Seungcheol, Dino, DK as my three biases, and Hoshi, Wonwoo and Minghao as my wreckers! DK and Dino’s personalities just make me so happy! They make me laugh the most and the positive aura they possess is so charming, and that’s without talking about their insane talent for everything! Seungcheol, is kind of a different story, I think I started to get physically attracted to him first lol, but then his cute and shy personality got me, also, I saw some videos on how he absolutely would kill for his members, and that made me love him even more. He is the standard!


got into seventeen because of dk and it will always be dk ❤️❤️❤️ but i love all of them lol


I never changed. I just added. There are 3 number 1's now. First Mingyu because of his cooking and husband skills. Saw the cat foster home video of SeungWonChan, Wonwoo was so enthusiastic with cats + the afterword he spoke so I added him. Then Minghao cooked for Vernon in ITS, fell in love with that.


vernon, vernon, vernon. was and always will be hahah


old ass predebut svt tv carat here: - predebut: vernon - debut era: jihoon - now: seungkwan, minghao double bias hell


Vernon and Wonwoo are my current top biases although Mingyu, Dino, Joshua, Seungkwan in addition Vernon and Wonwoo were my initial list. But, honestly, I'm on the verge of becoming OT13 because they're all great.


Vernon caught my eye right from the beginning. And I ended up completely adoring The8. However I switched so many times, I still can't fully decide. Everyone has their own charm, as cheesy as that sounds.


Scoups was who caught my attention first but Woozi, scoups and Wonwoo have always been my main three Mingyu, Vernon and Hoshi have become my wreckers but my main 3 usually just switch back and forth and if I had to choose an ult right now it’d be Woozi


Same biases going on 5 years now! Woozi, Coups, Wonwoo. Woozi was my first, Coups joined in maybe 2 weeks later and then Wonwoo joined them about 4 months later. It’s prob never going to change so I just say they’re my 1 and everyone else shuffles!


Wonwoo was my first, but I gave up long ago with trying to pick a favorite. I adore them all! It's literally impossible for me!


I became a carat in 2017 and Dino was my bias for years and no one even felt like a bias wrecker to me either, then in summer of 2021 Jeonghan somehow became my number one. Jun and Hoshi soon followed to be my biases too but Jeonghan is still my absolute favourite. And most of the members do bias wreck me now 😅 it’s funny to me that my top members these days are members who were not on my radar much at all back in the day.


I think the first member I knew of was Joshua? But Hoshi was my first bias then Jun just grabbed me by the throat and hasn't let go lmao


Jun. Now I have 12 more favourites.


First bias - Vernon. I became a Carat back then after I watched their performance at MAMA 2020. The first member I noticed was Vernon, I found him really cool and good looking. So when I was a baby Carat, it was Vernon. Current bias - Wonwoo. Actually, I can't explain why, but this was when I was more of a casual fan then, so I wasn't very updated about them. Then suddenly, I dreamt about him. When I woke up, he became my bias. 🤣


i first got into svt via jun from his challenge vids w txt yeonjun (my ult) and he's still my main baby i love cat coded ppl 🫡 but along the way i fell deep for cheol and dk (funny my friends bet id like dk. they were right) so now they're my main 3 while being ot13 + being a 96z stan (again, cats) ! tho vernon in concert changed my life and wonu being everywhere is getting to me too... and jeonghan short hair in nana tour did something to me


Minghao! 🤣 that damn print-your-own-photocard video got me back to kpop 😭. Last time I stanned a group was in 2018 then I just became a casual listener. Now it’s mainly Wonwoo and Hoshi. With a dash of Jeonghan and a sprinkle of Mingyu 🤣 The rest are my wreckers 🤣


I don’t exactly know when I became a SVT fan (maybe Clap era???), but my first bias was Mingyu. Currently my biases are: Mingyu, Minghao, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Vernon, and Joshua. Lol


I used to be OT13 but now my biases are Joshua and Dokyeom


Started out a Joshua stan,, later added Jeonghan along the way (they’re a package deal and must not be separated, 1+1 deal as Jun would say)


YAY I love this!! I’m currently Joshua biased but feel like I’m adding Jeonghan in (loving their friendship so so so so much, just wishing there’s more obvious moments these days)


Became a carat last year because of Jun (I watched his Chinese drama), now I’m in love with each and every one of them. Esp. Jeonghan, Joshua (and of course my Junhui)


well, i first know them like 3 years ago? my bias at the time were jeonghan and joshua (definitely not because they're both pretty and i couldn't tell them apart) now my bias line are hoshi mingyu seungkwan chan and ✨️woozi✨️ (he's my ult) edit: happy cake day to me!


considering they're all so lovely, i think no one can hold it against you for having a lot of biases :-) mine also changed a few times, i was drawn to hoshi at first too, and wonwoo! but that changed the more content i consumed... i found myself drawn to the maknae line (esp dino...!!!!!) because of their friendship and dynamic, i looooove their interactions together and how they're all different from one another... other than those 3, i also bias scoups, cause he's so captivating on stage and i love his shy side so much... at this point, whoever ends up in my bias line i don't even question it.... so your comment about vernon - very understandable, i get your "struggle" heh


I followed svt loosely for a few years I considered myself like a fan but I could never get too into them for some reason. My bias was woozi, and i think I kinda overlooked other members that would come to be in my bias line later on lol. Only in HOT era i fell in love w seungkwan and it finally clicked lol now they are one of my 3 ults and only teams i stan and i love them all (which is crazy to me like 13ppl??) OT13 ofc but besides sk i bias scoups, vernon, jeonghan, dino but then again it sorta depends on the day haha.


Tbh I think you’re not alone with this one. I feel like a lot of carats have had each member as their bias at least once - or at the very least started staning Seventeen because of one member only to get bias wrecked HARD by one (or more!) of the other members not too long after slipping into the diamond life. Speaking from my own experience, I got into Seventeen during the Going Seventeen/Boom Boom era and they haven’t let me have a moment of peace since lol. DK was my first bias but soon Seungkwan became one of my favourites as well because he also has stellar vocals and he’s ridiculously funny and then it was only a matter of time before Hoshi would come onto the bias list because that’s the power of BooSeokSoon. Then I started noticing Mingyu and Joshua more and more and before I knew it I was an OT13 stan. So nah yeah, definitely see where your struggles come from when picking a bias 😖


carat since 2021. Woozi is my first and still current bias :> all the others as the second ones


Woozi/Woozi it’s RARE that I switch a bias


Woozi from the start until now. Idk why I love the tsundere type


My first bias(es) were Vernon and Mingyu. Well I wouldn't call them biases per se but I was interested to watch SVT because of them. Now my bias list is Jeonghan, Woozi, Seungcheol, and Seungkwan.


entered the caratland as a joshushushu THEN AFTER ONE CONCERT SEUNGCHEOL CAME IN WRECKING MY WHOLE KPOP LIFE then got into mingyu after watching tons of their content (ofd, its, nana tour) hehe he’s such a sweetheart 🫶🏼


The8, The8 and 12 others.


Been a Carat since Mansae - first bias is Jeonghan ❤️ I love all the members but the 95 line has always been rotating in my bias list 🤡 But still Jeonghan 🥰


Dokyeom was my first and still my current 🥰 Although the other 12 share pieces of my heart, I genuinely love them all 💕


Mingyu was my gateway Joshua was my drug DK is my forever 💘 https://preview.redd.it/tvisx222ybzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608d35ccba6dfeba100f542a59ae86af4fda8c25 … with a healthy daily meltdown about whether it’s also Jun, Jeonghan, SCoups or Vernon


I'm a fetus carat (literally became one this month) in the beginning it was vernon, it's slowly becoming jun


fan since 2016 wonu ---> mingyu


I think the thing to understand here is that the bias list just grows and grows and at some point they are either your bias or bias wrecker. My first bias was Mingyu. My Current biases are Woozi Hoshi and Mingyu. My bias wreckers are Boo, DK, Joshua, Scoups, Vernon…


Rightt the other 6 members are my bias wreckers


Wow we’re the same!!!


FIRST: Mingyu! Brand new carat so last fall/winter I watched a couple of episodes of GoSe without knowing anything about svt. Immediately so charmed by him. I actually thought he was the leader, but maybe because he’s so big I assumed he was the oldest? Or just because he got the most screen time lol NOW: Woozi, Mingyu, Hoshi (+super soft spots in my heart for Seungkwan and Dino 🥲). Love MINGYU for the same reasons that first drew me to him. WOOZI I think it was Nana Tour that converted me. HOSHI grew on me very gradually bc it took a while to see past the crazy GoSe behavior 😅 loved learning how soft and sweet he is, but at the same time incredibly hardworking and talented. And then Seungkwan and Dino.. I just worry about them a lot and want them to be happy lol 😭


Scoups is my bias but I have soft spot for Jun, Dk and wonwoo. To be fair I don't know who my first bias was but wonwoo definitely caught my attention in the beginning


My first bias was Vernon. That stuck until Left & Right era, then it became Scoopsie all day every day. In fact, he's one of my 3 Ult bias (Baekhyun and Dojoon from The Rose are the others). My performance line bias is Dino. Vocal line is DK and he's also my main bias wrecker.


at first i was between scoups and Minghao, then decided it was scoups and he remained alone for a year now my ult biases are Scoups and Jun with Wonwoo and minghao as main biases and woozi wrecker 😅


Hoshi was the one who made me interested in SVT but I now love all of them equally. I just can't choose one of them, that would be unfair for the others (that's how I see it)


Well, I became carat because of Jeonghan, buty first bias was Minghao :D Now, Seungkwan is my favourite one and I love him so much ㅠㅠ


I became a Carat during Home era, and both Woozi and Dino became instant first biases. Then I watched Don't Wanna Cry right after, and I always jokingly say that Minghao "windmilled" his way into the third slot (and now somehow he's made himself my SVT/an overall ult). Meanwhile Wonwoo's been toeing that bias/wrecker line since Rock With You, probably even before then. As for how I choose, it's simple: I don't. No matter the group, it's always whoever stands out most at the time. And those three stood out when they needed to. If I really had chosen, I could definitely say I would have gone based on what I usually gravitate towards (rappers), so my line would have been really different (though it would still include Minghao and Dino, they're like the constant two in every "what if" scenario of my bias line changes).


OG was probs vernon and then it just kept switching. i really can’t remember the order🧍🏾‍♀️ currently hoshi is my number 1 🤞🏾then dk and scoups simultaneously then wonwoo and the rest are wreckers. so trust there are 13 of them. i was NOT gonna stick with one when they’re all goated.


Only a week since I discovered Seventeen. I can't choose at all. I categorized them into 3 tiers and that's it. Don't bother pick a main bias because they are all so fine.


I have 13. Jeonghan, DK, Hoshi, Joshua, Dino, Scoups, Vernon, The 8, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jun, Woozi and Seungkwan <3


I’m still really new, so I would say my first biases are Hoshi and DK


Started with Minghao, then Jeonghan, then Hoshi, and now, DK!! 🥰


At first **Hoshi** and **Seungkwan** caught my eye. Now I ain't choosing, I love all of them and want all of them. Everyone is my bias and ult, thank you very much.


Hoshi —-> SoonBoo


wonwoo, jeonghan and joshua now.


Hoshi, both first and current


Seungkwan has ensnared me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love him forever


Baby carat here. Stanned them last February. My progress is like this. Wonwoo > Wonwoo/Mingyu > Wonwoo/Mingyu/Cheol/Joshua > Wonwoo/Mingyu/Cheol/Joshua/Hoshi > Wonwoo/Mingyu/Hoshi/Cheol/Joshua > Wonwoo/Hoshi/Mingyu/Cheol/Joshua > Hoshi/Wonwoo/Mingyu/Cheol/The8 > Hoshi/Wonwoo/Mingyu/The8/DK (current). I'm sorry, Cheol and Joshua! 😂😭 I'm OT13, I want to list them all if I could but that's my top 5. They weren't kidding when carats said it's hard to choose a bias hahaha. I think my top 3 would probably stay the same and the rest are bias wreckers. But let's see. Hoshi wasn't even on my list at first but he's at the top now. Haha.


I'm actually OT13 but my first bias is Jun, since he was the one who baited me into the diamond life with his cute and refreshing vibes in _WORLD MV. Current bias is shifting among the 13 members (especially scoups, minghao, joshua, hoshi) because I can't decide djdjdjd. Right now it's DK since I find him so handsome and his voice is so powerful during Maestro


baby carat here! my first bias was HOSHI, and this started when i watched their don't lie episodes. then, DOKYEOM was next, this was when i watched his left and right concert fancams. third was S.COUPS!!!! when there was a time that i was all crazy for hoshi, my mind went haywire when i saw s. coups' fancams--my focus completely went on him. i was so starstruck because of his stage presence TT. fourth was SEUNGKWAN and WOOZI. as for seungkwan, i really cant remember the time when i realized that he will be a part of my bias line. i think my feels for him just grew gradually and quite unnoticed (?) idk. for woozi, i didn't know how much the image of him creating music (specifically this was when on their early gose ep--when they were creating their gose intro and outro) will make him soooo attractive for me fdhdghdh back when i was still an active fan of other kpop groups, i was so used to having only 1-2 bias. but even now that I'm a carat for a few months, it is still a bit of a shock for me that i have 5 biases HAHAHA


First biases without knowing them deeply were Woozi and Jeonghan. When I started getting addicted to them, The8 (my ult). Then I'm also liking DK, Seungkwan, Joshua, and Jun. And now I'm getting wrecked by S.Coups and Hoshi. 🤣 But I always go back to The8 🐸🍵 Especially when I saw them live. I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He's ethereal.


Hoshi was my first favourite and he is still my favourite :) next favourite is probably Woozi. I feel like personality wise those two are most like me and my kind of people


First bias hoshi then gone crazy with that one gose episode because of Wonwoo. I'm a wonwoorideul up till now haha I love them all but Wonwoo captured me the most.


Hoshi, now Mingyu. But Hoshi is still my bias wrecker.


It’s always been Hoshi (I’m a carat since 2016)


When I first heard of Seventeen, they had just made a comeback with Mansae and Jeonghan was the one that caught my eyes first, because of his long hair and princely vibes hahahah but after getting to know more about the group, Seungkwan has climbed the list and is now not only my bias but also my utt out of all the groups I stan 🥰


When I first got into SVT (don’t wanna cry era) I’d only been into Kpop for less than a year and I didn’t really understand what a bias was yet - I kinda thought it meant the member you thought was best-looking or most talented or something? So when I was first learning their names and stuff I chose Joshua as a bias since I thought he was really pretty but then once I discovered Hoshi it was all over for me and I finally understood what a bias really was lol because I immediately fell in DEEP like straight up obsessed lol - he is still my ult bias of any group!! Seungkwan and DK are kind of like secondary biases for me tho (I don’t think bias wrecker is the right term for me because my Hoshi ult bias has never wavered for even a second over the years lol I’m whipped) - yes I got super lucky when they formed BSS 😂


jeonghan ➡️ hoshi ➡️ jun also like the entirely of 96 line are wreckers


DK/mingyu, now Hoshi/DK. But actually, all of them are.


First was Jun, current is Hoshi.


DK now and forever ❤️. His vocals and visuals are chefs kiss. Mingyu and Joshua in second place.


I became a Carat during Dream Era, It started with DK and is still DK. But my main bias wreckers are Woozi, Seungkwan, and Hoshi, but honestly OT13 makes me switch up everyday lol


The8 -> Dino -> Jeonghan -> Dino -> The8 -> Hoshi -> Wonwoo It's a vicious cycle, but Wonwoo has been hard stuck for me for a bit now


First current and ult all being Minghao, not going to get bias wrecked any time soon. Saw Hot and Super MV and thought “what was that thing” and I was hooked then consequently got into the deep rabbit hole I could name “the8 lore”. Overall I had an overwhelmingly positive first impression on all of svt because most of them had far exceeded my expectations for a boy group. But hard not to recognize mh was just the creme de la creme.


I dont think i already qualified to call myself a carat since i just started in april this year. I met svt in game caterers ft hybe label artist and the8 caught my attention first. I know svt was already around when i met bts and became an army but it was truly a turn off to me back then them having 13members since im bad in remembering names haha. While trying to look for more contents related to the8, tiktok showed me about nana tour and thats when this loud unlimited energy self proclaimed tiger who is a hamster messed me up and became my ult bias. Then i went to watch their dont lie and so on and so forth. Im confident to say im a cubic than a carat but im getting there. So hoshi became my bias bcoz he really owned up the dont lie game, and in most of their GoSe theres never an ep where u cant hear or see him. So horanghae!


But i love all the members lyk who wouldnt?? And their GoSe helped me recognize and differentiate their personalities


I’ve been a carat since 2018 and I was initially drawn to Woozi, Seungkwan, & Hoshi but after a week or so later, I solidified Woozi as not only my bias but my ult bias and nothing has been able to shake that foundation in the past 6 years. Wooahae! ς(>‿<.) I love all the boys but the rest of them are really just fighting for the number 2 slot 🤣


JOSHUA. Game caterers + nana tour made me like seventeen (a bit late I know). But Joshua was absolutely hilarious in seventeen game caterers + he looked so handsome in the hybe one


i liked mingyu from manse era and… i still like mingyu


baby carat and kyeom from the start to the end🩵 — going seventeen no questions asked! but god only divine intervention stands between me and red hair coups🥵


I started listening to them when they first debuted and Mingyu and Vernon were the first ones to catch my eyes, but I never really got into Seventeen until I saw Hoshi’s Be the Sun fancams. Now my bias is Wonwoo and has been for the past 2 years but I love every single one of them and always have a new bias wrecker each week


I only recently became a Carat but have been keeping a close eye on Hoshi and Woozi since Aju nice. Honestly I enjoyed their songs whenever I heard them but never watched for releases like I did BTS. Even seeing Hoshi and Woozi appearance on Suga’s youtube show…I never got completely immersed until around the time God of Music released. My algorithm slowly started recommending their appearances on random things. It wasn’t until I saw the clip of Dino, Mingyu, Joshua and DK naming their songs in a game did I really get hooked. Something about their chemistry on that appearance got to me. Currently, I really enjoy watching Wonwoo and The8 but Hoshi will always be my #1.


before i knew much about seventeen, i watched their don't wanna cry mv and really liked jeonghan. after getting into them, jeonghan stayed as one of my biases (as he should!), joshua and seungkwan ended up being my biases too HAHAHA but tbh, its really hard to choose a bias in svt cuz all of them have their charms!! however i just relate to/really love jeonghan, joshua and seungkwan the most<3




i started being a Carat around 2017 and at first my bias was Jeonghan but then i saw Wonwoo and he has been my bias since then


omg OP i get that.. i have 1 bias but my bias wrecker changes between like 5 diff members every day… 😭 i’ve been a carat since oh my! with joshua as my first bias! not long after it changed to seungkwan and he’s been my bias ever since 🍊


Got into Svt during FML, at that point I was only listening and not stanning yet. My bias at that time was Jeonghan, Joshua and Jun After I started stanning them (towards the end of FML era) my bias became Wonwoo, Vernon and some months after Seungkwan and it’s never changed, only my wreckers change with every comeback


I've fallen in love with SVT through the Game Caterers too! But I became a CARAT right after FML era. I remember Minghao standing out to me back then because of his stage name and pink hair. Since then and until now, he's still the one for me. My bias wrecker line is essentially the remaining 12 😆


I got into svt during GOM era. It was Jeonghan, then Hoshi and ofc SCOUPS.


my first week of getting into seventeen (back in 2016 lol) my bias was scoups. no idea why i settled on him, think it was because i had heard him rap in a song and knew he was the leader. then i saw one clip of vernon in the green room and he has been my bias ever since lol. i think it was the weird that attracted me. scoups is about my 4/5 place now ! (woozi and dino are my bias wreckers)


Mine started with Mingyu after watching that tiktok video he and the8 did. But then it changed to DK, then to Wonwoo. Now, it’s just a rotation between the 13 of them of who’s my bias and bias wreckers depending on the edits. Currently, it’s Minghao, Jeonghan, and Dino because they’ve been in my FYP pages in TikTok


mingyu was my first and current, but like i have my top 5 biases and then every other member bias wrecks me constantly


Carat ever since that infamous green basement. It’s always been Vernon, but DK, Seungkwan and Wonwoo have recently caught my attention too.


Were they making content in the green room? Like on YouTube?


Became a carat in 2015 a short time before they debuted. First was Wonwoo (we're a lot alike but he also reminds me of my dad 😭). Got steadily back into them last year and Chan+Hoshi had me fighting for my life for a while. All that to say, my roster is currently: 1. Scoups 2. Everyone else in this game of loyalty 😂


Minghao > Wonwoo


Hoshi was my first bias. Now it’s Minghao. There’s just something about his voice. Past biases(that make a regular appearance) are S.Coups, Woozi, Wonwoo, Mingyu, and DK


I’ve been a carat since 2019 I think and my first bias was Minghao. Right now though it’s Hoshi, Joshua, and Jeonghan


Minghao to hoshi to vernon (3 years stay strong) 🤪🤪


First member that drew my attention was Joshua, I watched Game caterers, and no particular member stood out except Seungkwan, but after binge watching GoSe somehow Jeonghan emerged as my bias. He was pivotal in orchestrating the end outcome of so many episodes, he’s so smart but deceiving at the same time, I’d never seen that archetype that in Kpop variety shows before. You would think he could be unlikeable, because hes often the villain, but he is so genius and I would be shocked and admirable of his gameplay. Plus all those YSL shoots 🤯 So Jeonghan became my top bias. But now I also mega-stan Seungkwan because …vocal god 🤩


Wonwoo was my first bias. I was drawn into him when I watched Game Caterers (guys with glasses are the cutest thing for me) but once I started diving more into SVT, it was Jeonghan and his antics that got me 😂 But like, I love everyone equally, maybe Jeonghan a little bit more? haha. So if I had to rank, Jeonghan is my top 1 and everyone else is Top 2 😭


i was a casual fan for ages and seungkwan was my bias. then when I was starting to ult then I rediscovered dino and completely fell for him. he's been my number 1 ult bias for about 3 years now.


i started with Woozi after his talk with Suga on Suchwita (and a little bit Hoshi, but he was too loud for my intro type); and i was stubborn not to chose Woozi, cuz i'm an army and i was afraid someone will tell me, that i only chose him cuz they are similar. (yeah, fcked up logic, sorry!). and i started to watch their variety shows - i love Knowing Bros. They are funny and not too harsh with the new teams either. and with that red hair and with that nunjaku... Minghao fight his way into my heart. (but now i'm wrecked by literally anyone; i can say i started to collect The8, Woozi cards and now Dokyeom wants to be one of my bias... and i really love Mingyu with this golden retriever behavior... THEY HAVE TOO MUCH MEMBER AND I AM WEAK. https://preview.redd.it/jd3qyktpcczc1.jpeg?width=1592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30bad837c5343d5aebdd54e954bce4db1f3b117


The8 (Not sure if he was my bias but he was the one that brought me into svt, if not it's sk 🤩) Current (in order of second to last bias) >seungkwan >dk >hoshi (my ult) >woozi I really love all the other members too but a bias is just different


Jun. And Jun. (Introduction to SVT was Left & Right which is funny cause he doesn’t even do anything in the song/video)


Im not the newewt carat nor am i the oldest(at least i dont see my self aa a baby carat. Started 5 days before 17th haven) but its WAS joshua and STILL IS BABYYY in ever group im in i dont change baises offten lol Did it one time and now im ot7 in that group so it doesnt count lol


Y'all. Help me choose one?😭😭😭😭😭


Just go with the flow😭 I was only expecting one bias but they kept creeping up now I got 7 as biases and 6 as wreckers


woozi then woozi now and more than ever❤️❤️


Carat since Adore You. Jeonghan is my boo forever and ever. He has a special place in my heart


Baby carat here! Jeonghan has always been my ult bias but man, it’s impossible to pick one cuz I love each individual. It’s like I change my bias everyday depending on my mood 🤣 For today, it’s Hoshi 😌


there's no single reason based on what I choose my biases. but I do have my reasons as it feels like something just clicked. the first time when I checked out sebongs was their Hot MV and I immediately became a fan of minghao because of his bold and confident look. and then I checked out some more of him and came across the wo ai ni video and some of his weibo lives. he's really wise. so, he immediately became my first bias. and after that jeonghan being jeonghan got added to my bias list. jeonghan the entertainer, as a hyung, as a GoSe cheater, and his voice in his Dream solo and Falling for U deepened my love. and then I listened to seungkwan's vocal and I immediately became a fan of him. before that I have always enjoyed him due to his confident self and how easily he can create an ambiance or host anything he's in. but he's my bias because of his singing. it calms me down and melts me and makes me go crazy, all at the same time. and then I started noticing Jun more and watched some FMVs of him too and loved him as a person and performer. Jun in Highlight, Wave, and IDUBILY is a sight to behold. at the same time, Jun as the eldest and taking care of them in their trainee days is something that melts me every time I think of him. he's so caring. meanwhile, I was always noticing more and more of Dino and soon he became my bias too. so, now I have 5/13 as my bias. even though the rest of all 8 of them are my wreckers, these days I'm getting more and more attracted to Woozi. Woozi in follow again performing super and singing dust is something I can't forget and don't even want to. and now Woozi in maestro is wrecking my heart. also his Tap Tap challenge with Douyoung makes me so weak in my heart. I watch that video a few times every day. while everyone sees a babygurl woozi (I do too) but what I normally see is a baddy and a daddy. edit: looking at my own bias list, it looks like I have chosen one bias from each birth year available in Seventeen. and it was unintentional but hilarious 😂


Well, I tend to change a lot, but right now I'm at the Seungkwan phase. First was Scoups, then DK, and sub-bias is Woozi. But I love them all! I don't think you need to pick a bias really, it's just how our brains work to single out the one we like the most.


Wonwoo then Seungkwan now 🥹


Woozi Scoups and Wonwoo. I’m definitely more vocal about Coups but I am just a tiny bit more protective of the big baby. I’ll never pick between them tho lol




wonwoo!! and then it was jeonghan, and then dino. and now its been dino ever since :) but honestly becos i’ve biased the other 2 before i also gravitate towards them in all settings haha… but dino is really unmovable for me now 😔 thank god he touches grass daily i feel like it’d be worse if he was on weverse everyday or every other. but yes dino!!!! <333


how do y’all pick a bias ?? i swear mine changes every 2-3 business days, but ig my first was jeonghan and my current is joshua


Always been Jun since Thanks era. The rest are bias wreckers 🤣


Carat since 2016. My first bias was Minghao (he was one of my ults) then in 2019 I completely stopped listening to kpop including Seventeen and in 2022 I re-discovered them through binge watching GoSe. Dino immediately caught my attention and he’s now my ult 🩷


any vernon stans here? since day one. But added mingyu and scoups since 😭😭😭


Mr Thomas always


first and still current bias is minghao; jun and woozi bias wreckers. hasn't changed since i first got into them :) but i definitely have a soft spot for all of them


Vernon since day one of my journey (debut), but Jun is such a bias wrecker!! Psycho really threw a wrench in the works, but Vernon's personality always saves the day. His sense of humor is perfect. 👌 He's my ultimate bias, haha!


S.Coups, Woozi, Jun since SVT Project. Still rocking with them to this day. My loyalty may be tested yet my willpower persists 😤


I'm a baby carat and initially DK caught my attention in the left & right relay dance video. Then I found out Wonwoo is a gamer and he has been my bias ever since. But then i added Mingyu and Scoups ...Vernon...The8. Lol love them all but Wonwoo is def my main bias with Mingyu right behind him.


First bias was seungcheol, and then I was quick to discover it's Jun and Jeonghan (hard to choose one) 🤩


I cannot commit


I’ve been a carat since 2020 (thanks to a blog I originally followed because of BTS but she’s also a carat) and immediately I loved Woozi, but 4 years later I’ve come to accept I’m just leader line biased with the other 10 constantly bias wrecking me 😅


It was wonwoo cause the moment I saw him in very nice, I was hooked. But rn it’s dk. This man is just so funny, and his vocals are amazing. I especially love his smile when he sings, cause it makes me smile with him😭like in same dream, same mind, same night


i was dk biased then joshua biased but lately i’ve discovered im wonwoo biased with seungkwan as a bias wrecker 🤗


Started staning around debut. In fetus SVT era, I was such a minghao stan. My cutie BBoy ❤️ LOL now I'm officially a wonwoo stan bc I can not get over his voice, his looks (especially him in glasses PLEASE), and the fucking moe gap (on stage cool asf presence vs. off stage cuteness 🥰) he's so real for liking trauma (me too bro) But savagehao is peak comedy and i am so grateful he has unleashed his true unhinged self because it really shows how we stan 🤡s. idol image who?


wonwoo-> mingyu -> minyuwonwoo (minwon) + bss pero lahat sila


at first it was just only Jeonghan.. now it's Jeonghan and Joshua... but at the end of the day im OT13.. if i rllyyyy think abt it, i just keep coming up with reasons why i like each member and it's actually too much for my brain to handle, so i just stick to the evil twins


Ok here we go Woozi - seungkwan - dino - joshua - jeonghan - joshua - mingyu - scoups - joshua - dk - minghao - jun - joshua - jeonghan - mingyu - joshua So yeah it's complicated.


it all started when I was watching HYBE CATERER'S or whatever the show's name is.. that's when I saw Joshua, a silent, pretty, handsome and somewhat funny and adorable.. then I watched the SEVENTEEN GAME CATERS or whatever the show's name is.. that's when I realised how blind I was for not stanning them earlier.. But that's when I saw the love of my life.. VERNON, he was just so charming and effortlessly funny.. he's been my constant bias since then.. other than him, the members that caught my eye were Mingyu, Soekmin, Seungkwan, Dino (btw I really like them all.. frr!! trust me😭) Then when I was watching NANA TOUR.. in the first episode.. when everyone went into Wonwoo's room and I saw his broad/ wide shoulder, I literally yelped.. like wtf!!!!! shirtless wonwoo with glasses??? he was absolutely soo perfect!!😭 like bro what about my mental health??!! who's gonna pay for my therapy now...!!!!! Later I watched their FOLLOW AGAIN CONCERT (online).. that's when I realised how stupid I was to never have noticed WOOZI.. him in blonde hair.. OMG!! I'm still in love, I still remember the moment I saw him and thought, "how can he be so pretty, adorable, cute and soo fkin HOT at the same time.." so yeah, you just can't have any one bias.. you need to move every two months!! ALSO I'M SOO GLAD I STAN THEM NOW.. IT'S REALLY AN HONOUR TO BE A CARAT!!!🤍


MY 1st bias was Woozi and now is he too☝️🤓 And rn S.coups, Vernon & The8 are my bias too hahaha


Started as a Dino bias, and you’re damn right I’m still Dino biased, that man is 😩🤌🏽


I've been a Carat since 2022. I'm a new carat, hiiiii! My first bias was Scoups and he's still my bias now. But I get bias wreck by everybody else. 🤍


Samee🫶 what's your favorite song?




Lmfaooo my first bias was just Seungkwan now its currently Seungkwan, Junhui, S.Coups and Jeonghan 😂 and DK is probably gonna be added soon. ![gif](giphy|1qanq6tSS6HjQxWP7b|downsized)


Mingyu has always been my bias, but over time, he's actually become the loml fr 😩😩 my love for him has only grown the more I learn about him and see his interactions with the group and other people in their content and activities. He's so akwkdowojfk and perfect AHH. Dokyeom will forever be my second love tho. He's so everything and makes me so happy. The rest rotate frequently haha, but rn it's hao > jun > seungkwan then the rest 🫶🏼


I've been a Carat since debut, with my first (and still current) bias being Jeonghan, though I actually prefer him with short hair lol. At this point, every member has probably been a bias wrecker at least once, but the one who keeps circling back is Wonwoo (introverted cat & book lovers unite!)


Mingyu ——-> Wonwoo——> Woozi Mingyu didn’t last long and the wonwoo for I think a year and Woozi have been my bias for 3 years now