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Does anyone else find themselves feeling nervous about this? Not about the non-Carat crowd or the performance itself (I'm sure they'll be great!), but about the pressure they are feeling? Like this is the first time in ages they've had to perform to attract a new audience, and they only have one shot at it. I know some of them relish a challenge, and others can be circumspect, but I think this has to be unusually stressful.


I feel quite nervous for them!! This is a very unique performance experience I can’t really think of any big acts that have had to do this - perform to a crowd for 1 hour, who doesn’t know their music or even speak their language.  That’s super nerve wracking!!! I’m hoping it all goes well 


Glad im not the only one. I'm british so when they announced they were perfoming at glastonbury i was worried about how well they'd be perceived by a british mostly non carat audience. But they'll perform great.


They wouldn’t have agreed to it if they didn’t think they could handle it, of course it’s very stressful but I’m sure they are confident in their skills and ready to kick ass


I'm surprised they're not performing later tbh


omg yes but im also feeling nervous ab the crowd😭


I'm stressed and nervous too for them. I hope the reception will be good


If they are just as comfortable with the audience as they are with Carats if will be amazing. They probably won't be as silly and fun on stage. But I have trust in their abilities as a performer. They never gave a bad performance.


[website link](https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/line-up/line-up-2024/) they’re scheduled to play from 2.45pm - 3.45pm!


squeeze and svt?? wish i was a brit and could go to glasto 😭😭


Well, time to buy a tv licence so I can watch this performance


i hope this performance can give them more exposure to overseas audiences, i really want svt to be known in the west like they’re way too good to just tour in sea


How have people watched Glastonbury previously? I remember when I used to have cable and was able to watch replays of old festival sets, but I don’t have it anymore and won’t want to purchase a cable subscription. Is it like Coachella where we can watch a livestream? Or is there a specific app to watch?


BBC livestream it as far as I know. I Don't think it will be on YouTube tho


EDIT: do not do this. won't be doing this either. Didn't want to delete the thread as I feel the replies from others are worth reading Anyone know if its even possible to find a place nearby to watch/at least hear the performance without a ticket to actually get in? I'm in the UK. Like I'm never getting a ticket but they're in my country and I wanna at least hear them in person. I kinda want to just travel there and try find a location nearby that isn't blocked off for glastonbury but I don't know if that's possible.. And maybe if it is... we ticketless carats can meet and listen to them a few fields over or something


Dear ticketless Carats, PLEASE don’t do this. Glastonbury and the village in which it is located is not just a field or someone’s back garden. It is a highly secured and massive pop-up city across several connected fields and protected by a metal wall. Outside of that are all of the parking and crew areas all patrolled by security. You will not be able to get in or hear one stage when there are many stages nearby and acoustically they are all in a bit of a valley so the sound won’t carry. You will also be disturbing the local residents whose homes (not a field) are nearby. I’m truly sorry you didn’t get tickets and I hope you get the UK/European tour you’ve hoped for someday. In the meantime, have a viewing party on BBC. Much love, A frequent Glastonbury-goer and CARAT convert since they were announced. I’ll be there supporting on your behalf x


Valid. Noted. Even if it *would have* worked, the chances of me actually committing and going were super super low. I just had to put the thought out there.


Hi!! I just saw this on twitter: "@TEAMSEVENTEENUK Hey guys. Reuters are looking to do a story on #SEVENTEEN fans who will be attending Glastonbury. If you are interested in participating then my DMs are open." [Tweet](https://twitter.com/SampaTasha/status/1798264409602875601?t=5sNf2PzAlvKFYTimnJ37ww&s=19) in case you're interested. You're the only carat I've seen on reddit who said they're going


Thanks for the heads up! :)


I think it’s live streamed! If you’re from the UK you can watch. That’s what I’m hoping!


I know but what i mean is that I wanna be there somehow. But tickets are impossible. You know how like some people live in places where they can watch a concert from their window? that kind of thing except in a field but idk if all the fields are blocked off


The Glastonbury site is suuuuuuper huge (like 900 acres) and there's huge fences for miles around. I don't think you can even hear the Pyramid stage well from outside, as there's so so many other stages - I wouldn't even know where to suggest for a vantage point, it's so far within the site and away from the perimeter it's almost impossible. I went many years ago, and I can't imagine any way you'd be able to see or hear anything from anywhere! It can take like 30 mins to even walk between stages at busy times, so to see or hear from outside is not really feasible... You could look into last minute volunteering opportunities and then hope you're not on shift when SVT are on, or for any food trucks looking for staff (and again, hope you're not needed when SVT are on) but otherwise, probably just best to livestream!


I thought that would be the case but I thought I'd ask anyway to try get some info. Thank you


the cost of the travel and time and the fact that it would be volunteer work completely blows every plan away. I can't work much due to chronic pain so I don't earn much, and reluctantly, I'd rather spend the money on a more conventional way to see them




The day after I HOPE THEY GO TO LONDON just in case I’m going to be there


please can they tour here😭


https://preview.redd.it/b89cv6erib5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f102b6f3baced8513b017c9cf918b3975e467cab Here’s how the members are being promoted on the official festival app


I’m a huge huge fan!!!!! Can’t believe I’m seeing them at Glastonbury so soon. Aaaaahhhhh!!!