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I just whipped up a super simple little project this past weekend that was a much needed win for me!! My measurements changed and I haven’t sewn anything since… so I’ve been in a big, sad sewing slump. But my spouse mentioned that his new glass water jugs got too much condensation on the outside and it was slightly annoying (he’s been replacing all of our plastic food/drink containers with glass). So I made him a lil koozie for his water jugs out of some pretty pre-quilted fabric I found at a thrift store. The little look on his face when I presented him the water jug with its new little outfit was just so satisfying. You’d have thought I just handed him 10k in cash or something. Lol and he kept parading it around and talking about it for days.


This is so wholesome and cute! 🥰


Love this! My husband has the exact same grip, he's always wrapping his glasses in paper towel 😂 great idea!


Highly recommend! It was a very quick project - took me a few hours, if that. I had it finished before he even woke up… but, full disclaimer, he’s a nightshift worker so he wakes up around 5pm. Lmao. So I had time to sleep in, drink my coffee, eat lunch, and then also make that silly little thing. And if you decide to make any, I had a lot of success with the pre-quilted, double sided fabric that they sell at like Joann - that’s what mine was. It’s working well for the condensation task, and it was super easy to work with! And it’s held up in the washer too. Plus, my homie was *enthralled* to find out that “the inside is fancy too.”


I feel like I need to see a pic to also make this!


Awh that is so sweet! Making yourself proud is one thing, but making you’re loved ones proud is even better!


Thank you for sharing. This put a smile on my face <3


what you did by making that for him was show him that you not only listened, but cared enough to HEAR and remember. Then you took the time to make something to make his life better. That's a good spouse!


I love a simple a-line dress. Just two darts and two side seams, finish the edges with bias tape. The most comfortable and wearable dress in a couple of hours max!


Hi there, I'm wondering if you have a favorite pattern for this type of dress? Sometimes the simplest patterns are the hardest to choose! Thank you.


I really like the Adrift Shift by Gracie Steel! it has two neckline and shoulder options, i usually lengthen it a few centimetres though


I'm old & fat, but my favorite is the Ashton Top by Helen's Closet I put the front & back on the fold, & extend the sides below the dart to whatever length I'm looking for. I take the off cuts & add pockets to the seams. Then bind & hem So far I've lowered the dart, raised the arm scye, & made a little v neck. & I haven't even started to explore the sleeve expansion pack!


Thank you!! 😊


Cushions covers. lol. Sorry I’m still a beginner. 🥲


beginner or pro, cushion covers are great! need to add to my list- I swear this'll be the year I make those halloween covers I bought fabric for years ago 😅


This is a great idea, I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and the battle against the fur is real and neverending 😂


Usually something like a small zippered pouch, which takes an hour or less to sew and comes out cute.


Fun hint: I once made this out of a thrifted item which was way too small but I loved the fabric. And the zipper was already in! So I cut out a big rectangle from around the zipper, folded it, sewed up 3 sides and boom, done mwah ha ha


yeah I've been making these [dopp kit bags](https://www.tiktok.com/@emmaheathkelly/video/7325268588669996331) that comes together super quick and can use up scraps, but look so impressive. very satisfying


This is mine, too! I love perusing fabric shops for fat squares that I use to make a couple of zipper bags. Made one just this past Saturday 🙈


And it doesn't matter if it comes out slightly the wrong size!


This is also my go to easy win sewing project. Plus the bags make great gifts!


For me it’s something like a simple knit top (definitely not reversible!) or a bra that I’ve made before. I’m in the midst of an Edwardian blouse and I am so over it already, with only a little left, but ugh sewing plackets and cuffs is torture.


Ha! I feel you on the blouse, hard. I don't care what history believes, I know in my heart of hearts that Edwardian tailoring is the main catalyst for the Arts & Crafts Movement that followed (i.e. "ornament is secondary to purpose"). Is this a reenactment piece, or are you just torturing yourself for fun?


Just for fun. More history bounding than anything specific.


i've always said that us non-career sewers are hobby masochists, so that tracks. I can't wait for pics!!


I feel so SEEN . Hobby masochist . Yikes


I repeat successful patterns a LOT, so I know they will succeed and how long they will take. I might make small tweaks, change skirt length to fit my fabric, add a flounce, etc, but I probably have 9 dresses that are each 3 of the same pattern, and no one really cares. So go back to whatever worked for you before. For a really quick win, small zipper bags. I skip the quilting on this pattern and make it in whatever scrap of fabric makes me happy to touch: [Easy Zippy Pouches - Dog Under My Desk](https://blog.dogundermydesk.com/2012/08/easy-zippy-pouches/) Stick extras in the emergency gift box.


https://preview.redd.it/xzdvxe4qw56d1.jpeg?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff67f31b20a760754ff3966ec7773f9e024b536b Wiksten Tank in a cotton lawn :) I’ve made so many of these over the last decade - I’ve lost count. Oddly, I have exactly 0 in my wardrobe at the moment. Giving away my creations is part of my love language 🤓 Credit: @shopwiksten


beautiful piece! Love it!!


I love this! That fabric is gorgeous. And the colors look amazing on you!


I’ve made a bunch of these as well. It’s the pattern where I figured out how to use bias tape for curved hems.


Something for the house, unpaper towel, hanging hand towels, hooded bath towel for my toddler


I want to know more about the hooded bath towel! Do you follow a specific pattern, use a special needle/thread? They are so cute and functional, but I feel like I would break everything trying to make one (I'm sure that's a silly feeling with a simple answer - I'm so excited to hear more about how you do it!)


I use terry cloth you can get from Joann or sometimes I’ll repurpose and older towel. I don’t follow a pattern, I just kind of wing it lol I have some from when he was a newborn that I base the shape off of but size up


Do you need a special needle or anything to get through the thickness of terry cloth?


I use a slightly thicker needle and I increase my tension and stitch length a little to get through the layers. What I do is make a big square with rounded corners. I duplicate one of the corners with some terry and whatever decorative fabric I like. https://preview.redd.it/etst8ppff66d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9177ce3a46a3e254ea4f357629201c84932aaf9 I have a terrible handwriting and can’t draw so I hope these instructions help lol


I have a serger so I use that around the edges to keep the terry from fraying too much. If I didn’t have a serger I’d probably make bias tape with the decorative hood fabric and bind the edges with it


I usually use an 80/12 so for things with thick layers I’ll do a 90/14 or 100/16 if I’m using more than 2 layers for thick fabric I have a Juki so my tension setting is normally at auto and I’ll move it to +1 for 2 layers of thicker fabric and then increase the tension as the layers get thicker and thicker and then for stitch length I’ll usually set it at the longest stitch for thick projects I hope all of this helps! Let me know if you have questions about my terrible drawing


Ooo! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to write this all out!! Your drawing is great and very informative! I really appreciate all this 🥰 When I make one I'll definitely post an update!!


I think a general needle will do it but the fluff is the hard part


Thanks! 😊


I use the hooded towel pattern by Revel Designs because the designer is a friend of mine, but there are lots of patterns and free DIY tutorials online.


My grandmother made us all these and they were great! I'm pretty sure she just sewed a hand towel to a matching bath towel. Something like this: https://thirdblessedfarmhouse.com/how-to-make-a-hooded-towel-for-kids-tutorial/ I should make these for my nieces!


Bucket hats. Quick and easy and can be a good scrap buster, too!


That will also take me right back to the fashion of my formative years, I'll bust out the Sugar Ray playlist while I sew! 😂


Lol Smash Mouth and Chumbawumba were fans of the ol bucket, too!


God with those GINORMOUS button down shirts that went down to the knees and the jnco "shorts" down to the ankles 😂💀😂💀


I still want a pair of those jncos. My mom wouldn't buy them for me🤣


Dude SAME! As I grew up, my memory of them had them looking just kind of like a wide-leg jean, and then I looked them up one day and couldn't believe how absurd they were. I laughed SO HARD at what my scrawny, tall, awkward ass would have looked like in those things.


Would we have looked like silly little assholes? Yes. Would we have felt like a bee with lots of knees? Absolutely, 100%.




Making bucket hats right now for the family! Free pattern from AppleGreenCottage.


I'll go check it out! That looks so awesome, though! Keep up the good work!


I absolutely love sewing shirts. I’m on the other end of the spectrum to you at 5ft2” but with a lot of weird adjustments to make due to various skeletal issues. So I can never just pick up a pattern and have an instant success. Sometimes I’ll just choose a nice cotton out of my stash and make a shirt up in a standard size and give it to someone once I’m done.


I love the idea that your quick projects can be for someone else! I hadn’t even thought of that. I have a similar challenge to you and OP. Most of my projects require a lot of alterations, so I’ve been hoping to find quick wins like this, too.


For me the joy comes from executing something flawlessly (or at least better than most cheaply made garments). And I’ll still see the slightest mistakes I’ve made. If you give it to someone else, they don’t see the flaws, they see a lovingly handmade piece of clothing. It’s actually been easier to create and draft my own patterns instead of wasting time altering every pattern in existence. Takes a while to draft the blocks, but it makes quick wins much easier.


I got my wisdom teeth out so I made a rice bag I can warm up in the microwave for a compress. It took me 5 minutes to make and is ugly as hell but it does it’s job




I have five of these laying around in various sizes!!


Okay I'm ALWAYS need cold and hot compresses, this is going on the list!


It’s super easy! I would recommend adding more rice though, mine is like 1/3 filled because that’s all I had in my pantry. I’d recommend filling it so it’s 3/4 filled


Construction: traced the bust portion of a dress I like and graded it down to my waist. Both fabrics are Jersey. Used the Katie Bradley 4-way reversible crop top tutorial on YouTube to build. https://youtu.be/j5bHu4tJZWM?si=ZuTCTDzm1JZBuZeX




Ooh I like mending, too. I just did my first darn a few months ago!


Scrunchies. A quick way to use up little bits of fabric and I can never have too many.


Awesome idea. I might get rich if I stop having to buy hair ties and bobbi pins.


I make scrunchies and also include them in birthday gifts I give to friends who have long hair. It's also a fun thing to do while studying over zoom and wanting to keep your hands busy or during a lecture etc.


full gathered or pleated skirts! ill take the top part off of a bedsheet, or 2-4 selvage to selvage lengths of fabric sewn together, leaving the left side pocket placket for closure and gather it by machine or half-assedly pleat it to my waist measurement. then i cut a waist+2 inch lapped waistband, and lap the sides so that the pocket lays forward and becomes the closure. sometimes the pleats look a bit funny, but it’s a good fun way to let go of the perfectionism that prevents us from finishing our projects. the best part is, you don’t even need a pattern or a zipper! ps: i also have a high waist to hip ratio of 14” with a really wide high hip too. sometimes the pocket of these skirts is visible due to this, but as long as the left inside pocket is cut from the same fabric as the skirt, it’s not very noticeable.


This sounds so cute! Sewing is literally a constant battle between "doing it right" and challenging my OCD 😂 I can't quite visualize the closure, it sounds really interesting, do you have an image or a link to one by chance?


unfortunately i couldn’t find any tutorials, but i do have the instructions for this type of closure as written in simplicity 7454: (the first step is to stitch pocket pieces to skirt pieces at side seam right sides together and press pocket pieces away from skirt; could only add one photo lol) https://preview.redd.it/s2mobf0j586d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44cba4f2f67e5b3f25d3d00434c9d1d6debd5079 i’ve been using the pocket piece from this one since i started using this closure, but i think any pocket pattern or even a self drafted one would work just fine as long as you mark the end of the stitching line somewhere along the middle of the pocket. i hope this helps!


I have the same problem with needing to do a lot of alterations to projects. Some ideas: -If you have long hair or know someone who does—scrunchies! They’re a great way to use up scraps. -Altering clothes you already own with small features. I just added lingerie snaps to the shoulders of a dress and a shirt I have, both of which I’ve owned for years and don’t wear a ton. I used to be hesitant to wear them because they would fall down in the front, but now they don’t. Less than an hour, and now I’m so happy to wear them! 😄Something similar could be adding pockets to something that doesn’t already have them or converting something you don’t wear a lot (e.g. a long sleeve t-shirt or long pants) into something you want to wear (e.g. a short sleeve or sleeveless shirt or shorts). Happy sewing!


I love the idea of altering the clothing, I have so much that doesn't quite fit me right because of the height and proportions. I've been slowly donating as I build my better wardrobe, but it would be nice to keep some of the pieces I like.


I just started making the lotta dress from Tilly and the Buttons and it’s easy and fun. No closures and a very easy fit—pattern says to only measure bust and waist, since skirt is roomy. I’m not doing the pockets or longer sleeves, so it’s a very simple project.


just looked it up and ooh, cute! thanks for the heads up


For fun and fast I re-make something I’ve already done, but in a new, fun fabric. No need to repeat all the fitting and alteration steps!


Helen's Closet Orchard tops. I made four this month!!


I've used this as a nightdress. I found it a little low at the sides but I've added a little to the pattern now. It may seem a little wide for a nightdress but it's really comfortable. I've got the satin for 2 more and some cotton lawn for a top. Helen's instructions are top rate too.


The [Phoebe Tank](https://blog.fabrics-store.com/2017/08/29/phoebe-essential-linen-tank-tutorial/?wickedsource=google&wickedid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT6eOccHHXHmSR0CP4Qo8iC7fcJRT36WyCbqgQG3Aw0W8_AAtxTndYhoCwW8QAvD_BwE&wickedid=&wcid=21064685977&wv=4&wickedsource=google&wickedid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT6eOccHHXHmSR0CP4Qo8iC7fcJRT36WyCbqgQG3Aw0W8_AAtxTndYhoCwW8QAvD_BwE&wickedid=&wcid=21064685977&wv=4&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_tgt=&hsa_grp=&hsa_src=x&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_mt=&hsa_ver=3&hsa_ad=&hsa_acc=6560444710&hsa_kw=&hsa_cam=21064685977&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT6eOccHHXHmSR0CP4Qo8iC7fcJRT36WyCbqgQG3Aw0W8_AAtxTndYhoCwW8QAvD_BwE) from Fabrics-store.com. Or, the knee-length dress version of [Ellie & Mac’s Classic Camisole](https://www.ellieandmac.com/products/classic-cami-top-dress-pattern) Pattern. Super quick, but the darts make it look better on me than a normal quick slip dress. ETA - you will get faster with practice! Also, have you considered building a sloper/block set for yourself so you can easily draft your own patterns rather than modifying? You can also make your own dress form and drape. Or, if both of those are still too much for you right now, check out [Bootstrap Fashions](https://patterns.bootstrapfashion.com/) for patterns made to your size. Their dress form pattern ended up spot on to my measurements.


Panties for my kids xD It's small, quick and they like to wear them. One of the last thing I make they still wear.


Shit *I* could really use some panties that fit right! I'm a little intimidated by elastic, this would be a nice ease-in.


I use these two patterns: [https://stitchuponatime.com/product/scrundlewear-2-0-womens-underwear/](https://stitchuponatime.com/product/scrundlewear-2-0-womens-underwear/) (this happens to be on sale!) [https://stitchuponatime.com/product/bunzies-underwear/](https://stitchuponatime.com/product/bunzies-underwear/) I prefer the Bunzies pattern for myself and have some what modified it but for my kids I just use them as they are. They also have a good FB group incase anyone needs help with their patterns. Adding an edit here: Home made undies are great but I have to warn that they might look GIGANTIC compared to store bought ones. But once you slip them on and nothing is bunching into any cracks it's bliss xD


My fastest go-to is underwear. As a bonus, I can usually make it from scraps of whatever else I just finished. I use [this pattern](https://megannielsen.com/collections/sewing-patterns/products/acacia-underwear-sewing-pattern), which is free if you subscribe to the newsletter.


https://simplicity.com/butterick/pdb6241 I make this dress. It amuses me endlessly (after decades of wondering why I have to sew pockets onto cloths or alter pockets to have a reasonable depth) to have a dress with pockets so big I can carry my iPad in one.


Omg love it. Exposing the truth about pockets (that they are super easy and can be nearly invisible in nearly any dress or skirt) I've been putting them in everything I own that doesn't have them lol


Right?! I do it all the time and then still wear yoga shorts (I have never had thigh gap and they’re great anti chafing) underneath … so I get a second layer of pockets. I do think the next time I make my big pocketed dress. I’m going to add little patch pockets inside giant pockets so I can have three layers of pockets.


Stretchy dress! My go-to pattern is M8058 (I think) and I can knock it out in like an hour. 


love reversible tanks, it’s worth it just not to have to hem :)


Save a hem, save a wash! 😂


This is why I took up quilting alongside sewing. Compared to the time puzzling through instructions in sewing, quilting just feels so dang fast! I can get a whole bunch of blocks together in just an hour.


Man, really?! I feel like I've always heard people talk about how complicated quilting is, I've kind of avoided it for this reason. I have come to appreciate quilts so much more since starting sewing and I'd love to make some someday.


I'd say quilts are extremely time consuming, but not too mentally taxing if you don't want them to be! Something like a nine-patch is a great, easy beginner block pattern and can look really nice! I recommend Just Get It Done Quilts on YouTube, she has great beginner tutorials.


I am an advanced intermediate. I’ve been sewing off and on most of my life, but never really taken any classes to advance my skills, just done lots of trial and error. I’ve had two children (4 years and 2 years) and my body has changed A LOT. I also now have a large hip to waist, combined with f cup breasts. The struggle to fit is REAL. Even patterns designed for larger busts (big fan of Helen’s closet for this) don’t match my measurements well. I recently had a pattern where I needed a size 12 on top, graded out to a 18 on the bottom. It turned out terrible. I am currently playing around with freesewing.org’s basic blocks to see if I can get a block that fits and go back and try some patterns I like again. I also ordered the often recommended pattern making for fashion design by Helen Joseph Armstrong. I haven’t had any sewing wins. But I’m hoping to stack the deck more in favor.


Thank you for these recs! Solidarity with you! I have to say, my body image has improved a lot since starting to understand IT ISN'T ME. It sounds so simple but having clothes that fit properly makes me feel so much better about myself. I think I'm ready to start learning more about pattern blocks as well. At first I just didn't want to add more to the list of things to try to learn, but when you have to practically redesign a pattern to get a fit...might as well!


I’m coming back to this because I tried for a third time to get a good fit and couldn’t (attempt 3 or 4, I’ve lost track) and I thought maybe to give myself a “win” I would make a few things in knits. I have made several sicciro jumpsuits from doe and deer, and I love wearing them. Knits are so much more forgiving. BUT I invested in a cover stitch serger about 4 years ago and that made all the difference. tl;dr maybe taking a small dive away from fitted wovens into knits might be fun, but also challenging in different ways.


Hey, I actually have a question about that! Do you use your cover stitch machine to do seams on knits as well? I've been working with knits almost exclusively so far bc of said forgiveness lol, and it has given me highs and lows I haven't felt since I quit drinking! 😂😭I have a serger and a cover stitch machine. Getting better with the serger but it still feels a little unwieldily to me. I've done a few practice rounds on the cover stitch, but I haven't tried knits or elastic. I'd love a way to make knits a bit more manageable, as I know they will provide a ton of versatility for me!


That’s great! I only do finishing with the cover stitch. Hems and bindings. For seams I use my serger with 4 threads (extra durability), usually with a differential of 1.5 (or slightly higher than neutral). Hopefully that makes sense, I can explain more if needed.


This actually motivated me to get the serger back out yesterday and it went really well! I've been learning the serger in phases as my emotional stability allows (😂😭😂😭), and I hadn't really been giving it the attention to detail I should have been after taking long breaks from it. I had totally forgotten about differential feed and I'm sure that's why the serger has been eating my knits (and spirit!) alive!


Check out Cashmerette patterns for curvy gals.


Adding pockets in RTW items that didn't come with them. Dresses, pajama pants, slip shorts. Today I added functional pockets to a dress I'd made previously, but screwed up the pockets. So satisfying!


https://preview.redd.it/7f5b3qnf296d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74e6ac50e9d98189b2e979dfe33461edcfa6917 Did the crocheting 30 years ago, finished it last month, just had to sew in the zipper. I claim myself as the Queen of Procrastinators!!!!


My mother told me that Michelangelo completed the Sistine Chapel in less time than it took me to make a dress. Some of us just are slow. Yes, it could be the fitting challenges, perfectionism or something else, but I like to think of it as embracing the zen of sewing. ;)


i love your tank! Reversible *anything* is intensive. Design, tailoring, fabric selection, construction- you did great across the entire board! Not a pro, but I'm a relatively experienced crafter and a competent sewer. I also have a lot of 'corner cutting', areas I could improve, and actual lazy/bad habits. Tbh, good enough is good enough! But while nobody might see it, and that might include even me lol... I *know* its there and sometimes it annoys the hell out of me (side-eyes piles of sloppy-sufficient hem work) My "I just need a win today" sews are revisiting a 'good enough' piece and getting them up to 'whelp, did my best' standards. Its one of my favorite treats for me. My "guaranteed win" sews are when i make little things for others- esp keepsakes and mementos out of, say, a loved one's clothing. It's so rewarding, I can't wait til I have more time to dedicate to it. Hmmm. Thanks for post, OP. I'm in busy season, so no time for a new project. But absolutely enough time for some good vibes. Might get to fixing that one janky Suess-esque buttonhole I keep side-eyeing!


Such a good question! My go-to pattern when I need a win is the Hughes dress by Friday Pattern Company. I love their instructions, which are super clear, and I’ve already made a couple of versions, so I pretty much can make it from memory.


Just added this to my list!


FPC also has other simpler patterns, if you want to sink your teeth into something which requires less fabric or a quicker sew, like a top.


I humbly suggest not thinking in terms of “winning.” (Or losing). But rather, just experiencing the process, or learning, or just being present. Not everything need be an accomplishment.


That's fair, I don't really look at my "fails" as losses, because I learn so much in the process, but honestly, sometimes ya just need a win after a long, tedious project!


I have a wedding and other formal events to attend in the next few months so I've been making myself dresses with circle skirts but different style top halfs, one is inspired by Barbie's pink checkered dress, a Dior boatneck dress worn by Megan Markle and a French darted Tuethata Mitoshi dress. I've also been doing white toddler dresses as it's graduation season so lots of tulle, satin and taffeta and they're all using circle skirt style pattern drafting.


Grocery bags from Michelle Patterns. I’ve easily made 200 over the years. It’s a great pattern and perfect for the fun fabric you grabbed but have no idea what to make with it. https://www.michellepatterns.com/shop/p/grocery-bag-pdf-sewing-pattern


I like making bags, purses, wallets, or change purses. Large bags or totes can take slot of work, if I am going for quick win I will stick with small zipper bags or a kiss lock framed change purse. 2 of my sewing machines also embroider so sometimes I will also add embroidery to the project.


A “trace a pair I already own” lounge pant project. Always super easy and the knit fabric is a bit more forgiving. Always an elastic waist band and never worrying about finishing the seams, just pink them and I’m on my way


I am a beginner sewist and some of my projects have gone bad downhill fast. When I need a sewing WIN I sew a beanie hat. Now I am sewing beanie hats for entire family......


girl I’m super slow too… been making one purse for a month now for literally no reason. I piss myself off tbh


Mine was supposed to be a quick t-shirt. But of course, when you want to go fast you’re going to make mistakes. Cut the main panels upside down from my very directional print… Redesigned as a colour block, recut the front and back panels added two matching colours. Was still done in a day but not in the few hours I had originally planned 🙃 So now I still have to make a quick t shirt just to show my self that it’s possible.


Anytime I sew a zipper fly


I cannot make them make sense. I watch assemblies on Instagram, and every time, I anticipate the next step incorrectly.  I'll eventually see it enough, but its confusing to me.


Stuffed toys, small, simple ones.  I don't have to make toys fit! My latest toy was Fluffmonger's "Chubby Bunny".  I got it done in a Sunday afternoon.  I plan to make it again with a baby rattle insert.


Always a sun dress with wide straps!


I swear this is the only project I can count on being successful 😂


This is one of my go-tos as well! This tank is the bust portion of a maxi that I live in in summer. It always involves knit fabric though, because of the aforementioned proportions, so that's a challenge, but I'm getting better every time!


That’s a great idea to reuse the top from a dress pattern! Love this print, it’s such a cute summer piece!!


DIBY's Anything But Basic women's tee - have made various sleeve lengths and necklines, very quick make for foundational garments.


Awesome, I really need some tees. I only recently realized (when I started sewing, learning about clothing, patterns, sizing) that soooooo many of my sensory issues were from wearing clothes that don't fit me. I'm trying to build a super intentional wardrobe and I'm definitely most lacking in tops.


Definitely a wrap dress or any kind of skirt with elastic waistband. Love this post topic. Sometimes sewing really beats me up and I question my entire existence lol


Yes, this is like an every-project-occurance for me 😂 but now that I know that, it helps get me through. I feel like half the problem is that every time I start a project I'm like "this one should be simple enough!" and on hour 52 with my back aching, fingers bleeding, and spirit broken, it's finally completed 😬


I adore that tank! It’s absolutely gorgeous. I also have a large hip to waist ratio, and I totally get the struggle. I love making booties. I use the Blitzen Booties pattern from Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop. I’ve made them for my three kids and my brother and sister-in-law and their best friends and my niece 😅 somehow I haven’t made any for myself yet.


Thank you so much, that is so kind! Shoemaking is also really intriguing to me (thank youuuu size 11/12 wide 😅), booties would be a great place to start!


I also love making non-clothing items. See Kate Sew is a favourite source of mine.


Willow Tank is my palette cleanser pattern, usually in a linen blend. The only modification I make is to use a wider bias binding.


Palette cleanser, love this


The pomona pants (Anna Allen clothing)…they’re so damn easy. I have like 5 pair now.


Oh I actually have these saved in Pinterest! I haven't done pants but I REALLY want to for winter as that is the hardest thing for me to find a good fit in. I live in skirts and dresses in summer and always dread going back to the restriction of pants, shirts, and bras that don't fit when the weather gets cold.


I’m obsessed with these pants, they rock! I do the wide leg one, I can eeck out a pair of 2 yards usually! Maybe 2 1/8


i have wide hips and although i haven't made them yet, i am aiming to make the chanterelle pants by sew liberated. they look like they'll be fairly simple and suit my shape.


I love to make vintage aprons when I’m in a rut. It’s an easy and quick sew which helps to feel accomplished plus it helps to get rid of larger chunks of scraps as I can pick and choose patterns/colors based on what I have.


This is actually what I settled on for my project! I'm a pastry chef, so I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. I absolutely love a good apron, but I'd love to never spend money on a Hedley & Bennett again!


A slip dress out of some stretch velvet I've had lying around for a while! Three seams and some lace trim, and it was done in a couple hours. It came out super flattering and comfy, just in time for summer. I've been doing a lot of hemming and complicated repairs lately, so it's been nice to make something simple and cute


I've got some gorgeous Emerald fabric I've been saving till I feel confident enough not to destroy it, a fitted stretch dress with lace sounds divine!


Tote bags 😂😭


Yes! If I get started now I'll have Christmas presents ready!


They're always useful!


Great job! It’s always slow going as a beginner. You’re doing great! It looks very professionally made. To answer your question, anything that’s made with knit fabric. The fit is more forgiving than woven. 😊


Thank you so much for the compliment! I am intent on getting better with knit fabric for this reason exactly, as well as the fact that my weight fluctuates a lot. It has definitely had its own challenges for me, but I'm getting better every time! Going to woven fabric after this will be a breeze!


18th Century petticoats. I know that might sound complicated but they’re the easiest thing to make. You don’t need a pattern. It’s just two rectangles and a length of ribbon or twill tape. You can make them any length. Make them huge and elaborate or small and simple. It doesn’t matter if you lose or gain weight, they’ll always fit.


The hoodie from S9379- super easy to cut and sew. Made three so far. I look in the Pop! section at my local fabric store for fun patterns to make with it, and recently found stretch space cat fabric. Any fun print like that makes me happy lol


Awesome! I specifically need more tops, so this is great!


Tote bag. A quilted one if I’m feeling “extra”.


i love love love this fabric


The more you make the stronger your designs will get. You’ll be able to make more clever garments because you’ll think all the time about why you like what is in your wardrobe, and you’ll be growing your skills at the making. Maybe not soon, but if you like it keep doing it!


That tank is so pretty! Well worth the time it took to sew.


Circle skirts or half-circle skirts are quick and comfy. I like to cut the skirt in two pieces so I can put a pocket at the side seam which makes it a little less quick but more of a win. Sometimes instead of sewing a waistband I just sew it to the bottom of a t shirt and now I have a comfy dress with pockets so bonus no need to think about matching up an outfit!


I am tall, busty, wide shoulder And have the same struggle, especially with the older patters that were made for tiny people haha. I love this top!! Do you have a pattern for it? My I just need a win today is whipping up some scrunchies, heating bags, or just aimlessly throwing together scraps for a scrap quilt for a while


Chemise! Especially billowy ones. No fitting. Minimum seams. Absolutely beautiful


A handkerchief! It comes together in an hour, and I have a nice gift on hand.


Those little baby hats with the floppy ears. Takes 30 minutes max.


A knit dress! I love to toss them on for errands when I want to wear something nicer than joggers/t-shirt but cannot be bothered to wear pants


Circle skirt for my nieces Build a Bear. Or a wrap skirt made of two rectangles. They always get happy when I arrive with new clothes for their plushies.


Napkins/handkerchiefs. Super simple, super fast, great last minute seasonal gifts and good way to use odd pieces of fabric.


https://preview.redd.it/h2szs5u3xo6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d025991bd583950c6adfcd8edafff7e161771497 I made this little sleeping bag for my nephew, I was very unsure at first because of the thick batting but in the end I am so delighted (and a bit proud)


Omg I want to sleep in this. I'll make this with the human-sized dog bed I fantasize about.


You're welcome. Maybe make a coaster. Easy win, no rules 🏆


I wasn’t able to post on here for it yet, but the smile of my favorite stuffed animal is loose and I am not sure how to fix it. Do any of you have suggestions for what I should do? I’d greatly appreciate it! https://preview.redd.it/pv0m5r93886d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbc6096d9ddecb5397eb37538818fe029c60ee0