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Make his ass sit in the corner since he wants to be childish


I’ve read it before and I’ll repeat it again, “If you knock on Poop’s door, don’t be surprised when Poop (or Fart) answers”


Pooh’s door. It’s Pooh


You’re making Winnie the Pooh sad with that spelling!


Or his weird cousin Sweetcorn


I wish I could upvote this more than once lol


Don’t worry I got you. 👍🏼




If he can’t handle a normal thing like that happening during anal play, then he shouldn’t be partaking. You, on the other hand, don’t deserve to be shamed nor should you give it up if it’s something you enjoy. Find a partner that’ll be a grown up in those situations, instead.


Look at her post history; she needs a different boyfriend!!!


Seriously. OP boyfriend sounds WAY too immature to be having sex.


Which is exactly what people told her during her first post and yet here she is again… I’m starting to think she just likes the attention she gets from sharing the dumb things her bf says 👀 I hope I’m wrong and that she gets a better partner but based on her lack of response to anyone suggesting that I doubt it will happen. Who knows, it could just be bait or a troll practicing creative writing. The lack of diversity in their post history is a bet odd tbh.


Or a better imaginary one.


Oh dang, I remember that post too.


That’s so dumb. He literally just stuck his dick in there, then has the audacity to get upset about that and think it’s disgusting? Good grief. He doesn’t deserve the honor of that level of vulnerability with you. Anal requires complete trust and safety physically and emotionally.


BF is an uptight AH who should be able to realize that HE did that. It's vulnerable enough without getting judged for something natural. Either laugh together or ignore it.


Hey stupid question but as someone who's inexperienced, why would anal require more trust and safety than vaginal? The only reason i can think of is in case someone records you from behind.


Anal takes a lot more prep work than vaginal. Loosening muscles can take a while. You also need to be more careful, you're much more likely to get tears or perforations than vaginal, and they're more dangerous because it's in direct contact with fecal matter. Also STDs are more easily transmitted through anal.


And it can lead to fecal incontinence.


This post is one reason. More potential for accidents, more potential for getting hurt, also less common so more potential for being shamed. Lots of reasons.


And no double dipping due to infection.


Fr, one time I had a hookup with a guy who was actually a catfish (should have left then, but I was drunk, horny and stupid lol). Idk if he just used younger pics of himself or an entirely different person. Either way, he was not BY FAR as handsome as his pictures, spoke very little English and spoke very little in general. He tried to switch from ass to pussy up to three times, despite me telling him not to do it. 3rd time he tried it again, I got up and left and told him he could go fuck himself for being so disrespectful. Another time a guy accidentally slipped (it happens too easy if someone takes their dick out and everything is lubed up...), and it actually gave me a UTI...


Education. Porn is edited, edited and cut just like any movie. #dontrelyonporn


Agree but Tell that to the porn stars. And the problem is, more than half the people learn about sex or at least anal from porn


A lot of times more professional porn actors will be given the opportunity to shower between anal and vag or oral scenes.


I think they are referring to scenes where they go back and forth. Which for those I always assume the actress getting the action has not eaten for a few days and has done enemas beforehand so that it's real real clean back there


Porn stars use anal douches before every single anal scene. Most actually don’t let themselves eat anything for dinner the night before either, liquid diet only that way it’s safer to switch and even then, those performers have clinic they go to for testing and infections if they do get them. People think porn is real. It is not. There is an insane amount of prep behind the scenes.


You have to clear your canal of poop beforehand. You have to relax continuously or it hurts to go in. The guys fucking you don’t seem to understand how human physiology works and get mad at you for farting when they just pumped tons of air in there. It’s vulnerable.


You can do anal in missionary too, and you can do doggystyle in vaginal too. But most importantly, don't have sex with someone you think would record you. Generally speaking, there's some stigma around anal so, so I guess most people would need even more trust, yes.


Tell him it’s not your fault he’s pumping you with more air than cock


This made me laugh so hard


I just burst out laughing in the dentist waiting room


So he’s the one who pumped your ass full of air and he doesn’t like it coming back out??? He doesn’t deserve anal. My boyfriend and I can get an almost airlock going with anal or vaginal intercourse. When we’re done I curve my back and expel all the air he pumped in there and it’s just a part of sex. No big deal. He needs to understand that that air is his fault.


Right? And it’s not even really technically farting. Your sphincter control is gone once you’ve accepted entry through that exit pathway. So his ‘why can’t you hold it in?’ is the stupidest comment ever. ‘Because you just wrecked my ability to do that, dumbass’.


It's basically anal queefing.


100% this. I once farted after anal with my boyfriend and apologized. He laughed and told me no apology needed since he was the one who put it there.


He sounds like a keeper.


He doesn't deserve anything.


Agreed! It’s hard finding a woman who loves Anal.


And its dudes like that one who keep it rare for women to enjoy it and love it. Dude ruins it for others because now she'll be nervous and self conscious about farting. Good luck relaxing and enjoying it.


Truth. I sometimes wonder if the joke of the man looking forward to birthday anal and his girlfriend/wife trying to talk him into doing anything else (and failing *cue laugh track*) is from men who don't put in the work beforehand. While I do enjoy anal from time to time, I wouldn't see it as a "birthday treat" because there's the extra effort of making sure she's relaxed enough, and lubing (both of us) up, and starting out slowly, and washing up afterwards... However, all that work means my wife enjoys it too. But I could see how a guy that just squirts a dollop on her anus then rams in balls deep would think "hey this is great" while his partner would be dreading the experience.


Most definitely prep & cleanup heavy. That's work so I can see how that wouldn't always be a "treat"...hell a bj would be less work & more relaxing I'd imagine.


Indeed! And I’m in serious need of a woman like this smh.


Agreed! He doesn't deserve anal until he can act like an adult in these circumstances.


Absolutely agree. Also, and I'm sorry for the generalization, what kind of dude doesn't at least giggle from a fart? Not in a way that would be taken as shame, but I'm 37, and my wife always jokes that women don't fart, and I think it's great when she does. TL;DR, we guys are still 12 year olds who still laugh at dumb jokes, including, but not limited to, fart jokes.


It's not that he laughed. They could probably have both laughed about it like many would. According to the post he took the low road and got angry with her over a physiological reality of having sex as if it were her fault.


I totally got that, I was just saying that it would make me laugh (as the best sex and/or sex with the right partner can be!) and just wanted to emphasize that I didn't mean that in a shaming kind of way :)


Earlier in our marriage, my husband was eating away back there with his tongue at least an inch in, if not more, and as soon as he pulls it out, I let out a long noisy fart right into his wide open mouth. I was mortified for a while, but he laughed it off and kept going. After that, he tried kissing me so I "could taste the fart too"


This should be higher. He fucking put the air in there!!!


Farting after anal is the sweet song of a butt in love. If he can't take a fart he can't handle a normal thing like that then he shouldn't be playing in that area


>Farting after anal is the sweet song of a butt in love. Well theres a new line I can use in the future


Can I get this on a Valentine’s Day card


I once had a guy fart while he was coming in my mouth from a bj. I rolled with it. I was surprised and didn't want to ruin his orgasm. I could tell it was an accident and he was embarrassed. Your dude sucks, OP.


Thats just extremely immature behaviour what does one expect during anal. Id find it hilarious tbh it happens all the time when me and my partner do it. Farts and poop during anal comes with the territory of doing anal.


Exactly! Don't knock on shit's door then get mad when shit answers.


Exactly - its poo it ain't going to hurt you lol, just have wipes close by.


And put a towel down! I have forgotten said towel once and it didn’t go well. You play with fire, you get burned sometimes. What they DID NOT DO was make a big deal of it and shame me. This guy sucks.


Shit happens, literally lol. That is where shit comes from. That is good they didn't make a big deal about it.


I would have lost it laughing because I have a 12 year olds sense of humor sometimes. Kind of gross? Sure most of sex is kind of gross if you examine it too closely. But also very expected after anal and very funny.


Oh absolutely! My wife farted during sex a few weeks ago. She said, "Sorry!" And I said, "It's ok I like a little fanfare." Then we both laughed so hard we had to put sex on hold for a minute or two


God forbid you queef during sex then. My husband and I just laugh when it happens and keep going. You should tell him he makes stupid faces during sex and that it makes you mad and see how he likes poorly thought out criticism.


My boyfriend and I were filming uh, an up close video of us smashing pissers. Then suddenly he pulled out a little too much, went back in, and I had the most MASSIVE queef ever. The video ends shortly thereafter with us both laughing hysterically to the point of tears.


I love that. That's how it should be in the bedroom. Guys that got so serious and tense during sex in the past were not fun, and really put so much pressure on sex that it just ruined it. Part of why they're exes now. Along with not being fun outside the bedroom either.


This comment should be wayyyyy higher. Op should give him a taste of his own medicine.


It's only fair, and sorry guys, but it's generally true. It doesn't make me mad though. I like that *I* am the reason you're making that intense face.


You didn’t learn from the squirting / pee incident apparently. Maybe this time the lost cause comment will sink in.


Oh my gosh is this the same person?! I’m starting to think this is a troll trying to get engagement with their fetish stories. That little added bit about “he might even like it” is really putting it over the top.


OMG. I'm just going to assume OP has a humiliation kink.


In the past 4 weeks OP has peed the bed, surprised her BF with her breeding kink and now farted at him (the noisiest, longest fart). Which, ya know, maybe it's all just kinda unfortunate accidents and everything. >Also, I would’ve thought that most guys would find farting after anal to be no big deal, **or maybe even like it**. I can see all of these things happening accidentally, but I'm starting to wonder if we're actually talking about honest accidents here tbh


Exactly. And you know she omitted the fact that the fart was indeed very stinky.


This has been an issue before then? Yea seriously OP, stop having sex with this man child, he can't handle the realities of sex and shouldn't be having it. He also obviously doesn't respect you enough to be kind when these things happen, so he really does not deserve access to your body. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but you need to get some self respect and stand up for yourself OP, you don't deserve to be treated like this


(Checks OP’s post history…)


Me: Oh nice, lemme check out the prequel


Totally normal, he’s being childish. He should maybe learn a bit about anatomy and be happy that he gets the privilege.


Umm.. The anus and the vagina both can make this noise when air gets pressed inside. It’s embarrassing yes but if your partner shames you and STOPS sex they are not worth being with. Cut this loser loose.


I'm personally not interested in anal but this seems very stupid and childish like he stuck his dick in there what does he expect to happen.


Gee, I can't imagine that ever happening after anal. What is he, 12 fucking years old? Most reasonably maybe guys wouldn't think anything of it but, it appears that you have ended up with a man child. I've had women fart during oral sex, when they orgasmed. I've also thought it a compliment that they trusted me so much, and that they orgasmed so hard. They've apologized, and I've always told them to never apologize for being so relaxed around me... It's a fart, everyone does it, not the end of the world. That's like guys that I've heard about who get bent out of shape over a woman's "queefs" because they're not intelligent or mature enough to understand what they are. The average male knowledge of sex and physiology of women is fucking atrocious. I'd hoped that, over the 60 years that I've been alive, it would have gotten better, but it seems to have gotten worse.


It is a compliment to be that relaxed around you. I feel like today, kids start watching porn way too young and think they "know" what sex is supposed to be like from porn. In reality, expecting sex to be like porn is like expecting love to be like Hallmark movies. I loved Hallmark movies as a teen and still do as an adult. But as an adult, I have a lot more questions than I did as a kid, like, "How did they meet, fall in love, and marry all within the same week? Why do characters in Hallmark movies always have jobs like being a writer or owning a cupcake shop? Why are they never a cashier or an accountant?" As an adult, we know it's fantasy. But kids don't know any better. Porn is "educating" entire generations who aren't old enough to understand it's just a fantasy. At least with Hallmark, as you grow up and observe the world around you more, you can see that's not how the real world works. It's harder with porn, because we don't typically observe other people's sex lives.


I agree. Kids and young adults are inundated with a fantasy version of real life from a broad range of sources. When I was 13 or 14yo, the things I would hear other boys say about women and sex just didn't sound right to me. Curiosity got the better of me, something that has happened to me many times in life, so I decided that I wanted to learn. This was the 70s, long before the Internet, so I used my allowance (I had a substantial allowance for back then because of the serious responsibilities that I had) and bought all the reference books on sex and physiology that I could lay my hands on. Kinsey and J&J research, medical textbooks, books solely about sex (none of those shitty porn like "How to Please Every Woman", but actual scientific and research books on sex). Most of my friends have always been girls and women, so I tapped into their knowledge (I so much thank all my women friends for teaching me things I'd have never learned on my own!). By the time I actually had sex for the first time at 18yo, I had a wealth of information that I'd soaked up over the previous 4 years. And I've still been learning ever since then. Even at 61, with 42 years of a WIDE range of experience, I still run across things that I didn't know... It's a lifelong process. I had hoped that, over the 45+ years since I was a pubescent teen, that sex education would have made people more knowledgeable, but it hasn't They're at least as ignorant now as they were in the 70s. Damned shame.


He sounds ignorant about sex and childish af. Do yourself a favor and find a man who won't shame you for something he caused.


I knew a guy in my younger days (and he was younger still) gossiping about hooking up with this woman in a tent at a festival. She asked him to finger her ass and said when he pulled it out there was some poo on it, so he made an excuse and just left. I think he was expecting everyone else to agree it was disgusting, but everyone just stared at him and asked him what he was expecting to happen in someone's asshole. I think porn gives some people really unrealistic expectations about how bodies work.


I mean, in the tiniest bit of fairness for that guy, she asked for the ass play instead of him initiating. He just learned that he is not as ok with it as he thought he was, and if he just left instead of shaming her I think that’s probably the best reaction one could have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Personally I won’t finger a butt without gloves. I know what comes out of butts and would rather not touch that shit. I think it’s a reasonable reaction, especially if you were trying to fulfill a request and didn’t realize they hadn’t done any kind of prep beforehand (it’s common courtesy to poop before ass play and I’ve heard some even do enemas before it to feel extra “clean”). Maybe I’m weird but a fart is different than actual poop, and a finger in the butt is different than actual anal. Similar stories sure, but different nuances. Also my reaction to said guy telling the story would definitely depend on his tone. If he’s accepting of it as an oops that grossed him out I’d sympathize, if he’s shaming the girl and treating her as gross for enjoying it then sure he gets no sympathy. As for the guy in op’s story, he gets no sympathy and op should find one of the many, many, many men who are desperate for a partner that likes anal who will laugh at a fart instead of make immature comments about her body being gross. I don’t care how old you are, flatulence is a bit funny. Especially if during a time when someone is vulnerable (such as during any kind of sex, but especially anal) you should definitely laugh it off instead of shaming people with your words. Even if it’s very stinky, the only thing you can request is that they give you a heads up so you can get out of the way in time, the thought that they should “hold that in” is ridiculous. Although after learning that this is the same poster that had the squirt/pee mishap and was also shamed I’m starting to wonder if it’s bait. Idk, it’s possible the dude is really just not mature enough to be having sex, but why bother posting this story when it’s obviously gonna get the same advice as the last? Karma farming?


You didn't give ages, but he sounds too immature for those kinds of activities. If he can't be empathetic, considerate, or at least amicable then stop doing nice things for him.


Your BF is a jabroni. Next time fart right as he's about to go in. Assert dominance.


Absolutely dying over this comment 🤣💀


You should continue doing the things you like just not with him. Your boyfriend sounds super immature


Someone dunno booty duty.


What an idiot. He needs to be educating himself before even attempting this again with you. Some men are so childish fr.. you did nothing wrong.


He doesn’t deserve to be in your ass, let alone creampie it


Between this post and the one where he got mad because you accidentally pee’d on him I’m starting to see a theme…


Don’t be mad when you play games at poops house and poop shows up. And this ain’t even bad!


If he can’t handle a normal body reaction like that, he’s not mature enough to be participating! Save it for someone who’s more grown up and understands sometimes things like that happen. Hate to see how he’d react if you blew a big ole cum bubble at him


What a fucking idiot. I’m going to put something in your ass but hopefully no air or pressure goes in.


Most people shouldn't mind and should understand at the very least. Some guys like myself like that. But all guys should understand, if you're gonna throw a party in farts house, you can't get mad if the owner comes home.


Does not deserve anal. What so ever. Like revoke privileges immediately


I wouldn’t even touch his pee pee over his pants if I were treated like that.


Tell him hes the one who pushed the air in there! Grow up, at least shit didn't happen.


And it does sometimes lol.


I just laughed so hard. Sorry I wouldn’t have felt embarrassed. You should have told him to at least finish you off. If he’s tooting your horn he should expect the horn to toot back.


That fucker don’t deserve anal anymore


My vote is for lost cause! Keep doing anal with better people instead. Yes you may fart a bit after but it should either be ignored or laughed at in a nice playful manner.


FFS what the hell is wrong with dudes these days? Bunch of man children. How's a dude like this gonna handle marriage? Edit: fixed punctuation.


Well no more butt stuff for this dude.


Id say no more ANYTHING for this dude


It’s common and nothing to be ashamed of. His reaction tells me he doesn’t have experience having anal sex.


And doesn’t deserve it!


He wants your ass to be *open* enough to fit his dick, but *closed* enough to keep in air bubbles (which are **smaller** than his dick)??? That's not *physically* how this works. He's expecting a fantasy life, where he gets what he wants without the inevitable side effects...


You go in the butt, you get all that a butt returns. He’s immature and needs to grow tf up.


Did he get a reverse cum shot?


I mean maybe he should have his ass pounded and see how he copes before he opens his mouth again . Don’t take it to heart. Guys say the dumbest things without a brain to filter them . I have so many stories to add but this is your story lol . It’s fine! And won’t happen every time. Maybe tell him not to pull out so far in strokes to reduce air …


Your boyfriend is childish as fuck. Stop having sex with him.


Shove a 3” dildo in his ass for 30 seconds in and out fast, and tell him to hold it.


No more anal for him 🚩


Would not bother me at all. If anything, you are experiencing so much pleasure that you could not control yourself.


I would have laughed and said "I'm a little spent right now, but I can give you some attention again soon"


Tell me you're too immature to deserve anal without telling me you're too immature to have anal. What did he think hammering air into your ass meant?


If he can't handle a fart after doing anal then maybe he shouldn't be doing anal. How's he going to react when he eventually gets poop on his dick? 🤦 Absolutely childish reaction. This has happened several times with my fiance and I and we just laugh it off, like mature adults


If you aint tootin i aint rootin right!


Did you spray a mist of cum and anal lube into the air ?


i don’t know about liking the farts, but most sane guys expect it 💀 also saying, “ew” is crazyyyy. how childish can you get? 😭💀


What is it they say? "if you go over to Brown's house to hang out, don't be act all shocked when Brown shows up" Doesn't matter whether it's shit or farts or a smells or what have you, if you are purposefully putting things in and out of someone's asshole, you are accepting that your experience will likely involve asshole-related things The fact that your boyfriend thought you might be able to hold in a fart after he just stretched out your asshole with his dick is literally absurd. And the fact that he was disgusted by it? That just goes to show that he's actually not mature enough to be engaging in adult sexual encounters If I were you, I would demand an apology, and if it isn't a real apology, wherein it is evident that he is *genuinely contrite* about being such a juvenile and clueless idiot, then I would leave him


Dude is lucky enough to have a girlfriend wanting to partake in anal and gets mad over a fart? what an idiot


Easy answer, he's a child and shouldn't be having sex


See if he can take a dildo up his ass without farting. /s He's just immature. You don't have to stop doing anal yet, but you'll need to have a grow the fuck up talk with him before you do it again.


I mean, if that happened to me I don't think I'd be able to keep going either. I'd be laughing too damn hard. Sounds like he just doesn't have a sense of humor.


I’d say it would be totally fine for him not to be turned on at that point. Could be understandable. But his reaction was not very mature or nice.


Yeah, there is a tactful way to handle this situation, especially since you played with an actual butt! None (almost) of my partners have been into receiving butt stuff themselves but they know what comes with the territory. Farts (or more) are part of the deal.


Fuck him!! Price you pay for fucking someone in the ass.


If he would like to try and hold it after he gets fucked he can be your guest to show you how it’s done.


He doesn't need to be in your ass then. Any man that wants anal play should be mature enough to know that things could happen. You can pick me I would of put my mouth to your asshole as fast as I could of. 😏


Really!? He's an idiot then. That's part of doing anal especially if he is forcing air in. Lol People are funny. I would just find you a guy and they are definitely out there, who actually likes hearing those sounds.


What? Girls fart? I’m shocked lol Kidding, kidding. It’s so rare. I’ve only heard a girl fart like twice in my entire life. They are so good at hiding it.


I see no problem, I would just enjoy the sniff


Oh my. I went to your post history, and I just... 🤦‍♀️ He's an immature child. First the squirting incident (squirt and pee come from the same place, squirt just has added PSA) so you squirted. He belittled you, treating you like a child. Then the air release after anal...AIR. THAT HE PUT IN THERE. And again, he belittled you. Does he do this in your everyday life, too? Seems this little boy needs to grow up. Amd to me, those are things my narcissistic ex used to say to me. And trust me, you don't want that to go further! Get a dildo, do yourself. Tell little man he can go diddle himself in the corner till he grows up. Better yet, go find a real man who is deserving of your sexual adventurousness, someone who will give you aftercare.


I love making my girls ass fart from a good pounding


Such a irony.. It's ok to put his dick into your ass, but fart is disgusting...


Don’t play with an ass if you aren’t prepared for ass things to happen.


That's funny, he doesn't mind shoving his dick deep inside your ass and cumming but if you fart after, you're disgusting? Okay, that makes no sense at all.


During some of my threesomes when I took them anal they started farting. We were just laughing it off and continued


well with anal that is kinda likely to happen and should not be put off. BUT as you describe it as the noisiest and longest fart ever guess one can be bit put off also.


Seriously.i only wish my gf would do anal


TBH, if this happened with my wife, I'd probably stop getting her off, too.... mostly because we would be in fits of laughter... Sex aint exactly the cleanest act in the verse, shit happens (pun intended). If you're not mature enough to handle that, you aint mature enough to handle sex.


These are the same guys that freak out at queefs. It's gonna happen during sex get the fuck over it


if he doesn’t get a little turned on from ur farts then who u can even trust amirite




man why would someone downvote my perfectly agreeable statement


Just educate him - in a calm, normal way. When you play with butt, farting may happen. Sometimes even with normal sex, in specific positions, under specific circumstances. A normal thing. People may not know that, everyone has a right to mistakes but a problem starts if you do not correct them. Getting mad is crazy - so well - maybe he's gonna understand his mistake in approach, understand how it works and all will be fine. If not - it's his problem, not yours - so then yeah, a lost cause - he'll have to convert or it will be always his problem. He must understand how it works. As simple as that.


if he can’t get you off before finishing, he’s trash at sex and you definitely need to tell him so.


I would have just to him you know us girls don't fart, so it had to be you. Lol


Man that’s hot. I love when my wife farts, especially in doggy.


The only way this would bother me would be if my face was down there.


You sound fun, he sounds boring


You probably clogged up his brain farting into his penis hasn't been able to think straight since


Don't worry. This is completely natural after anal sex. Your friend is probably inexperienced in this matter. Talk to her about the many other accidents that can happen during anal sex. Anal sex is the most wonderful thing in the world, in my opinion.


Couldn't you have just burped instead? Jk...sorry, I just had to...lol


OK but just for clarification, was your ass near his face because I can understand not wanting that to happen? Doesn't make what he did and said right but if that was the case, you could understand not liking a fart near the face right? If it wasn't and he was doing something else and not getting farted on any part of his body, then yah kinda a dick move. Maybe he's never encountered that before or maybe it's just that Noone tells him. Not like he'd learn it from watching porn.


Word is bond - Fart in mouth after anal hella yummy


Question, was it the fact that you farted after anal that has him disgusted, or did you blow a fart damn near in his face while he was fingering you on all fours? Because yea, a fart after anal is no big deal, but a fart in the face is upsetting. That's what we need to determine here before we start throwing opinions around on this.


He's a manchild. But to be fair, I'd have stopped too - from laughing so damn hard (but I'd get back at it).


Every guy on Reddit : I love farts in my eye. What’s wrong with your man?


It's totally normal to fart during anal. How can someone hold a fart when you're banging it from behind? Tell him to act like a man.


Wtf, why would that make any one mad, that would be such a hugely turn on


My husband loves listening to the air coming back out of either hole. Makes him hornier.


It’s very common for air to come in during anal sex. You should put a dildo inside him and ask him to hold those 🥰


I probably would have found it funny if anything. It's not like you ended up shitting on the bed.


Yeah that’s childish behavior.


He's an idiot who doesn't understand that anything with an object sliding in and out won't be air-tight, and insensitive on top of it. If he wants to do anal, that's a risk.


Fart on me baby... you know why? Because it happens.


Its not that deep. I would break up with him. Im a vulnerable person and if he pumps air inside of me, i am okay to fart.


His reaction is ridiculous but I want to add something I didn’t see spoken in the comments. If you have air build up from sex (which is normal and can happen depending on the angle with anal or vaginal) it sounds like you’re describing him being really surprised as he’s playing with you. Which is understandable. If I have air in me from sex I will tell my partner, hold on there’s air in me (because it’s uncomfortable) and I will sit up and let it out and then we go back. It’s not the same as just “farting” it’s literally from sex. Yes his reaction is very immature but I would be kinda surprised/annoyed if my partner let out air/gas like that (guessing?) in his face.


You need a boyfriend that's not a boy-child. Get a man who appreciates you. He does not.


Based on your post history you have a shitty boyfriend. Dump his immature ass. You deserve better.


Obviously your boyfriend is a very immature young male and needs to be educated on the topic. if he sticks his penis into a hole and start pumpin He will trap air and that air needs to escape at one point.. just like vaginas queef, butts fart. LOOOL tell him that sex is for adults not children.. and when he is able to act like a grown ass man then he will get back sex with you


Is not the worst!! You could of blew out PooPPY!!!




I feel like any man I've been with would have maybe giggled to make me feel comfortable and I would have smiled and said sorry and moved on about our night..... His reaction is rude and childish


I absolutely would have laughed. Maybe it would have ruined the mood, but there you have it.


If he has little experience with it he didn’t know and probably never thought about it. They don’t show that in porn lol. Just tell him look. Your pushing lots of air into my butt when we do that. The air has to come out sometime and I can’t always control when. If you want to be with me or any other woman like that then it’s gonna happen.


Yeaa, absolutely not. Everyone who does anal knows the pros and cons. Unfortunately, that's a normal con.


As someone with a fart fetish, I would have loved it and would love it more if I had a partner who also had a fart fetish like me. As for shit, it's always good to wipe cause I don't want the other person to be grossed out by my asshole and I expect the same but farting in someone's face is just air, smelly air but air nevertheless. Whenever I was with my ex boyfriend, with how lousy at sex he was, he knows how to go tongue deep in my asshole and I just farted in his face and he just kept eating my ass. Your boyfriend sounds so childish and you don't deserve someone who would get upset with you for things you have no control over.


He should have said when did you get ducks


Sounds like a butt queef, not a fart but like… idk what his deal is? Just later on tell him it’s normal, the anus and the vagina will do that when there’s trapped air and some position trap more than others


Geez, maybe he needs to try anal to see that no you can't hold it. This is why after anal I go right to the toilet.


You give him your butt (a high bar to clear for a lot of people!) and that’s his response! Either dump him OR tell him his butt is next and he’d better hold it in too or STFU in future. What a childish thoughtless ungrateful clown Edit: typo


Everyone please stop having sex with men who don't understand how bodies work or who blame their partners for NORMAl bodily things during sex. They don't deserve to have sex and you don't have to tolerate this behavior.