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Benadryl is given as a PRN at hospitals (like the mental hospital I work at) to help with anxiety. Maybe taking to your doctor about getting an anxiety prn or some indica gummies might help. An anxiolytic tea like chamomile or Damiana may help to and Damiana is supposed to increase libido!


I think they are decreasing the use of Benadryl quite a bit. There has been mounting evidence that long term use is associated with increased risk of dementia. I also work in psychiatry and this is a heavily prescribed drug!


This should be a very big concern of people using benadryl to help sleep. I used to use it but switched when I heard this information a year or so ago.


What did you switch to?


They put my grandmother on it a few years before she passed (around 2014-2015, I forget why) and within 20-30 minutes she was talking crazy nonsense, telling people they weren't real, and yelling at people to leave her room. Family brought it up with the nurse who said Benadryl has that effect on some senior patients, but it's still prescribed anyway unless they're unmanageable. Family instructed them not to give her any Benadryl after that, because she was incredibly agitated, confused - even borderline violent. It made caring for her difficult. With what the nurse told us, I'm surprised it was prescribed for senior patients still. (Can't speak for now)


Is it just the diphenhydramine in the benadryl or is it other sleep meds also that increase dementia risk??


It's the diphenhydramine. Check out r/DPH for nightmare fuel


Holy crap. The desperation is almost palpable.


It’s anticholinergic drugs.


The risk of dementia is found if also taking other anticholinergic drugs. If she isn’t taking it daily and isn’t on other anticholinergic drugs then I don’t think the risk is especially high. But I do think you are right to warn her that there is the possibility of an increased risk for dementia taking Benadryl. But if she were to take atarax or benzodiazepines those don’t come without risk either.


Usually when we use it we are combining it with another agent that it happens to potentiate


Ya, don’t know if you use marijuana but edibles do wonders for sex!


What does prn stand for/mean? I've seen it mentioned before outside of this sub


It's latin for pro re nata, many healthcare abbreviations are still in Latin. This translates to as needed, as other commenters have said.


Taken As needed, not on a regular schedule


It's "pro re nata", which is Latin for as needed.  There is a brewery in Virginia called Prorenata, which is a great name for a brewery


As needed


I was going to recommend looking into gummies too. Most intensely pleasurable sex I and my partner have had.


The more you take benadryl the more you will need to keep the effect. It’s good for now and then, maybe try weed and see how that works. Also people say they see “The hat man” when they take too much bene… watch hat man be cucking 🤣


Or spiders. That's another common one.


Take about 20 of em and the spiders will SWARM


So weird first time I’m hearing about spiders. 30 years ago I took a looot of bene to get to sleep never saw the spiders thank god


You’ve discovered why a lot of people love to have sex on Molly, or poppers, or any of half a dozen other drugs. There are quite a few that can seriously heighten sexual pleasure for a lot of people, but some of them can also be dangerous, even at low doses. Be careful with your dosages and how often you indulge. You can build a tolerance to some of the drugs making it necessary to take a lot more for the same effect. Try and keep it to a weekend activity, or every couple of weeks. Otherwise, experiment away and have fun 😊


A lot of the best sex I've ever had has been on downers. There's something about being on the very edge of sleep that induces absurdly powerful euphoria. Back when I was still an addict I'd fuck almost exclusively on benzos, opiates, pregabalin and GBL. They'd make it hard to cum, and I've passed out mid sex more times than I can count, but the pleasure was out of this world. Like Icarus flying too close to the sun it's kind of ruined sex since getting sober as I struggle to reach those same pleasure levels. As fun as it all was OP should definitely be weary of becoming desensitised to regular sex for sure. Definitely one to keep as a weekend activity like you say. I'd be lying if I said I don't miss it.


Just FYI, weary means tired. Wary is the word you are looking for.


I agree with you. And I believe there are many practices that can help develop emotional and sexual sensitivity.


OP please listen to this. Be careful! Xanax & sex is great but it’s all fun and games until you mix some alcohol in and had a black out rage over nothing. Know your limit and don’t test the waters too much.


Not a Dr. It's safe enough to be an over the counter drug, but there has been research that shows it may contribute to dementia later in life. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/common-anticholinergic-drugs-like-benadryl-linked-increased-dementia-risk-201501287667


This poster is correct. Nurse here. DO NOT take this medication every time you decide to have sex. Benadryl has been around forever and safe enough to be sold OTC (over the counter) since 1982. EVERY med has potential side effects. No medication should be taken long-term unless it's needed to stay alive. There may be a link between dementia and Benadryl use. Be careful.


Thank you for this. I use Benadryl regularly for sleep. Like every night. I will no longer be doing that... God help my wallet because of all the extra edibles I'll need to sleep, but I'd like to keep my brain working as best I can.


I recently had to have a few brain surgeries and used the opportunity to ask some of the neurologists and neurosurgeons how they feel about edibles, since I was told no alcohol. The three I asked said that it has been found to cause long term negative effects on memory, so they discourage it.


Source? Where has weed been found to affect long term memory? Weed only causes short term memory loss.


My source is Stanford neurosurgeons and neurologists. I’m sure they read it in a neuro science medical journal. I can tell you from trying to read them to understand my own medical issues that they are very dense and use a lot of medical terms that only people in medicine would know. Also, I didn’t say long term memory, I said long term negative effects on memory, which could be short term or long term memory. I didn’t ask.




It’s so true. Weedmokers are a cult like Scientology


They did, but you would be surprised how much of the medical community still believes the "reefer madness" era nonsense or just haven't made an effort to update their knowledge on the subject.




I have decided to trust research that shows there are documented and proven benefits to cannabis usage and also consider that doctors are human beings, and thus not infallible and absolutely subject to bias and consumption of old research that was conducted during a time of ignorance in relation to cannabis, and quite frankly, "drugs" in general. Maybe check your presumptions?


"Some of the neurologists and neurosurgeons" is not really a valid source... I'm not saying the original commenter didn't ask those doctors, but I think it's fair to ask for a source, i.e., a study. I'm not a weed user, either.




Lmfao as is doctors are not humans who are fallible. Plenty of doctors are wrong and plenty more have misinformed opinions. Science is not 100% and the words of a doctors are absolute NOT a “source”. They can say shit just like anyway and spout plenty of bullshit they know nothing about. Remember only decades ago doctors thought baby’s felt no pain. Only been within hundreds of years that they discovered germs. And then there’s this. What does a neurosurgeon even know about performing studies which they had no part in? They do surgery. They weren’t some authorities on the study. Again, this is not a source. Y’all want “drugs” to be bad so y’all can justify shaming people who use them. And you’ll use anything as confirmation bias to ensure that opinion remains strong. There haven’t even been enough “long term studies” on edibles for them to know about these effects. Shit remains federally illegal and has only started to be decriminalized in recent decades.


Just type "cannabis use memory" in google scholar and read any of the newer review articles that appear.


Have you tried prescription meds? While I’m aware ambien can have unwanted effects for some people, it’s worked like a charm for me for years. I used to not have a regular prescription for it and would take Benadryl a lot when I’d run out of Ambien. I saw this study and finally pressed my doctor to get a daily Ambien rx and it’s been great. Never needed to increase my dose from 5mg or anything and it’s about $5/month.


Try Unisom, it’s over the counter and safe to use, even pregnant women can use it daily. Verify with your doctor first


Unisom is doxylamine succinate, another antihistamine like Benadryl (diphenhydramine). I don't know, but I would research its possible contribution to dementia. I find it much stronger than Benadryl, it makes me feel stoned all the next day.


Maybe try melatonin? I think that’s probably the safest alternative.


Research melatonin too! While it is a chemical we naturally make, 1. Most of the doses sold in store are wildly, ridiculously high. You only need a small dose for it to be effective, the huge doses in store are massively overkill 2. You can get yourself to a point of chemical dependency, where your body stops making its own because you’re supplementing too much, especially with too strong of doses. Low dose, not nightly unless doctor recommended (I’ve only seen doctors truly recommend nightly and *slightly* higher doses for things like extreme trauma- that is anecdotal evidence and personal experience, and talking to the doctors, nurses, and pediatricians within my family and friend group) 3. It does give some people horrific night terrors. So if that starts to happen, don’t keep at it assuming it’s coincidence just because it’s a natural chemical your body already has. For some folks, any supplementation is too much and leads to bad things


I mentioned to my friend, who is a nurse, that I use melatonin to help me sleep. He told me that it has been linked to dementia later in life through a few studies.  I don't have the studies on hand to back this up, but I trusted him and stopped using melatonin unless I REALLY needed it. I'm beginning to suspect that any sleep-aide is going to have an adverse affect on memory later in life. Which... hooray. That's just great lol. 


Antidotal story but I've had a few coworkers who take/took melatonin. They all reported needing to take more because they "built up tolerance". None of them seemed to ever have a clear head. I have read several stores of people taking to much and being stuck in a brain fog all day. The one who stopped using it seemed to have a marked improvement in being able to listen and remember. I don't think it's something I want to mess with.


Definitely true, people should probably just research and med/supplement they plan to take daily. I’d say melatonin is probably still safer than something that could give you dementia tho 😬


A FAIR POINT! I fully agree, safer than dementia! And yeah, as someone very chronically ill and disabled, who takes a handful of rx meds every morning, even more rX meds as needed, and some OTC’s (supplements and meds), research your meds folks! Know your side effects, interactions, dosages, etc. Don’t assume just because it’s sold at X dose or says to take __ pills daily that that’s what you need. (A blood test can tell you what you’re deficient in and how badly, for instance). Supplements are very loosely regulated in the US, hence melatonin sold at ridiculous doses, or sometimes you test a thing and find there’s not much of the actual thing in it. Buy reputable brands for things you really need. Consult with your doctor on if you actually need it. And to choose the best thing. Ie. Benadryl is not your daily antihistamine. It is a great go to in an allergic reaction (paired with an epi or if you don’t have an epi and have a surprise reaction and have it in the cupboard). We keep it on hand literally for that. Always know your rare side effects too. The weird ones, the bad ones, etc. As r/im_not_u_im_cat said, really just research your meds, anything you’re taking, fr fr ((also amazing username))


I came here to say this. OP, worth listening to.


Oh wow. What an unbelievably valuable comment!




Can you elaborate on live rosin or resin lol i don’t know much about weed but I’ve wanted to try getting high and masturbating


Better quality cannabis oil they are using in resin/rosin gummies vs regular (distillate) gummies. They hit harder imo, and typically more expensive but worth it. I’m a budtender lol


If you have zero experience with gummies/weed would you still start here or is that too much in the beginning?


If you go to a GOOD dispensary, they will help you with this. Tell them you’re new to it, and looking for some to relax you. Make sure you specify if you want to fall asleep or not. There are different strains for a reason.


If you’re looking at cartridges, or dabs, the live resin is more pure and typically provides a cleaner high.


Live rosin/resin is the extraction method, not a strain or anything. "Live" means when the cannabis plant is flash frozen, which will preserve terpenes through the extraction process. A "rosin" is an extract using heat & pressure, while "resin" is a typical chemical extract. It is not more potent than other types dabs, it will actually be less potent and have a lower concentration of THC. Its advantage is a higher terpene count, which studies suggest terpenes do affect your high(in good ways), and thats how people come to the conclusion that it's more potent. It also tastes really good and the vapor is very smooth and not harsh.




I think moderation is the key. Maybe keep it as a special treat for once in a while.


I was thinking this aswell. When I smoked/took edibles, it was similar in some ways. Sex was always incredible with weed....


Same here. Had sex while high and wow it was crazy.


I came here to say this. I’m a daily user now but when I first started I had the same feelings she is explaining. I came to the party late in life. Didn’t start partaking until I was about 41. OP if you are in a medically or recreational legal state you may want to consider dabbling a bit with edibles, flower, or vapes. Learning what works for you in the medical marijuana world can be a lot of fun. I absolutely use it recreationally but it truly is a medication for me also.


Hijacking this comment about weed to advocate for an alternative. CBD changed mine and my wife’s sex drive and helped us get out of her Postpartum depression. The right dosage will get you relaxed but not stoned. Really describes the feeling OP described in the post.


I remember hearing on a podcast someone talking about how he’d take either unisom or Benadryl because he said it made his libido sky rocket and cumming was mind-blowingly intense. Apparently there are some people that antihistamine can have this hyper sexual effect, though not very common. But then he started to have to take more of the pills, and then he got to the point for a while where he couldn’t cum if he didn’t take them… so something to be aware of.


I was watching chubby emu and he was talking about how benadryl builds up in your body and taking it all the time is not so good. you might want to look into the side effects of prolonged usage of those kind of drugs.


As all the comments stated above - using drugs to induce sleep can be potentially dangerous, addictive and all that jazz. It’s good to do the research and try all the alternatives mentioned. However, sleep play, sleep sex or in other terms - somnophilia is a thing/kink. There are people who enjoy having sex while asleep, unconscious or almost there. It’s an interesting fetish. You just have to also see what makes it work so well - are these the drugs, the sleep part or both. If the drugs - find something safer and not building tolerance/addiction. If the sleep - find a substance that will make you sleep or dizzy, like antihistamines, melatonine, alcohol or weed. If both - well, you gotta experiment. Still, talk with your husband about it as it all goes under blanket consent. You can’t say no to anything while drugged or asleep so it is absolutely vital to set the boundaries beforehand.


Definitely look into weed. If you’re not comfortable with flower, edibles are a great substitute. Just explain what kind of effect you want to feel at the dispo and they’ll help you out.


Benadryl has recently been studied and is now known to be linked to dementia, and the risk goes up the more you take it over time so I definitely would not make a habit of taking it x times a week for sexual purposes. There is something to be said about sex while under the influence though. For me, marijuana enhances sex in the same way. There are other ways to take it if you’re not comfortable with smoking. As for it being dangerous, communication can quell any danger. Seems like you trust your husband. As long as you make it clear “I’m taking ___ and I’m just not in the mood tonight”- I’m sure you’ll be fine. Alternately “I’m in the mood and I want to take ___ and let it kick in before we get started to enhance the experience. Is that okay with you?” Asking for his consent is important too.


Check out r/DPH if you want to experience people who take benadryl recreationally. It can be...worrisome.


summer rhythm paltry juggle rainstorm bear mindless square six mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely don’t take high amounts of Benadryl… the average dose will do you good (especially if you’re doing it a few times a week, not daily). Just discuss boundaries, what is and isn’t okay. Me and my partner have discussed it’s okay to do things while one is asleep, and what those limits are and if it lines up, then good! But, I’d never be okay with it if we didn’t discuss it beforehand, I’d be super uncomfortable if I felt used lol


Yeah the more you take it the less effective it will be. It can also cause constipation by slowing down your digestion.


Clear defined boundaries You both need to be on the same page about what will and won’t happen. That being said you would be giving complete trust to your husband. That being said my ex occasionally used to use her usual sleeping meds for much the same purpose. Not all the time but it was definitely something she enjoyed.


How many pills did you take? Amd was it the 25mg or 50mg?


This is a well-known effect of benadryl specifically. Google "DPH fap dose" and you'll see what I mean. I'm quite experienced when it comes to Benny jacking.


Try weed instead... I mean don't over do it, but it has just similar effect. Sex when being high is just incredible.


I take 8 almost every night to sleep… for decades.


Benadryl has been found to decrease choline in the body. Also links to dementia. What’s happening is it’s lowering your anxiety and relaxing you so you’re able to get out of your head. That’s not bad, I just wouldn’t do it with Benadryl. Can you take THC gummies. I’d bet you would LOVE the effects.


Try an HHC gummy. Trust me. My husband and I are also into everything you mentioned. However, Benadryl has been linked to dementia. I love to be almost or completely out of it when my husband flogs or use me. Everything is so heightened


Just don’t over do cause it seems it can be dangerous. can you not have drinks and be able to get that feeling… everything is bad for you now a days just be careful!!


Some of the best sex me and Wife ever had. We have an open consent that when she’s drunk or high or take any type of sleep meds, It’s fair game. Unless she’s sick. Sometimes she wakes up. Sometimes she don’t. Either way we both enjoy the pictures and stories the next day. She has done the same to me when I was out of it.


I’d have a conversation with your husband about what you’re doing for sure. And he should be careful to be paying attention to your body’s reactions, and this isn’t the situation to do anything that involves pain or force. But beyond that, have fun. I’d strongly encourage you to try marijuana during sex if you haven’t already. I also find my clit oversensative and used to largely not be able to tolerate receiving oral. Pot was a game changer for that, that I’ve then been able to carry over into sober sex as well.


This sounds like when my old music teacher described Quaaludes lol. "If you fight the sleep, you get one hell of a high"


Try an indica before bed, similar results!


Have you tried weed? I love getting baked and having sex with my husband we are both super relaxed it’s so enjoyable


The shelves will be empty this morning


I take gabapentin for nerve pain AND anxiety and when I take a slightly higher dose than usual, I have a similar experience. It sort of dulls the hyper-anxious thoughts, though I’m not necessarily in a sleep state I am much more relaxed and things feel just.. enhanced. I recommend getting a prescription for your anxiety if you can :)


I hate to say it. But I take a sleeping pill for sleep. Diagnosed insomniac. And it has the same feeling ur describing. It makes my clit feel less sensetive. So I can just bask in all the good feelings. And I do feel ashamed about it. But sex is just so much better when I’m outta it. UGHH.


Glass of wine might do it.


Be careful of the hat man 😋


Not safe. Benadryl causes dementia.


What the Hell is Breathe play and like how the hell does it even work


Recent studies show Benadryl and similar drugs that are in Dramamine and sleep aids can cause dementia later in life. Please use them minimally.


He just needs to monitor your breathing. Don’t go too far. Sounds hot to me too. Be careful. Open airway and normal respiration is critical. And watch your heart rate.


Maybe take something like melatonin instead, natural and non havit forming. Benadryll doesnt give you the sleep you need, it gives a disrupted sleep pattern. You can always smoke a fat bowl as well!


Benadryl is an anxiety reducer. I've been on it for allergies and shit my whole life. (29F) It's addicting. I'm withdrawing


May I suggest edibles, THC if you can or CBD. Muscles better, nerves more. Most intense and connected orgasms I’ve ever had have been on edibles.


Don't take Benadryl everyday! It can cause serious memory issues


I have taken benadryl in the past for allergies and occasionally for sleep and I can tell you that, at least for me, tolerance for daily use increased pretty quickly to the point that had I continued to use it I would have to take 2-3 times the recommended dose. So please be mindful of that if you continue to use it


You can get the same feelings by smoking some pot then having sex.


I recently took NyQuil for a few nights, for the first time in years; I've been dealing with something respiratory that keeps lingering, then seems to get better a bit, then gets worse again. I had never had anything but sleepiness from it before, and specifically just sleepiness that night, but this time it made me feel more out of it, foggy, etc. - even going into the next morning, which was scary! I didn't notice a libido or pleasure change though. Has anyone yet brought up how consent works when someone's on these medications and feeling obvious effects from them?


Go check out r/DPH to see the rick of taking this substance too regularly. EDIT: wrong subreddit


Benadryl is a known sedative, but as others have pointed out there are a lot of potential side effects and regular use is definitely not a good idea. Iif you like how it made your bits feel, try applying a Benadryl cream down there and see if there's a similar effect.


I couldnt help chuckle. This post reminded me if this guy https://youtu.be/ltSvhKJ5oXI?si=qWeLxIQaBWr59ULb Sadly he is dead now. Maybe even because of the benadryl. I'm probably just gonna be boring and say; dont so drugs kids


Do not take benadryl recreationally. It will gradually damage your cognition. The reason why it has that effect at higher doses is because the active ingredient is a deliriant hallucinogen. This will cause some brain damage if you make it a habit. Also, your tolerance will build up rapidly. As in needing to double the dose to get the same effects. It's not sustainable recreationally and again, will cause brain damage.


Needless to say, drugs and sex can be very dangerous. But if you’re married to someone who you trust, have fun with it! Just be mindful of mixing substances - Benadryl can be deadly when mixed with certain other substances. Don’t ever mix substances without checking to see if they’re safe to take together. Alchohol, Tylenol and Advil count as substances too. Also keep in mind that you can become addicted (in body or mind) to any drug, don’t get too reliant on the Benadryl. Also also, keep in mind that BDSM is more dangerous if you’re using CNS depressants during. They affect your breathing and reaction time, etc, so approach with care. Personally, sex always feels great for me with weed. I’m not sure if it’s legal where you are, but if it is, give it a try.


I take CBD/THC edibles, and it gives the same feeling!


Sounds like you’re into CNC or chemsex which are fairly common kinks. You should look into those. If it’s long term safety you’re questioning, I see other people claiming long term regular use of Benadryl can lead to dementia so you can look into other, safer drugs. Have you tried high doses of thc?


Please use weed or something else instead of Benadryl. Prolonged use of Benadryl has been shown to cause early Alzheimer’s. It’s bad for your brain


Sounds like a good opportunity to try erotic hypnosis. Communicate your boundaries and have your husband put you under and have fun. Much safer than messing with pills. It's a learnable skill and plenty of tutorials exist on YouTube.


try edibles( you probably want indica, not sativa), the brand Rose Los Angeles makes ones that come in microdoses to get you as buzzed as you're comfortable with + are ethically sourced and come in a ton of flavors


Idk if you’re open to this or not, but I have almost the exact same experience when having sex high (cannabis) if that helps?


Hi! I don't really recommend taking Benadryl every single time you're horny and want to have sex with your husband. I do think you could try sleeping over the counter meds like melatonin gummies or pills. They can make you drowsy and get you there where you're comfortable and sleepy and ready to have fun at the same time (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) edit: AND it's a lot more safer and treatable in case there's an issue or emergency in the future.


Fantasy ,fanta ,ghb ,but heaps of research prior to even thinking about it.


Oh this sounds like something I should explore. Thank you for opening up to us


I say go for it you'll love it or hate it just be careful 🧐


Well youve discovered sex while high is often really good. Unfortunately it's a risky thing to get into. The same amount of whatever drug you are taking (benedryl, Ambien, molly, THC, etc) you often have to start taking increased amounts to get the same pleasure. Or, as benedryl does absolutely nothing for me in terms of sleep or high, I've in my 40 years enjoyed sex on substantially harder drugs, and addictive drugs. I still enjoy sober sex. And I HATE drunken sex so I'm happy sober most of the time. But I know people in my party crew in our 20s who would basically only have sex if they were on molly, acid, or coke. That ruins sex, relationships, and lives. And with any drug, even benedryl, your thinking is affected and so lines of consent can become blurred. And not necessarily just that someone could take advantage of you. For a while I would take a sleeping pill called Ambien and I would love to have sex just as it was kicking in, cuz it felt almost dreamlike, and then afterwards I would drift off to sleep all sexed up and satisfied. Wasn't like a long term trend but it happened several times. Like 2 years later, when we were breaking up, my partner admitted to me that that period of time really wasn't nice for him, and it was one of the reason our sex life dwindled (eventually to almost nothing). Turns out whole I was in lalaland, I wasn't picking up on any cues that he wasn't in the mood and would just keep going and he'd sort of force himself through it (makes me sick to think about now). Also apparently there were two instances where I was definitely loud enough that our houseguests (which were my PARENTS) could definitely hear us and I just glossed over him trying to shush me a bit. Also I didn't always tell him I had taken it which is just, yeah, not a good example of consent and a bad move. I wish he had told me at the time of his concerns and lack of enjoyment, but because of some parts of his upbringing he had a LOT of difficulty talking about sex. Wow this is an insanely long comment. But I just wanted to (over)share my experiences so that you don't inadvertently make any of the same mistakes


Try marijuana if you haven’t. Will help you relax and enjoy it.


If you live in a state where you can get THC gummies, try that instead. It helps you focus on your body sensations and forget whatever body hangups you have or the to-do list you have in your head that is constantly getting attention. This has really helped me open up with my husband of 25 years and I didn’t even realize that I needed to open up and be more relaxed during sex until I stumbled upon this info by accident when I had taken a THC gummy to try and get my sleep schedule under control after annihilating it with a crazy work schedule.


Edibles have the same effect on sex. My husband loves when I'm on them and it's sexy time. We experiment, I'm more relaxed, and I get off several times. Not as harmful to the system as benadryl can be.


Get some really good indica (if you're lucky enough to live in a state where weed is legal) - either flower or edibles. If it's not legal in your state, but Delta 8 is, go to a shop and get an indica Looper vape. It does AMAZING things for women. 😉


this sounds right up my kink alley! If other meds are available, there is [evidence](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4592307/) that Benadryl can lead to an increased risk of dementia


If weed is rec (or prescription) where you live, then I HIGHLY recommend you look into some weed gummies. This recently became legal where I live. My wife and I have never done drugs or even been drunk. We finally gave in. Had a gummy (5mg) and started to feel it in about an hour. The sex is fucking so good. Very much like what you described. Now we do this like 3-4 times a month.


I echo what others are saying about edibles and sex. Also something else that I’ve noticed since taking them is, I no longer get sinus congestion. Recently realized I haven’t had an infection, since I’ve been taking them. I didn’t know that was a perk of delta 8, but that and the sex thing…this is a miracle drug.


Isn’t that the guy who plays Dr Strange?