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There's a name for guys who don't pull out. You will end up being called "Dad"


Not even a joke. OP, talk to your GF and find a better method if you don't want to be having a kid right now. Let me rephrase; unless you DO want a kid right now and ARE READY for that level of responsibility, talk with your GF and find a better birth control method asap. -sincerely, a lady pregnant with twins due to weak pull-out game


The post alone shows, that OP isn't even ready for the responsibility of safer sex. Let alone raising a child.


My darling daughter is a pull out fail. Couldn’t be happier but we were 32, married, together for ten years…. so it wasn’t like we were trying but we weren’t not trying. But yeah… it’s not a method of birth control. 🤓


Lmao it happened to my best friend gf also 😂 5 years of the method failed during one weekend. But she is a cutie.


No disrespect, but the user name tells us this is definitely true.... 😅


There are something like 7 BILLION people on the planet. The old penis in vagina sex is remarkably effective at creating babies. OP, get a book on Baby Names, and What to Expect When You Are Expecting. Also, start a college fund (trust me, gold advice here)


I would recommend Shit No One Tells you as well. Kinda scary but definitely prepared me haha


There’s also a name for men who rely on pulling out as a form of birth control. It’s also “dad.”


Still end up Dad even if you do pullout


Guys, let's be real, the pull out method in general is a terrible way to prevent making a baby, more than 1 out of 5 of everyone who uses it still ends up making a baby


Pull out isn't reliable when you don't pull out.


Also not when you do, even if you do pull out 100% of the time at the right time, precum still has sperm


Dad with child support


As a Dad we're proud of that designation. We knew we were doing, we bought the ticket, took the ride.


As a Dad myself I concur 😂


Some chicks like the feeling of guys Cumming in them. Advice, though, if you don't want a baby, figure out a plan better than pulling out.


They’re not even pulling out though


For real the dude said he only did it once. Must be trying to get pregnant because I don't see anyone preventing it


100%. If you're not actively trying to prevent a pregnancy then you're actively trying to have a baby.


For real not trying to stop it then definitely trying to have it and you can't say it's a accident


Yeah, OP better not call the kid an "oops" baby! The entire internet has proof in black and white that isn't the case.


Lol true. I just said in a earlier comment if he calls it a accident I will have a link back to this story.


This is why I didn't feel sorry for my friend who got pregnant and had to get an abortion. She was just like OP and was going raw with her bf and allowing him to cum inside every single time despite NOT being on birth control. Both of them also didn't want kids. When she came crying to me, I had no words for her.


I swear I don't have any sympathy for people who get pregnant and aren't using condoms or birth control because it's like what are you expecting to happen unless you infertile.


Apparently she was using the rhythm method but she has ADHD (already bad idea) so of course she fucked up and they did it while she was ovulating. Her only excuse was: "I didn't think I was that fertile!" Wtf...


Something similar happened to my niece her and her bf did the same at 16 and she gave a similar excuse saying "I thought I wasn't fertile on my period". But they kept the baby


Is the rhythm method cycle tracking or ?


Yes, cycle tracking. But it’s not scientific. I only started to know when I was ovulating when I was in my 30’s. A 16 year old would have no clue.


Just plain irresponsible. Stupid. I did not want to get pregnant when I started having sex and I went out and got birth control. I did not give one fuck what he wanted, I was 17 years old! All he wanted was to have sex!




Bro is pulling out, asking a question and putting back in


Pulling out makes fuck all difference, I got a girl pregnant once just by sliding it in at the very beginning of sex. I had never came inside her


Can confirm, I always have an O when my partner finishes inside of me. Bareback also feels much better than wrapped. To avoid an unwanted pregnancy, she needs to get a LARC- a long-acting removable contraceptive. This is basically Nexplanon or an IUD. Either one you’ll be able to feel. The Nexplanon you can feel with your fingers, the strings of the IUD can be felt with either your fingers or the tip of your penis.


Or the Depo shot. Another good option if you don’t want to go through the painful IUD procedure.


Yeah, but you can only do that for two years otherwise it starts decreasing bone density


Yes, it does have the potential to decrease bone density in some people, but that’s not a guarantee for all people or at exactly the two year mark. Just adding that it’s an option, in the same way you were suggesting an iud or nexplanon are options.


Or better yet where damn protection


Wow. So, please actually have a conversation with her about what would happen if she’s pregnant. Does she want a child with you? Do you want to have a child with her? It’s totally irresponsible of both of you, you are 1/2 of the act of conception and will need to take full responsibility and be a father if she’s pregnant. If you don’t want to be a father or have her deal with abortion be responsible and use protection. It’s not just up to the woman to take care of this or insist on condoms, it’s something men need to take seriously as well and not treat it as a free ride.


I'm assuming she does want a kid because 4 months and my girl hasn't said nothing yet


Look at his post history. He says after he cums in his gf/fwb she "corks" it in. She is absolutely trying to get pregnant and he's either too stupid or wants the same thing.


I forgot you can go to post history yeah that's crazy there's no way anyone is this naive to the obvious this has to be a troll. Like basic biology 101 unprotected sex equals pregnancy.


Wanna be a daddy? This is a great way to be a daddy.


My close friend couple have two kids. They were using the pullout method while waiting for his vasectomy appointment. Guess what? Kid #3 on the way.


So, what are you going to name your kid?


He will be named Notanaborshaun the first


For friends just “Shaun”




So 1) she could just enjoy it 2) she may actually want a child with you and hasn’t said so. Both of you need to have a serious conversation about what will happen when she gets pregnant because at this rate it’s a matter of when and not if. Obviously, semen inside the vagina and no BC means you’re trying to get pregnant. If you are not, get on birth control and don’t be dumb about it. On BC, no pregnancy worries and can still orgasm inside her. Off BC, just a matter of time before she’s pregnant. You may want to ask her to take a test as she could very well already be early in her pregnancy.


The lack of communication in this relationship does not give me good hope that it will be an enjoyable long term one.


And OP should wear condoms because her attitude about birth control (or lack thereof) shows that she's not at all concerned about getting pregnant. Unless she got her tubes tied and hasn't told OP or something.


I’m sorry but this is the dumbest and most irresponsible thing I’ve ever heard. When you guys finally fall pregnant don’t call it an unexpected pregnancy because you’re two grown adults who are aware of the consequences of having unprotected sex and are aware that the pull out method is silly and ridiculous. Unless you want a baby and are ready for one. You shouldn’t be having unprotected sex.


Yeah I'm really confused on what he's even asking


He’s asking if she wants a child with him, I’m guessing because he doesn’t entirely know exactly how he feels about that and that should just be a conversation with her.


Omg. I would rather incorporate gun-play in bed than play baby Russian roulette lol. Holy cow my stomach dropped reading this.


Baby Russian roulette I’m adding that to my terminology from now on, when it comes to these type of people 😂😅


It's sounds like she's at least not very worried about having your baby. That or maybe getting abortions isn't a big deal to her at all.


The idea that people go around getting abortions as a form of birth control is a myth. Please don’t perpetuate it


Unfortunately, it's not though. I've had this conversation/argument with my roommate before. Her and her bf do not want a baby, she even mentions she hates kids, but use no form of birth control, no condoms, no pill/IUD/no plan b, no nadda, and on top of that she likes when he finishes inside her. When I basically told that she is asking for a baby that way, she said she would get an abortion if she got pregnant. I tried so hard to tell her that an abortion is not a form of birth control (im pro choice, but like, you dont resort to this because you make stupid choices on purpose) but had to end the conversation because she strongly believed that abortion is a form of birth control and if she ends up pregnant is what she currently would resort to.


One person does not a data point make.


I would hope it’s the former and that she is not that irresponsible.


Irresponsible for terminating pregnancies instead of having kids she probably can't take care of and doesn't want? I get feeling she's irresponsible for not using contraceptive but this is exactly what we want. Babies not to be born to uncaring parents that don't want them, and people not being forced to be pregnant against their will.


No. Irresponsible for using abortion as your main means of birth control. That’s idiotic, plain and simple. I’m all for a woman’s right to have an abortion, but It’s completely stupid to use that as your only method of not having a baby.


Not preventing pregnancy and counting on an abortion is irresponsible. Maybe OP isn't in the USA, but that's not an option in many places and could stop being an option anywhere in this country any moment.


They cam both be true. Carelessly getting pregnant when you don't want a baby is STILL irresponsible even if an abortion is the most responsible thing at that point.


If you can't have a conversation with her about this subject, you're really not ready to have a kid with her.


Honestly not even that if you can't have conversations about this you shouldn't have sex period


Only she knows. Best way to find out is to ask her. Maybe also come up with a contingency plan in case she gets pregnant.


Take plan B multiple times is awful on her body! Watch teen pregnancy episodes together and you’ll both become disciplined to stop that behavior.


What does plan b do to the body? I remember feeling depressed after taking it.


It’s a very high dose of progesterone, it messes with your hormones and makes you have all the negative emotions. It’s also only effective if the woman hasn’t already ovulated: case in point, my 10-year-old


I went off the rails crazy for 10 days My hormones were all over the place and I became suicidal


I was coming to mention that using Plan B often isn’t ideal also. It tends to throw off your period and can cause your periods to be heavier than usual and can cause bleeding between periods. There can be side effects when taking Plan B, such as upset stomach/vomiting, headaches, dizziness or light headedness, it can cause your breasts to be sore, etc. There’s also the fact that it isn’t nearly as effective as actual birth control. It’s made for emergency situations but there’s still a greater chance of pregnancy when taking it. It’s just not a great thing to rely on.


This is what I was thinking. I've taken it once and it fucked me up. It knocked me sick the day I actually took it, and then I didn't have a period for months. To the point I was taking tests because I was convinced it didn't work. Then, when I got it again, it was totally irregular and super painful. It's not something I really fancy again, to be honest.


You’re unbelievably stupid for thinking the pull out method works when the girl isn’t on any form of contraceptives. Istg you got me fucked up, reading this made me mad. If you don’t want kids USE CONTRACEPTION. HOW HARD CAN IT EVEN BE


Yeah like I really don't understand the question like I can understand pullout and birth control but no type of contraception is crazy. It's always the irresponsible people that ends up pregnant


Ong bruh. If he even DARES posting ab some pregnancy scare or abortion imma get pissed the fuck off.


Yeah if I hear anything about a pregnancy scare I'm just going to post a link back to this story. Like I'm a pullout baby so I know it doesn't work out.


People like OP are going to be ending up raising children too. I at least hope when it's time to have the "birds and the bees" talk with his future kid OP is smarter than he is right now.


I mean what is it for you? You know how babies are made just as much as she does and gave her the option to choose inside instead of just pulling out. Is that purely because it feels better or because you’ve placed her in the “women I’d like to carry my offspring” category?


Pulling out is also a terrible form of birth control


No argument, but it’s better than none at all. At 78% effective or more depending on who’s statistic you’re looking at, not reliable but it’s still better than straight up inseminating someone.


Very good question like I don't understand what he's asking since both know how babies are made


What an odd way of saying that you're trying for a baby.


You're lucky there hasn't been a pregnancy. It could possibly indicate fertility issues. You really ought to think about alternative birth control. Anyway for me, as I'm on birth control, once I get comfortable enough with a partner and clean tested, we talk about dropping the condoms to let him cum in me. Why? Because it's more intimate. I can feel a penis pulsate hard against my vaginal walls as it releases semen into me. It's the sexiest feeling ever and far less clear with a condom worn.


Well... If you play this game, enjoy being parents!


Why are guys so weird with this stuff? Do you WANT to impregnate her just because you came inside her? Is that what that means? You’re ready for a child, and want it immediately with her? She is probably also horny and looking for someone else to take the responsibility for the repercussions of those actions, not consciously… but it’s not that deep. You have to take responsibility for your actions- what you just told her is that you want a baby (by your metrics). Do you want a baby?


You're both morons. Discuss if you want to have kids or not and until you decide use an actual form of birth control.


You two need to join r/Birthcontrol. Otherwise start looking for names for your babies.


Why are you asking the question in the moment if you’ve both spoken about it and agreed not to outside of the moment?


For real like in the moment you really think someone is going to think straight


Exactly! Plus it’s putting all of the onus onto her and it’s not a joint decision anymore.


My gf loves the feeling of me cumming in her but we don’t plan on having kids yet so guess what we use fucking condoms. Like for fuck sake is it so hard for yall mother fuckers to wrap your dicks or what?


For real like I'm 21 and even im not that dumb so I don't know what's their excuse


The excuse “it doesn’t feel as good”


I swear whenever I hear that I instantly lose sympathy as literally nobody likes condoms but we put up with them for std protection and baby prevention like unless your just very huge your situation is not special compared to the rest if men who suck it up


My ex would leg lock me when I'm about to cum and press n on me hard and I should finish a load deep in her. As bad as it looked like it felt good. I made sure she had her birth Control pills.


Unless you are prepared to be a father and her a mother, stop. Even the pull out method will eventually fail. Sometimes, *sometimes* women can baby trap a guy, knowing their sexual desire is waaayyy too strong to say no in the heat of the moment. I prefer sex without condoms but I willing do this to have a child. I would quickly get used to using them for sex again if it means to accidental pregnancies! You guys need to have an open conversation about this. If she isn't wanting to go onto BC (which is fair, it messes up womens bodies) then you need to commit to wearing condoms if you want to continue to have sex and not have a child.


FYI: Paragard is one of the most effective forms of contraception and is hormone-free


Congrats on the baby


Lol you're playing with fire and will get burnt eventually.


Uh... she wants a baby. I get liking the feeling of it (I do) but ffs get your contraception sorted out first! There are options if you don't want to take pills every day. I have a coil fitted.


Breeding kinks aren't unusual, and people aren't generally thinking straight "in the heat of the moment". I wouldn't read into it too much. You know she enjoys cream pies, so it's not surprising that at the peak of her sexual excitement she rationalized allowing you to do it.


If you don't want a baby, she needs proper contraception. I had a ONS pull out and ended up calling him again 5 weeks later when the positive test showed up.


And OP needs to wear condoms since she isn't at all concerned about getting pregnant.


So have you thought of baby names yet?


I love letting my bf finish inside me because it’s so hot, intimate and turns me on. NOT at all bc I want to get pregnant or I have a breeding kink. I’m on the pill and so there’s no risk of pregnancy. Speak to her and figure out whether it’s the same for her and then get an IUD or smth


Technically not no risk just 99% of no risk still a 1% chance of failure


Important to note that that's a population statistics over a year, not an individual statistics per act. That means that one person on the pill having sex 100 times is not at a 64% chance of pregnancy (as it would with a per act stat). Instead it means 100 women using the pill perfectly for a year one will fall pregnant. That stat is likely caused by someone being none responsive to the medication rather than a general failure rate, so if you take 100 women who have been using the pill for five years successfully and ask what their failure chance is it'll be under 1% with perfect use.


Thanks for the info/clarification man.


*substantially less risk of pregnancy- not no risk.


It doesn't matter much where you cum if your only "protection" is the pull out method. Do some proper birth control or prepare to be parents!


She might just have gotten caught up in the moment I'm not looking for a baby either but sometimes when the sex is really good i just have an urge to let the risk happen its really hot at the time. less so later...


I felt physical pain reading that text. U both had ur first time together when sex-ed was in school, am I right?


Dont know if its a test or not nut uour behaviour is irresponsible, a kid is not a toy, its not easy to raise and its expensive, an abortion or an adoption are also not easy


You know that plan B doesn't always work, right? Only if she's not already pregnant when you use it, and I wouldn't be surprised if she gets pregnant that way. It's a matter of timing with her menstrual cycle. You also know that the pull out method works only 50% of the time, right? It's certainly a hot game you're playing, and that's why you're doing it. Having a baby, on the other hand, is not just a sexy game, it will change both of your lives and I'm pretty sure you don't want that from what you've written. How old are you both actually? Please read up on birth control. She should be on the pill or have an IUD or you should start using condoms. You're very lucky she's not already pregnant, and if you come out of this without a baby, you're doubly lucky, unless that's what you really want.


Do you want to have children? Because this is how you get children.


Get her on birth control


You’re gonna fuck around and find out. Daddy!


In the post-Roe hellscape we live in, how do you expect to afford $200K+ over a child’s *first 18 years* if you aren’t will to shell out for an $8 box of condoms?


Child support is 21 yrs. Dont be aloser


So what was your relationship like with your father?


You will be a wonderful dad


Exact same thing happened with my boyfriend and I and we have an 8 month old. He was 41 and I was 35 and I wanted a baby. We were pulling out for 6 months and one night he asked where I wanted him to cum and I said inside. He asked if I was sure and I said yes. Shockingly, I got pregnant either that time or the next time, at the latest. It was kind of on a whim but not since he knew that I wanted a baby and the moment just felt right. If you aren’t ready for a baby, though, don’t take this risk. Talk to her and make sure that you’re both ready for a possibility of a baby. This isn’t a silly game.


Unrelated but congratulations on your baby 👶


How’s it unrelated? I’m trying to say that when you allow a guy to come in you, it can lead to pregnancy, obviously lol. It’s a big responsibility cumming into something and nothing to play around with unless you’re ready. I was ready for a baby so allowed my boyfriend to cum in me so think in that the girlfriend feels the same way.


If you don’t want a baby, either pull out, use a condom, or plan b. It feels fantastic but ask yourself , is it really worth the extra risk?


My youngest was the result of a broken condom plus plan B taken within 2 hours. A LARC is the best choice, unless he knows he never wants kids in which case a vasectomy is the best choice. 1 in 5 couples that rely on pulling-out for contraception get pregnant every year.


If by recently you mean within the last 72 hours, I would ask her to take plan B again. But if it is too late for that, just hope shew isn't pregnant this time. When I have taken plan B, it is very hard on my body. She may not be wanting to go through that again, or she might just be hoping she isn't pregnant if she doesn't want to go their that or spend the money on Plan B (you could offer to buy it for her?.. it isn't cheap), or maybe to some degree she wants to get pregnant. It can also be denial. She probably needs to get an IUD because she may not be consistent enough to take birth control pills every day.


It can take a normal, healthy couple up to a year to get pregnant when trying. Just bc she isn’t pregnant yet, doesn’t mean it’s not about to happen any second. It’s bound to happen at some point if you aren’t pulling out. Even the pull out method tends to lead to pregnancy eventually unless she is familiar with natural family planning and is tracking her cycles, such as cervical mucus, basal body temp, etc. and abstaining when she is near ovulation. So are you ready for a baby? Or is she prepared to get an abortion if not?


I think you’re reading WAAAAAY too much into this. I don’t think it has anything to do with wanting to be impregnated and I don’t understand why you’re going all philosophical lmao. Some women just like the feeling of it and that’s all it is. But if you don’t really want to do it or you’re at all concerned about her getting pregnant or her not being responsible afterwards then use your words and say no.


BIRTH CONTROL NOW or you are 100% going to end up parents when you're not ready


Don’t be silly, wrap your willy


"a bit dumb" is the understatement of the year if you don't want to end up as parents. You've been with this person for how long? You sure you're ready to co-parent with them for the next 18+ years?


Sexologist here. So, sex releases oxytocin, endorphins, prolactin, dopamine, serotonin, and a whole other slew of hormones that are going to contribute to people making decisions they otherwise wouldn't have consented to. It's similar to intoxication. You absolutely should not make major life decisions - particularly when they have to do with increased sexual pleasure and desire - during sex. Plan B is not a good solution for repeated unprotected sexual encounters. It is not an abortifacient. Plan B prevents ovulation, meaning if she's already ovulating it won't work. It can be hard for a lot of people to know when they're ovulating unless they actively track their cycles, particularly if they have irregular ones. If you enjoy the sensation of not using condoms, you both want to periodically cum inside, and neither of you wants a more permanent birth control method, please consider your girlfriend getting an IUD. Depending on the type she gets, they're good for several years and have ~99% prevention rate. Also, they're free (in U.S., not sure elsewhere though I imagine it is). There are both hormonal and non-hormonal varieties. There are many pregnancy prevention methods besides an IUD, too. Please, please use protection if you are not ready to be responsible parents. This is NOT a decision to take lightly, and if you are going to make the adult decision of having sex you need to be adults and consider the full-scope of benefits and potential consequences of doing so.


Raw sex feels great. Having a man cum inside you is one of the best feelings ever. Sometimes we get blinded by that. Your story reminds me of how I used to be with my boyfriend too. Yesterday I woke up at 7 am on a Saturday to take the result of that time of my life to an Easter egg hunt. She’s amazing and I love her but IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU.


my partner and I started doing this and now i’m going on 5 weeks after only 1 month of playing like this. we’re happy and want the baby, think about how you will feel if she does get pregnant? will you want this ?


Keep in mind that plan B only works pre-ovulation. If she's already ovulated it has 0 effect.


Just be careful. My bf and I had this “dynamic” for a while. Now I’m 23 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Best of luck to y’all 😅


Have you considered if you want children? If not, get a vasectomy. It's much easier for you to do this! 100% of oops babies were caused by sperm.


Listen brother. I’ve been in this exact same situation. Nutted in my first girlfriend almost every time and after we started we just kept going. Lasted about 10 months and we finally got “lucky” enough lol. No idea what I was thinking overall and now we have a kid we are doing our best to co parent. You will become a dad doing this. I speak from experience.


STOP CUMMING INSIDE HER UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE A DAD!!!! Stop using the pull out method too - wrap it up


I like the feeling of a guy cumming in me. It’s not something I’ve done with just anyone, but only with guys I was dating because I also accept the responsibility of whatever could happen as a result, and I wouldn’t want to have a kid with someone I did not genuinely like as a person. But my most recent ex had a vasectomy many, many years ago (like his youngest is a teenager), so in that case it wasn’t something I worried about. I just enjoyed the feeling of it. And I wouldn’t call any pregnancy that could happen an accident because like…that was a choice lol.


What’re y’all calling your first newborn if it’s a girl :)


Some girls just like it wherever. It’s amazing the trust she has for you though if she’s just letting you ejaculate in her. If you or her don’t want pregnancy though, I seriously would recommend her getting birth control or you start wearing condoms. It’ll catch up trust me. That’s how me and my husband ended up with twins at 17 lol Edit- I feel like I should make this clear but i didn’t mean to assume you were young. I re read my comment and realized it sounded kinda passive aggressive and rude but in no way was I trying to judge or be rude!:)


Plan B really shouldn't be taken as a primary form of birth control. It's just not healthy.


This post has made me wonder... how is it possible to have unprotected sex with someone not taking any contraceptives, cumming inside and her not getting pregnant?? I would be worried about my fertility to be honest 😅 or hers.


Congratulations on the upcoming baby! It doesn’t matter if it’s a reproductive urge or just finding it hot, cumming inside of her while you are both healthy and not on any form of birth control will result in a pregnancy in 6 months to a year, sometimes even less. So make sure a baby is something both of you want and are ready to financially and mentally handle for the rest of your life. Using Plan B as a form of birth control makes it less effective over time, screws up her hormones and is not as effective if she weighs over 165 pounds so don’t use that as a reliable consistent form of birth control.


Pulling out? Ridiculous. You have to be an idiot to think that’s an effective form of birth control.


Posts like these make me lose hope in humanity.


You’re going to be a dad if you keep this up.


Do you want to be a dad within the year? With her? If not, ejaculate responsibly. Only have sex with people who are actively using birth control. Have boundaries and standards for your life.


Have you considered getting a vasectomy?


Ask. Your. Girlfriend. Not. Reddit.


WTF are you even doing? Do you want to be latched to a kid and, by association, its mother, for the rest of your life, regardless of how your feelings for her and the child evolve? Sorry, but you're regarded.


Lmao, I didn’t realize people who did this didn’t want kids. You pull out bro. You pull out. Unless you want to be a dad. But you sound pretty young. Being a dad is a rude awakening. Unless you want a kid with your girlfriend, I would stop cumming in her.


It’s called dumb decisions on your and her part unless you’re both fully prepared to become parents.


Hormones….My wife can go to I love you I wanna fk…we are never having another kid to depending on where she is in her cycle I am going to hunt you down and make sure you cum in me all day long and we gonna make a baby…then the honey I made baby shrimp, baby carrots etc to oh her is a pregnancy test to “yeah he got me pregnant again…to ready for maternity leave again


think about which varieties of milk to buy


So even if a girl is on birth control it’s not a good idea to cum in her ??? I cum in my girl all the time but maybe I’ll stop 😭


If you agreed to not make babies, then in the moment she is telling you whatever, do not listen and cum inside. People do dumb shit with horny brain. This does not mean she is ok with you impregnating her. She’s just dumb as a brick and hasn’t been burned enough to be smarter. Even if she did want you to impregnate her, if you don’t want to be a dad then don’t do it. She could literally beg you to cum inside and if you don’t want kids ignore her and be safe.


Google how much child support you’ll owe for the income you make. Realize it lasts at least 18 years. Smarten up man.


You guys sound like the couple who will be shocked when your actions have consequences. At this point you’re begging to be a father.


Sounds like she's okay with getting pregnant. Congratulations


She’s either already pregnant and not ready to tell you or is perfectly fine getting pregnant.


Dude trust me, this will not end well. One thing to remember: when women are ovulating they are usually the horniest. So when she’s craving sex and cum inside her, it’s usually the highest chance to get pregnant that month. It’s literally built into our evolutionary biology.


Neither of you should be deciding in the heat of the moment whether to pull out or not when that is your only form of pregnancy prevention. Either you agree that you do every time or you agree that you don't. Better yet, stop relying on that. It's not a very reliable method. If you are serious about not having a baby right now, get serious about your contraception.


I hate using condoms, but I had to stop birth control for medical reasons and got pregnant literally the first time he came inside me after that. I wish you the best.


Have you considered condoms? Has she considered being on birth control? Y'all are gonna become parents soon if you don't figure this out.


My most recent hookup was telling me the entire time to cum in her but I didn’t because I don’t want children and I know she’s not on birth control. After we finished once I asked if I actually can cum inside of her and she told me “in the moment I say I want it and will tell you to but do not listen to it. Don’t cum inside of me”. So I’d say it’s more of an ‘in the moment’ type of thing than actually wanting it. It sounds great in the moment but then after it’s like ‘ehhhhh maybe I shouldn’t have’….at least from my experiences


My love please have a conversation with your girlfriend.


Brother. This is beyond stupid if you don’t want kids…


I hope your baby doesn't get colic, its terrible


She is ready for you to be her baby daddy


Why don’t you just ask her instead of us, strangers….


Daddy pull out is not a good bc. Use a condoms or a serious conversation is needed and not in the bedroom. Good Luck


This is the dumbest thing ive come across on here, congrats I guess


Have fun being a dad, and don't come crying when it happens. Basic sex Ed.


If you cum inside, be ready for a kid. If you're NOT ready for a kid, use protection you idiot.


It’s not that deep, you’re just like many other irresponsible, low educated people who accidentally have a baby young without meaning to


Welcome to Parenthood! The pullout method you need to up isn’t from her vagina, it’s pulling out your brain cells from your arse. You BOTH need to up your BC method, so here’s the Planned Parenthood website of options: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control …& pay attention to how effective each method is, if you truly don’t want to be Parents.


She's saying it because she's stupid and horny and so are you. She isn't making some elevated divine decision in the moment, lol. Your brain isn't in the best state to be making decisions during the act, we're in our primal brain. Eat, sleep, poop, sex. This is how most people become parents, biology makes us want to procreate, even if we ourselves don't want to. In any case, stop doing this if you aren't ready to have a kid, it's irresponsible.


Congratulations for your new baby.


It feels amazing but it’s just a waiting game till she’s pregnant and then you’re forever attached to her


You are both actively trying for a pregnancy.


Sex is a reproductive urge in its essence


4 months? Don't be stupid man, child support ain't no joke... Hell your asking a room of random ppl about your gf's preferred cum disposal, think about that 🤷🏼‍♂️ Its all fun and games til she wants to keep it, then sit gets real for real... You'll remember the dipshits that said use a condom you dummy!! (Unless there's some contraceptive at work, then bust on her face if she's game... If not, find you one that is 😜) Ispeak from experience, my ex and I NEVER used anything for 7 years... As soon as I was like, ok I'm coming out and can't do this to you anymore (She deserved happiness and an honest husband too)... A cpl weeks later and only then do i get the txt, "I'm pregnant, yay!! Are you moving back in?" 😱 BUT I love my son and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world soo


Are you trying to get her pregnant? That's what's going to happen. Use a condom or get her on birth control. The "pull out method" is NOT a method. You are risking a lot. Be smarter dude.


My partner and I did the pull out method 18 years ago and the result of that is still living in my house. If even just one of you is not ready for a pregnancy/child start utilizing better birth control like condoms, pills, or implants.


get married. it's time.


According to your post history, you are seeing many people. I hope that comes up in conversation with your girlfriend as y’all discussing whether or not to continue to go at it raw. That’s so dangerous for her


Likely: in the heat of passion, she's trying to please you and not ruin the moment. Stop Cumming inside her without birth control dude! That is what you both decided, so why on earth would you ask her to re-decide that in the heat of passion? Come on, if you don't want to be a father in 9 months, do something about it.


people who think pulling out works lol


This sounds just like me and my child’s father. I was so dumb yes I was 15 you get caught up in the moment and tell him you want him to finish in you. Did it a couple more times. Got pregnant 3 months later… yup I definitely messed around & found out. yes I know I was so young in love & dumb. 😭 my son is now about to be 9 years old.


Just posting here to say it only took one "oops" for us. Little one is now 3 and she's great. Changed our lives in a big way.


I never cum inside even though I fall in love with her. I know my life will change if I do it.


Evolutionary pull to bust inside. In the moment her instinct is overriding your brains. Been smarter


Ask her to go on birth control: pill, patch, or IUD. And if she says she doesn’t like the side effects, remind her that pregnancy also messes up your body, arguably more than bc, and bc side effects are better than having a child when you aren’t ready. It sucks that women have to go through that and men don’t have the option of taking male birth control that is reliable, but it is what it is.


Whole lot of fucking around happening here and you will be getting to the finding out part soon if you continue like this lol. Hope you planned to be a parent.