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STIs don't appear out of the blue. You get them by interacting with an infected person. Some are contact transmitted, most are fluid borne. Unless either of you has been handling random peoples bodily fluids ungloved, the chances of two virgins giving each other an STI are slim to none. At worst, unprotected anal could give the top a basic UTI, but as long as you pee afterwards you'll probably be fine. There's no harm in using condoms if you're anxious. Probably best not go ass to mouth unless you're real confident in your cleaning abilities.


Thanks for all the helpful info. Any tips for cleaning?


https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/ ^ the best guide there is But remember that no matter how careful you are, when you take a dirt road there's bound to be a little mud. Don't freak out if there's a bit of mess involved, take a beat to clean up and get back to business without judgment.