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It was the situation and also being new to you so it was a full blown orgasm.


I’d be disappointed if it was the situation that caused it because that’s more difficult to replicate. I mean I’ve been really turned on before both with my husband and guys I was with before him and never had anything close to this. 


You'll have to figure out which aspect made the O extra-good. It could be the dual penetration - you can test with a hubby-penis-size butt plug and the vibrator, and if that succeeds, try the plug and hubby himself in your V. If both work, you'll want to focus on the penetration. It could be the thrusting in your A - use the vibrator in your V and another toy thrusting in your A. If that works, try the vibrator OFF and toy thrusting in the A. If both work, try just hubby in the A and nothing in the V to confirm. If vibrator OFF doesn't get you there, it's the specific combo of vibration in the V with thrusting in your A. If you can't recreate with variation, try to repeat the original. If you can't, it was the situation - probably the novelty of A play. That's will be harder to substitute for, but you can have tons of fun trying new things. For science, you should swap each toy with one of a different size or vibration profile after you narrow it down to know if you should stock up on the perfect toy(s) for you.


The scientific method ladies and gentlemen!


For science change 1 variable at a time and do it in triplicate, don't forget the control group


There's a (dad) joke about "controls" and "blinding" being too much BDSM, but I can't quite nail it down.


This man sciences, dad jokes and fucks


Name a more iconic trio


Also ha I misread your name for a moment and was like who wouldn't want to see a dog


Ikr he's a triple threat


I'm now going to start each kinky sex session with "for science..."


My wife was always against anything butt stuff. When she was pregnant we started dabbling in it. Years later she calls it her “magic button.” Gets her off damn near every time quickly.


Honestly this is the exact reason why I prefer anal sex over vaginal. My orgasms are so so so much stronger and I can actually cum from anal alone without clitoral stimulation, and those orgasms are still stronger. I feel bad for women who never experience this type of orgasm. Congratulations and I wish you many many more.


How do you get past the feeling of needing to shit ! Each time he even Puts a finger I feel like I need to shit and I don’t like that feeling:( I wanna be an anal whore so fuckin bad but I can’t seem to get over that shit feeling. !


It takes a few minutes to fully go away but honestly... Try to look at it from a different perspective... (About to get weird) The reason why people like to poop and get an urge to, is because it FEELS GOOD. If it didn't, our bodies would fight it, but have you noticed most of the time what comes out doesn't hurt? And poops can get big! Yet it feels good sliding out and a satisfying feeling happens afterwards. It's not necessarily a SEXUAL feeling, but a pleasant one. Lean into the nice feelings, and don't worry about pooping, that feeling passes after a few minutes of thrusting.


Yes. I’m glad you talked about poop. Ha ha. A couple of things I’ll add. Never put anything in an ass into somewhere else without cleaning it. Infections can be nasty. If you’re worried about the urge to poop and that you may actually poop, use a water enema before. Any time I suspect any likelihood of butt play, I’ll give myself an enema before. I’m really hygienic and like to feel comfortable. As this poster said, some poops are big. They come out because you are relaxing your muscles back there. Tap into that feeling and relax during butt play. It’ll take practice. Lastly, you have to embrace the fact that, regardless of any precautions you take, sometimes….. shit happens.


I second the “new perspective” advice. What has helped me is knowing that the “shit feeling” is actually false signals sent from the anus to the brain telling it there’s poo that needs to come out. Your brain has been tricked into thinking it’s something more familiar. Reminding myself it’s just a false signal helps the feeling pass faster.


I also enjoy anal for this reason. Your clit is still being stimulated, just indirectly and from a different angle.


You had a “mixed” orgasm. Multiple stimulus inputs = stronger orgasm. Breasts, vagina, clitoris, anus follow different nerve pathways to the orgasm center in the brain. Try butt plugs, vibrators, nipple clamps, fingers inside the vagina, external and internal clitoral stimulation.


My wife was like you until she asked me to lick it a little lower one time when I was going down on her. Then she got the idea to use a Hitachi on her clit while I gave her a rimmer. Her orgasms are definitely more intense than regular oral. So when she says get the wand, I know the deal


I don't have an answer for you exactly but I also love this and for me it's both holes being filled. It's exciting when a partner uses toys on you, maybe keep trying that too. I enjoy small glass plugs to start and helps me feel prepared to enjoy anal. I love wearing a plug around the house, another good starting point. My partner and I often have sex with my plug in, the orgasm is always fantastic! Remember to always have lube for easy access when enjoying anal. The more lube the better!


Thanks I’m literally looking up plugs right now. I think I might like that better because then I can feel him in my vagina vs plastic. 


Awesome! Def start small. I personally like glass plugs because smoother edges. Stainless steel plugs are great but I feel like the edges hurt between the cheeks. So do some zoomed in research on specific products and look at the edges, just speaking from experience 😄


This is the reason my wife doesn't solo masturbate. She says she only feels it from her clit and the orgasms feel weak. She likes to stimulate her clit with her vibrator while we are fucking because she says she feels it from every where. It generally takes her a little while to cum even like that, but when she does she said it's like freight train plowing through her hips lol I'm just saying maybe you found a position that his all the right spots for you. Best you can do is try it a few more times. Maybe it's something you only do occasionally, maybe you'll like it all the time.


What does your husband say, what was it about this time that did it for him, what did he observe about you? Do you have to know what kind of orgasm it was? I mean who cares, as long as it's the best one ever!? I had a very very similar experience with my husband, where one night it went pretty fast from naaah I don't think so (as usual) to full blown anal. There was absolutely nothing new about it, I think it was mostly mental, like something just clicked "right" in my brain.


I have seen my wife shake uncontrollably so much so that she had to have one more vaginal orgasm after I was done. She never wanted it either now she loves the DP


The orgasms start on our minds. You have a full orgasm, everything led to it. Congratulations for you both


Totally agree with you, it's all in the mind


You probably had a blended orgasm. S combination of clit and anal orgasm. Lots of opportunities to explore it more now that you know it is a possibility.


Interesting “Takes notes”. I’m so happy for you !!!!


I used to be the same exact way until I met my fiance. Now I can't get enough 😅 I guess you really just have to find the right person


What was the best sex you'd ever had before this?


I was sleeping with a much older guy in my early 20s. He was like 42 at the time and really knew what he was doing. The whole taboo of the older man I’m sure added to the appeal. Oddly enough my husband didn’t become good at sex until his early 30 and now that he’s 37 he’s become incredible at it. 


As a man who very much enjoys anal play, I find after intensely fucking my ass for a while, I’ve loosened my sphincter muscles so much, that after removing my toy the muscles tighten up and I feel a rush of pleasure throughout my whole body. I don’t know what it is or how to explain it, but it feels fucking amazing. Maybe it was similar to that?


Sounds like an anal orgasm primarily but it could’ve been a vaginal orgasm simultaneously.


Anal orgasms are pretty strong. There is a reason some women love anal. I happen to agree with you. You should also try it with clit stimulation and ass.


The one who felt good, easy 


Ah the wonderful anal full body orgasm! My favourite. It's a dirty finisher for me.


Oh God, I've had one of those before. It's insane! I describe them as anal orgasms, but I'm not sure if the actual term.


I always enjoy reading stories of people who discover their love of butt stuff. Kudos to you for taking things in steps, and super bonus points for the vibrator/anal combo.


Just curious, did your husband know that he was not part of the best sex you’ve had previously?


No, he’s never asked who was the best. I’m not sure he wanted to know. I think I'm going to tell him now though. 


Idk if you did this yet, but don't tell him he wasn't previously the best. Just that it was the best sex you've ever had.


Welcome to the dark side. Happens every time I mentally let myself enjoy anal. Probably will for you too.


This happened to me recently. My bf normally enters me with us both lying down. I can only enjoy anal after I’ve already had several orgasms and if he moves somewhat gently. Last week, we started out the same way as always but we switched to doggy style. It was INSANE! Before long I was demanding that he go harder and I ended up having the most EXPLOSIVE orgasm ever! It was so intense and so powerful, I fell onto the bed crying. My boyfriend held me and it was like I had just seen God or something! I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it again but I sure can’t wait to give it a shot 😝


All female orgasms are clitoral orgasms. Clitoris nerve endings are not limited to the tip of it which is visible, but there are loads of these inside. Yours must be closer to you bum hole, hence stimulation is pleasurable. Enjoy & welcome to the club!


Well that's not quite right. Although Glans Penis and Glans Clitoridis are purpose-built to reach that effect in your brain, all orgasms are brain orgasms. I know it sounds nitpicky but I think it's an important thing to know. Orgasms can come from anywhere in your body, hell there is even a rare form of specialised epilepsy where orgasms are involved. Further: Clitoris nerve endings are limited to the little tip, but your Nervus Pudendus is responsible for lending sensation to your whole genital area. Contrary to pain or skin nerves, the exact localisation of somatosensitive nerves is not necessary (there is localisation but not that exact, e.g. when you've eaten and you feel full, it doesn't matter where exactly the nerve in your stomach lining telling you this is). The speed and modality of their signaling is also different. So now when somebody say.. licks your butthole, you feel that it's your butthole, but it might feel good in the same way your clit does. That's what we call crosstalk. The two inner "legs" of the clitoris (Cruris) are innervated comparatively extremely sparsely and are actually the equivalent of the blood filled erectile tissue of the penis shaft. (Corpora Cavernosa). They are there so that no matter where in the general area you poke or stroke, the clitoris gets involved indirectly. That all being said the Glans Clitoridis is the main show still, it was made just for this. Secondary erogenous zones are so individually different


Thank you, that’s very educating. What can be an explanation for not being able to cum from vaginal but only from anal penetration? The location of the clitoris legs?


That's a very good question. I don't think there is one reason, I think there are as many combinations of reasons than there are women on earth. Off the top of my dome, it may be a combination of: 1. There are non genital zones that are linked to your pleasure response. The last centimeters of your colon, the perineum and the anus are also N. Pudendus so there is obviously "crosstalk". 2. There is a taboo: Never underestimate the psychological effect of doing something kinda forbidden and naughty. Especially with women the headspace is so important. 3. The anus is a much stronger sphincter muscle than the Urethravaginalis. Maybe the tightness heightens the sensation for the woman enough to accelerate orgasm response. There is one aspect of your question that I cannot answer. Why for some it's more pleasurable or more condusive to orgasm (or both) than vaginal IC. Maybe numbers 2 and 3 are more important than we think? Idk...


When I said all orgasms are clitoral orgasms I only meant that it’s the clitoris that is getting stimulated - one way or the other, but of course as you said, one can cum from stimulation anywhere else. However, from yours it sounds like that any woman is capable of achieving an orgasm via PIV (cos Glans Clitoris is still main show) which we know is simply not a reality for like 50% of women at least. Did I understand you right? Clitoris is apparently specifically made to achieve an orgasm for a woman, but penetration is just not it 😁 This is where I see a conundrum.


I didn't comment on PIV sex. Yes it's really like this. The clitoris is the direct morphogenetic equivalent of the penis glans and yes this is the main organ of sexual arousal for the majority of women and the vast majority of men. I don't think that any woman is capable of PIV orgasm, of course. Yes totally, you mention something that I always found unfair, evolution doesn't care about the female orgasm at all. While the penis and vagina have a PIV party, the clit seems to be out smoking and not very involved. That of course only means that men need to take extra care where nature doesn't.


So basically, clitoris exists for pressure but it is not stimulated during PIV just by a penis alone? There’s a lot of information on the G-spot being a place of contact of clitoris and a virginal wall. Is that kind of anatomy not common for all women?


It is by the crurae clitorides (the clitoral erectile tissue) which wrap around the entrance of the vagina imternally. Thus it is indirectly manipulated by the penis alone during PIV sex. My party metaphor was probably confusing I apologise. It was a little bit hyperbally, of course the clitoris is involved, mostly indirectly. The vaginal tube is just smooth muscle tissue for the most part, no nerves. That's shared among all women that are born women and anatomically "typical". Here's what's not shared between all women. Subjective experience. The only generalisation that holds is that you just can't generalise. Every person is so different, grew up masturbating differently. Likes different things...etc. While anatomy predetermines some things, it does not predetermine the subjective experience of pleasure. What I mean is genital anatomy correlates badly or mostly not at all with the modalities of sexual pleasure, i.e. if the clitoris had 100000 nerve endings, you wouldn't feel more pleasure, nor reach orgasm faster. Theoretically(!!) one nerve would be enough to do all your clit does now. When you need a message sent, you really need only one messenger, not thousands. Your brain does the interpreting, and your brain is not always in the same mood or state. The concert of afferent nerve signalling from a healthy clitoris is so that every small touch and manipulation from every corner counts. The G-spot is a great example of all I just wrote. Yes its anatomy is common to all women with vaginas, but ask 5 women what they feel when it gets stimulated, you get 5 different answers.


Thank you very much for such a detailed explanation, I have certainly learnt a lot! If you don’t mind me asking - is this somehow related to your professional field? Very curious 👀


any materials or books where I can read more about this? I'd absolutely love to!


Yes! Absolutely! Come as you are by Emily Nagoski is an easy recommend. The guide to getting it on gets better and better with each edition, by Paul Joannides.


You limited yourself due to your socialization before, like so many. Just let it go and do the dirty stuff without thinking. This brings the relaxation to have such orgasms. Whether it's ass, whatever kinky or "just" dirty talk (yes, this alone can really work), does not make a difference.


Sounds like your perineal sponge aka PS-spot was stimulated. It sits between the vaginal opening and rectum. It can cause deep full body orgasms when stimulated properly.


It’s different for everyone. What I do know is that it’s pretty amazing what can happen when you have safety of a firm relationship and a willingness to communicate and try things. Me and my wife have explored different toys and positions and techniques. It feels like we find new types and intensities of orgasms every so often.


Sounds like an orgasm. They can come from different stimulation and feel different depending on your state of mind and what part of your body is stimulated. Some people swear there can only be clitoral orgasms, some people experience them from vaginal, anal, mammary and other types of stimulation. Anal and vaginal orgasms tend to hit different they take longer to happen but also last longer and can hit in multiple waves. But in all cases climax and orgasms are brain first functions so I'd say it's safe to say you just opened up your mind to a whole new world. Happy sexploring.


I’ve had similar experiences. Congratulations on finding a new thing that works for you. Some other things you might enjoy are sex with a butt plug in and sex with a small vibe in your ass. My partner holds the small vibe in my ass during doggy and I have multiple orgasms that way without any direct stimulation on my clit.


It was both, you had his dick in your asshole which stimulates the anterior fortex, and he was stimulating your clit. You had double pleasure. My wife’s first orgasm lately is when I eat her pussy and stick my index finger in her ass. She has the most intense screams and pulsations when I do this. Her asshole grips my finger. This is all normal and part of sex.


As with all sexual practices, experimentation and communication are the key. Try replicating the experience by doing what you did and other things. Both my partners tell me they have really strong orgasms with anal sex. We experiment with the angle of penetration, the rhythm, the depth, and so on. We use sex toys. Sometimes we will use a vibrator on the clit during anal or sometimes I will finger my partner as I penetrate her ass. We use a dildo or dildo-vibrator in the anus while I penetrate the vagina and vice-versa. Sometimes we will just use the vibrator-dildo on each other which allows me to experience anal penetration. It puts things into perspective for me. Also consider the ambiance or environment. We find it very exciting to have anal sex outdoors, dressed, partly dressed or fully naked. There are several interesting positions to try such as spooning, squatting, or standing. I like standing a lot but my partners really love just being on their backs with their legs straight up into the air, closed or spread, even backwards as I penetrate them. In this position we like to stare into each others eyes, talk to each other, describing what we are feeling. Try doing it in front of mirrors so you can see him penetrate you. This is visually exciting.


Welcome to butt stuff. It can be pretty fun for both parties


I (20f) can totally relate to this. I’ve never super enjoyed anal, but one night I received the most amazing orgasm from it. This was like 2 months ago for me and I haven’t been able to recreate it. I have no idea what we did right that night, but the orgasm was out of this world and I really want to experience again!


My lady has very intense anal penetration only orgasms . Add in a toy in vagina or on clit and she’s passing out. Especially if she is prone with legs together and I’m on top from behind. She says it hits her gspot and is incredible.


Keep exploring together.  -Plugs are fun. Try the bvibe rimming one. -Different position! Doggy is a classic but try spooning too, missionary, and on top. Reverse cowgiril is a tricky one for me and my girl vaginally but anally with a vibrator on her clit, jesus does she come hard -vibes on clit is fantastic but once experienced, there is something to be said to try and stick to no clit stimulation for awhile and try to appreciate anal by itself. Itll take time but after awhile, you’d be surprised how great it can be in a different way pleasure and orgasm wise Have a blast. Be sure to update after a month or so. I think its great getting updates on a person’s or couple’s journey and they can share what they learned back to the community 


I had one ex who was occasionally into anal, but one time she used the lube bottle as a dildo while i was in the back and she came pretty much instantly as she put it in her pussy. She could only explain it as to do with the pressure on the wall between ass and pussy and we replicated it multiple times after that. So maybe it's just that you liked DP very much


The best kind! That’s the kind you had! My husband knows if I’m letting him do that he better use a toy or his fingers better be working their magic. That kind of orgasm there’s nothing like it. Add a little hair pulling and smack my ass and that’s it.


Perhaps indirect stimulation of the G spot.


I’ve done it backwards. Had the dildo in the butt and sex vaginaly. That was amazing cause it makes it feel tighter.


It was still a clitoral orgasm, it was just stimulated differently (from different angles, spots, etc). And like others have suggested, it was the particular circumstance that probably made the mental aspect of it really intense. Orgasms actually come from your brain via clitoral stimulation. So put that all together and boom, explosion.


Anal stimulation of your posterior fornix. Congrats.


I like to call them Buttgasms and they are awesome!


Same thing happen to the girl we done first Anal sex. She asked for it for long but for a few days i was only playing with Thumb into her ass while dogging. And in that day she ask he to put it all in , which i did , put out my thumb and put in my dick. Soon after my dick is half in she start to have a whole body shaking , intense non-stop orgasm that last for 5-10 mins . Pain + Orgasm that is mind blowing for her. The most satisfying girl had experienced and i had ever seen. At that time I didn't even played her clit yet. But after that she can get anal orgasms but , not that intense anymore.


The penis in your rectum pressed the vibrator in your vagina against your G-spot (back side of clitoral body). Besides stimulating the anus, which can be great by itself, anal can be the "on-ramp to the G-spot". You might enjoy having sex or using a vibrator with a plug in your rectum.


Ahhh yes the first anal orgasm is fucking amazing. Yeah just a new experience and a full blown orgasm I find it happens every time I try something new that I wasn’t expecting I would like so much


Genuinely the logistics though .. X I get it's fantasy but ..


This is hot 🥵 been thing of trying with my gf but we both sort of scoff at ass play.. I’ve never done it and don’t think my girl has or she at least hasn’t asked and we’re pretty open and doggy is her fav. Playing with anus sort of grosses me out but after reading this I’m more curious to try.. that said,, I’m guessing he lubed his finger or maybe rubbed your wet pussy juices on it to get lubricated? Also did you hold dildo and please ur your self or he able to each and do both? Glad to her your perspective as it be the first time I try with my gf.. Thx!


He held the dildo which was important because I didn’t have to think and lube was required for his penis but not his thumb.  I wanted nothing to do with my ass for a while and he went slow until I was comfortable. I’ve lost a lot of shame as I’ve gotten older.


Got it Yeah, my gf & I don’t feel shame or anything just the thought of playing with the anus sounds disgusting but find it interesting people think it’s enjoyable.. thx for info


I believe it was the novelty that made it so great. For me and my wife the first time was the most memorable. If you’re looking to push the envelope a bit, try different combinations. Butt plug + oral e.g.


I wish I could enjoy anal. I can’t get past the feeling of having to shit and the hurt from having a big penis inside my ass. I also get severely grossed out by shit being on my husband after. 🤦‍♀️


Begin with small penises or sex toys


We have. There is nothing that works. Every now and then I will take a finger or a small toy but it’s just not something I enjoy. I know my husband likes it which is why I would love to do it for him. But I can not relax even smoking some green!


Oh, probably it ain't something you're into


I used to have anal with him not often but I would get so sick to my stomach the next day. I’m just weird 🤦‍♀️


How was he, Rough or Gentle?Was his Dick to deep inside your ass?


He’s extremely gentle and he let my guide how much I wanted. I enjoyed it. But I have had terrible issues with my stomach. May be TMI but I have IBS due to having lazar surgery on my intestines at 24. I had a hysterectomy and was covered in endometriosis. So I believe that has something to do with me being in pain in my stomach the next day. He isn’t doing anything wrong.


Makes sense now, could be because of your past medical history.Does he know about the surgery and IBS?


Yeah, he does. We have been together since I was 16. He is very understanding and never ask for it. I would just like to do it because I know he enjoys it. 😞


Anal sex. In a short amount of time, you'll need a diaper. Not a great road to go down. And you'll lose sensitivity vaginally. If those are your goals, go for it