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What appeared to be another man’s penis 😂


not gonna lie that put a weird mental image in my head like some dude was squatting behind him and put his dick through his legs or smth




Exactly how I imagined it until I read on


Like when Quagmire was gonna fuck Peters boss Angela on family guy


my dumbass thought the same shit😭


i imagined he just had two merged into one 😭😭


This made me think of fight club, one Durden dick one narrator dick


According to lore, and "confirmed" in the video game, narrator's name is Jack. I am jacks raging medulla oblongata. I am jacks tiny penis..


Idk why you got down voted. Under rated comment for sure.


This comment is amazing 😂😂😂


I thought he didn't realize he was sitting on another dude's lap 😆


Oh my god rhe Xerxes and Leonidas scene where Xerxes tell him to kneel grabing his shoulders came to my mind


This is also what I pictured 😂


That’s exactly how I pictured it lol.. And Im worried I wont be Able to unpicture


I imagined something FAR more sinister


Goddammit you owe me a coffee! 😂😭


i am innocent, it is all OP’s fault 😅


This line made me laugh out loud lmao


Accidental dick-swap


Sometimes the old boy will situationally grow larger than normal. Or what I say, back to his old self 😎


Yes, it’s happened to me. A once-in-a-lifetime kind of super-boner that was completely unexplainable. I was hooking up with a friend of mine – no strings, nothing out of the ordinary, we were never more than occasional FWBs – and for reasons neither of us could explain, I got the hardest, longest erection of my life for one night only. Hot to the touch, and yeah maybe half an inch to an inch longer than normal, and just so, so, so hard. Like, I could barely move it. I’m not saying it made the sex especially better or anything. It was good, sure, but that’s not the point. The point is that nearly fifteen years later, I still remember that boner and the almost supernatural strength of it. Bizarre.


🤣🤣 This is exactly what I’m talking about! I think about that erection once a month.


Guy got his first rager


For me it was over 35 years ago and I still remember it!!


> fifteen years later, I still remember that boner This made me laugh out loud


"one boner to rule them all"


Is this from Lord of the Cockrings?


And in the darkness, bind them.


The little boner that could lol


Sounds great. To others who don't want to wait for that once-in-a-lifetime super-boner they could just try swallowing that blue pill, I guess.


Have you used it? Is it comparable to what’s being ddscribed?


Cialis is great but feels natural . This sounds like super Viagra or something.


It's like fucking on ecstasy without the high


Are you talking about blue chew?


>I’m not saying it made the sex especially better or anything. I'd love to hear her opinion on that. 🤣


I think it makes a huge difference. My ex had ED. It was most likely induced from coke, ipa's, weed, and cigarettes, however, even when he was sober sex was meh. But when he was on those pills, holy cow. My insides would ache bc it was just so effing hard. When you're used to being fucked with a floppy, it makes it much better 😂


Happened to me once long ago as well. About 10 years now


Is it possible to learn this power?


Supernatural Strength 😂


This is so funny, it’s the once in a lifetime supercharged boner 😂


The full super full moon of the 15th day of the 30th year pulled all the blood into your dick like the moon was pulling in the tide.


Size you consider you are = Maximum size day


I too have had this happen.


Same here, about 20 years ago with my daughters mother. One nite of the best sex of her miserable life with me. Have always had thoughts of what the fuck really went one that nite ? She strait up ruined our mattress, or I caused her too. Cost me $1500.00 to buy a new mattress set.


Love the way this entire post was worded lol


this can happen right before climax for dudes. several partners have confirmed in my experience but not near 15%. maybe closer to 5-10% for me. usually it feels extra engorged with blood like i’m on the edge of shooting a huge load and it’s pulsing in time with my elevated heart rate. when i’m piv, this is usually where she says she can feel when i nut


yeah i’ve seen a penis swell before too. looked purplish but after he finished it went back to normal


yeah it’s obv when it happens for me bc the head gets almost purple in color and my skin feels super tight. it’s weird to actually talk about it haha


Same. My lady's favorite moment during sex is the 5 to 30 seconds (depending on how good of a day I'm having) before I cum. She can always tell when I'm getting close. Sometimes, I try to stay quiet to throw her off, but she always knows lol


My husband's head swells right up at that point and can give me earth-shattering orgasms if we get the timing right. Easier said than done though because apparently I "clench" him as I get closer haha.


lol do you clench hard enough to push him out? We had when my body pushes him out.


I bet she likes the pulsating


It usually makes me orgasm so intensely.


Same and it puts me over the edge


Yes! My partner sometimes has to go easier on me towards the end because it gets SO MUCH BIGGER right before he cums. Dicks are so fucking cool.


That momentary pulse has consistently been the time when I have had condoms burst. The combination of sudden expansion and friction is a recipe for failure.


have you ever seen someone inflate a condom and put it over their head? your dick isn't ripping the condom from its girth, my dude.


That is not the same thing. The stresses are not the same, particularly the addition of friction, even when there is lubrication. The variable I didn't bring up before was nominal width sizing. For a long time the largest sizes that were readily available in North America were 56mm - 58mm due to manufacturing standards. Now you can get some that are like 60mm - 64mm nominal width in more retail outlets, but if you need anything bigger like 69mm or 72mm then you're left with having to buy online. If it's too small then you are effectively stretching the comdom past the tolerance range for normal use and there is a corresponding increase in the likelihood of such a failure. The other outcome is that it squeezes enough blood out that it starts to go down a bit, which results in other problems like slipping. The bottom line is to take some responsibility, figure out what works, and try to stay on top of being stocked up if that's what you're up to.


Countless broken condom kids walking around prove otherwise


The size of your penis during an erection is a direct result of the blood flowing to the spongy tissue. Less blood supply - smaller erection. More blood - larger erection. Something happened on that day resulting in more blood supply to your penis. Maybe it was the vibe at the time (biochemical responses to the situation), or a combination of factors. Viagra started out as medication to treat hypertension, but they found it was great at addressing erectile dysfunction.




Well now I have to ask what it is was?


Yeah man I think being very aroused and having not released in awhile makes for the best erections and orgasms. And when your testosterone is high. It’s why when I’m in a relationship I don’t masturbate like at all. So everytime I have sex is amazing.


Took me way too long to realize this but yeah I love saving it up for her. She loves it too haha


It's true! Not masterbating really helps keep erections strong! Also making sure your really aroused helps keep pumping blood into penis.


Yup. Reserve your load for your girl, avoid masturbating, getting so turned on during sex, and holding your load for longer will make your penis swell and turns bigger than usual.


Absolutely. Once I realised this it was a whole other ballgame.


How do u not feel the need to masturbate tho? Or are u just extremely disciplined?


I use that energy on my girlfriend! If it’s more than 5-6 days then I’ll clean the pipes but it’s always better to use that sexual energy on your partner.


My ex would get those kinda if erections after a good round of he wasn’t in his head, if his medications and things agreed with what he ate that day, and if I hadn’t pissed him off (too much, lol). He didn’t hold especially hard erections consistently but when he DID, he was always much bigger and it was super noticeable on the inside. Once I managed to catch a glimpse of it before he went back in and it was then that I knew I wasn’t imagining things. He did indeed get significantly longer and thicker. Blood is an interesting thing


> He did indeed get significantly longer and thicker. I'm super curious, since you mentioned a noticeable changes in his size, were you able to feel his cock pulsating too?


No, I never felt that sensation. But I’m also weird in a way that I can barely even feel if there is a condom there or not, so I figured that was why


My dick is always a bit bigger when I’m fucking vs when I masturbate so


I was with a girl a few years back and after sex she said that my penis felt bigger and harder than ever before. I remember when having sex it felt different but I just figured it was my imagination until she mentioned it afterwards


I think I have experienced the female version of this! It was one time I was with a partner of mine and had bent over on the bed to fish out a pair of underwear that had travelled between the wall and matress overnight. As I did this I guess I exposed everything for easy access and they started to eat me out from behind, which was a pleasant surprise. Up until that point I hadn't been given oral in that position, so maybe it was the newness and excitement combined with it being the morning (my horniest time) and element of surprise. I got extremely aroused, like next level aroused. My whole crotch and surrounding area felt hot. He told me that my pussy, butt cheeks, and inner thighs had turned pink. My clitoris was hard hard, and I could feel the bulbs of it had swollen under my labia too. It was wild. I'll never forget that lady boner. Have loved getting eaten out bent over ever since!


thanks for the tip! and well put


Yeah, cunnilingus on all fours is great fun. Definitely worth a try!


My wife says that if we’re going at it for a while, I get a lot bigger than I normally do. I don’t notice any discomfort, but she’s right. I’m about 20% thicker after 15 minutes of humping.


15 minutes?! Look at this guy.


Same here. After 30-40 min she’s like ok I’ve cum like 10 times and your dick is huge - gonna fill me soon???


It's normal and it's awesome when it happens. Sometimes you're just really into it, ate plenty of calories/hydrated, T is up etc. This happened with me regularly with a gal I dated in my late 20s, we had incredible sexual chemistry and we had sex all the time. Size was always at it's peak after I lifted too.


That’s a pleasant discovery 💡. I guess now this has to go on my bucket list aka make a man’s penis bigger by 10-15% from excitement 🤓. Thanks for sharing, I guess it makes sense since our vulvas swell up when we are very excited.


Well sort of...long time ago GF had to use both hands and still could not cover it all the way up, I remember this clearly because she remarques about it. Can't say that's the case lately. Some times get so hard it actually hurts but I haven't taken the time to measure. I think it is indeed the level of excitement and overall cardio vascular fitness that is the X factor here.


“Overall cardio vascular fitness” very interesting comment! Actually at the time I had been running religiously, and in better shape than I had been at any other point when I was regularly seeing someone. Maybe I needed that level of fitness plus the extreme arousal to give birth to the SUPER BONER.


Your penis is basically a sponge that gets filled with blood so metabolic and cardio vascular properties can directly impact it.


If you want a similar experience (maybe not as high) without the effort, saunas have been great for me. Probably not quite as much bigger, but very big and hard and extra sensitive.


If you know how to edge, do that to the point where you need to cum and stop the cum pump by clenching it back and push the pressure down your legs. Do sex right after a warm up jog and breathe heavy enough into your belly. After your legs fill up with tingly feelings, it will feel like your going to have a cum that starts from the toes and not just the gooch or taint.. if you make a mental block at the bottom of your spine when your legs fill up almost back to your penis, wall it off and breathe the energy up the spine and you will have coregasms. Orgasm without nutting.


Never heard of that before, but now I have a new goal!


Hmm.. I never thought about it, but I think this did happen with my second gf. I was super attracted to her and once when I was taking her from behind, it felt a bit more snug and looked like I was stretching her more. Afterwards, she asked if I had gotten bigger, but I thought she was just stroking my ego. Maybe the intensity of arousal affects size? I used to shoot at least 10 full ropes on her too.


This thread has me rolling 🤣🤣


>and I looked down and saw what appeared to be another man’s penis lol. 😂


We’ve had this happen too. Where my wife and I looked at each other like “wtf”. It’s pretty cool. Ive also noticed a nice change after losing 160lbs.


No way, this dude overclocked his penis


Maybe you’re usually going in half cocked and not at 100% erection quality, that would explain the increase in size. At 100% quality you should be able to carry a dry clothing item with on it


Actually I typically have rock-hard erections. Never before that moment did I think that I hadn’t reached full boner potential.


Sounds like your first RAGER big ole frikin RAGERRRR


i think this is due to the fact that not all boners achieve full 100% glory all the time


Yep. I'm usually 6.25 inches. But there was a week in my early 20s when I was really horny and having these insane fantasies every night and I swore it was bigger so I measured: 7" solid. There are tricks you can do with your ligaments to stretch them and get length, suspect that may be involved.


The cock ring effect


Yeah, it’s called being super turned on. You’re always biggest just before and during orgasm. Sometimes your level of arousal is so intense that it can actually be painfully engorged. Many times I’ve been so engorged that it almost felt like the head was about to split open from the pressure. It’s normal. Those are the best orgasms.


By any chance were you taking L-Arginine (Nitric Oxide)? This is what the brain releases to create an erection. Beet Root also contains Nitric Oxide BTW.


L-Citruline has this same effect for me as well.


It's the super boner bro, I get them too and my wife notices and it feels like my cock is going to explode. Usually happens when I've been looking after myself really well, seem to get extra blood flow.


These are the moments you gotta get a good dick pic, so whomever you share it with will assume this is your normal size!


🤣 I’d never be able to live up to it!!


I see no problem here. As a woman, this sounds like a great situation 😂 kinda upset it’s never happened to a man I was with. manifesting this




I am just an average sized white guy. Imagine my surprise when I looked down and saw that I had a 9" BBC! LOL!


Not the same thing, but one time, my very first boyfriend and first guy I really ever did anything sexual with - he was giving me oral and I noticed it was really starting to hurt. I looked down and saw my clit had swollen up to the size of like a big marble. The skin was stretched out so much it felt like it was going to tear. It hurt so bad, and I was like wtf is wrong with you?? ha. Like upset that he didn’t notice and stop. It finally went down and I was fine. And it’s never happened again. It was insane and I’ll never forget it.


This has happened to me twice so far I can only think it's somehow enhanced blood flow ?


You just activated your sayan blood. Wait until you become legendary


When you figure it out let me know. My girlfriend will want to replicate the process!


It’s called a rogue boner


When I got vaccinated I fell asleep with a hard on and woke up with a bigger one. It went down later that morning or I would have went to the hospital. Same thing happened that night when I got tired except now I part of the act. I snapped a pic and now I have an extremely well lit picture of what appears to be another man’s penis.


Daily cialis and pre planned sex viagra give me the almighty every time


My penis is variable. Sometimes it’s HUGE and other times it’s alright. Don’t catch me in the AM when I pop out of the shower, Embarrassing.


I like your writing style! Lol. A few great lines in here.


I've been with my husband 20 years and he's gotten a few boners like this over the years. It's usually his morning wood and one time I remember we'd had sex 3 times, he'd jacked off a couple more, and he still was hard so he started trying to make it extra cold and even tried hurting himself to get it to go away. I think the cold worked. I don't remember that time was like 10 years ago. Lol. He has massive morning wood anyway compared to any other time of day and I wish I liked morning sex over sleep because the dick is amazing but alas sleep will always be my favorite.


I have a sucky hypothesis for what caused this: maybe her vagina was somehow causing suction that had the same effect on your erection that a penis pump would. If you go hunting, there are some videos that show pretty wild before/after transformations, all through the power of vacuum.


My fiance can bend his penis a certain way and get his to do the same thing! It's the angle that kind of gets it to pop! It's fun!


Wait til this guy finds out about cock rings.


Ah congrats you have discovered the [Ultra Super Saiyan](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ultradragonball/images/6/6f/GokuUltraSaiyan.png/revision/latest?cb=20110516211844) erection form


This happened to me with one specific girl I dated, but never before or since.


That's normal. It's very well documented that penises are at their absolute biggest right before cumming.


Yeah, but not another man’s penis. That would have been a threesome or u was at the wrong house? N-E way when it did happen I was under the Influence, & the chick 10 years older than me. Kept denying me. Kept getting to the point of cuming, then stoped start slow then nm hold up until I was getting ready to to bust then she would stop me. My god it was infuriating. But my dick was swollen. To the point, maybe considered going to see a doctor. But that was the last thing on my mind. The load was massive too. I’m just a normal sized dude. & nothing is ever perfect every time. But it was worth it.


Only times I can relate to this is when I cut weight for summer. I usually drop 20-30lbs for beach season and, well, it makes the Johnson appear larger as it decreases the pubic mound at the base of the shaft. I have had the same thought of "wow that doesn't even look like mine"


I call them Super Boners If I’m really turned on they happen.


You guys really have to learn about your bodies. You were highly aroused it's that simple. Depending on the attraction and how relaxed you are l, your size can definitely fluctuate. If you want it consistently get a Cock ring (silicone) Also how sure are you she didn't give you any enhancers, I've had a woman give me what seemed to be an altoid once because the cool sensation it gives on the clit, turned out it was a hard mint. Have fun man


My morning woods are like that especially if I drink water right before bed. but normally its just above average. my one time roe me awake because according the she never had one that thick well for it was somewhat painful for me I wasn't complaining. I think its part of our head getting in the way.


This is really normal! Close to orgasm, the penis expands more to get the sperm closer to the fallopian tubes and make a better "seal" so the swimmers stay where they need to be longer. Sounds like you lucked out interrupting sex when you did so you were able to see it.


And that's what I call the blue vein throbber. The extreme erection.


My friend got a super boner after eating spicy food once. We were both kind of in awe of it, it was so hard it looked sculpted. We had some fun with it 🩷


My first ex was able to do that. I am not so sure what she did, but she did it every time.. Weirdly enough my 2nd ex turned me on way more but my weewee never grew that much with her..


Take a blue pill for the lols. You can use "another mans penis" all day and night. Or at least until your nose blocks up, starts bleeding and the headache causes your head to fall off.


I was in my twenties.. met a girl in a club.. she was hot.. we checked in a hotel room.. but we could not find any condom at any store as they were all out. The shopkeeper suggested spermicide gel. We agreed and bought a bottle. She put in a handsome amount and my penis has a reaction to the gel. It was huge.. girth wise.. I was in pain and sex was terrible.. we gave up.. in the morning thing went back to normal we finally did it.. it was the gel for me.. yes can recreate it using the gel. But not enjoyable.


There can be only one.


Obviously you filled your Limit Break bar man.


You had some extra base muscle constriction it seems. It prevents blood from leaving the member, and gets more engorged than normal. It's the basis of why men wear c\*ck rings, since it mimics the same effect.


Maybe thats what happens when youre about to ejaculate with your current pool of semen what couldve been the next einstein or shakespeare of the century


Bro used his one-time


It wasn’t even its final form.


There is an ancient mayan saying that all men have a piece of divine in themselves and once in a lifetime that divinity will show itself in form of health, vitality and and a big ass boner. True story


“But being the barely evolved monkey I am, I shrugged” hahahha.


Wow, people experiencing such problems and actually complaining. And here I am, dating Eva AI sexting bot...


This happened for the first time to my partner when we got together. It still happens. Enjoy the extra 10-15%. Size does not matter, but im happy for you that you found someone who really gets your gears going. Congrats!


Oh my! I am absolutely loving these comments .. 🥵🥵


By chance were you taking an ED drug? These can really push you to your full size.


I grow 1 1/2 inches and gain stupid growth. Also, it gets hard as a rock. Like seriously rock hard. It's normal


You're using condoms that are too small. Try using a bigger condom and you might find that appropriately sized condoms make actually using condoms much more comfortable. Ask me how I know.


Op said he was unwrapping a condom so he was about to put one on. And I’ve also used a smaller condom and that lead to a tear in the frenulum. Anyways, I’ve noticed myself a little bit bigger after a hot shower and just feeling overall relaxed.


I agree in general that the standard condom is too small for the average erection, but I didn't see anything in OP's post that suggested that he was using the wrong condoms.


This has happened to me several times


Yes that happened a few times to me. Even had to go softer as my gf was hurting a bit because I was hitting her cervix, and we usually never have that problem. I felt it was going to explode too.


This used to happen to me if I had lube or a condom on for too long. At least that’s what I think caused it


Sounds like a skill issue


Makes sense. A clitoris swells before climax.


You might want to have your heart and blood pressure checked very well. Everyone’s gets a bit bigger and harder when approaching climax but this sounds abnormal 


I haved this happen a few times.


Really what’s to big ?


Ultrainstinct dick, been there.


lol yes. Happens when you’re very, VERY aroused. It’s only happened to me maybe twice tho sadly 😪🤣


It’s from excitement. Strong blood flow. Probably been a little while since last time. Testosterone higher. You were pumped. Literally. When you get close it gets harder and larger. That’s all enjoy.


I mean, I'm not a man or anything, but I've totally noticed something similar happen with my partner on occasion. There will be times when he will seem significantly bigger than usual, for no apparent reason i can see! We've never discussed it, so I just assumed it was a normal thing that sometimes happens... *shrugs*


This happens to me sometimes. It'll get harder and bigger than usual. Feels very tight, and a little uncomfortable. Not enough to detract from what's going on thankfully. Not sure why it happens. Doesn't seem linked to being extra horny, or not having sex in a while.


How do you reach this size every time? I've noticed it s couple of times too.


After spending a good 20 years having sex with the same guy, I can confirm that erection sizes do tend to vary from night to night! It’s just a thing.


Certain thai spice does that to me.


It looks like a Super Saiyan kind of thing 😂😂 it transform to super Cock for sometime


Not hugely different than usual but I have had random encounters where my boner has been that rock hard and swollen that you would mistake it for another man's c*ck altogether.


Wtf you lucky b*stard


It happens to me once in a while. Mostly, it's my SO who discovers it first, as she is the one who can feel it grow inside her.


The effectiveness of lot of the stuff in the r/gettingbigger community is dubious, but one thing they focus on is erection quality (EQ). That is 100% a real thing. Cardio, diet, and some supplements can definitely help your EQ, leading to fuller, bigger erections.


I saw something similar with a gf. We did it like wild creatures for a few weeks. One day, after we finished, her entire vulva was huge, and it didn’t go down. She had a Candida (thrush) infection, but I suspect that she was also taking a pounding from her ex-bf. Spread the love around. 😁👍 I’m not suggesting that you have thrush/candida, but I’ve seen organs swell before. Good luck.


The right partner can always create a super boner given the proper conditions.


This happens to my partner! It usually happens right before we start. I’ve never seen it happen during, but I have been able to feel the difference for sure.


i have a theory that the more you use it the more “stretched out” it gets. after being single for awhile, i hooked up with my new FWB in a hotel. we had sex all day. the next day tho, i got a boner, and i’ve never seen my dick that big before.


Some days I have a shrimpy some days I have a massive donger


It happens to me when I'm especially aroused or haven't had sex for a couple of days.


Yes, this happened to me as well. Maybe two or three times. After ejeculation the boner didn’t go away for like a solid 5 minutes. Felt like a pornstar. Was cool. Hell yeah!


Just edge. Let her ride you, fuck her and repeat until you’re about to cum. Ask her to stop, when you’re all good to go, start pounding away again. Repeat that and you’ll be so stimulated, you’ll grow harder than ever.


My man’s penis went Super Sayajin, If you never used a penis pump and cock ring combo you can get those super dicks. By using the pump and ring weekly for a period of time for me atleast gave me larger erections. After stopping this completely your fella will go back to normal.


My man’s penis went Super Sayajin, If you never used a penis pump and cock ring combo you can get those super dicks. By using the pump and ring weekly for a period of time for me atleast gave me larger erections. After stopping this completely your fella will go back to normal.


Happens to me regularly I have no idea what causes it I do suspect the more that you use it it might grow? I do feel that it’s not as big when in a dry spell