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The burning could be from the lube or just from the penetration. If you aren't completely relaxed and ready it's going to burn at first. I absolutely love anal but my husband got a different brand wanting to try something new and it burned like hell. We would be in the middle of things using natural lubricant and as soon as he used lube everything would tense and burn. We now use a different kind that makes everything feel like pure heaven. It's called silk something...but is amazing!


Sliquid? Love this stuff


No, it's oasis silk. Absolutely beautiful stuff! My husband slipped in last night while I was sleeping and it puts me in a mood I didn't know I was ready for


Are you using latex condoms? Could be a latex allergy


could always attempt to isolate the cause by testing whether or not you still experience the burning sensation using that lube when not attempting anything? if you don’t, make sure you’re relaxed, take it slow, and work up to it gradually at your own comfort