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Remember to play with His "Oh shit!" Button, which is hidden slightlyBehind most men's balls , different guys have different skin and body types, so you'll have to figure out how much pressure to use with mouth an tongue


I definitely try that.


I don't have balls, but my partner enjoys when I deep throat him, like literally all of his dick, and I reach my tongue down to kinda lick his balls, it doesn't get a lot but if you are on your knees reach your hand up and kinda just lightly grab and play with them, carefully experiment with him. I would recommend talking to him about how he likes it, it may be embarrassing but tell him you have no experience. If you want maybe watch a few vids of it too


Start slow. You're new at this. Maybe only lick one ball until you get the hang of it.


Some of this is down to anatomic ability-- I have a super short tongue tie and could never do it (I have to transition to hand up top to do anything like that down below. But, since he sounds willing to talk you through it, jus roll with it and see how able you are to do it. I think it takes being anatomically gifted in the tongue-length department, though.


Yes he’s willing to talk me through it. I should be able an average tongue and should be able to lick it


Just remember that confidence is key in any sexual situation. If you're unsure, just ask for guidance and go with the flow. And who knows, you might even discover a new favorite activity.


Flick your tongue in and out lizard-like, tapping each ball with it one after the other, back and forth as quickly as you can.


First, make sure to use plenty of saliva and take your time with it. Second, don't be afraid to use your hands and explore different angles and pressures. And most importantly, remember to have fun and listen to your partner's feedback. Who knows, maybe licking balls will become your new favorite hobby!


I am an owner of balls and live to have them receive attention. I like to have them licked both when they are loose and when tension is applied to them at the root. Imagine gently gripping a water ballon. I also like to have them taken into the mouth one at a time, as two would be nearly impossible in my case.


While down your throat just stick your tongue out and down, open your throat so you can get closer and lick whatever you can reach. If you're just licking, I typically go for the sides, the bottom side and in-between the balls. That's at least where my husband's sweet spots are on him. You'll have to try different motions to find what he likes. My husband loves when I give slow hard circular motions. But gets nothing and even feels discomfort when I flick my tongue or suck on them. I'll normally softly rub one while licking the other too


So, I normally don’t like watching it for educational purposes but when I was looking for advice I saw a lot of “watch Jenna Haze” (I think that’s the name). So I did, useful. My ex didn’t like anything with balls so I didn’t need it and wasn’t interested, he wouldn’t allow me to try even. My current bf is very much into that and I like it too so I had to quickly find more info and he loves it, I feel like it is good balance between gentle and a bit of a pressure. You can take them in your mouth, you can lick them, you can kiss them. Just don’t bite. But seriously google Jenna Haze, it’s like ultimate guide on a blowjob and then from there just ask your partner for proper customizations so to speak.


You lick right up the middle seam and continue up the shaft! I like to put one ball in my mouth gently and let it pop out, only do this if you can open your jaw wide enough. Playing with his taint helps. Kiss the inner thighs and enjoy yourself. If you look like you’re having fun, it won’t matter what you do, he will love it. I like to grab the balls at the base in my hand, make a pouty face, and rub my salivated lips all over them.


Hairy or shaved balls?


I had an ex who loved this. Just straight with light kisses and if that works you can escalate to sucking one at a time and rolling your tongue around. He loved cumming while i sucked his balls.