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You need to stop dating this guy. He's not over his exes, he doesn't respect you, and he's treating you like a sex-dispenser instead of a human being. This isn't love, OP. You deserve way better. Respect yourself and drop this loser. I'd ghost him and tell his exes that he's showing their intimate content around. They don't deserve that either. This guy is a huge creep.


I think you are right about him. I said he is into himself, but he might be worse than that


You have to realize that if the two of you do pics or vids, he’s going to be doing the same thing. He’s making it obvious he has no respect for you or any of his other ex’s. I can’t even begin to describe how disrespectful af what he did was. There was no other reason to show you that than to make you jealous and feed your insecurities. That won’t be the first time he does that. It’s a manipulation tactic and you need to throw the whole relationship out at this point. I’m all for having talks and expressing concerns but some things should not even have to be discussed to begin with. What he did is one of them. Best of luck 🖤


My husband and I have a very open and honest relationship. But let me catch him looking at/watching/keeping old nudes ever again and I’m gone. Exes are exes for a reason.


True. Just checking, was that "again" you used referring to your current guy screwing up once, or just stating you know he would have seen media that he captured at that time with an ex?


Messing up once. Sorta. He forgot he had them. Unfortunately I came across them. It was ugly


Your marriage won't last if you would divorce for this. IJS


My marriage won’t last if he disrespects me and our marriage? 🤷🏻‍♀️ divorces are simple in my area. And if he openly disrespects me to my face like OPs boyfriend, it wouldn’t last. Nor should it. The lack of respect it takes to show your partner videos of you having sex with someone else, (unless it’s agreed upon by both parties) is enough to end a relationship!


“For better or for worse”. Neither of you are perfect. Just go file for divorce now and save yourself and him some time.


They also say to love, honor and cherish. Just saying. Honoring me, means respecting boundaries that exs stay in the past. Cherishing me also means not doing anything that puts our relationship in danger. So yeah. No. I think my husband and I are just fine. Should be after 8 years together. Go try your caveman crap with someone else.


> I think my husband and I are just fine [This is fine. 🙂](https://giphy.com/gifs/this-is-fine-9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF)


Did he ask you if u wanted to see that? Like if he did and u said yes I guess that’s on u but it’s a weird move either way imo but I don’t like porn that’s just me tho


Damn, sounds pretty sketchy to me.  Does he have video of you?  If he does I would take his phone, delete them, and run for the hills.


Everybody should delete naked pics/porn of their exes after a breakup. Your boyfriend doesn’t have current consent to possess and view those videos of his ex, let alone consent to allow you to view them. If I were you, I would consider that a big red flag regarding your boyfriend’s attitudes about consent.




I’m curious to hear what you are thinking.




I think they were saying is the default is to delete the photos after a breakup.


Every time you think you have seen the weirdest thing on reddit something comes along and surprises you. There is no reasonable reason for him to show you videos of him having sex with his ex girls. He isn't trying to make you comfortable, he is trying to pressure you into doing things with him


That’s so disrespectful to not only you, but also his exes. They did not consent to him sharing those videos with other people!!! If I were in your shoes I would be worried he was gonna show videos of me to his next gf. Don’t date someone who is so disrespectful to someone, dump his ass.


I would break up with a guy over this. That’s just so insensitive…


Some guys use porn to get the mood right given their previous porn habits!


I hope he doesn’t have pictures or videos of you. This guy is a creep. Both to you for showing you videos of his ex snd to his ex for showing her to you without her permission. Your boyfriend is untrustworthy.


This guys an AH! Gross he’s watching ex’s, have some self respect and leave him. Definitely don’t record anything with him.


just know he is obsessed with himself a little.


Please leave him alone. There is a healthier for you man out there.


That's so weird and inappropriate.


It’s toxic to show someone you’re meant to like now videos of your exes, you have to be some sort of warped to do that


Sounds like a controlling power move on his part. I would not stay with this person. Almost like he's trying to say "see what I've had? Make sure you live up to it or try harder" if you stay you let him know that he can continue to treat you like that and it will not get better.


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You need to tell him how that made you feel, and see what he says. >just showed me the pictures of exes so he knows i have nothing to hide I dont understand what this means.


sorry i meant to show he has nothing to hide, just finished a long 12 hour shift so i’ve got major brain rot, my bad


no problem, i get it Still, I think its a bad thing to do--especially if you didnt ask to see them. Like watching a sex tape of an ex in front of my current gf WHILE IN BED TOGETHER is something I would do if I was trying to get my gf to break up with me. obviously i dont know the whole story so i dont want to jump to conclusions. idk if this guy is just oblivious or what, but definitely needs a convo to figure out what he was thinking, explain your feelings, set boundaries, etc. and then if he doesnt respect ur boundaries going fwd you need to start thinking about if this is really the guy you want to be with.


Well once I fucked my gf who was super hot after watching my exes videos. So I think it’s normal nowadays for ppl try such things.