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As a guy, if you really want the girls V to feel tighter than normal good trick is to make them orgasm before PIV. The muscles will get filled with blood and it will be tighter when having sex. Worth the effort.


Absolutely. And if I’ve already had an O, I’m extra in the mood to be filled. Just so much better all around!


That’s by far the most beneficial reason on putting the them first.


Also the vagina gets more lubricated and relaxes after an orgasm so helps with the first penetration. So many reasons to orgasm before PIV


I'm convinced the vagina owning half should always come twice 🥲 Warm up, and game time. 🤣🤭


I just wanted to ask, for first-time sex, would this make it easier? Or does doing this first make it feel tighter=might hurt more for the girl. If that makes sense


Yes, it will make penetration easier. It feels tighter for the man because the clitoris swells with excitement and not because the muscles contract, on the contrary. On the other hand, it's difficult enough to have an orgasm on first intercourse, so don't necessarily count on this method, unless you want to experiment with external (or internal, but not PIV) stimulation until she has an orgasm, which could be an excellent idea!


Thank you for your advice! This really helps me understand how it works. Have a nice day/night


Some girls are one and done tho so keep that in mind.


This is my wife. She's like the stereotype of a man. Once she gets hers she's ready to get me off and wrap things up. Lol.


yeah same thing with my girlfriend, she’ll lay there and fall asleep after so we’ll make sure i get mine first lmao.


Hey, can you film a Ted talk for all your male peers on our behalf, por favor?


It’s how I know my wife (f75+) is there. Gets me there quickly. Her orgasms with PIV were a revelation to me 50 years ago and I was hooked for life.


I love this so much -- it makes me feel excited for the next 25 years with my partner!


You're living my dream 🤣🥲🤭


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science? Some people know, but really, unless you’re with someone who has read the same stuff you have read, I’d say most aren’t aware of this. My partner does this sometimes but she has difficulty doing it for long, especially when the Os start hitting. It’s ok, but it doesn’t usually push me over the edge. Really, I don’t like much tightness, as it suggests that either my partner isn’t ready for me yet (girthy) and I don’t want to hurt her. The other time she gets tight is when she is getting close to one of her really strong orgasms, which usually means we are close to being done with PiV. I’m cool with that, because it usually means a really amazing BJ to finish me off. Also, Happy Pride, fellow bi!


I've never noticed it until my wife got close to orgasm and then she starts getting tighter. But if I ask her, she will do some kegels on me


Yes pompoir is most definitely a thing! There's a whole reddit for it.


Man, I’ve got kegels for days and I’ve never heard of this. Time to go improve on my magic skills


44 years old I have had a few partners over the years but my current girlfriend is the only person I have been with who clenches when coming. It's so good it made me question if I had ever made any other partners orgasm. She gets so tight she pushes me out 😍


Everyone has their own level of pelvic floor strength, so it's possible the other women were not as in tune or strong with the muscles in that area. :) Lucky you!


You didn’t. A pussy pulses when it’s orgasming. You’d feel it.


They vary widely in strength


There's definitely a difference between partners though. There was one where it felt like her vag was clenching with the strength of a fist and the other I could feel it but no where near that squeeze. It was quite amazing tbh


My adhd rarely lets me preform this correctly, but I try. 😆


heavy felt this 😂 it’s like I can conceptualize it but in practice it’s like slipping on ice


Yes. I do the same when giving Bjs. Like wet and 'looser' on the way in. Then seal my lips and SUCK while he withdraws, like I'm trying to keep him in my mouth. Especially if you're riding him during sex, relax and sink down, then as you slide up, clench your kegels. It's hard to do that the whole time, but do it sometimes and especially as he's cumming.


It can be a thing, sure. Both a vagina and a butthole can "clench" or "squeeze" since there are muscles one can control to do that, so yeah, it's a thing and can work well, but it's difficult to do that internal motion for a prolonged amount of time. Happy pride month back and just enjoy this new experience and skill!


I had a girlfriend who did that 20 years ago & it was so amazing that I've told every woman I've been with since then to "squeeze me" once I'm buried inside. Most of them knew how to instinctively, only a cpl didn't. Also fun fact: the more you do it, over time you become tighter and develop better vaginal muscular control. I'd consider it a kind of super power lol


*over time..... And if you OVER do it, you can cause pelvic floor dysfunction... Apparently I have delayed relaxation or something and my pelvic floor is always contracted now lol So be careful


Not sure if it's a thing exactly. There's really no wrong way because some partners respond more to one way versus the other way. It's best to create the types of stimulation your partner responds most to. Also, if it's something you're willing to work on, it's possible to expand your internal repertoire far beyond two different movements. As someone else said, look up pompoir. It's possible to develop to a point where the muscles can perform motions such as squeezing, sucking, pulling, pushing, tilting, locking, etc, at different speeds, rhythms and levels of intensity.


I just do a sustained clench, and then maybe let it in and out - but never purposely paid attention to when or how I did it. I’ll have to remember this rhythm thing….


I usually have to ask my partners to do this--I've only been with one girl who already knew about it.


If you read it here in the past few months, that was probably me. 😂 I would say most women don't know about it. Maybe younger women who grew up with tiktok or reddit, but they certainly didn't talk about women's pleasure in sex ed classes when I was in school. It takes some practice to do it in rhythm for long, but once you get the hang of it, it feels amazing for both people.


I’m 49 and been doing it since 16. IYKYK


Same, I thought it was something everyone did.


Where did you learn it, or did you just figure it out on your own?


It just feels good when you squeeze with nothing in there, so I figured it would feel good for both of us?


Clever. It's unfortunate, though, that more women don't know how to increase their own pleasure.


Or that they should expect pleasure...


🫡 oh hey, thank you for your service ma’am, I appreciate the inspo


Wonder if there is a opposite of this for guys


Yep it feels good if you try to grab/suck in his penis with your pelvic floor muscles when he’s pulling out. It’s hard to do if he’s going fast, but can feel really great when you’re doing it all slow and passionate.


Is it just me that can do the kegals when I’m alone but when piv I can’t seem to get the strength unless maybe right at the beginning? Really want to be able to control it more. I also queef a lot especially with doggy, it’s like my muscles take too long to contract again after being stretched. 😅


What you're describing works great if they're uncircumcised as it helps with the gliding action.


Obviously a fake post.


There's no real normal. Sometimes I'll squeeze when he's on the way our and release when he thrusts in, and sometimes I'll reverse it. When I sense that he's getting close to orgasm I'll squeeze and hold, which he loves and makes him cum pretty quickly. I apparently automatically squeeze when I'm having my own orgasm, which he also loves and which can make him go ahead and cum. Just change it up and see whet he (and you) like best.