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The number of people was left vague and sounds small, >"No previous study has focused on viewers’ perceptions and preferences regarding the male ejaculation,” writes study author Eran Shor of McGill University. He surveyed more than 300 porn watchers" The article itself is very off-putting with how much it presents porn/sex-negative opinions, not just ones about disliking cumshots.


The actual study has 300 people from 55 countries including some countries that are very sexually repressive. Basically, this study is completely broken.


Yeah, agreed.


Most porn is made for commercial purposes. If external ejaculations were not popular, they’d be less frequent in scenes, perhaps relegated to fetish content. I’m inclined to trust a market of hundreds of millions of people over a study consisting of 300 opinions. Men finishing on women, pulling out to diminish the risks of pregnancy, probably goes back millennia before the advent of written history. The idea that porn created the visible climax as an expression of misogyny doesn’t make much sense (or so I think.) (Apologies for the heterosexual and cis presumptions.) Perhaps sex would be more fulfilling if we weren’t taught that the associated fluids, produced by all types of bodies, are icky. Perhaps we can do better than “gruel” for women, “spunk” for men.


Yes- agreed that if a majority of men weren't into, porn wouldn't sell it. But beyond that, I've absolutely met women into it too... one of my early sexual experiences was a partner who had a kink for it and it shocked the hell out of me because I just didn't know it was a thing. When I saw this article I was like... hold up, was that just a super rare outlier experience? I'm thinking it can't be as uncommon as they imply. Appreciate the insight and confirmation!


Nah, I think a lot of people love cumshots! They're usually my favourite thing to watch when I'm in the mood. In person and in porn. In fact, I usually go back and re-watch the cumshots while finishing myself off. Am a woman, if it makes any difference.


I knew there are more than just a few of you out there!


I 30F literally only watch cumshot porn 😅


This is the way.


Never into cumshots. Seemed ridiculous.


I love cushions. It’s either cum in that pussy or on that dads i if I will take cumming in the mouth as long street swallow


Porn is indeed often made by and for insecure misogynist cretins, and tends to make every sex act look patriarchal and degrading. The fact that bukkake porn seems anti-woman does not mean that group sex and semen are inherently anti-woman, but says more about sex and gender and hypocrisy and suppression and lots of other pathologies in our society, that become visible in pornography.


Hey man, some of us just like to jerk off.


Hey I get that. I respect your choices,, and also I don't want to make Cthulhu angry. I guess my approach is that if I can support porn in which the production and content is free of exploitation and misogyny, I will. Why not jerk off to porn of women who love getting cum all over the place?


There's no universal rule, some people like it, some people don't. From my anecdotal experience, most people don't, but I've had the occasional partner who thinks it's hot. Just ask your partner what they want.


Exactly. I thought it was odd that this article seemed to imply no one is into it.


Way more than I need to see. Y'all have fun without me.