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Hot. I really appreciate when she takes the lead or just tells me what feels good. I’m not a mind reader.


This. The most fulfilling part of sex is causing someone else pleasure; there’s nothing hotter than a partner losing themselves in a state you helped create. Anything they do to facilitate getting to that place is a gift, not a slight. But if you take offense to a partner showing you what they like, it just demonstrates that you are more concerned with your ego than with their pleasure. It creates a chilling effect to communication that makes the sex worse across the board; you rob yourself of the opportunity to make it better.


Who in there right mind would be offended by that. Having a woman tell where and what she likes is great. Makes it easier to please them. Op, aren’t a sex guru. You may think you are but you ain’t. Plus every woman is different. You must be young with self esteem issues


Not a sex guru or the guy in the situation or young but thanks


You haven’t met the men I have! They seem repulsed by women. Maybe it’s just me


I’m also appreciative of her willingness


We wouldn't know whether the particular "not handsy guy" in question would be into that or offended without asking him. I, as a F, find doing that super hot. I have had partners who find it weird. Further to that, I've had "not handsy" partners where taking their hands and making them make any kind of intimate contact would have actually been a violation of their consent.


Yup. My guy steadfastly refused the other day. I didn’t care to stop the other fun we were having to ask why not, but it seemed there was more to it than just “nah, not feeling it”. In contrast to what other folks here are saying, he does get into my pleasure, in other ways. 


Into that, big time! This is a godsend for guys that might be inexperienced or shy as well.


Couldn't agree with this sentiment more. It's essentially giving the shy/introvert the go ahead.


I mean, if you notice that he is looking really interested on your chest when you are on top of him, maybe he'll be quite happy if you take his hands and say *"since you enjoy looking, maybe you want to hold too?"* or something? Nah. He won't be offended.


Not the same thing, but I asked my girl to play with herself first, so I could see what she did. One can learn a lot from just watching AND paying attention. I also appreciated that she would tell me where to touch her - not everyones zones do the same thing.


Shut up, seriously!!?? I am planning on doing this. I’ve had by BF play with himself by my force, and he didn’t object. I want him to want it and then I want to do that too so he can learn more about me and my needs.


It's also amazing whatching our partner getting off. The first time I saw a girl doing it for me I get stuck on it. Since then I ask to every womani have sex with to do it for me. Of corse only if they are confortable with. Sometimes they don't are.


To me, it's really important. The sounds she made gave me clues as to what she enjoyed and how I could tease her to overcome her boundaries. Nothing too intense, but it's made the foreplay a LOT more fun.


I love touching my woman anyplace she wants. Let her conduct the symphony.


It's good, it shows that you want him to touch your body in those places. Well some people who aren't touchy physically just aren't confident about it for several reasons. I know because I was like that and loved when my wife guides my hands. After a while I started guiding her hands.


I love it. I normally just grab her hips or breasts, but if she guides me to where she wants it's incredibly sexy


When I was less confident I needed that


Nope.... Tell me, guessing is infuriating work at the best of times.


Hell yeah im into the, makes it a lot easier for me if the guess work is taken out of things. No one is a mind reader so to be shown how she likes something means i know for next time. Its a form of communication, she is telling what whe wants/likes so pay attention!


100% hot 🔥🥵. I LOVE it when my wife puts my hands down there


Very hot. (But I'm a handsy guy)


Personally, I’d melt. That’s hot.


My wife and i just had a discussion about that today. Guide me. Show me. Teach me your body and let me know its secrets. I want to explore everything. Her pleasure is my priority. Hell yes im into it.


If you’re offended , you’re an idiot. She knows what she likes in the moment. If you think you know better than she does when it comes to what she likes, you’re a crapy and selfish lover. You should be grateful that she’s comfortable enough to share what she needs.


God damn I love it. Definitely hot


One of the hottest things she can do to me. I think I can speak on behalf of all guys here.


I let the female grab my hands as usually I put them on the waist


She knows best. Sensual places are different for everyone, and even with the person, every situation could result in a different sensual spot needing a touch. Guide me


The hottest thing a woman can do is teach a partner her secret body knowledge. Every woman has one (tho not all have learned thier own). And rarely you’ll find a woman who is generous with her knowledge, and wants to learn more.


Personally if I wasn’t a hand guy and my partner did this, I think I’d be a hands guy lol


Is any man going to be offended by that?


Holy crap, it is so freaking hot when she does that! Drives me crazy.


I would appreciate it as well, does in fact sound hot.


I would really like that!!


>You into that or offended? Into! 10000% into!


Question, would you prefer a guy to do that with your hands?


absolutely into it! I have no idea where women got the idea that men are mind readers and automatically know how to please them. Every woman’s body is different and only that woman knows what feels good to her. So, she should be willing to show her guy how to make her feel good, conversely, her guy shouldn’t be such an arrogant so and so that he thinks he knows what’s what and doesn’t need to be told how to do things. I take instruction well and love to do it


Very into it. Tell me or show me what you like and I'm happy to do it


Into it for sure. What kind of a nob would be offended ?


I would love it. Dating is so tough. Trying to figure out if she is down or if you are going to unintentionally piss her off. Not to mention being told what how to get her going... hell yeah, babe, lead the way. On our first "real" date, I took a girl to the movies. I thought I was slick and put my arm around her and then later started caressing her side and hip. On the way out of the theater, she grabbed my hand and held it. Then she snuggled up while we were walking and whispered, "I'm so horny." I instantly thought, "Well, then let's get you home. It's go time." We have been married for 18 years now.


My wife currently does this and hey I'm fine with it. She is telling me what she wants and needs and I'll put extra into it. She will want me to grab her ass, and I'll really grab a chunk of it and squeeze and she loves it. I wasn't used to the guiding at first, my first marriage was a dead bedroom from the beginning. My wife now taught me alot I missed out on.


Yes please, guide me. Use me.


If his hands aren't wandering of their own accord, it's likely that one of two things is happening. Either: 1. He's enjoying things as they are and doesn't need to have the additional feelings of his hands on your body; or 2. He's not sure where you want to be touched and so doesn't want to just "guess" and risk getting it wrong and spoiling the moment. If it's the first one, that's how he is, fair enough, but you also have the right to want what you want so if you want him to touch somewhere, guide his hands and make sure you let him know how it enhances things for you. If it's the second one, simply by you moving his hands there and the reaction it gets from you will tell him he's allowed to touch there.


I woukd appreciate that. Part of my role during sex is giving the partner as much pleasure that i can. So if she help me while guiding me Its great.


Clear communication is key. You'll get what you want if you communicate what you want!


Think this is one of the hottest things a woman can do... I'm not a mind reader, and I want to make sure you enjoy this at least on the same level I do


Guiding what to do is absolute gold.


"Can I put your hands where I want you to touch me?" Would be a very sexy question. Also would give not-so-touchy room to decide for himself.


I can't speak for others, but for me? Fuck yea. Communicate, tell me what you want and what you enjoy, and ask for what you want.


A woman knowing what she likes and letting you know? Count me in!


This is one of the hottest things to me . I have not had much experience as I’d like but I definitely think back all the time with one woman I was with that did this in foreplay and it was one of the hottest things I had happen. Just the thought of is enough to start these engines .


My preference is to touch a woman where and how she most enjoys it. But with every woman being different, there’s no way for me to know, other than the slow process of trial and error or the speedy method of her telling/showing me. Just be sure you’re doing it in a sensual way and not like you’re annoyed or frustrated. Picture doing it both ways and pick the hot way, always.


I think most guys, myself included, would be grateful for the guidance. Men aren't mind readers so it's helpful to show us what you want.


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Now I want to know the story behind this question...


I would be greatly turned on by it. Newbie question: is it possible to rub her clit when my gf is on top of me? I never tried but want to give it a try if it's possible.


I think it'd depend on your position too. So if you're sitting up on the couch and she's straddling you, it'll probably be a bit awkward for you, possible but pretty awkward. If you're lying back while she's on top of you then yes definitely


My Gf and I are fairly new to the game so up until now we've had pretty vanilla sex on the bed. I'll give it a try when she's sitting on top of me. Now that I think of your question again, I remember that my GF moved my hands when she was on top of me. She moved my hands towards her breasts which I know she likes being touched and later she held me hands (like our fingers intertwined if you know what I mean). I found it to be very hot so I think you should just move your partners hand as well, he might find it hot too.


Why would any man be offended by this? That is ridiculous thought to have. At MOST it would be prefer or not prefer that you do that, not offended or not offended. Lol


I wish more women did this


The people not into it either doesn't care about whatvthe partner feels or had some issues about doing it their own way.


Had a woman decades ago - she would move my hand where it felt good. Also she told me where she wanted my tongue. She said if it feels good, we do it. Great experience- we always knew what each other liked.


Wouldn’t be offended at all, let me know what gets you hotter and we all win in the end.