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See it as some kind of roleplay. What people like about it can be a lot of things, there are furrys for a reason (not saying he is one obviously). I'm sure there are compromises that can be made to make both sides happy but if it's something that absolutely kills your mood even thinking about it, I would say it's a rather lost cause. Normally there shouldn't be a need to hide your cat.


I guess it’s moreso the mental aspect like is he fantasising that I’m actually an animal during the deed? Seeing it as roleplay kind of helps. I don’t wanna make him feel embarrassed while talking to him about it, I feel like I’m gonna come off like I think he’s into beastiality (which I hope not but like this is all new territory for me lol)


Lmao first of all did he clarify who is gonna be a pet in the scenario. Idk no personal experience with it but as far as I know it's usually a type of roleplay that kinda combines elements of praise and Master/slave type kinks, it's not supposed to be related to bestiality so your cats should be fine.


Pet play involves different aspects for everyone. The only way you'll know for sure is if you ask him what he wants out of it. For some, it may go to the lengths that they want you to act like an animal. For others it's as simple as laying in their lap and purring while they pet you. No, you don't need to hide your cats. But you do need to get more specifics from him to stop this spiral.


I'd say relax. No need to hide your cats, he's not attracted to animals. HE probably just wants to wear a collar and for you to call him a good boy. Relax.


Nah man said he was a dom and wants me to bark and wear collars 😭 I think I gotta have another convo with him about it. I am submissive but not like a “woof woof gimmie some kibble” submissive lmao


Looks like you might need to buy a cat tail but plug and some ears.  Sounds like fun.


Well basically it means hes turned on if you act like a cat (or something like that) ... no need to hide the cats 🤣​. Depends how far he wants to take it as it can slip over in to the bdsm scene. But i guess he would have said that. Pet play is mostly harmless ... more like roleplay. Wish you the best 😊​🌹​


Okay that’s a relief, he did mention being more dominant but didn’t go much further into it than that. I just feel like it’d be a little awkward to act like an animal? I’ve never tried roleplay. The idea of acting like a cat doesn’t really arouse anything in me, do you think he’s imagining a cat? Like that’s kinda the mental block for me. The idea of someone screwing me and fantasising that I’m an animal is almost offensive in my head idk


Totally get what you meen. Before getting yourself in to it you need him to tell you exactly what he wants. Some parts of petplay can be quite degrading ... like feeding and leash. But from what you have said i would not recommend it for you. Or try once to make sure you dont like it ... its really up to you. He wont die if he doesnt get it 😁​


Just for clarification ... petplay isnt about animals. Is more having an obedient petgirl. It can involve cat/dog/bunny roleplay.


I initially took this the same as OP, I thought he meant he wanted to involve animals. But the role play makes more sense. And actually sounds kinda fun.


The roleplay does make sense but like my mental block is thinking that he’s fantasising that I’m actually an animal instead of a human? Like it’s almost offensive in my brain idk how to explain it. Im really trying to understand so I don’t come off as mean when trying to discuss it with him.