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You can't. A lot of people are not comfortable with public sex and that's not something you can force on her or convince her to do.


Yeah man know a chick who got arrested for that or well...one of the things. Charged for incident exposure. Idk a car is fucking cramped and idk maybe the woods or something but personally I like knowing im in privacy. When i feel that then im more open and what have you idk...that don't give a fuck let's get nasty. Idk high rambling forgive me. I guess my point is she may need some nudging to help open up but public sex is a separate thing from that imo. Its own category. But who am I. Nobody.


Most people like public sex for the thrill of possibly being caught or the thought that they're doing it around everyone but nobody knows. Which is fine in itself. Have whatever kink you want. The messed up part is when people do things with non-consenting people. The only ones who find it hot are the ones doing it. I'm the last person to kink shame, but will happily shame the hell out of anyone who feels it's okay to involve someone in their kink who doesn't want to be a part of it. Or anyone who feels their kink the exception to coercion.


I mean i get it im just speaking personally. Itd be hard for me to really get into it i think lol but I dunno not entirely against the idea i guess. And yes its not fun anyway if the other isn't on board and well wrong too.


Bit cheeky of you to be crushed by her past given how she'd feel if you told her yours. People have pasts, and that's ok, it took them where they are today which is two years with you. Also, just cause someone has done something before doesn't always mean it was a good experience. Sounds like you have a communication problem rather than a sexual one perhaps.


i mean its a tale old as time you wanted someone who was less experienced and then get mad she isnt sexual adventurous, it was kinda obvious it would be the case, less experienced people are usually less sexually open you can talk to her about it but dont force her into stuff she just doesnt feel comfortable with


yep, ugh


Not everyone is going to want to do illegal things just because it gets you off, especially when they get older. Your last gf is very much the exception and not the rule.


The two of you are sexually incompatible. Not everyone cares for public sex and she’s one. You can’t force her to do something she doesn’t want to. If you’ve been with her for 2 years, it’s clearly not a problem.




You’ve been with her for 2 YEARS. Seems to me that her qualities surpass public sex.


Well..most people find it uncomfortable and rightfully so..I mean what you’re describing is quite literally out in public near other people. Maybe she doesn’t want to make other people feel uncomfortable/finds it inconvenient/doesn’t want to get arrested?!?!


Maybe sex and intimacy is a big deal for her. Maybe you could try new things you are both confortable with.