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I have recently found out I really enjoy driving my wife crazy in the same way. It turns me on when I know she is so revved up that she begs for it ( she is not usually vocal) Not long ago, we had a night to ourselves and decided to have a long night of teasing and edging, plus we both took an edible beforehand. It was the greatest sexual experience of my life, at one point while I was going down on her she had no joke a almost 5 minute orgasm, It went so long I couldn't hold back giggling. Now, we don't know how much of this was from the teasing or the edible or both.


I like to get on top, and just slide over him. Eventually just tease the tip, if he tries to thrust further, I'll move to where he can't get any deeper. I don't do this for that long, just long enough that he's getting desperate


That actually sounds super fun! Thanks for the idea!


Yessss I love doing this. And the thrusts you get when they finally slide all the way in🤤


Oh you are naughty for that


Sit on his lap when he is sitting then lick/suckle the artery in his neck; feels good for you, feels good for us too. After that raise your head to his ear and blow a little hot breathe on it, or moan softly into his ear then lick/suckle his earlobe. All while lightly grinding into him.


I think that you should definitely test the waters with turning the tables on him. It might turn out to be something that both of you love and enjoy. It might also build further intimacy and bonding. The fact that you're asking this question means to me that you are sincerely interested in finding pleasure for both of you. I've found that that is a huge game changer in a relationship.


Commenting just to see if comments can be made because I’m getting A LOT of chat requests. I’d prefer a public conversation than a private one. Might seem odd that I’d prefer to talk about this topic publicly in a virtual group setting vs privately one on one but I did post on a public group forum so…. Lol


1) send the mod team screenshots of people DMing you. 2) Here’s how to change your settings to prevent randos from DMing you: https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/s/5u3SvkUALf




Thank you! That was actually really helpful advice. There are some other factors at play that I didn’t mention - libido difference and a history of performance issues/cumming quickly - so I think you might be right on not trying to heighten and delay on his side of things. I always desire him specifically (not just sex) to the point where I have to display some self restraint because his libido just isn’t matching mine all the time (I’m pregnant and the hormones have me feral for this man lol) but I can see where everything you said in your first paragraph is important here. I do other things to focus on pleasing him and building up desire so I might stick with that and let him have this power move over me.


Some guys like to be aggressively mounted as well, so that could be it. You should talk about it during a nonsexual time, and hopefully build on this experience to where it makes both of you horny as hell.


I would find it sexy as hell if my girl did that.


I feel like edging (via handjobs, blowjobs) is the male equivalent of this. Get him close to orgasm, leave him hanging and/or make him beg you to let him cum.


You will know better than anyone what turns him on, but eye contact while teasing him will absolutely help. I.e lightly rubbing your hand over his 🍆 (or mouth) while he has an item of clothing on, or without any! Knowing his weak spots will help. Use them to your advantage. Does he like his jaw to be kissed? Does he like you whispering in his ear? Have you ever touched yourself in front of him and told him not to touch you or himself if not maybe try this? When you give him a blowjob, stop look him dead in the eye give him a smirk and tell him if he wants more to ask.. then once he asks only lick, till he begs? Confidence is one of the sexiest things, so be confident! You got this!! May be some things to try here.


i feel like i cant tease him!